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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Feast Day for Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja – Sept. 7, 2008 | Part 1 of 3... Feast Day for Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja – Sept. 7, 2008 | Part 1 of 3 Maferefun Yemaya! Today, we celebrate the feast day of Yemaya, mother of all the other Orishas. We will set up an altar to her, cook specialty foods for her and light candles for blessings received and to petition her for. Yemaya is: First Mother of the World Matron with large breasts Sustainer of Life (saline in blood, amniotic fluid) The Siren Forever call her children home (to the ocean) Indigo dyer Queen of all Waters, both sweet and sour Mother of the children of fishes Deliverer of her people The stern, exacting Mother The one who will define morality and its’ boundaries The mother of witches Her colors are...
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – Patience and Caution!... The Full Moon in Libra will occur at 2:19 pm E.S.T on May, 6, 2012. The astrological sign of Libra, the Scales, is considered a “Cardinal” Air sign, meaning that the energy of this planet is innovative, intellectual and inspiring.  During this Moon’s lunation, use caution with flammable liquids and materials and exercise caution with driving and in sports. Networking will be a common thread theme during this Moon phase but take a patient and cooperative stance on others needs and opinions, especially in the realm of personal relations. The Full Moon is a traditional time to burn candles for Reversing and “sending away” any negative energies. The Full...
  • River Offering to Ochun – Friday, November 28, 2008... River Offering to Ochun – Friday, November 28, 2008 A reader asks: When will your next ceremony to Ochun take place for petitions to be submitted? Our next offering at the river for Ochun/Oshun/Oxum will be Friday, November 28, 2008. There are two ways you may participate: 1. ) Purchase a small candle and submit your petition for $1.25 each. 2. ) Purchase a larger offering with 1 large candle, 5 oranges and a plate to hold them for $25.00 For more information and to order your petition candles or larger altar set up for Friday, November 28, 2008, please go to: http:www.tarotbyjacqueline.com...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Hear me ROAR!... Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Hear me ROAR! The New Moon in Leo occurs on July 16, 2015 at 9:25 pm E.S.T. This Moon, in the last decanate of Cancer, will move into the astrological sign of Leo , the Lion very soon. The Leo Moon is considered a “Fixed” Fire sign, meaning that the energy is considered to be Determined, strong, stable and unchangeable. The New Moon time is considered to be most auspicious for burning candles to increase in monetary gains, especially when money needs to obtained from an additional source such as a loan from the bank, rather than income. Now is also the time to consider changing out your altar cloths to golds and...
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Free Candle Spells | Negative Signs in Candle Spell Work

Free Candle Spells | Negative Signs in Candle Spell Work             Last week, I wrote a blog post on positive signs that your candle burning spell was going good. This is the continuation of a series regarding candle spells. This is a listing of some of the negative signs in candle spell work. The Candle does not burn/goes out: This could mean that the candle was not properly cleaned or blessed. It is also a sign of heavy negative vibrations that you are working against. You can re-light this candle and bolster it with an additional white candle with “Blessing” Anointing or Condition oil on it. In some traditions, re-lighting a candle is not permitted. You will then need to get a new candle and start over. If you are trying to dominate or overcome another, the candle going out might mean that this is not the proper spell to use in the situation. If this is for prosperity or monetary gain, then another type of spiritual cleaning (house or personal) is needed before success in this area. The Candle glass cracks: If this is for personal safety and protection, then a cracked glass means that the negative vibes sent your way has been broken. Once this happens, do a whole house spiritual cleaning with Chinese Wash and smudge before doing positive candle work to bring in ‘good things’. If this candle was used to control another’s action, then you have successfully ‘broken’ their Will and they will be more compliant with you. The Candle burns only on one side: This means that something was not done correctly in the ‘charging’ and ‘blessing’ of the candle. The candle spell needs to be reconstructed as you will only achieve a 50% success rate on this candle spell. The Candle flame is very low/almost non-existent:If this candle is for protection, there is strong resistance to your protection and someone may be trying to do work against you. If this is for Good Luck or Money Drawing, you need to spiritually ‘deep clean’ your home. If you are trying to dominate or send negativity to someone, it means that the candle spell is not strong enough and you should re-think and try another candle spell. The Candle glass explodes:If you are trying to control or wish someone harm and the candle glass breaks, it means that the other person is being protected and you will not be successful with this type of candle spell. If it is for protection for you, it means that the candle ‘blocked’ the negativity that someone is sending to you. If it is a reversible candle (meaning sending something back to another or reversing something to an original state), a exploding candle with full glass breakage means a lot of negativity     The Candle glass burns the top half of the glass black:If the top of the glass is the only part that is black or sooty, then your candle spell was initially facing a lot of negativity, but it overpowered the negative vibes and is now working for you in a positive way. The Candle glass burns the bottom of the glass black: If the candle was burning clean and clear at the beginning of the candle spell and then it turned black or sooty towards the last one half or one quarter of the candle, then your spell was ‘found out’ by someone and efforts were implemented to thwart your progress. Your candle is now facing heavy opposition and you will need to ‘back it up’ with a white candle with “Blessing” oil to stabilize it. Eventually, you will need to re-do the candle spell. The Candle burns the complete...

Free Candle Spells | Positive Signs in Candle Spell Burning

Free Candle Spells | Positive Signs in Candle Spell Burning               I get quite a few calls about positive signs in candle burning for a candle spell and I thought it might be beneficial that I combine them in one article for you to browse and compare your candle as to there it is going or how it is ‘acting’ while your candle burns. Here are some common signs to look for in a positive candle burn. SIGNS OF A POSITIVE CANDLE SPELL/CANDLE BURNING: The Candle has a high flame: This is a sign that the spell is going well and is being effective for your petition and for your cause. If this is for money, prosperity or for protection from negative people and/or evil, a high flame means that it is ‘chasing’ or sending this away from you. If you are using a harmful, domination or revenge-type candle, a high flame means that you will see results quickly as they don’t have adequate or no spiritual protection. The Candle burns top half of Glass black but clears up: When you first started your candle spell, the top of the candle was black, dark gray or ‘smudgy’, meaning that particulates burned and clung to the inside of the glass. This means that at the beginning of the spell, negative things were around you initially,but they have since burned off and your candle spell is working in a positive manner for you. The entire top of the Candle (liquid wax, including wick) is on fire: In the spiritual sense, it means that you are completely justified in your work and additional spiritual ‘guides’ have arrived to help in your situation. This is ONLY if you have used the proper amount of Anointing, Condition or Spiritual Oil in the candle. IF YOU ADDED MORE OIL THAN PRESCRIBED: You have a mix that you should monitor closely as it may start a fire. This is especially if you use some oil products that use Diethyl Phalates. Go to the category column on the right and click on Anointing,Condition and Spiritual Oils A – Z to read the article, “Free Candle Spells | Cancer and Fire Causing Condition/Anointing Oils“ The Candle burns on one side,leaving half a candle untouched: This means that something was not done correctly in the ‘charging’ and ‘blessing’ of the candle. The candle spell needs to be reconstructed as you will only achieve a 50% success rate on this candle spell. The Candle flame ‘crackles’ or ‘speaks’: If your candle ‘pops’, ‘cackles’ or otherwise makes noises while it is burning, it means that there is ‘spiritual conversation’ between your Guardian Angel and the other persons’ Angel. The loudness of the ‘pop’, the more intense the ‘spiritual conversation’ they are having. If it is for protection from someone, then your Guardian Angel is ‘fighting’ for your defnese. If it is for prosperity or success, then it will come ‘with a bang’, meaning quick and intense will your change in luck for the better. The Candle flame flickers or moves about rapidly: This means that there is ‘quick action’ being taken for your candle spell. The 7 – Day Candle burns out before 7 days are up: This means that the candle is working rapidly towards your cause and another needs to be lit to keep the momentum going.  ...

New Moon in Scorpio | November 16, 2009 – Time for Transformation

The New Moon in Scorpio occurs on Monday, November 16, 2009 at 2:15 p.m. E.S.T. This lunation in the “Fixed” Water sign of Scorpio, means that it is emotional, unchangeable and stable. The energy of this New Moon is about transformation, metamorphosis and change. What is it about yourself or your surroundings that you want to change? This is the time to consider finite changes and adjustments to candle burning spells for thwarting your enemy in THEIR plans to get you. This is a very secretive time where you do not want to make any hasty plans for your candle spell. Remember the most glorious battles were calculated for months prior to the actual event so that they could cover any unforeseen situations. Since Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, burning purple candles for psychic enhancement would be optimum at this time. Make sure you clean your candles accordingly and to put an extra ‘oomph’ to your candle burning, make sure you add “Psychic Vision” Anointing Condition Spiritual Oil or “Oil of Pluto” to your candle. The next Full Moon will occur on December 2,...

Quick Candle Spells | Quick Fast Love Candle Spell

Quick Candle Spells | Quick Fast Love Candle Spell Here is a quick candle spell for love. – J. INGREDIENTS: 5  – red 6 inch free standing candles or white Household Candles (see photo) 1 White Ceramic Dinner Plate 1 Red Rose (fresh) 1 bottle “Come to Me”, “Fire of Love”, “Kiss Me Now”, or “Follow Me Boy” Condition and Anointing Oil 1 piece of white paper with lovers name and birth date written on it. Take white paper and write lovers (or desired person) name on it with birth date (if known). Lay on white plate. Cover whole paper with rose petals plucked off of fresh rose. Anoint the 5 candles with any of the above mentioned oils; set in circle on top of petals, paper and on plate. Light candles and let them burn down, about an hour. Then take plate to bathroom and in a freshly cleaned bathtub, drop all rose petals into running warm water and add 9 drops of the oil. Soak in the bath until water is cool. Get out; dry yourself and dress in clean clothes. Take all rose petals, plate, paper and candles outside and light petition paper on fire with a lighter (NOT a MATCH). When it is finsihed burning, place in brown paper bag and take to nearest river or swiftly moving creek. Place in water and leave without looking...

Readers Questions | How Long DO You Burn Candles for Reconciliation?

A reader wants to know when is it time to consider their candle spell is NOT working and when to move on. Jacqueline, Thank you for such a great website! I am writing you because I have been burning candles for about two months now for my boyfriend to come back to me and I haven’t seen any results. Why is my candle spells not bringing him back? Jasmine There are many factors to consider when burning candles to bring about a change. In your case, I would have started with a consultation and reading to see if any, if at all, spell work would bring him back. Now, this may fly in the face of this purpose of my writings, but one thing you have to consider is this: Is this good for YOU (the petitioner)? Case in point, I did a consultation for a woman who threw her boyfriend out about three months before contacting me. She took three months to figure out if she wanted him back in her life. In conversation with her, she revealed that he was under the suspicion of ‘fooling around’ and might not have been ‘husband worthy’ – meaning not someone who you could base a possible future on. During an argument, she threw him out, along with all his things (uh-oh, there goes the DNA for spell work). The she simmers and stews and after three months, either finds out the grass-might-not-be-so-green on ‘tuther side or she has no other ‘prospects’ calling on her. She wants the now-ex-boyfriend back. First thing I told her is that she has thrown out all the possible samples of DNA (remember, having something of a personal nature is the best thing to hoodoo with). I’m talking toothbrush, hairbrush, soiled Kleenex, condoms, cigarette butts, roaches (yes, I have made a love charm with THAT), napkins, stray hairs on the pillow, sheets or elsewhere – all of it-GONE. Then, I told her she would have to burn three months of candles to get to what I call “Ground Zero” – the point of time that was made up with candle burnings to roll back time – spiritually – to the point of argument. Now this can be calculated as 5 days per candle and burn them all at once to facilitate getting ‘time’ back to the moment she threw him out. So, this can be done at the same time the new candle work to bring him back to her. She now would have to burn candles to being him back. Impossible to do – NO – but extremely difficult. I reminded her that men are like bears; give the man a place to sleep and good food and they will stay. He might have ‘moved on’, given he doesn’t have a ‘Mama Bear’ to come home to. The most primal emotional point is SURVIVAL, and he needs to get out of the cold and get nourishment – PERIOD. I told her to approach a time frame factor in which she will burn candles and then if she did not have any indications of any positive movement towards a reconciliation, then to move on herself. I reminded her what I say to every client – that Candle Spells can work as rapidly as three days – AND – can take as long as three months to show any results. Unfortunately, we want a ‘Burger King’ approach to candle spell work – Have it “your way” and have it now. Another thing to consider is this – When you let God (in his many avatars and manifestations) make the ‘choice’ whether this man was perfect for you...

Readers Questions | How to Do a Court Case Spell

Readers Questions | How to Do a Court Case Spell A reader wants a Court Case spell and clarity on “John High” (John the Conqueror) and “John Low” (Little John to Chew). Can you please explain the process for the court case spell? what do I do with the ingredients? put them on a plate, burn them or what? by the way what is John High and John Low? Where can I get this? Thank you! Liliana. Here is my specialty Court Case Candle Spell. INGREDIENTS: 5  Brown 7-day Candle in glass 1 White 7-day Candle in glass Copy of Court Summons 1 bottle “Court Case” Anointing and Condition Oil 1 bottle “King Solomon Wisdom” Anointing and Condition Oil 2 pieces Liittle John to Chew 3 white (or clear) glass dinner plates (I get mine at the dollar store) Full Name of all Parties: Name of Courthouse, Judge, Defendant, Defendant’s Lawyer (if any), Petitioner, Petitioner’s lawyer. Start this candle spell 6 days before your day in Court. Clean all candles with Lemon Juice or Florida Water, if you want to have your ancestors have some influence over this case. Follow cleaning directions in the category to the right side of this page named, “Proper Candle Preparation”. Set aside to dry. Take copy (not the original) of the Summons to Court and write the name of the other party across the page three times, one line under the first. Turn paper 45 degrees and write your name three times, one line under the first, across theirs. Hold paper between your palms and pray the Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd”). Lay petition paper on top of white dinner plate. Label the white candle with a piece of paper in which you have written the name of the courthouse, including the county name and city and state. Place 6 drops of “King Solomon Wisdom” Oil in wax top of white candle.  Set on top of Summons to Court. Take 1 brown candle and label it with the name of the Judge. Place 6 drops of the “King Solomon Wisdom”Oil in it. Set next to white candle on top of Summons to Court. Take 2 brown candles and label them with your full name and the name of your lawyer. If you do not have a lawyer, use the second brown candle as a ‘back you up’ candle and label it with your name again (Do this only if you do not have an attorney). Place 6 drops of “Court Case” Condition and Anointing Oil in each of these candles. HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART: Are you the one bringing the case or is the other person? Read on: The one who creates the Court Summons, or the one who is suing the other person is called the PETITIONER. Their candles go on the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the Judge’s candle. The one who IS BEING SUED is called the DEFENDANT and their candles go on the LEFT HAND SIDE of the Judge’s candle. Determine who you are and place your candles accordingly, on a dinner plate, either left side or right side of Judges and Court’s candles. Take one piece of Little John to Chew and set it between your candle and the lawyer’s candle (or, if in the case of no lawyer for you, between both candles on your side of the Judge’s candle). Set the other aside for the day of Court. Take the last 2 brown candles and label them with their full name and if they do not have an attorney, DO NOT USE the candle intended for their attorney. You do not need to ‘boost’ their law power. Place NO OIL in these candles (as...

Quick Candle Spells | Quick Protection Candle Spell

Quick Candle Spells | Quick Protection Candle Spell INGREDIENTS: 1 White Ceramic Dinner Plate 12 White 6″ candles (aka “household or emergency candles”) 1 bottle of Fiery Wall of Protection Condition/Anointing Oil 1 St. Michael prayer card Take 12 white 6 inch candles (aka “emergency candles”) and rub them with Fiery Wall of Protection Condition and Anointing Oil. Set one on white dinner plate. Light one candle each hour until all 12 candles have been burned. Finish all 12 candles before next step. Place the dinner plate at the front door (on the inside of the home) with a prayer card of Saint Michael on top with the photo facing towards door. Take a bath and anoint yourself with three drops of the Protection Oil. Effectiveness lasts one day. Will need to repeat daily until you feel all danger has passed....

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