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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Libra – Promote Yourself!...   The New Moon in Libra occurs at 7:02 am E.S.T. on Monday, October 15, 2012. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Libra, is considered to be a “Cardinal ” Air sign, meaning that the energy is is intellectual, innovative and inventive. Doing positive energy candle spells at this time for Success, Money and Fast Luck, Libra’s New Moon encourages teamwork and joint efforts. This is the time to seek collaboration or assistance. The saying, “together we can achieve” brings new meaning now. This is also a good time to burn “Boss Fix” Candles to make sure that your superiors and management can ‘see things your way’ in...
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A Red Pepper Packet Spell to Undermine an Enemy

I have just finished with a bevy of clients lately that seem to have one thing in common – someone who wants to see them go down!    Is it in the air or is the planets lining up or what!?! Interestingly enough, how to handle negative people will be the subject of my next newsletter so if you have not signed up to receive a twice monthly e-mail jam packed with all kinds of information, then click on the upper right hand side of the peel down page, sign up and start receiving them today! As an added bonus, download the free e-book, “Making Magic with Salt” – a double bonus! 🙂 THE RED PEPPER PACKET SPELL TO UNDERMINE AN ENEMY Red Pepper (aka Crushed Red Pepper – the kind you get at the pizzeria) Black Peppercorns (on your grocer’s spice aisle) Graveyard Dirt Piece of Paper with the name of the Enemy written on it Piece of black cloth Black candle To slowly weaken and crush an enemy, take a piece of paper in which you have written the enemy’s name and fold it up with red pepper, black peppercorns, graveyard dirt and tie this paper up in a piece of black cloth into a little sack or bag. Sit it by a black candle until the candle burns out. Tie it to their bumper of the car or to the tailpipe or some other place where they won’t see it. If you can get it under the drivers’ seat of the car, then do it. If this is not a possibility, then try to place it in the enemy’s house or place of business (under the couch or under a shelf or...

Readers Questions – Directionality in Anointing Candle and Spiritual Baths

  OK Miz Jacquline  — this needs explaining  to me, even though this is how I do it, too …     In Lesson #5 it says: DIRECTIONALITY OF BATHING — To draw in positive conditions, instruct the client to bath from the feet upward. — To remove negative conditions, instruct the client to bathe from the head down or the neck down. Yet … in your TbyJ (she means my www.tarotbyjacqueline.com site) article (and when I dress candles), we do it in the OPPOSITE way: — The anointing of a candle to release you from a condition requires you to anoint the candle from the base to the top — The anointing of a candle to bring, draw or call in conditions that are welcome requires you to anoint the candle from the tip of the candle to the base How come?  No wonder I was confused when I first started trying to understand directionalities .. and now that I look at this — it is confusing!! Another question from a bumbling Neophyte practitioner 🙂 “Sparkle Gems” – NJ   Sparkle, I understand your problem! Even I get confused! The thing about this is it is all about intention (ahem) INTENTION – again like baking a chocolate cake, do you put 1 cup or a cup and a half of sugar, a teaspoon or tablespoon of vanilla? It is the intention of making a great tasting cake that leads a cook to experiment. However, there are some universal thoughts in regards to direction. Let me try to explain. In regards to bathing, have you ever seen water flow upwards? Nah, neither have I but the only way to do this is by starting your pour and move upward on your body – from foot to head – to achieve it. I would do this if direction is a main concern for you. I have a different method of doing “directional” bathing. In regards to bathing for blessings, I first do the uncrossing or banishing pouring, follow it with a clear water rinse, then pour the blessing water (money, love success) over my head from top to bottom – and “call in” or “bring down from the Heavens” those same blessings. Now, with candles, it is the same – from top to bottom (top meaning the side that is tapered or where the most wick is showing – considered the “top” of the candle by most), brings “in” blessings. Anointing a candle from the base or bottom of the candle to the top is a banishing or releasing of negativity because the candle is pointing up and sending that energy outwards into the Universe. I hope this helps, but if you have more questions, please feel free to ask! I got a chuckle about the “Miz” in the above! Don’t forget the “e” – I get different spellings all the time and I just say ‘It’s Jacqueline , like Mrs. Onassis, but without the money!’ – Gets a laugh all the time! 🙂...

A Compelling Spell To Make Someone Keep Their Promise

This spell was submitted by a reader who knows she has seen it somewhere before, but cannot remember where she got it. If it is identical to the original owner I offer my apologies as I cannot judge the validity of the origins of any spell. It is kind of like that great chocolate cake recipe Grandma had – it had the basic ingredients in it for chocolate cake, but may have had two tablespoons of vanilla extract, not one like Velma Mae’s from the church social. 🙂 Hi, I was just going through my spells that I copy and file away until needed <grin>. Thought this one might interest you but you probably already know then LOL! – Mia A Compelling Bottle To Make Someone Keep a Promise This can be made by writing their name on paper, crossed by your command of what you want from them, folding the paper with herbs such as Licorice and Calamus, which rule and control people, and inserting everything in a bottle. A small purple taper candle is then carved down to fit into the neck of the bottle, dressed with Compelling Oil, Special #20 Oil or plain Olive Oil and the candle burned until...

Free Candle Spells | What This Blog Is and Isn’t

I had an interesting telephone call from a person mentioned in a page on the Free-Candle-Spells site (of which their name has been removed as requested), and it brought to me the realization that perhaps not all who visit here understands exactly why this site exists.  Let me share some thoughts with you. This site is intended to share the candle burning beliefs of many from around the world. Candles were burned for many reasons, some of them identical, but all around the world and in many cultures.  The presence of flame in even the simplest moments, such as a birthday party, gives significance to the occasion.  What are birthday candles but wishes attached to a flame, that are blown out when the time is right? Uneducated is the person who reacts out of fear that there are evil intentions here – there are plenty of belief systems that wish ill will to those who have hurt them – and just because they want to create havoc!  For example, I have even used a few choice words when I was plowed into by two illegals with no license and registration!  Now tell me, wouldn’t YOU?  Was not those choice words symbolic of a release of energy and could be taken as a “curse”?  Think about it. Candle burning has gone back since the beginning of mankind – the mystery of a flame has been a source of study and veneration for lifetimes.  If it wasn’t for flame, civilization might not have survived.  So, because its’ orogins is veiled in mystery, of course it could be attached to any serious event.  The Bible and many other books written on the spiritual realm all talk about using “sacred flame” or “burnt offerings” in their texts. If, dear reader, you read something contained within this site, realize that I do not censor the intentions of the offerings – you are a well educated and knowledgable person who is not influenced by what you read.  It is your free will choice to participate and read these posts. Use a logical mind and understand that while you may not use a particular candle spell – there may be others who need that exact one.  More importantly, examine your own belief system that might be the root of the consternation you feel when you make judgment calls in regards to others’ freedom to choose. Maybe the biggest fear to fear is the fear in itself....

Spells for Beginners | Beginning Candle Spells for Revenge

  Probably one of the hardest things to do when offended or ‘done wrong’ is to not succumb to the basal animal feeling of ‘getting even’ or even-ing the score’. Sometimes, you know the fool is going to hang themselves, and you let their own downfall be of their own hand. Then there are other times that it might help to nudge the situation….     INGREDIENTS Photo, name paper or document from the other person Personal concern (DNA-like or article of clothing, keys, wallet, etc.) if available Black Candle (can be glass encased or free standing) Old chipped dinner plate or cheap plate from the dollar store Take photo. name paper ( a white piece of paper in which you have written full name and birth day on it) or copy of document from that person (love letter, copy of court documents, etc.) and write a curse on it. (‘You dawg you, cheating on me and then not wanting to pay to care for the kids I gave you, I hope you burn in hell’, etc. – You get the picture). Place the paper on the plate with the candle on top and any other concerns you might have (hair, used Q-Tip, keys, wallet – ooooh a good one to make their money go away) on top of paper but next to the candle. Place this plate with the candle, paper or photo, and other items on the back of the toilet. If it is too close to curtains or if the back top lid is too narrow to support plate, close the lid of the toilet and sit plate on top of lid. Light candle, vocalizing more curses (‘ You slimy piece of toilet tissue, I hope your life don’t smell like roses no more’) and leave it burning in the bathroom. Make sure that while you burning the candle, you use the toilet (move the candle first!) and do not use air freshener afterward (emphasizes the lack of roses in their life now), and close door after you leave bathroom. If candle is free standing, flush the used wax and paper, photo, name paper or copy of court document down the toilet. Clean toilet with disinfectant after flushing. If candle used is in glass, flush photo and take candle glass out to garbage – not the recycling. Burn a reversible candle afterward so that no lingering effects come back to you.  ...

The Vision Board as seen on the Oprah Show | Part One

The Vision Board as seen on the Oprah Show | Part One Sometimes, great ideas come to use and despite the basis of this series of posts is not related to candle burning proper, it is the beginnings of creating a money altar to which you may burn your green money drawing candles in front of and on top of to bring financial success! As I was talking with my webmistress, Claudia, about stimulus checks, website stuff, taxes and such, she was relating to me about the latest segments on Oprah’s website. Now Claudia has been faithfully tuning in for the Eckhart Tolle series (of which I STILL have to garner time to view) , giving me the heads up on the series. She then told me she saw an Oprah show about vision boards with Louise Hay, motivational speaker and owner of the publishing firm, Hay House. She asked me if I knew anything about vision boards and I told her that Catherine Ponder used to write about them in her books back in the 70’s. Ms. Ponder, a Unity Church minister as I am told, created a series of prosperity themed books such as “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” and “Pray and Grow Rich!”, I have read some of them and the vision board was detailed in how to create one in the book. Claudia was more informed about them as she had one quite a few years back and was in the process of creating a new one. I quickly decided to take the plunge and I will be creating a vision board right here with step-by-step instructions and photos to guide you on how to manifest your financial success! Ingredients A bulletin board or picture frame (glass optional) Photos cut out of magazines or print ads depicting what you want (i.e big diamond ring, photo of mansion, the Eiffel Tower or Tower of Pisa (if you want to go there), photos of stacks of greenbacks and mountain of coins, etc.) Photo of you (and your family, if applicable) naturally! Glue stick or hot glue gun Paint, fabric or any other embellishment you want to make this shiny bright and glowing (I am going to use 24K Gold Spray on the cork board) Extra embellishments could be a feng shui crystal ( to hang center front of board), real coins (encircle the frame by hot gluing them on), one dollar bills, gemstones. Let your imagination run wild with anything that looks RICH! Here is how I started my Vision Board: I took a cork board that I bought at the craft store and spray painted it gold 🙂 I then attached items that represented abundance and wealth. I placed in the center a Certificate of Faith that I received from Reverend Ike because it has uplifting and inspirational thoughts on this nifty green (for money) and beige paper. So official! I then wrote prosperity sigils in the corners of two $2.00 bills and signed my name to the area where the Treasurer of the United States’ signature is located. I used red ink since red is a power color and I always need money in a hurry (I have teenagers!). I glued the two $2.00 dollar bills at the top and the bottom of the Certificate of Faith and glues four Mardi Gras doubloons at the corners of the certificate. Last but not least, I glued a Chinese symbol of wealth, the gold bar, at the bottom center of the certificate. Check back in a few days to see what images I chose to apply to signify wealth and prosperity in my...

Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions – Regarding Burning Too Many Candles

Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions – Regarding Burning Too Many Candles Hi All! It has been a quick summer and I have a bounty of spells to post here – I’d better get crackin’! 🙂 But first, a question from a reader:     Dear Jacqueline, Let me tell you first that I LOVE your site! You have such interesting spells – even the baaad ones! I have a question. I am burning candles left and right because my boyfriend and I had a disagreement awhile back and even though he calls me and comes by, it’s just not the same as it was before so I had been burning pink candles of Saint Jude like you said and I had ordered some Fire of Love Oil from another website. I think I am doing everything right – the cleaning with lemon juice, the paper under the candle, the oil on the candle – but…no sparks. Do you think I am doing too much or not enough? What else should I do? I am so sorry that I said the hurtful things I said; but he said some ugly things, too. I just want things to be back like they were before the fight. What else can I do? Debra – Florida     Debra, I am so sorry that this happened and I am wondering why the candles are doing their stuff. The only thing is that maybe we have to “tweak” the combination. Let’s go over the steps again. First, make sure that you are using the right candle. You say you are using the pink St. Jude candle (St. Jude being the Patron Saint of Impossible Causes) and the color pink is correct as you want romantic love – not the wham, bam, thank you, ma’am sexual power of  red candles. Properly clean your candle with lemon juice to “cut and clear” all negativity and residuals that someone might have on their hands while making, packing and storing/shelving the candles before they come into your possession. State your intention clearly, I mean clearly as evasive or vague statements can nullify your candle burning success. Comments like, ‘Well, if he don’t come back by such-and-such day, then he better leave me alone’ confuses even me much less the angels who are working on your behalf. You might want to incorporate using the power of the moon to work candle magic. This might be a favorable thing for you to do. Begin love drawing candle magic on the day after a New Moon, or when you see a sliver of the moon and each night it is getting bigger – this is the time for bringing or drawing in good things – love, prosperity and success. The time from the Full Moon (when the moon is a complete circle in the sky) until the dark of the moon (when the sky is dark) is the time for sending or banishing away things – a bad boyfriend, an ugly job or bills, bills, bills! You can go even further and research which day of the week and which time of that day is good for love drawing. There are many books that go deeply into that aspect. It might behoove you to contact and get a reading from a professional psychic, root worker or tarot reader to find out if you have missed your chance or is this just a phase you two are going through. The various divination tools can give insight and clarity to something that might be right before your eyes! In the meantime, develop interests outside of the relationship until you get a clear sign of which way you are to go. This doesn’t mean another...

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