Quick Candle Spells | Quick Protection Candle Spell



1 White Ceramic Dinner Plate

12 White 6″ candles (aka “household or emergency candles”)

1 bottle of Fiery Wall of Protection Condition/Anointing Oil

1 St. Michael prayer card

Take 12 white 6 inch candles (aka “emergency candles”) and rub them with Fiery Wall of Protection Condition and Anointing Oil. Set one on white dinner plate.

Light one candle each hour until all 12 candles have been burned. Finish all 12 candles before next step.

Place the dinner plate at the front door (on the inside of the home) with a prayer card of Saint Michael on top with the photo facing towards door.

Take a bath and anoint yourself with three drops of the Protection Oil.

Effectiveness lasts one day. Will need to repeat daily until you feel all danger has passed.


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