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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Thanksgiving Candle Spell/Altar... Free Candle Spells | Thanksgiving Candle Spell/Altar Here is a simple but effective candle spell that can be used while entertaining guests as a centerpiece or even an altar and they won’t even know the blessings you are surrounding them with! INGREDIENTS: 1 Cranberry Red Candle 1 Pumpkin Orange Candle 1 Golden Spice Candle 1 bottle “Crown of Success” Oil 1 bottle of “Fast Luck” Oil 1 bottle of Protection” Oil This candle spell is easy and the earthy scents of the Condition/Anointing Oils will be mixed with the delicious aromas from your kitchen and your guests will not know that you are actually bestowing them with protection and best wishes for their luck and success....
  • Readers Question | What Does “Tear Drops” on a Candle Mean?... Readers Question | What Does “Tear Drops” on a Candle Mean? Jacqueline, I burned a free standing candle and there was a ball on top of the wick that looked like a heart, later, it burned off and the wax dripped on one siide of the candle forming a dolphin shape and then a pile of wax as the dolphins tail which was oozing wax until it hardened. The dripping of the wax remained. What does that mean? Yaa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Yaa (?), I would have to ask you – what do dolphins and hearts mean to you? You do not indicate what the candle was intended for nor what herbs, oils and petition papers you used for it. Unless...
  • Readers Questions | Reversible Candle Has Black Smoke – Should I Worry?... A reader, Josie, commented on posts, but I thought I would make it a full blown blog post as she brings up some concerns that others might be having as well. Josie says: I’m too a little confused about the right candles to buy. but I try to do my best. My reversible candles have a real big flame, and throws black smoke. Should I worry? Smoke and Flame Divination is part of candle burning. The antics of the flame and the intensity of the smoke is a good indicator of how your candle burning spell is going. For instance, you say that your flame is real big, that...
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Free Candle Spells | Lucky 13 Clover Court Case Candle Kit

Free Candle Spells | Lucky 13 Clover Court Case Candle Kit Lucky 13 Clover Court Case Candle Kit is used when a verdict or a legal decision is to be delivered on your behalf. Court Case spells have a history of being utilized in African-American rootwork tradition for those in serious trouble with the law and is used by conjurers on the behalf of clients who are facing charges for criminal activity or the association with another who committed a crime. The image on the candle reminds us that Justice can be fair for the Innocent and can determine a future for the Guilty. Uses for Lucky 13 Clover Court Case Candle Kit: * When you seek a judgement in your favor or decision favorable for you * When you are accused of “Guilt by Association” when another committed a crime in your presence or you have knowledge of certain events *  When you are falsely accused of a crime or criminal intent The Lucky 13 Clover Court Case Candle Kit has one dark brown candle, an application of oil, ground herbs, and complete instructions to burn this candle for you or your loved ones court case. This candle can be purchased in a kit or the candle only. Order by clicking here:Lucky 13 Clover Court Case Candle and...

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – Using Nature to Assist in Hoodoo Spells

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? –  Using Nature to Assist in Hoodoo Spells     Determining what to do with your spell and the effects it will have on the intended ‘victim’, depends on what the final results is that you are desiring. Here is a general idea on what you would like to occur when fashioning your charm or spell: If you want to keep something or someone close, bury your charm in your backyard. If you want to attract something to you, bury it under your front door step. If you want the influence to be destroyed, set fire to and burn it. If you want the situation to sink under the water or go away, throw it in moving water. If you want to keep negativity at a distance, throw it into the crossroads of two roads. If you want to fix the influence, put it in the center of a five-spot pattern (aka “quincunx”). If you want spirits to work with your jinx, bury it in a graveyard. If you want to keep secret where the spell came from, hide it in a crook of a tree. If you want your spell to work in secret, give it in someone’s food or drink. If you want to work by being stealthy, hide it in their clothing or on objects. If you want the influence to begin or strengthen, throw it to the East. If you want the influence to end or weaken, throw it to the West. If you want your spell’s effects to come and go like a tide, place it in a bay or where there is a tide.        ...

Free Candle Spells | 2015 New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Burn

The 2015 New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Burn ritual will be held on Dec. 31, 2015   It is time to prepare for the end of 2015 and all of it’s challenges and obstacles and ‘clean the slate’ for a new and prosperous, successful and bright New Year 2016! The best way is to participate in the 2015 New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Burn. Participation in the New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Burn on Dec. 31, 2015 is one of the ways you can eliminate negativity from following you into the new year so that you may start anew with your goals and aspirations. Participating in this ritual is a good idea if you have experienced any of these issues in 2015: * A person or persons trying to create havoc and ‘drama’ in your life * A series of ‘bad luck’ events * Blockages that have hindered your progress in all areas of your life * Residual negativity from others who have experienced unfortunate circumstances and now is affecting you     We are not taking any further orders for this years Banishing Burn. Have a Happy New Year...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aries – A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aries –  A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse! The Full Moon in Aries will occur at 10:50 pm E.S.T. on September 27, 2015. In addition to this Moon being called a Blood Moon, it is also the last of four ‘Supermoons’ this year. The cherry on top of this is that there is a Lunar Eclipse at the start of the Full Moon time. The Moon, in the astrological sign of Aries, the Ram, might foretell how this Lunar eclipse will impact some of us – with a head butting in the seat of our pants! The sign of Aries represents the beginning of early Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and with spring is a sense of renewal and rebirth. There is this sense of rebirth going on and also other factors at play now. The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is at 5 degrees Aries and with the Sun being at 5 degrees in Libra, the Scales, you may see many signs that balance is coming into play. Certainly we have seen a lot of political changes recently with the Pope visiting the United States and John Boehner announcing his departure as Speaker of the House, but also remember this is the time of year for Sukkot, which for many devout Jews, is a time to reconcile old debts and cancel out the remaining ones. It is also a time to not fertilize the fields and allow them to rest, or lay fallow, this year. This could also be true of other ‘fields’ such as investments and opportunities as well. Other planetary influences at play is that all four Lunar eclipses have been in the signs of Aries and Libra. Think of this as the delivery man ringing your doorbell over and over. Can you get the message? These Eclipses will hit those who are Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) or those who have those signs in their Moon or Ascendant placement, meaning a great number of us! The best message to follow here is that you do not have to go “it” alone and consider your role that you play in your personal relationships. Is this how you really want to be viewed? The energy of Aries, a “Cardinal” Fire sign, is spirited, energetic, innovating and creative and this Full Moon time is considered an excellent time to create candle spells to ‘banish’ or ‘reverse’ situations in your life. The Full Moon in Aries is considered excellent for ‘exorcisms’ and making changes and clearing out the old status quo. Be careful when handling sharp objects and above all, keep your COOL! The next New Moon occurs on October 12, 2015....

Free Candle Spells | How to Use Floor Washes – Pt. 2

Free Candle Spells | How to Use Floor Washes – Pt. 2 Part 1 of this article explained in detail how to perform a cleansing to rid a home of unwanted or negative things. This article is to instruct you how to perform an attraction cleansing to draw in or “bring in” good luck, positive energy, money and love. – J. Some traditional spiritual workers clean by the phases of the Moon, where they will do a house cleansing using a floor wash for ridding or removing negativity right during the phase when the Moon is decreasing from Full Moon to Waning crescent. It is believed that during this time when the Moon is growing smaller or thinner, that reversal and releasing on ill will, jealousy, envy and other negative “stuff” is most effective. It is also believed that when the Moon is growing larger in size, or waxing, which is the period from New Moon (total darkness of the night sky) to Waxing Gibbous (almost completely but not quite round) is the time to do “drawing in” or attraction work for things like love, money, success and good luck. The day and night of the Full Moon is the optimum time to do spiritual work to work towards a desired goal. these are not hard an fast rules, and you should consider your own beliefs as if the need arises, then do not wait until a certain Moon phase to do your spiritual cleansing work if there is an urgent need or the need to take quick action on a certain situation. Spiritual house cleansings using floor washes that have attraction herbs and root in them are used in the opposite manner then the ritual for removal of negative things. In this case, you will work from the front door to the farthest room away from the front door and/or right out through the back door. This is because the theory is that the goodness and blessings will come through the front door and the ritual of disposing of the water in farthest back area of your home will “keep it there to stay” especially if the water is poured in the East direction or to the South to ask blessings from Ancestors. Again, keeping in mind that you have previously done the regular general cleaning with your over the counter cleaning products as well as dusting, sweeping and vacuuming, and then doing any reversal or removing washes for getting rid of the negativity, you are now ready to “bring in” goodness and blessings. Starting at the front door, wash everything that you can down with your attraction floor wash, making sure you get corners, under furniture, doors and doorknobs, light switches, banisters and railings, table tops and bookcases, and any and all places that you can apply a light solution of the floor wash and water. Make sure you do not apply to your antiques or anything that will be damaged by the liquid. For cleaning the carpet, you can use a straw broom to dip the tips into the water that is in a bucket and tap the broom to the side of the bucket to release extra water and lightly brush broom over carpet towards the back door to apply a light mist of attraction floor wash to the carpet areas of your home. Using toweling to wash down the hardwood and tiled areas of your home is fine. Some own three brooms – one for general cleaning; one specially marked for removal work and a third marked for attraction work – so that the dust and the solutions on the straw broom tips do not get mixed up. After you have systematically worked through the home and through or out the back door, dispose of the water in your farthest...

Free Candle Spells | How to Use Floor Washes – Pt. 1

Free Candle Spells | How to Use Floor Washes – Pt. 1 One of the best ways to clear a house or a room for a change in Seasons is to do a thorough home cleaning and cleansing with washes prepared with roots and herbs to lift negativity and usher in new beginnings and experiences. This includes spiritual floor washes that can not only be used on floors as the traditional title implies, but on other surfaces as well. The traditional herbal waters and elixirs used in spiritual cleansing date back to when carpet was not attached to the floor and most floors were hardwood with area carpets or rugs laid on top of them. Many homes used the carpets in winter to protect the family from cold drafts, but beat them and rolled them up and stored them in the warmer months. This would leave the hardwood flooring exposed for daily cleanings, since things would be ‘tracked in’ from the outside, including any jinxes, cursing powers, or products that would activate “crossed conditions” for an individual or family. Thus, the herbal concoctions commonly known as “floor washes” were created to keep the family safe from jealousy, envy, or any negative magic ‘thrown’ for them. It is also held that there are two ‘rules of thumb’ regarding floor washes: 1.) Using banishing washes to remove or get rid of something and mopping or washing from the back of the home to the front door and 2.) utilizing attraction herbal waters to ‘bring in’ or draw positive things like money, luck, or love into the home and wiping down or mopping from he front door, through the home, and then out the back door. Before performing any house cleansing, do a general cleaning of the home, making sure you vacuum under all furniture you can move (sofas, tables, cabinets), dusting, laundering pillows, throw blankets, etc., cleaning the bathroom, closets, and kitchen. Make sure that you also toss any old newspapers or magazines, junk mail, and donate old clothing or unwanted shoes to the thrift store. Broken objects need to be put n the trash, as you are trying to get your life on order and holding onto something that you think you will fix someday is working against the natural laws of attraction. Replace it instead of working on it, as the new item is probably more efficient than the one waiting to be fixed. Plan to spend a major part of one day doing this. Plan the use most of the evening or even the next way to do the spiritual cleansing. When you are ready to perform your ritual, make sure you have showered and are wearing comfortable clothes. To perform a floor washes to get rid of negativity, remove obstacles holding you back, or to open your roads, start at the back of the home, and move towards and out the back door. If you live in a two or three story home, start at the room farthest from the stairwell, then go to each room on that floor and always moving towards the stairs, eventually moving down the stairs to the landing. then on the first floor (or only floor if living in a one-story dwelling), start from the room farthest back, and work towards the front door. Remember a ‘wrap-around’ floor plan might put you at the door in the kitchen that leads to the garage, and that would be the perfect “back door” to magically use. If you live in a dwelling where there is no ‘back door’ or garage door, start at the corner furthest away from the front door and move towards the front door. As you move through the room, wipe down everything...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aquarius – There is Something in the Air!

  The Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on July 31st at 5:44 am E.S.T. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, is considered to be a “Fixed” Air sign, giving this Moon the qualities of stability and being unchangeable. Certain aspects of the zodiac sign of Aquarius is for the betterment of the Brotherhood of Man and with certain mysteries of the areas of New Age thought and spirituality. This is also considered a “Blue Moon”, which is a second Full Moon within a month. Ideally, these can happen in the months of July, August, October, December, January, March and May, This is a 80+% probability in a year but what makes this especially rare is that the first of the two Full Moons must appear on the first or second of the month in able to allow the second Full Moon (“Blue Moon”) to occur on the 30th or 31st, as the Moon’s cycle from Full to New Moon and back is roughly 28 days. February could never be considered as in most years it has 28 days and on leap years it has 29 days. Astronomically speaking, the correct, original definition is that a “Blue Moon” is the third full moon in an astronomical season with four full moons. A normal year has four astronomical seasons — spring, summer, fall and winter — with three months and normally three full moons each. When one of the astronomical seasons has four full moons, instead of the normal three, the third full moon is called a Blue Moon. In addition, there are other planetary aspects to consider at this time. Venus, the planet of Love and Values in our lives, will be in retrograde motion. Old friends and lovers might suddenly appear, just to give you a cosmic ‘poke’ and cause you anxiety. This will probably cause some instant re-evaluation of your current relationship.This is the time for us to re-evaluate and re-assess who we are, what we stand for and who we value. This is an excellent time to re-think the budget (for the upcoming holiday spending plans) and for evaluating our personal relationships. Because Venus rules beauty, this is not the best time to try new perms or haircuts or drastic cosmetic surgeries. Keep a low profile in regard to major renovations of home and wardrobe. Another issue at hand is that the planet Uranus has also gone into Retrograde station, thus complicating matters. This occurs once a year and usually lasts 5-6 months (depending on calendar). When Uranus is in retrograde, the struggle is internal and there can appear to be a “Great Awakening” in your life. There is a strong need to be autonomous, as life is not guaranteed and we feel the restraints of barriers in our lives. You may want ot gain control over your life and things that worked in the past no longer suits your needs. Personalities change and become more vocal and confronting things that are dreaded and situations are not efficient to you, thus an act of rebellion might occur in your personal life. This is the time for us to use our imaginations and look at current situations with a “fresh set of eyes” so a new path can be revealed. The Universe is pushing you to change and despite the fear of chaos, a new path may be discovered that works better than the previous one. The Full Moon time is considered a traditional time to burn candles for “reversal” and “banishing”. Consider utilizing the Moon’s energy coupled with other planetary events to rid your self of draining people and situations in your life,...

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