Posted by Jacqueline on Nov 19th, 2011 in Candle Behavior Divination Systems | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Meaning of Candle Noises and Breakage – Series Article
This is a second part of a series of various divination systems for candle spells and rituals which touchs on the subject of candle noises and candle glass cracking – Jacqueline When lighting a candle for a personal candle spell or a ritual for thanksgiving of blessings received, the noises that may come from your candle may be an indication of an outcome, whether successful or not. In many of the Spiritualists Churches and its practitioners, the belief that candle noises such as ‘popping’, ‘crackling’ or ‘chirping’, can be used as a method of candle spell divination. Many times I have set in silence in front of my altar praying, conducting a reading for a client or deep in thought, and a candle will sputter, hiss or pop. I always pause and take note of the reason the candle was lit and what either was just said in conversation or what was in thought at the moment of the noise. Others divine that the noises from the candles are indicators of how well the spell is working. Some believe that the activity of the candle, including noises, will mean that your Guardian Angel or a Spirit is “working” on the situation for which you have lit the candle. Sometimes the noises are soft, but do not be surprised if you hear loud ‘pops’ as these are interpreted as vigorous work towards your goal. In matters of love, money and success, this is definitely a good sign you would want to welcome! Still others say that if you are burning two candles together for matters of love for instance, then the two candles are “talking it out” to either ‘reconcile’ or not and you may have to resort to adding other methods of candle divination to determine an outcome. For matters of dark work such as revenge, reversing or using black candles, the noises may indicate the intensity of the “battle” between your objective and the opponents, as if in a “struggle”, or may indicate that your intended target has got a “heads up” on what you are doing and is burning candles or working magic against your work. Popping candles will indicate that you may have to “ramp up” your attack. For candles that shatter or crack their glass holders, the intensity of the “breaking” of the spell will be indicated by the intensity of the break. I have had the 7-day “Novena” type candles in glass break so hard that my daughter heard it through her closed bedroom door on the second level of my home. Good thing she woke me up as I had a red St. Michael candle break right in half across the middle of the container and I had only an inch left in the candle to be burned and no flame was touching the glass. This was a sure sign that the candle took a “hit” for the client and diverted a stream of negative attack from an enemy. Spending time with your candle and listening to the language that it speaks to you and the insight you gain from your thoughts while in meditation is a great way to understand the meaning of the outcome of your candle spell or ritual through the behaviors of your candles. Click the link to read the first part of this series, “Using Pyromancy for Candle Burning Success! – Series Article” NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited by anyone and is not approved by the site owner. It is illegal to use another’s work without express permission and is defined as plagerism. ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Nov 6th, 2011 in Candle Behavior Divination Systems | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Using Pyromancy for Candle Spell Burning Success! – Series Article
The art of determining the effectiveness and success of a candle spell is sometimes done by watching the candle as it burns throughout the candle spell. This is a type of divination that is used in many belief systems and practices. The watching for telltale signs in the burning of a candle will give indications of whether the candle spell is or was going to be effective and the petitioner will be successful, whether it was for good or bad. Their are particular behaviors that candle exhibit during the candle burn like popping noises, coloration of the glass, burning on the petition paper or just outright cracking of the glass that will bring an “answer” to the effectiveness of the candle spell. This is a multi part series of how to determine if your candle spell will be a success. – Jacqueline *** Watching a Candle Flame to Determine an Outcome *** These particular signs are used for both glass encased “Novena” or “Vigil” type candles or free standing candles in a holder. Spending quiet time in front of your candle is not only soothing to the soul, as you are a silent “guard” to the constant prayer the flame represents as it sits above your petition paper and candle, but also you can get some insight as to the effectiveness of your candle spell on your situation, which may give you ideas to add to or change the spell mid-way through the initial candle burning. This is called Pyromancy, and is practiced in both the English traditions as well as the African-American traditions that settled into the South and Caribbean. The art of Pyromancy is done best in a room that is solely lit by the candle flame, so that you can observe all the nuances of the flame as it reacts to your prayerful watch. * If the candle flame moves about quickly as if “dancing” or if the candle flame is extremely tall (1 inch or more) and elongated, then this means that the work is being attended to in a quick manner, as if your spell working vigorously by the candle and this is a most positive sign, especially if this behavior continues throughout the candle spell to the end. This behavior may also create the candle to be finished within a shorter period of time than what was expected. I have had 7 day glass “Novena” type candles that behaved in this manner to be completely done within 38-45 hours after the initial lighting. Candles that exhibit tall flames must be closely monitored as that they do not catch anything on fire. If this candle behavior happens to your candle, it is best to move this candle to a tiled area in the kitchen or the center spot between the burners on the stove top to keep your home safe. * If the candle flame burns high and low in an alternating pattern, this is traditionally a sign that the person who is your “target” may be intuitively aware of your candle work, and is “fighting” the influence of the candle spell petition that desired. This can be helped by adding a white candle next to the original candle anointed with High John the Conqueror Oil or Helping Hand Oil to give your original candle a “boost”. * If a candle flame is low(less than 1/8th inch) or looks to be almost ready to go out, then you are working against some heavy negative influences and you may also use a white candle anointed with High John Oil or Helping Hand Oil to boost your original candle’s effectiveness. * If the candle flame goes...