Free Candle Spells | Candle Success – Lighting Candles with Confidence of Success – Part 1







Probably the most important factor in doing a spell is confidence – even more than ingredients. When I tell people who are learning about candle spells, I get a looks of incredulous – like, ‘You gotta be kidding, right?’ No, I am serious about this. More than once I have become inflamed over an injustice done to me or perhaps been extremely frustrated over the way life had  dealt me the cards of week/month that I am playing and I want to make a change. I have gone so far as to get in my car, drive to my nearest candle supplier, bought the candle, brought it home and set it on my desk to anoint in a few hours and – I get a call/letter/message that change has occurred and I can “let up” on my frustration/anger/sorrow.

Let me give you a recent example. A young woman come to me for a tarot card reading and some spiritual help, crying because her boyfriend announced that he was going to ‘go after this other girl who is right for me’. She receives this not long after she moves in with him – the first man she has really let her guard down since being burned by love’s flames a few years back. She told me she had never burned candles for a situation before and therefore needed a beginners candle spell. I gave her this spell:





  • Two white candles (pink candles can be substituted since this is a love spell)
  • One black candle
  • Influence Anointing Oil
  • Stay at Home Anointing Oil
  • Southern Hot Foot Anointing Oil
  • Her name on one paper, his name on another and on the 3rd write ” the girl who my boyfriend is lusting after” (insert your own adjective here)


She was to clean the candles with lemon juice and let dry. When she was ready, label the two white candles with her name and his name and the black candle with the other piece of paper that has a description of the other person written on it.

She was to first anoint the two white candles with Influence Oil and Stay at Home Oil, and then anoint the black candle with Southern Hot Foot Oil, which is a traditional hoodoo/conjure/root work oil that chases away someone who you don’t want around any longer. It is very strongly scented and therefore she was instructed to anoint the white candles first, clean her hands, then anoint the black candle, then wash her hands numerous times before continuing on with the spell.


She then was to set up the candles like this on a shelf with protective saucers under each one:


X                              |                                X                    |                      X

Her white candle                                 His white candle            Other woman’s black


She was to light her candle first, his candle second, and to take a steak knife (notice a vertical line between the white & black candles) or cleaver and forcefully “chop” the air (not the table) with the knife, letting it come to rest on edge between his candle and the other woman’s candle. She was to say while “chopping” the air, “This knife separates (his name inserted here) from any desire or lust he has over this other woman.” She was to then light the black candle.

Once she lit these candles, she was to daily move his candle towards her candle in small increments, until his candle is standing right next to hers. She was to let the candles burn continuously and to visit them frequently while she was at home, addressing them in a manner such as this, ” (His name inserted here), I want you to forget about her and come back to me, (her name inserted here), because I am the one that loves you and wants to be with you forever. You can forget about that other woman’s now and return to me.”

Read Part 2 tomorrow and see what happened to this young woman’s candles and the strange twist of fate that happened….




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