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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Spells for Beginners | Beginners Candle Spells for Money & Prosperity... Now seems to be a time where there just is an eeking by with budgets with some and others’ budgets are full blown out-of-control! It is ALWAYS a good time to burn green candles for money and prosperity, and you should NEVER CEASE in burning candles for prosperity and income. Why? Because you are in constant need of it; not only for you but also for your blessings that you give out as well. There is an author, Catherine Ponder of the Unity Church, who wrote several books years ago about prosperity work and she herself was quite successful in bringing about prosperity in her own life as she...
  • Free Candle Spells | History of the “Blue Moon” – Blue Moon on Dec. 31st... Free Candle Spells | History of the “Blue Moon” – Blue Moon on Dec. 31st Not only will it be New Year’s Eve and a Full Moon (perfect for the Banishing Ritual) but it will also be a “Blue Moon”, a rare occurrence when two Full Moons occur within a 31 day month.  A Blue Moon is the name given to the second Full Moon as there is not a special title to the first Full Moon within that month; it is simply call the Full Moon. This does not happen very much and can only possibly occur during the months of July, August, and  October as most Moon Cycles are about 28 days between each Full Moon. Each astrological sign has a Full...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Sagittarius – Time for Progress!... The New Moon in Sagittarius occurs on December 13, 2012 at 3:42 am E.S.T. The energy of the Moon in Sagittarius, a “Mutable” Fire Sign, is considered to be creative, aggressive, and to fluctuate between optimism and pessimism. With other planetary influences that are coming into play, the overall message of this Moon’s lunation is one of volatility. There are certain factors coming to light at the end of this year and into the beginning of next year which will impact many of us in 2013. Since we are coming through a ‘reality check’ regarding what we believe is happening and what truly is manifesting, do not be alarmed...
  • Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Mojo Moon Fast Luck and Money Drawing Oils... Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Mojo Moon Fast Luck and Money Drawing Oils Introducing a new line of Spiritual Condition and Anointing Oils from Mojo Moon Spiritual Products! I am proud to announce two of the best and most effective positive spiritual anointing oils based on my studies of traditional Southern Louisiana style conjure and hoodoo. Made with 100% all natural herbs, roots, minerals and essences, these oils are safe for you and safe for the environment. In a crystal clear 1/2 ounce bottle, you can be assured of quality products that will last a long time. Mojo Moon Money Drawing Oil has all the essences and herbs associated with traditional Southern Style folkloric beliefs for bringing in money to the home...
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Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Hear me ROAR!

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Hear me ROAR! The New Moon in Leo occurs on July 16, 2015 at 9:25 pm E.S.T. This Moon, in the last decanate of Cancer, will move into the astrological sign of Leo , the Lion very soon. The Leo Moon is considered a “Fixed” Fire sign, meaning that the energy is considered to be Determined, strong, stable and unchangeable. The New Moon time is considered to be most auspicious for burning candles to increase in monetary gains, especially when money needs to obtained from an additional source such as a loan from the bank, rather than income. Now is also the time to consider changing out your altar cloths to golds and yellows, and the more luxe and rich fabrics available, the better! Leo energy is all about the ‘majestic lifestyle’.   You may want to burn green “Money Drawing” or, yellow “Crown of Success” candles at this time. Additional planetary movements during the next two weeks indicate that along with Leo’s energy, there is some interaction with Jupiter and Mars, meaning there will be lots of energy, but maintaining focus and the tendency to “go off into the wild yonder” will be challenging, as enthusiasm is greatly enhanced, but without little or no planning or substance. Make sure you are not goaded into defending your ‘turf’ or position on subjects near and dear to you; as this will also come into play in the next two weeks. Cooler heads will prevail. Make sure political discussions do not boil over, as we are still under the Mercury in Pluto energy, meaning that a “do or die trying/fighting” energy may be roused up by staunch supporters of one political party or the other. Tread carefully, as current events are touching the very core beliefs of many Americans. The next Full Moon will be July 31, 2015. It is considered a “Blue Moon”  ...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Capricorn – How Free Are You?

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Capricorn – How Free Are You? The Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on July 1, 2015 at 9:19 pm E.S.T. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Capricorn, the Sea Goat, is considered to have the energies of a “Cardinal” Earth sign, meaning that the energies of this time are practical, energetic and innovative. In addition, Pluto is also the sign of Capricorn, this double ‘whammy’ of the dark probing issues of life and the search for freedom is heightened. The last time in history that Pluto was in the astrological sign of Capricorn, the American Revolution occurred. Now do you see where we get the term “Founding Fathers” – Capricorn representing Father figures? Since 1776, we have been on a never-ending search of what we want to make our lives happy and fulfilled, and this long journey at time can be daunting, with the many twists and turns in the road of Life. During these next two weeks, you may have the urge to radically revise and look at yourself and your lifestyle. Pluto is the planet of revelation and gladly shines a spotlight on the dark corners of your life and psyche to show us what lies in the shadows. Traditionally, it is held that the Full Moon is the time for “Reversing” and “Banishing” candle spell work. This is the time to light banishing candles for the reduction or elimination of bills and debt. Utilize your finances wisely and make great strides on adding a few extra dollars to your regular monthly payment with agin Capricorn represents the Father figure in the zodiac, the air of paternal seriousness is in the air. Lighting “Reversible” candles will aid and support the ‘flip’ on recent events that did not go so well in the last Mercury Retrograde (which just ended on June 11th). The next New Moon will occur on July 16,...

2015 Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment | July 16, 2015

2015 Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment | July 16, 2015 Our Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment will commence with the New Moon on July 16, 2015. This will be a month-long candle service to boost and aid and support money drawing success for the rest of the year. Many of you have already inquired, and now this is considered the official announcement of this event. What is the Prosperity Experiment? In 2008, I had experienced a high volume of clients writing me about drawing in money. I was inspired to create a group (open to everybody) who wanted a month of twice-daily prayer and inspiration for attracting prosperity for the greater good for themselves and loved ones – thus, the birth of the Prosperity Experiment. It became so popular that I have done variations of it – both twice a year and for a three-month stretch. There has been many, many success stories with the event, and now is your turn to join the selected others who want to increase the goodness and abundance flowing in for the remaining year 2015. What is included in the Prosperity Experiment? The Prosperity Experiment is 30 days of candlelight vigil with morning and evening prayers over your continuously-burning candles (5 in all) that are placed on a group table with your petition wrapped securely around the base of your candle. You will receive daily an inspirational message and short story – somethings that I have experienced over the years – that you can utilize to aid and assist in an increase of prosperity. You will receive photos of the altars and any individual candle shots if your candle will behave in an aberrant manner in any way. You will receive extra articles to consider reading and also mini posters that you can tape on your bathroom mirror or pin it to a corkboard to inspire you during this month of candle prayer service for an increase in your abundance. How do you Begin? First, click on the button to order and when you receive your confirmation e-mail of receipt of order, you will then be asked to create a petition to place under your candle. Please DO NOT ask for money to gamble or play the lottery with, as these are games of chance – the chance and odds of winning are astronomical. Instead, ask for more hours at work, someone to pay you back, a settlement, a promotion or raise, more customers, to sell a house – the list goes on. What are the Success rates? With any candle spell, you cannot expect to light a candle and then sit on the couch – you have to WORK IT! So, you need to send more postcards to advertise, become creative, upcycle or invent, re-work your schedule and look at where you are losing money and what is profitable to invest in. It is work – something we all dread, as we want ease and comfort – but when you loosen up you intent and drive and your goal gets out of focus, then someone swoops in and invents something you dreamed about or gets that raise before you. You must be a pro-active participant in your prosperity. I am a firm believer and recipient of “If you want it bad enough, you’ll get it” club! So get ready to PROSPER! NOTE: We have already started our journey. Please consider working with us in January. Thank...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Sagittarius – Mercury’s in Retrograde to Boot!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Sagittarius – Mercury’s in Retrograde to Boot! The Full Moon occurs on June 2, 2015 at 11:19 am E.S.T in the astrological sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. Mercury is in Retrograde at this time, affecting all of us but those especially under the signs of Gemini and Virgo. Despite the tendency of a Mercury Retrograde to wreck havoc with all types of communication form the spoken word to technology, there is a tendency to be curt in response and have a sharp tone to the voice during this time, as Mars joins in the planetary mix to give words “a little heat”. The Full Moon is traditionally held as a time when you use the energies of the waning Moon to reduce, reverse, diffuse, and reject the very issues you are facing. Burning “Reversible” or “Block Buster” candles are effective at this time. The energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius is a “Mutable” Fire sign, meaning that the energy is creative and aggressive, and fluctuates between optimistic and pessimistic viewpoints. During this time, there may be an over-abundance of e-mails and phone calls, so it is crucial that you ‘say what you mean and mean what you say’ Other planetary aspects include Pluto being in quincunx with Mars, making passions run high. there may be issues with gender equality in the news as well as women’s rights issues. Concerns on the home front take the lead as home and hearth is the thrust of the issue right now. Keep calm when speaking with others when your security is threatened. Burning blue candles anointed with “Peaceful Home” and “House Blessing” oils is suggested at this time. The next New Moon occurs on June 16,...

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde Coming This Week!

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde Coming This Week!   The second of three Mercury Retrograde times will occur May 18th and last until June 11, 2015. As in past articles, Mercury, the plant of Communication that rules the astrological signs of Gemini and Virgo, will slow down, stop, then appear to move backwards, or retrograde, across the sky. This is an optical illusion, In reality, the movement of “moving backwards” is not true; it is simply banking a curve in its orbit and appears to be moving backwards to the human eye. These times are called “retrogrades” and they occur with Mercury three times in a year as we know it. When Mercury is moving forward, negotiations succeed, contracts are signed, travel is easy and clarity in communications with others are easy. During the three Mercury Retrograde times, e-mails are sent into cyber-space, letters get “lost” in the mail, documents should not be signed, and agreements and major decisions should be delayed, as many of these contractual decisions might need to be “re-worked” after Mercury goes direct, or once again returns to a forward movement position in the sky. Other things to consider delaying in the event of a Mercury Retrograde: * Making car repairs (unless necessary) * Purchasing major appliances * Purchasing cars (might buy a ‘lemon’) * Signing a mortgage or other legal documents * Making serious life changing decisions * Initiate new businesses or new programs for success Things to do to ride out a Mercury Retrograde: * Send in payments early; double check that they were received * Delay any medical or dental procedure, if possible * Back up computer to hard drive, save all important documents * Make sure computer system is on a power strip or surge blocking device * Make sure you allow plenty of time to travel any distance * Do not commit to a relationship or a change in a relationship * Do not sign contract (if possible) * Download newest security software to computer and cell phone The time during a Mercury Retrograde can successfully be use to spend in quiet and journal and reviewing what has occurred in the past three month, so that you can see objectively the successes and roadblocks you have experienced. It is also a time to write down specific goals for the next three months. With is particular Mercury Retrograde being in the sign of Gemini (which is the signs Mercury rules – as well as Virgo) be extra, EX-tra, EXTRA careful on what you say. Things might get totally misconstrued and then you’ll have a lot of explaining to do. Take it easy, take it slow. Say nothing, and let things work themselves out....

Free Candle Spells | St. Expedite Feast Day – April 19th

Free Candle Spells | St. Expedite Feast Day – April 19th Saint Expedite, beloved of many residents of New Orleans and other places, is the patron saint of people who have faith in his rapid solutions to their problems, who want immediate financial success and those who want the delays and procrastination of situations to cease so that forward movement to an end can be seen. Some petition him to aid and assist in overcoming bad habits long needed of change. His feast day is April 19th and many set up altars, burning candles and giving offerings in his honor. His day is Wednesday. Saint Expedite is pictured as a young brown haired Roman soldier draped in a red cape, holding a palm frond in one hand and an upright cross with the words “HODIE” (“today” in Old Latin) on it. Under his right foot is a black crow, holding a ribbon in his mouth with the word “CRAS” (“tomorrow” in Old Latin) written across it. The message of the image is traditionally held as that you need to stamp out putting off for tomorrow what can be done today. St. Expedite is popular in Italy, Spain. Portugal and Latin America, as well as New Orleans, LA, where a statue of Expedite is stationed in the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Rampart Street (pictured above). Legend has it that when the construction of the Church had finished, the priests sent an order for statuary to place in the Church. One crate arrived with the words “EXPEDITO” (meaning to rush, hurry or “expedite”). The priests thought that the word “EXPEDITO” was the name of this statue was Expedite; hence the legend was born. There are statues of St. Expedite worldwide, thus creating more of a mystery on who this Saint really is! Altars honoring Saint Expedite are filled with flowers and red candles, to match his red cloak, but also red is a magical candle color to symbolize energy, “heat” and power. If you choose to work with Expedite, light a red candle and place it center back on the table, with his statue or image to the right hand corner and the glass of water to the left like this:      Red Candle                 Glass of water                                                       Statue or Framed image of Expedite   If using a prayer card taped to the candle, set the candle to the right side and the water glass to the left side like this:  Glass of water                      Candle with image If and when St. Expedite grants your wishes and answers your prayers, you need to “pay” him. I say “if” he answers your prayers as sometimes he will not “work” with you for your immediate success. Do not take this as an insult; it is simply he is not the one you need to be petitioning for your situation. However, if he does bring you the the blessings you request, it is tradition to give him the gift of flowers, slices of pound cake (some say Sara Lee frozen pound cake that has been thawed) and some say a glass of red wine. It is crucial to make this offering to him after his work is done, as to not do so will incur his wrath and he will take back all that he has given you. Some go so far as to publish in the local newspaper his wondrous works in honor, just like many do so as customary...

Free Candle Spells | Three C’s Candle – Control, Command, Compel

Free Candle Spells | Three C’s Candle –  Control, Command, Compel                         Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply has created a candle kit combining three types of powerful oils with a candle to command, control and compel call the Three C’s Candle. This candle kit was created to aid and assist you when you need to gain control of a situation or person, obtain a commanding presence over  someone, or compel a person to deliver on their promise to you. Uses for this candle: * Burn when you want to gain a commanding position over a situation *  Place the name of a person who you want to control their thoughts and actions * Burn on top of the name who has promised something to you in order to make them keep their promise This candle comes with a vial of Command, Control, Compel hoodoo conjure oil and complete instructions on how to do the spell. Order this candle by clicking here:...

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