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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Questions | Disposing of Candle Remnants In Various Locations... Another reader wants to know about disposal of candle wax and spell remnants… Jacqueline, Just would like to know. I know some spells require that you dispose your work by burying far away or near your doorstep or throwing in running water. I live in a building not a house how would I do that? Also, if a spell calls for you to write the other woman’s’ name on a candle and you do not know the person name what do you write? Please shed some light on this for me. Thank You If you want something to come back to you or come to you, you bury it...
  • Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spritual Supply... Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spritual Supply Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply is one of your Northern California suppliers of Lucky Mojo Curio Co. products. Located in Elk Grove, (near Sacramento), we carry a great number of Lucky Mojo Anointing Oils such as Fast Luck, Crown of Success, Pay Me, Boss Fix and more! Call 916 * 205 * 9490 for more information!    ...
  • Readers Questions | Comments on Revenge, Damnation and Go to H*LL Spell... My, I have had a few people get really upset over this past candle spell! Here is my position on candle spells and the basis for the reason that there is the Free Candle Spells website. I am no position to ‘judge’ whether any candle burning spell is ‘right’ or not. It is up to the one who uses the spell. Besides that, haven’t you came out with an expletive or two when someone done you wrong? Tell the TRUTH. Anthropologists claim that magick ‘evens the scales’ between the oppressed (the candle burner) and the oppressor (the intended victim). As long as I do not advocate the actual HARMING...
  • Free Candle Spells | Find a Job/ Get a Job/ Gainful Employment Candle Spell...     Over the years, I have collected many, many spells in the hopes that one day, they would be the right “recipe” for someone’s condition. I do not know the author of this spell but I want to thank them for creating it. Ingredients 1 package Van Van Bath Crystals 1 package Job or Get a Job Bath Crystals 1 Job or Get a Job Petition Candle 1 bottle Job or Get a Job Condition Oil 1 bottle King Solomon Wisdom Condition Oil 1 package King Solomon Wisdom Incense Powder 1 Buckeye 1 Seal Number 11 from the 6th and 7th Book of Moses Put one teaspoonful of...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – Time for Hope and Change?...     The New Moon in Aquarius occurs at 2:41 am E.S.T. on January 23, 2012. The energy of the Moon in Aquarius in this astrological Air sign, is considered “Fixed”, meaning that it is stable and unchangeable. The energy is concerned with mental and intellectual activity and with the concerns for mankind. This Moon is a good time to activate or initiate new things that have been different than anything you have ever done before. Now is the time to try a red candle love spell or a green candle money spell if you had never considered doing one. Make sure you calculate the long range effects of...
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The Prosperity Experiment – 30 Days of Increasing Your Wealth

October is a pivotal month for many. The children going back to school in September may have strained the pocketbook. Agricultural harvests are in, and those working in seasonal employment may be reduced. If you are planning for the Holidays, meals and travel may be on your agenda. Cooler weather means additional purchases of clothing and getting the car in good working order. These are just some of the many challenges of the season that will be a concern to us. I am declaring the month of October as the month of Prosperity!! It is a time for harvest and thankfulness – of the blessings we have already received through the year so far and a time to concentrate on having a successful end of the year 2008. I invite you to join me in a very special experiment only open to 30 clients and readers of Free-Candle-Spells. I am asking for a donation of $30.00 per person to cover the costs of materials, candles I will be burning on your behalf, etc. I want you to make a commitment to gather with others just like you who want to raise the vibrations of their wealth and prosperity talents and partake in a daily walk to prosperity with me. If you partake of this experiment, you will receive: A Daily Prosperity Inspirational Meditation to think upon throughout your day as a mantra or chant to encourage you to seek out all and every money making opportunity. I will be praying over 6 anointed and blessed candles (one lit for you every 5 days) for each person throughout the entire 30 days. An Inspirational CD of music and meditations to listen while driving to work or while in the privacy of your sacred space. A FREE downloadable book that was the inspiration for the author of “The Secret” This is what I am going to to do for you throughout the 30 days : ~~A weekly report on each of the 6 candles I am burning for you. ~~A photograph of each candle to show that your candle is on the Money Altar. ~~Your candles will be prayed over by me once in the morning and once at night throughout the 30-day experiment. ~~A special time set aside once a week where we will all be in prayer at the same time. ~~A daily e-mail with a devotional meditation for you and I to focus on throughout the day. Update 10/4/08: Please be advised the Prosperity Experiment is underway and I cannot accept any more participants. Please send me an email if you would like to be advised of future group events. $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $...

Readers Questions | Court Case Candle Help with a Law Suit

Readers Questions |  Court Case Candle Help with a Law Suit Yesterday, I received this e-mail from a reader, who is seeking a little help with some legal problems. The e-mail reads: I am having major problems with my law suit Please help me. Sincerely, Wendy The issue at hand is not the law suit but the lack of information that we have in order to begin to help. Like going to the doctor and saying that you “don’ t feel well”, you need to give the doctor some specifics to diagnose the cause of the illness before prescribing a cure. Any professional, qualified magical practitioner would expect a bit more information than what is being offered here. The traditional items used on Court Case Spells involve the use of Brown Candles and a root called Little John to Chew. It is important to give your spiritual practitioner all information regarding the case, including if you are guilty or not. There is a reason for full disclosure. There are other people involved, your immediate family or circle of friends, the other person, the judicial system and lawyers and even Lady Justice herself – how could you possibly ask for a positive outcome for you if you may well be a fault. Let me give you an example, many years ago, my ex kept trying to whittle my custody time with our children down to nil. Why? He didn’t want to pay a very nominal amount of child support; out of spite, of course. I never asked that he sell the house and give me half – hell, I even GAVE him my flower shop that he invested in – all in the name of having my freedom. His lawyer thought he was slick – complaining that my living at my boyfriend’s house rent free constituted it being an “income”, the very young Judge erroneously ruled in my ex’s favor – that I pay HIM child support. OK …Ok…. but, I knew I was right. At the time I was learning magical practices that were traditional hoodoo, conjure and root work at the time. I took the cash money that I was to deposit at the office of child support payments and urinated on a small part of it – then wiped it dry, exited the bathroom of the building and handed it over to the clerk. The belief system is that you “mark” you money with your “scent” or urine, so that it will return to you because it is yours. Well, the clerk of that office applied it to the WRONG account (an old revenue account of mine) AND credited my child support account with the payment, despite me telling them they were accounting for the money wrong – they waived it and I got doubly credited for the amount on both accounts! At the next court hearing, the Judge quickly reversed his previous ruling after he saw that I was going to go take his ruling to the next level – the Appellate Court. While this example is not a candle spell, it serves as one example where Justice was served because I was in the right and justified from the onset. Another thing to consider is to have a reading done by a qualified reader – in order to use divination to see if their are more things going on in the background that is not being seen by the client. Please send us more information before we begin to even prescribe herbs, oil, and candles to bring about your desired outcome. J....

Deeprak Chopra – ‘The New Physics of Healing’

How do you break through the ingrained belief patterns to discover your true healing potential? In this updated edition of ‘The New Physics of Healing’, Dr. Chopra offers a fascinating exploration of these and many other questions. Includes an all-new interview with this visionary pioneer of mind-body medicine available nowhere else. 2 CD set with a 2.5 hour run time. Click here to purchase ‘The New Physics of...

Readers Questions | A Reader Offers Her Thoughts About Freezer Spells

Readers Questions | A Reader Offers Her Thoughts About Freezer Spells Lillian, a friend on another group I am in, gave us this gem of knowledge the other day and I just knew I HAD to share it with you. Lillian was gracious enough to share her philosophies about freezer spells with us. Thank you, Lillian! Lillian says: I was reading some old messages as I usually do (LOL) and the subject came up on freezer spells. I would like to share my point of view on these spells, but it will probably be different then most, that’s okay, not all workers work the same. This is how I was taught about freezer spells: A freezer spell freezes a “state of being” it has no conscious of its own, and it will operate according to the ingredients and wishes of the users. You can freeze out things that are unwanted in your life. You can freeze a desired state, for example, freeze someone in a state of kindness or bliss etc.. Freezer spells can be used for good or ill. Below are the rules how I learned it: To freeze out bad behavior use just plain water and drop your petition paper in the water and freeze it. To put someone in a sweeter mode mix honey, suger, orange blossom etc.. in the water and drop your petition paper for love in there. To work nasty spells on them mix hexing ingredients to the water and drop your petition paper in there. You see, the way I was taught you can freeze all kinds of states into being: not just for blocking/binding bad actions against yourself. Things to remember: If the refrigerator goes out, and the ice melts, you will need to do the spell again. I typically, due to this, use freezer spells to get things moving until I can ride in with a long term spell (sort of a quick fix). However, these spells work quick and really good.This is how I was taught to work it, and I have used all the above techniques myself. Lillian Wow, Lillian! These are really great thoughts about freezer spells.  I like the one that freeze someone into a state of kindness. Hmmm….unruly teenagers?  I wonder if I can “tweak” it and use it to keep money from flowing OUT of my bank account!...

Take Time for Yourself

Take Time for Yourself No matter how hard today was, things will be better tomorrow. Trust in the Universe that it is separating the wheat from the chaff and the good from the bad. It is all about the Grand Design of how the world is changing.

Reader Questions – Where to Start on Clearing Negativity? | Part 1 of 2

Reader Questions – Where to Start on Clearing Negativity? | Part 1 of 2         A reader asks about where to start when clearing negativity since she has multiple places to address. I will address the obvious cleaning tactics to use to bring in positive vibes today and follow up with spiritual cleaning methods in part two. Read on… Hi Jacqueline, I am very new to this aspect of the spiritual world, however I’m in great need of new direction for my life.  I have been stagnate for approximately 8 years now. After reading your Q & A’s, I realize that I need to start with thoroughly cleaning my home (with is extremely cluttered) but I really find it difficult to do. Simple tasks exhausts me, I become frustrated and give up. What can I do to get rid of this procrastination to get pass the  clutter (which is also causing me mental clutter)? Is there a spell I can do that will help give me the energy to rid my home of this negativity? Hope you can help.  Also, thank you for your positive insight into such an unfamiliar area. mdwisdom Wisdom, I have been there a few times myself, in fact I am gutting bookcases and closets right during the past week as well. Where to start is always a good place as not only do you want to get the good energy going but also not become so overwhelmed that you cannot finish – ahhh…a key element….continuity. First, get some good gourmet coffee going, a nice chocolate bar, comfy clothes and the CD player full of your best music and get going! You can expect that a decent cleaning is going to take the whole weekend long, between hauling things to the thrift store, recycling those soda cans, and the numerous trips outside to the trash can. Make sure that other activities or the kids don’t distract you from what you are doing – ridding your home of stagnant and negative energy to usher in fresh, new possibilities.! I start with the obvious things, closets and newspapers. I take all magazines and if I need something out of it, in one pile, all the others into the recycling bin.  I go through closets. If I haven’t worn it in over a year, if I have no desire or occasion that I think I will wear it (visions of satin bridesmaids dresses here), it goes to the thrift store. Good but tight professional pieces go to the women’s shelter so that they can put them into a working wardrobe for someone on their way up. Shoes that have seen better days, in the trash as you wouldn’t want someone to hoodoo the walk you are walking. Then, knick-knacks. You know, salt and pepper shakers from the Midwest, scorpions from the Mojave Desert, forever suspended in acrylic, shot glasses from Vegas, tee shirts from Disneyland, etc. – OUT! You have your photos and memories. That goes for the kitschy photos frames Aunt Mabel gave you for Christmas three years ago and the color goes with – well, nothing! Give them a kiss and tell them to bless someone else’s home! The bathroom – one of the great final frontiers (along with under your kitchen sink and the garage). Half empty shampoo and lotion bottles – ether mix them together or rinse out and recycle the plastic. 15 cans of cleanser breeding under the kitchen sink? Buy no more until these are used up. Windows, windowsills, corners, under furniture, kitchen cabinets, the refrigerator – all those places where dust bunnies and science experiments that have gone bad seem to mingle. A quick wash down with a mild solution of bleach...

Full Moon in Pisces | Harvest Moon – Monday, Sept. 15, 2008

Full Moon in Pisces | Harvest Moon – Monday, Sept. 15, 2008 This Monday, Sept. 15th, will usher in the Full Moon in Pisces. This full moon is good for banishing spells that could be causing you confusion or to throw an enemy off track if you feel someone is gunning for you. It is also a time to cast off any people who resemble “Psychic Vampires”; people who drain your energy when you are in their company. In addition, this Moon is call a Harvest Moon and occurs in September (with a few October exceptions) and is the closest Full Moon the the Autumn Equinox. It is called the Harvest Moon as it rises within 30 minutes of the Sun’s setting on that day. A long time ago when farmers did not have tractors, they could work by the light of the Harvest Moon to get their crops harvested. The Harvest Moon is the fullest Full Moon of the year. It is so large that it will amaze you and it will give light all through the night. This past weekend, Asian communities worldwide celebrated the Moon Festival with special cakes and gifts for the children. I hope you were one of the fortunate ones who attended this special festivity. Time to get out those reversible candles and send back all negativity to the place of origin. Full Moon time is also a great time to banish or send away any negativity, bills that have been plaguing you, excess weight on those tummies and thighs and bad boyfriends, neighbors and gray hair (well…Miss Clairol MIGHT have a hand in THAT one as well!) 🙂 Full Moon in Pisces is also a time to unplug the phone, curl up on the couch and just…veg. Take a nap, read or just spend the time contemplating events that happened and formulate plans for the future. You deserve this once in a while. If you contnue to pour out your goodness from your pitcher without replenishing it, you will not be able to replenish others and you will be...

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