Posted by Jacqueline on May 17th, 2016 in Did You Know? | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – Using Nature to Assist in Hoodoo Spells
Determining what to do with your spell and the effects it will have on the intended ‘victim’, depends on what the final results is that you are desiring. Here is a general idea on what you would like to occur when fashioning your charm or spell: If you want to keep something or someone close, bury your charm in your backyard. If you want to attract something to you, bury it under your front door step. If you want the influence to be destroyed, set fire to and burn it. If you want the situation to sink under the water or go away, throw it in moving water. If you want to keep negativity at a distance, throw it into the crossroads of two roads. If you want to fix the influence, put it in the center of a five-spot pattern (aka “quincunx”). If you want spirits to work with your jinx, bury it in a graveyard. If you want to keep secret where the spell came from, hide it in a crook of a tree. If you want your spell to work in secret, give it in someone’s food or drink. If you want to work by being stealthy, hide it in their clothing or on objects. If you want the influence to begin or strengthen, throw it to the East. If you want the influence to end or weaken, throw it to the West. If you want your spell’s effects to come and go like a tide, place it in a bay or where there is a tide. ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Mar 7th, 2013 in Did You Know? | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – March 2013
* Did you know that we are still in a Mercury Retrograde station until March 17th, when the planet of communication will go direct. Retrogrades wreck havoc on anything that has to do with communication – whether it is e-mails, mail sent through the postal service or even by mouth! * Easter will be observed on March 31, 2013. This is considered early, because Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday or the Day Before Lent) was in early February. Easter will be later in April in 2014. * It has been said that the symbols of Easter such as the lamb and egg, originated from the Pagan celebration of Ostara, the Spring Equinox celebration, were adopted into Christianity in an attempt to convert the Pagans to Christianity. * It is time to turn your clocks forward this Sunday, March 10, 2013 for Daylight Savings Time. * A notable and well loved Catholic Saint has their Feast Day on March 19th . Saint Joseph, stepfather to Jesus and spouse of Mary, is the Patron Saint of Carpenters and all Men who are the Heads of the Family. Here is a fantastic site for all things St. Joseph: St. Joseph Altar Blogspot * The Full Moon in March is called a Full Worm Moon in Native American lore because as the Earth begins to thaw and warm with the emerging longer days of sunlight, earthworms begin to surface and birds return to harvest them after a long Winter. In some Northern tribes, the March Full Moon was called the Crow Moon, as the crows would return from Southern lands. Is is also known as the Full Crust Moon for the crusting or icing of snowbanks or the Full Sap Moon, when Canadian tribes would tap the Maple trees for their sap. All in all, this is considered the last Full Moon of Winter. ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Feb 8th, 2013 in Did You Know? | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – February 2013
* Did you know that the first of three Mercury Retrogrades begins February 23rd and lasts through March 17th. In addition to this, NASA has announced recently that there is an increase in solar flare activity and the time in which this will manifest itself could be during this time period. * The Lunar New Year for Asian cultures begins on February 10, 2013 and this year is the Year of the Water Snake. * The month of February has traditionally had a day associated with Saint Valentine, a true living Catholic Saint but did you know that there are other Saints that have feast days in the month of February? Here are some other feast days of Heavenly Beings: * Feb. 1: St. Brigid – Abbess and Patroness of Ireland – second to St. Patrick, she is an inspiration to Irish Catholic women devotions. * Feb.3: St. Blaise – Bishop and Martyr – Holy Masses on his feast day include a Blessing of the Throat Ceremony. * Feb.17: St Flavian – Bishop and Martyr – Patriarch of Constantinople who suffered persecution in his two-year reign. * Feb.18: St. Simeon – Bishop and Martyr – Nephew to St. Joseph and the Blessed Mary Virgin he was with Mary at Pentecost. * In Native American lore, the Full Moon in February is consider the Full Snow Moon since this is the time when snowfall is at its’ heaviest. Northern and Eastern Native American tribes also referred to this Moon as the Full Hunger Moon, since these harsh weather conditions made hunting very difficult. ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 4th, 2013 in Did You Know? | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – January 2013
* Did you know that the month of January is the first month of the Gregorian calendar but many calendars before this one would consider Spring as the time for the New Year. Old Viking calendars has two seasons – Winter and Summer. Winter was considered to be November through March with April through October being the Summer months. This would mimic the planting and birthing times for plants and animals, as most crops are picked before October and the connection with the Pagan Ostara ritual in Spring, when animals are their most friskiest, would make sense. * In some years, depending on the Lunar Calendar, the Chinese would celebrate the New Year. Today we have recognized that many Asian cultures use the Moon as a marker for the Lunar New Year, but the Lunar New Year will occur in February in 2013. Some notable Saints who celebrate their Feast day in January are: Jan. 6th – Epiphany of the Lord (aka 3 King’s Day) – on this day in Latin countries, a circular cake is served and slices are given to all in attendance. Tradition holds that the guest who receives the slice of the cake with the tiny figure of baby Jesus in it is to provide the next King’s cake the following year. Jan. 17th – St. Anthony Abad – Leaving home at an early age to live in the wilderness where he existed on pants and scrub herbs, he is associated with Osain in Lukumi. Jan. 21st – St Agnes – Virgin Martyr – She was but 12 years old when she dedicated her life to Holiness. Jan 31st – St. John Bosco – a modern Saint born in 1815, dedicated his life to organizing benevolent societies for first poor boys, which then branched out to needy girls as well. A friend in times of dire need. * January’s Full Moon Moon is called the Full Wolf Moon in Native American lore. The deep snow pack in January is the territory of the hungry wolf who howled in the distance as Indian families huddled in their tents. It is also sometimes referred to as the Old Moon or the Moon after Yule. This month’s Full Moon occurs on January 26, 2013. ...