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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Free Candle Spells | Beef Tongue “Tapa Boca” Shut Your Mouth Candle Spell

The Beef Tongue “Tapa Boca” Black Candle Spell INGREDIENTS 1 Beef Tongue Salt Red Pepper, also known as crushed red pepper Black Pepper Habinero Chile Peppers Louisiana Hot Sauce 9 large nails, new Red Ribbon or Yarn Black Candle Green Candle Small Bottle of Golden Rum or Whiskey, any brand White piece of Paper with Person’s Full Name and Birthdate (if known) or intended victims’ photo, hair, or other personal object White piece of paper, 4 X 6 inch size, with your curse or request on it. Take the Beef Tongue and cut a slit in it, making sure you do not cut through to the other side. Sprinkle some of the Red Pepper, Black Pepper, Habanero chile, hot sauce and salt in the slit. Place white piece of paper or photo or personal object in next. Cover with more of the peppers, salt, hot sauce and chilies. Wrap the larger piece of paper around it and use the 9 new nails to hold together the tongue making it as closed as possible. Tie the red ribbon or yarn onto one nail at one end, then begin wrapping the ribbon around the tongue until it is completely covered. Tie the ends off to secure the ribbon or yarn. Take tongue, whiskey, black candle, green candle, and lighter or matches to a deserted rail road crossing. Open bottle of whiskey and pour some of it on a railroad cross piece (usually wooden). Lay tongue where you poured the whiskey. Place each a candle on each side of the tongue and light candles. Leave opened bottle of whisky next to tongue. Ask the God of Iron, Ogun, to take care of this person for you, who keeps “wagging their tongue” in malicious gossip about you. Leave and do not look back. Take alternate way home....

Free Candle Spells | Love Apple Red Candle Bring ‘Em Back Spell

This variation of a love apple was something that I recently did for a client. Now she is waiting for the John Meyer concert to see if it does its’ thing. INGREDIENTS: 1 Red or Reddish tone Apple (in this case, she used a ‘Pink Lady’ – name appropriate for the relationship) Lodestone Magnetic Sand Love Me Oil (although I used a combination of Influence Oil, Lavender Love Drops Oil, Return to Me Oil and Follow Me Girl Oil to personalize the spell White Paper Red Ink Pen Full Name and of both parties Red crochet string Pink Taper Candle I had the client write her full name on the piece of paper. I then had her rotate the paper 90 degrees and write the lovers’ full name over her name, thus forming a cross. She then was to write IN ONE CONTINUOUS STROKE AND WITHOUT LIFTING THE PEN the qualities she is expecting this lover to bring to and exhibit in the relationship. She chose the words, loving, equality, passion, sharing, warm, exciting, adventure , etc. This took her twice to do this as she inadvertently lifted the pen, thus breaking the spell. She had to start over again. I then placed the lodestone in the center of the paper with some of the magnetic sand, wrapped the paper around it and began to wind the red crochet string around the packet, all the while anointing the string drop by drop with the various oils I chose for the occasion. Once the “ball” was finished, I then cut a portion of the top of the apple out, near the stem, retaining the stem/lid and coring out some of the apple seed section large enough to place the ball of string with the ingredients in it in the apple. I then dropped a few more drops of each of the oil, for good measure, closed the apple up, burned a bit of the pink candle so that the wax dips would “seal” the edges of the candle. We then chose a corner of the front flower bed where the concrete formed a corner to bury the apple. As I looked at the view, the words of the song, “Long and Winding Road” by Paul McCartney came to mind! It truly was the walk leading up to the steps to her door! She buried it and I told her to get a red glass 7 day encased candle and doubly protect it by placing it in a terra cotta pot or glass hurricane jar to protect it from tipping over and starting a fire. The concert is late July, so we’ll see what happens….. 🙂  ...

Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions – Regarding Proper Use of Petition Papers and Candles

Here is a note I received this morning regarding my most recent posts by a very observant reader: Hello Ms. Jacqueline, I have read with interest your most recent blog post and am confused. How are we supposed to “label” our candles? Do we tape the piece of paper on the candle — you just say to use the piece of paper for the black candle? And what do you do with the papers? Do they burn up with the candle when it burns? I have read you can carve or scratch the name(s) in the candle numerous times. And I’ve read that the petition papers are folded either towards you or away from you, depending on the kind of spell you are doing, and then set under the candle somehow, like under the saucer the candle sits on. I don’t want to do this wrong as I am a beginner. Thanks! Lawanda – TX   Lawanda, Thank you for being so observant and this must have directly touched your mind as you were concerned that you are doing “it” right – “it” being proper candle burning. I would have to say that almost 90% of candle spells that I have used – and do – use the 7-day glass encased “novena” type candle – like the ones you get at the Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply   This is a photo of Pink St. Jude Candles used for Love Spells   This is not to say that you could not use candles that are known as free standing candles, but attaching name papers, petitions or photos to free standing would almost assuredly bring about a fire – something no one wants! How I attach a name paper is to place it at the base of the candle with a piece of scotch tape. This way, the candle is “labeled” but not at the top, where it will scorch and possibly catch fire. By the time the flame gets to the base of the candle, very little flammable wax is in the the glass, and less likely to catch the paper on fire. For petitions and photos, I lay them under the edge of the glass, with the glass rim of the candle along the edge of the paper, so that in the last few hours of the candle’s burning, it does not damage the photo (sometimes you want to re-use the photo, as in love spells) Thank you for a great question!...

Free Candle Spells | Readers Spells – Vinegar Jar Spell to Cause Trouble for an Enemy

Free Candle Spells | Readers Spells – Vinegar Jar Spell to Cause Trouble for an Enemy             I received this e-mail the other day wanted to post it for everyone to use to sour a relationship between two people or cause trouble for someone. – Thank you! I wanted to send you this because it has worked for me, even with the use of the candle! I thought others might want to use this spell to cause troubles for an enemy or just stir up trouble for those who have been causing you grief. Thank you Jacqueline for providing all the spells that you have written here. Keep up the good work!  Carissa – Georgia Take a jar and fill it with dried red peppers, black peppercorns, dried crushed snail shells, snake skin sheds (if you can get them), needles, pins, nails, small pieces of glass or any other sharp objects and white vinegar. If you can get some graveyard dirt, that can go in there as well. Place as much items as you can about the person in the jar with all of this. You can write their name on a piece of white paper, birth date, a photo, a piece of hair, a fingernail clipping, a snip of their old smelly sock (unwashed) – anything that  personalizes it. Keep this hidden away somewhere dark and bring it out daily or every few days and shake it hard so that the pins poke the paper and the glass scratches it. You can even say out loud while shaking your own personal curse and what you would like the Universe to do to them for their evil actions towards you. Remember it is always better to bless – but in this case, a little vinegar won’t hurt either! – J.      ...

Free Candle Spells | Candle Success – Lighting Candles with Confidence for Success – Part 2

            Read the blog post Candle Success | Lighting Candles with Confidence for Success – Part 1 to find out what happened first ….. The young woman left my home and proceeded to go purchase the candles. I received a telephone call the next morning at 7:30 am. It was the young lady and she was trembling as we spoke. This is what happened to her after leaving me. She went to the candle shop to buy the white and black candles as I had supplied her with the oils, but not the candles. She went home and started to proceed with the ritual but forgot to buy lemon juice. She told me that she decided she would call me the next day after she bought some lemon juice and have me reiterate the spell over the phone. She left the candles on her bedroom dresser. She told me she received a call in the middle of the night from her boyfriend. He had been drinking with his buddies, drove off on his motorcycle (all predicted in my tarot card reading; specifically I told her he was to either get into a crash or a DUI arrest sometime before the upcoming holiday – just two days away from the day of her visit). He had some minor scrapes and bumps and could not go to the hospital. He was crying and telling her that realized that he was a fool for treating her in such a manner as he sat stunned on the side of the road. He was remorseful of his actions regarding her. She told me that she he is now behaving as he should with her and he has told her he only wants to be with her. The power of candle magic worked even when a flame wasn’t put to the wick. Intention can be such a powerful force that if harnessed in the right way, as in this young woman’s case, the affairs of the heart and the possibility of “getting burned” again, she radiated such energy that the change began as soon as she bought her candles – despite forgetting the lemon juice!         NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited by anyone and is not approved by the site owner. It is illegal to use another’s work without express permission and is defined as...

Free Candle Spells | Candle Success – Lighting Candles with Confidence of Success – Part 1

            Probably the most important factor in doing a spell is confidence – even more than ingredients. When I tell people who are learning about candle spells, I get a looks of incredulous – like, ‘You gotta be kidding, right?’ No, I am serious about this. More than once I have become inflamed over an injustice done to me or perhaps been extremely frustrated over the way life had  dealt me the cards of week/month that I am playing and I want to make a change. I have gone so far as to get in my car, drive to my nearest candle supplier, bought the candle, brought it home and set it on my desk to anoint in a few hours and – I get a call/letter/message that change has occurred and I can “let up” on my frustration/anger/sorrow. Let me give you a recent example. A young woman come to me for a tarot card reading and some spiritual help, crying because her boyfriend announced that he was going to ‘go after this other girl who is right for me’. She receives this not long after she moves in with him – the first man she has really let her guard down since being burned by love’s flames a few years back. She told me she had never burned candles for a situation before and therefore needed a beginners candle spell. I gave her this spell:         Two white candles (pink candles can be substituted since this is a love spell) One black candle Influence Anointing Oil Stay at Home Anointing Oil Southern Hot Foot Anointing Oil Her name on one paper, his name on another and on the 3rd write ” the girl who my boyfriend is lusting after” (insert your own adjective here)   She was to clean the candles with lemon juice and let dry. When she was ready, label the two white candles with her name and his name and the black candle with the other piece of paper that has a description of the other person written on it. She was to first anoint the two white candles with Influence Oil and Stay at Home Oil, and then anoint the black candle with Southern Hot Foot Oil, which is a traditional hoodoo/conjure/root work oil that chases away someone who you don’t want around any longer. It is very strongly scented and therefore she was instructed to anoint the white candles first, clean her hands, then anoint the black candle, then wash her hands numerous times before continuing on with the spell.   She then was to set up the candles like this on a shelf with protective saucers under each one:   X                              |                                X                    |                      X Her white candle                                 His white candle            Other woman’s black   She was to light her candle first, his candle second, and to take a steak knife (notice a vertical line between the white & black candles) or cleaver and forcefully “chop” the air (not the table) with the knife, letting it come to rest on edge between his candle and the other woman’s candle. She was to say while “chopping” the air, “This knife separates (his name inserted here) from any desire or lust he has over this other woman.” She was to then light the black candle. Once she lit these candles, she was to daily move his candle towards her...

Free Candle Spells | Spells for Beginners/ Beginners Candle Spell for Love & Romance

            Burning candles for love and romance is not as hard as it seems. I receive many requests on how to bring a special someone or a love into their life on a daily basis when simple and basic beginner candles spells for love can be utilized with ease. Let me relate to you my first “love spell”. I was 16 and was attracted to a friend of a cousin of my best girlfriend. I was absolutely ga-ga over him and after getting a spell book from the local library, I used the celestial planets and moon course to plot a perfect time to cast a love spell o this person. I was able to obtain a lock of hair from him and when the time was right, I assembled all my products and ingredients and lit the candle. Let me tell you, it worked so well that he came on a little too strong – too fast – as in he wanted a nude photo of me almost immediately – that it “wierded me out” about casting love spells for quite some time. The most simplest of hoodoo or conjure love candle spells requires a piece of white paper with the name of your love interest and a pink candle for romance (or red one for a “rockin’ good time” – if you know what I mean). There are times in a person’s’ life when the time dedicated to a relationship is not available, but the desire of being close to someone is strong. If you have the ability to obtain more personal effects such as a photograph (the Internet is making it so easy to do that), a lock or piece of hair, a fingernail clipping, a cigarette butt (DNA, you know), a toothbrush or hair brush strand, a used kleenex, condom or dinner napkin (DNA, again), worn shirt (cutting a portion of the underarm where sweat would accumulate), worn sock (controlling his “tracks”, so to speak) or used underwear (DNA, again!). These items will come in handy to “personalize” the candle, like “zeroing” in on a “target”. If you can obtain any of the more personal items listed below, use that on your white doily or altar cloth, near your candle. Again, using pink candles for romance , affection and long lasting love or red candles for passionate, physical encounters, place the full name (if known) and birth date (if known) of your love interest on the white paper and place that paper under a glass encased 7 day “novena” type candle. These are easily obtained in the local botanicas, candle stores, religious supply houses or even the hispanic/latino food section of most neighborhood supermarkets. If these type of candles are not available in your area, there are many fine spiritual supply companies such as Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply, who can ship you the candles you need. Once you have begun to burn your candles for love, continue to do so until the desired effect has come to be. You may have to burn more than one candle to bring the desired effect into being, so be patient and when lighting your candle wick, know that your outcome will come to it’s fruition and that you will be successful in your desired candle work.  ...

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