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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Questions | How to Do a Court Case Spell... Readers Questions | How to Do a Court Case Spell A reader wants a Court Case spell and clarity on “John High” (John the Conqueror) and “John Low” (Little John to Chew). Can you please explain the process for the court case spell? what do I do with the ingredients? put them on a plate, burn them or what? by the way what is John High and John Low? Where can I get this? Thank you! Liliana. Here is my specialty Court Case Candle Spell. INGREDIENTS: 5  Brown 7-day Candle in glass 1 White 7-day Candle in glass Copy of Court Summons 1 bottle “Court Case” Anointing and Condition Oil 1 bottle “King Solomon Wisdom” Anointing and Condition Oil...
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Free Candle Spells | Weight Loss Bathing Ritual

Free Candle Spells | Weight Loss Bathing Ritual Weight Loss Bathing Ritual There are times when we feel heavy and uncomfortable in our skin. Here is a bathtime ritual to consider when you are ready to visualize and activate a more slender profile. – J. In a large plastic container, mix: 16 oz. Epsom Salts 1/2 cup dried Hyssop 1/2 cup dried Mint 1/2 cup dried Ginger 1/2 cup ground Cinnamon Mix together and keep dry until time to make a bath. Ritual: When you are ready to make a bath: In a pasta pot (about 6-8 cup size) put cold water in pot and bring to a boil. Once boiling, take 1 cup of the above mix and pour into pot. Stir and then turn off pot to cool uncovered. While pot is cooling, clean bathtub and rinse well. Fill with warm bath water. Pour entire pot of boiled mixture into tub. Undress and get in, allowing the water to cover all areas of your body. As you are in the tub, close your eyes and imagine a slimmer and more firm and fix You. Allow the cleansing propeties of the herbs to open pores and clean away impurities. After soaking until water cools, take one plastic cup of bath water and set aside. Then stand, drain tub, and shower as usual. After dressing, take cup of bathwater to nearest street drain or ditch where run off water moves. The water MUST be moving. If there is no water moving in the drain, carry a bucket of water with you to pour over the spilled bathwater and to force it down the drain with the clear water. As you pour, say, “As this water that has washed away my impurities, allow the weight to melt off of me.” Return home and continue as long as necessary to get you back into fabulous shape!...

Free Candle Spells | Candle Vigil for America in Independence Day – July 4th

Free Candle Spells | Candle Vigil for America in Independence Day – July 4th   Note: This article was written by Rev. Sister Jacqueline of Hoodoo Psychics and was originally published in the Hoodoo Psychics Newsletter, July 2018 CANDLE DEVOTION AND SPELL TO INCREASE GREATNESS IN PEACE, CLARITY IN FORWARD VISION, AND BROTHERLY LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER PSALMS 133 and 25 The month of July is when we celebrate the birthday of the United States. The Founders, or the gentlemen who wrote the articles that would become the Declaration of the United States, looked to this new land as their “mother”, and felt a great sense of pride in the formation of a land where freedom for many things would be so very treasured and revered. Despite the writings for the Declaration of Independence took many months, July 4th was chosen as the birthday for America. In times past, parades and other outwardly shown symbols of patriotic pride were displayed, and more modern traditional celebrations on the 4th of July now include barbeques and fireworks in the evening. America was founded on the premise that a person could live the life that they wanted to make for themselves here. It is till true today, yet many different opinions and thoughts on freedom have sometimes placed Americans at odds with each other. At times, one person’s viewpoint of freedom encroached on another person’s, and has caused dysfunction – even a Civil war – because of opposing viewpoints. Still, the United States and the values that Americans hold dearly are the catalyst to make many people from around the World, risk their life and limb, to come to America. It is the Hope that they have to create a life without violence and strife, political corruption and scrutiny, religious persecution and shame, should not exist, in accordance to that document signed over 242 years ago. Here is a candle devotion to the continued peace, greatness, and brotherly love that all Americans so desire. CANDLE DEVOTION AND SPELL TO INCREASE GREATNESS IN PEACE, CLARITY IN FORWORD VISION, AND BROTHERLY LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER PSALMS 133 and 25 INGEDIENTS: Bible or Book of Psalms Small paring knife, awl, screwdriver, or ritual knife 1 RED 7-day glass “novena’ style devotional candle 1 WHITE 7-day glass “novena’ style devotional candle 1 BLUE 7-day glass “novena’ style devotional candle Lemon Juice or Florida Water “Clarity” Anointing Oil “Peace” or “Peaceful Home” Anointing Oil “Attraction” Anointing Oil Optional: An item that represents America to you: small statue ofthe Statue of Liberty, small flag, small eagle statue, or any other trinket or souvenir that reminds you of the United States. White sheet of paper where you write your desires/affirmations/prayers for unity in the United States and abundance forsight and forward movement for all citizens of the United States. * * * * * 1.) Carve three holes in the form of a tirangle (one on top, one to the lower left, one to the lower right) in each candle. Shake extra waxshavings out ofthe candle top. 2.) With paper toweling, wipe down each candle with lemon juice or Florida Water. Let sit to dry. 3.) Write your petition paper, remembering to include any personal names or prayers to the wording you write for the good of the whole of the residents of the United States. 4.) Pleace petition paper in aluminum pie pan or oven-temepered glass baking dish (aka Pyrex or Anchor Hocking). 5.) Pour a small amount of the Attraction Oil to fill each hole in the red candle. 6.) Pour a small amount of the Clarity Oil to fill each hole in the white candle. 7.) Pour a small amount of the Peace/Peaceful Home Oil to fill each hole in...

Free Candle Spells | The Use of Honey, Sugar, and Sweeteners in Spellwork

Free Candle Spells | The Use of Honey, Sugar, and Sweeteners in Spellwork The use of honey, sugar, and sweeteners in spellwork has a long been a staple for many traditions in hoodoo, conjure, and other spellwork mainly derived from, but not exclusive to, African-based belief systems. Depending on history or timeline, sweeteners vary in use by region of the World, family or cultural traditions, and instinctive inspiration when constructing a spell using sweetners, a generic name for a group of products that activate the sensation of sweetness.   The purpose of using any number of sweeteners in spellwork is to cause an effect or affect the way a target considers you and your situation. Many human situation can be altered and a person can gain favor from a target in spellwork for: * love, attraction, romance, marriage, reconciliation, sexual encounters (most common purpose) * employment, raises, promotion, seeking the boss’s favor/attention, and other job-related situations * favorable sworn testimony, seeking the Court’s favor, lienency, deciding legal issues on your favor * influence over another for one’s benefit, public honor, accolades of praise, goodwill towards you * influence and control over another or family for the benefit of the group, stop gossip, ‘backstabbing’, cessation of anger and wrath from an individual, the end of verbal or physical abuse.             Many hear or read stories regarding the use of honey as in honey jar spells, but the list of sweetners can also include such sweeteners as these: * white sugar (usually for a light skinned target) * light brown sugar (usually for a light tanned skin-tone target) * dark brown sugar (usually for a darker skin-tone target) * honeycomb * sugar cubes * powdered sugar (especially nice for spells concerning marriage) as powdered sugar, also known as confectioner’s sugar * Karo syrup (in light and dark color) * molasses * sorghum syrup (southern farm staple made from grassy plant that is sweeter than molasses) * sweet liquors (so the target is ‘drunk in love’) * crystal syrup (simular ot Karo syrup) * maple syrup * agave syrup * sugar water (usually found in bar supply stores) Each and every one of these can be, and are still used in sweetening spells, either singly or combined together. Depending on the instructions in the traditional spell, or by instinctive inspiration, the spells can be contained in various objects in accordance to their purpose. Some containers can, but not rule out: * various fruits/vegetables (such as apples with the core removed) * jelly or canning jars * sugar bowls and other receptacles * perfume bottles * wrapped in plastic wrap or aluminum foil (usuallythen enclosed in a mojo bag) * poured in dishes, bowls, plates, glasses, cups, etc. * sprinkled on candles, pressed into free standing wax candles (either alone or mixed with herbs or sachet powders) * used in spiritual baths and washes* sprinkled on the table, altar, floor or ground around a spell     Sweeteners can be used with and without the use of candles, herbs, or other additives. It is the tradition that is taught for that particular spell that will dictate whether to use the sweetener alone or in a combination of products for the effectiveness of the spell. The most important thing to remember when using honey jars to create a change is that many times it is a slower, more gradual change. This is because you are “softening” a person to your wants, more subtly and slippery, not a hard and fast conversion to your way of thinking. Beauty products sometimes use honey and sugar to soften the skin, in the same way of thinking, this is essentially what you are doing to this...

Free Candle Spell | Relieve Stress and Anxiety Candle Ritual

Free Candle Spell | Relieve Stress and Anxiety Candle Ritual   This is a “dry bath”, where you are not completely soaking or getting your body wet, but are using small drops of water to do the cleansing. – J.   * * * * * * * Stress is a factor of our everyday lives. Traffic, career, family – they all contribute to it and coupling the factors of the World today, makes for one big caldron of stress and anxiety in our lives. Here is a candle ritual for you to do to reduce the stress and anxiety from your life.   INGREDIENTS: 2 white free standing candles White Sage oil Sweet Grass oil Lavender Oil 1 Lemon, sliced Glass or Ceramic Bowl of salt Glass or Ceramic Bowl of water 2 saucers or fire-proof containers ****************     Sitting in a space where you have a table in front of you, sit in a upright back chair and place the bowl of salt on the floor between your feet. Place glass bowl with water in center of table in front of you. Anoint one candle with the White Sage Oil and place candle in saucer or fire-proof container to the left of the bowl of water. Anoint the other candle with Sweet Grass Oil and place in saucer or fire-proof container to the right of the bowl of water. Place seven drops of Lavender Oil in the bowl of water. Place the lemon slices in the water. Swish mixture in the bowl with your hands. Light the candles with a lighter (no matches!) and place your hands over the bowl of water. State out loud your affirmation to release stress or a prayer to be released from the grips of stress.   Here is an example of a statement of release of stress: (You may use this one or fabricate one yourself) I am releasing the stress and worries of my life here and now I will no longer be enslaved by them in my mind and my body I rebuke all negativity and ill will intent that plagues me I reject all obstacles and blockages that ensnare me I will not worry about the future and allow the Universe to guide me I will breathe deeply to release all anxiety, fear, angst, and worry I am free to be at peace with my life I am relaxed in my everyday life I am at rest with my life May peace, calm, serenity, and comfort surround me I am calm I am at peace         Place a few drops of the water mixture on the top of your head and on your temples. Flick a few drops of the water mixture on your upper body near your heart. Sit back with your hands lightly laying on top of your thighs and with your palms upward. Sit quietly for a minimum of 15 minutes or more as you need. Release any thoughts at the time and sit in quiet and solitude. Let your mind unwind. Breathe deeply, slowly and exhale slowly with each breath. When you are done, pour water and salt into the toilet and flush. Toss the lemons into the trash. You may let the candles burn, making sure you attend to them so there is no chance of a fire. If you need to put them out, pinch them with a spit-wetted finger and thumb, or use a candle snuffer. You may re-use candles that are extinguished in this manner. To blow a candle flame out with your breath is to declare your candle spell is finished. Place candles in a safe place until you need to repeat the ritual....

Free Candle Spells – Ways to Use Spiritual Oils to Attract, Protect, or Ward off Negativity

Free Candle Spells – Ways to Use Spiritual Oils to Attract, Protect, or Ward off Negativity   Spiritual Oils crafted by Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply are infused with natural botanical essential oils and herbs and the plants have been traditionally held in belief to have powerful and effective vibrations that will work for the user in the manner in which is desired. These oils can be used singularly or in combination with others; there is no tried and true “rule” to follow and you may use your spiritual inspiration to create combinations that will be useful for your particular situation. (Read...

Free Candle Spells | 2017 Prosperity Experiment Candle Service Begins Jan. 28, 2017!

Free Candle Spells | 2017 Prosperity Experiment Candle Service Begins Jan. 28, 2017!     What is the Prosperity Experiment? The Prosperity Experiment is a dedicated group of people that is ever-growing and truly dedicated with working with the Universe to aid and assist in changing their financial future. Many things mentioned to you throughout the month are things you innately ‘know’ or have experienced, but with everyday life, may have forgotten to use them. This is a time to reconnect with your intention of success, will to boldly move forward and activate positive financial changes in your life. During the month of the Prosperity Experiment you dream, scaffold and develop a strategy for your money and ways for increase in 2014, for as they say, “the early bird gets the worm” and you are on top of it all with the significant changes you will make during this month. What is included in the Prosperity Experiment? The Prosperity Experiment is 30 days of candlelight vigil with morning and evening prayers over your continuously-burning candles (5 in all) that are placed on a group table with your petition wrapped securely around the base of your candle. You will receive daily an inspirational message and short story – somethings that I have experienced over the years – that you can utilize to aid and assist in an increase of prosperity. You will receive photos of the altars and any individual candle shots if your candle will behave in an aberrant manner in any way. You will receive extra articles to consider reading and also mini posters that you can tape on your bathroom mirror or pin it to a corkboard to inspire you during this month of candle prayer service for an increase in your abundance. The cost for this 30-day continuous candle burning service is $33.00 How do you Begin? First, click on the button to order and when you receive your confirmation e-mail of receipt of order, you will then be asked to create a petition to place under your candle. Please DO NOT ask for money to gamble or play the lottery with, as these are games of chance – the chance and odds of winning are astronomical. Instead, ask for more hours at work, someone to pay you back, a settlement, a promotion or raise, more customers, to sell a house – the list goes on. What are the Success rates? With any candle spell, you cannot expect to light a candle and then sit on the couch – you have to WORK IT! So, you need to send more postcards to advertise, become creative, upcycle or invent, re-work your schedule and look at where you are losing money and what is profitable to invest in. It is work – something we all dread, as we want ease and comfort – but when you loosen up you intent and drive and your goal gets out of focus, then someone swoops in and invents something you dreamed about or gets that raise before you. You must be a pro-active participant in your prosperity. I am a firm believer and recipient of “If you want it bad enough, you’ll get it” club! So get ready to PROSPER! We have bef\gun the Prosperity Experiment. Thank you for your interest.  ...

Free Candle Spells | Psalms to Use with Candle Vigils

Free Candle Spells | Psalms to Use with Candle Vigils   Here is a list of Psalms that are traditionally held as good to use with candle novena vigils for certain situations. Psalms 1: Used to remove sinners from a group; for a woman’s safe pregnancy. Psalms 2: To aid in the dissolution and stopping an enemy’s tricks. Psalms 3: For relief from a severe headache or backache. Psalms 4: To change bad luck to good; and for restful and peaceful sleep. Psalms 5: To obtain favor with the authorities and superiors in business. Psalms 6: To heal diseases of the eye; for protection in the dark. Psalms 7: For “crossed conditions”; stop conspiracies, enemy pursuit; for court cases. Psalms 8: Business success with associates; blessing of oils. Psalms 9: To punish enemies; to restore health to male children; for court cases. Psalms 10: To cleanse off an unclean, restless, or intranquil spirit. Psalms 11: To cast off fear; for righteous retribution against your enemy. Psalms 12: For protection against persecuting influences. Psalms 13: For safety from unnatural death; protection from suffering. Psalms 14: To stop libel and slander and mistrust from tarnishing your good name. Psalms 15: To exorcise evil spirits and devils from a person; against insanity. Psalms 16: To identify a thief; to change sorrow to joy. Psalms 17: For safe travel abroad and to help bring a loved one safely home. Psalms 18: To drive off approaching attackers; for anointing the sick to cure them. Psalms 19: For help in childbirth, for release from jail, to remove evil spirits. Psalms 20: Protection from danger daily; to be justified in a court case. Psalms 21: To both calm a storm and to offer protection from danger at sea. Psalms 22: For travel protection; keep misfortune away. Psalms 23: For prophetic dreams or vision; wisdom, and guidance. Psalms 24: To protect from floods and escape from rising waters. Psalms 25: Forgiveness of the sins of youth; protection from capture. Psalms 26: To protect from imminent danger; from imprisonment in jail. Psalms 27: To receive hospitality while travelling abroad; travel protection. Psalms 28: To reconcile differences with your enemies. Psalms 29: To banish evil and restore peace and tranquility to the home. Psalms 30: For protection from evil ; for recovery from illness. Psalms 31: For protection from gossip, enemy works, and back-stabbing. Psalms 32: For blessings of mercy, love, and grace from Heaven. Psalms 33: To protect the unborn child; bless all family members. Psalms 34: To find favor with superiors; for safe return from travels. Psalms 35: For justice in spiteful or revengeful court cases; reveal enemies. Psalms 36: For protection from slander and gossip and to expose liars. Psalms 37: For protection and safety for those who drink too much alcohol. Psalms 38: To help in slanderous court cases; seeking judge’s favor. Psalms 39: For success in a court case when false testimony has been given. Psalms 40: To cast out evil; protection against evil spirits. Psalms 41: To restore your good name if slander and gossip threatens your reputation. Psalms 42: For spiritual guidance; revelations in dreams; surety in your cause. Psalms 43: For protection from slander from spiteful people; reversing evil works. Psalms 44: To guard and protect against enemies, known or unknown. Psalms 45: For peace in a marriage; to calm an angry spouse. Psalms 46: To help a struggling marriage; to bring peace to a fighting couple. Psalms 47: To gain respect and favor from others; for mastery over people. Psalms 48: To strike terror in an enemy; stop future attacks. Psalms 49: To overcome fevers and sicknesses; help heal disease. Psalms 50: To be safe from all danger; safe from robbery. Psalms 51: For removing sin; cleansing after acts of revenge. Psalms 52: To end all slander and gossip by poison-tongued...

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