Free Candle Spells | Psalms to Use with Candle Vigils


Here is a list of Psalms that are traditionally held as good to use with candle novena vigils for certain situations.

Psalms 1: Used to remove sinners from a group; for a woman’s safe pregnancy.

Psalms 2: To aid in the dissolution and stopping an enemy’s tricks.

Psalms 3: For relief from a severe headache or backache.

Psalms 4: To change bad luck to good; and for restful and peaceful sleep.

Psalms 5: To obtain favor with the authorities and superiors in business.

Psalms 6: To heal diseases of the eye; for protection in the dark.

Psalms 7: For “crossed conditions”; stop conspiracies, enemy pursuit; for court cases.

Psalms 8: Business success with associates; blessing of oils.

Psalms 9: To punish enemies; to restore health to male children; for court cases.

Psalms 10: To cleanse off an unclean, restless, or intranquil spirit.

Psalms 11: To cast off fear; for righteous retribution against your enemy.

Psalms 12: For protection against persecuting influences.

Psalms 13: For safety from unnatural death; protection from suffering.

Psalms 14: To stop libel and slander and mistrust from tarnishing your good name.

Psalms 15: To exorcise evil spirits and devils from a person; against insanity.

Psalms 16: To identify a thief; to change sorrow to joy.

Psalms 17: For safe travel abroad and to help bring a loved one safely home.

Psalms 18: To drive off approaching attackers; for anointing the sick to cure them.

Psalms 19: For help in childbirth, for release from jail, to remove evil spirits.

Psalms 20: Protection from danger daily; to be justified in a court case.

Psalms 21: To both calm a storm and to offer protection from danger at sea.

Psalms 22: For travel protection; keep misfortune away.

Psalms 23: For prophetic dreams or vision; wisdom, and guidance.

Psalms 24: To protect from floods and escape from rising waters.

Psalms 25: Forgiveness of the sins of youth; protection from capture.

Psalms 26: To protect from imminent danger; from imprisonment in jail.

Psalms 27: To receive hospitality while travelling abroad; travel protection.

Psalms 28: To reconcile differences with your enemies.

Psalms 29: To banish evil and restore peace and tranquility to the home.

Psalms 30: For protection from evil ; for recovery from illness.

Psalms 31: For protection from gossip, enemy works, and back-stabbing.

Psalms 32: For blessings of mercy, love, and grace from Heaven.

Psalms 33: To protect the unborn child; bless all family members.

Psalms 34: To find favor with superiors; for safe return from travels.

Psalms 35: For justice in spiteful or revengeful court cases; reveal enemies.

Psalms 36: For protection from slander and gossip and to expose liars.

Psalms 37: For protection and safety for those who drink too much alcohol.

Psalms 38: To help in slanderous court cases; seeking judge’s favor.

Psalms 39: For success in a court case when false testimony has been given.

Psalms 40: To cast out evil; protection against evil spirits.

Psalms 41: To restore your good name if slander and gossip threatens your reputation.

Psalms 42: For spiritual guidance; revelations in dreams; surety in your cause.

Psalms 43: For protection from slander from spiteful people; reversing evil works.

Psalms 44: To guard and protect against enemies, known or unknown.

Psalms 45: For peace in a marriage; to calm an angry spouse.

Psalms 46: To help a struggling marriage; to bring peace to a fighting couple.

Psalms 47: To gain respect and favor from others; for mastery over people.

Psalms 48: To strike terror in an enemy; stop future attacks.

Psalms 49: To overcome fevers and sicknesses; help heal disease.

Psalms 50: To be safe from all danger; safe from robbery.

Psalms 51: For removing sin; cleansing after acts of revenge.

Psalms 52: To end all slander and gossip by poison-tongued people.

Psalms 53: To protect from known and unknown enemies.

Psalms 54: To reverse evil works of evil against you; seeks Heavenly revenge on them.

Psalms 55: For the Lord to bring down justice on your attackers.

Psalms 56: To remove desire to sin; resist temptation and bad habits.

Psalms 57: To change bad luck to good; turn around one’s luck.

Psalms 58: For protection from vicious animals; to reverse evil unto enemies.

Psalms 59: For protection against spiritual possession;  overcoming evil obsessions.

Psalms 60: For soldier’s protection in battle; returning home safely.

Psalms 61: To bless a new home with luck, good fortune, happiness, and peace.

Psalms 62: To seek forgiveness of sins; gaining the blessing of the Lord.

Psalms 63: For protection from being victimized by bad business partners and investors.

Psalms 64: For protection while traveling at sea, and for a safe return.

Psalms 65: For road opening that breaks through blockages and obstacles; future success.

Psalms 66: To protect from possession of evil spirits.

Psalms 67: To protect from fever caused by evil; freedom from severe imprisonment.

Psalms 68: To exorcise evil spirits; release from spiritual binding or curse.

Psalms 69: To release one from addictive behaviors and unhealthy habits.

Psalms 70: To conquer and reverse the wickedness wrought by enemies.

Psalms 71: To release clients from prison, reversals and acquittals in court cases.

Psalms 72: To bring favor and grace from all; protection from poverty.

Psalms 73: For protection against religious persecution in foreign lands.

Psalms 74: For an end to persecution from enemies; destroys oppressors and persecutors.

Psalms 75: For forgiveness of all sins committed against others.

Psalms 76: For protection from danger from fire and water; seeking the Lord’s intercession from all attacks.

Psalms 77: For protection from all danger, poverty, misfortune, illness, and destitution.

Psalms 78: For respect and gain favors from kings, princes, and other government officials.

Psalms 79: To completely destroy an evil person and also to deliver a fatal curse.

Psalms 80: To end spiritual doubt and to prevent people becoming unbelievers.

Psalms 81: To save from making mistakes, to be safe from accidents.

Psalms 82: For easy business deals and to aid and assist investors.

Psalms 83: For keeping safe during times of war, persecution, and captivity.

Psalms 84: For healing, expunge malodorous smells from the body.

Psalms 85: To soften hearts and restore peace to friends who have become enemies.

Psalms 86: To bring true spiritual peace, happiness, and good to the community.

Psalms 87: To cleanse a gather group before starting healing or blessing work.

Psalms 88: For use with sigils, talismans, and baths to remove evil and bring blessings.

Psalms 89: For psychic vision, to anoint the sick, and for a prison release.

Psalms 90: Used to bless work done with hands and with Psalms 91 for protection.

Psalms 91: To exorcise evil entities and f0r protection from harassment and harm.

Psalms 92: To be said over herbal spiritual baths to bring good fortune and high honors.

Psalms 93: To win in Court and escape unjust prosecution and oppression.

Psalms 94: To reverse evil back to your enemies and for protection.

Psalms 95: To cleanse you of sins; for guidance and forgiveness for your enemies.

Psalms 96: To bring blessings of peace, happiness and joy to a family.

Psalms 97: Along with Psalms 96 for healing, blessing, and cleansing a family.

Psalms 98: To bring peace between hostile families members and bless their home.

Psalms 99: To have God hear your praise and devotion to Him.

Psalms 100: For strength and power against your enemies.

Psalms 101: For protection against your enemies and to expel evil spirits.

Psalms 102: To petition for a child to be conceived and for God’s grace.

Psalms 103: For forgiveness of sins help in conception of a child.

Psalms 104: For blessing spiritual items and to cleanse any evil placed on them.

Psalms 105: For healing from illnesses that bring on recurring fevers.

Psalms 106: To reduce a fever and to restore health to a person.

Psalms 107: For remission or healing from periodic or recurrent fevers.

Psalms 108: To bless a business and for financial success.

Psalms 109: To curse one’s oppressive and slanderous enemies.

Psalms 110: To make you enemies beg for mercy; victory over enemies.

Psalms 111: To acquire respect and admiration from your many friends.

Psalms 112: For an increase power for success, abundance, and blessings.

Psalms 113: To stop infidelity or cheating on a spouse; blessings for those in need.

Psalms 114: To attract success in matters of finances, business, and money.

Psalms 115: For victory in debate over disbelievers and reveal the truth.

Psalms 116: For protection from violent or sudden death or injury.

Psalms 117: To ask forgiveness of a failure to keep a vow or promise that you made.

Psalms 118: To protect from others who try to misguide or lead you astray.

Psalms 119: The longest Psalm, its 22 alphabetic divisions cover all human problems.

Psalms 120: For success in court and for protection against snakes and scorpions.

Psalms 121: For safety at night, while sleeping and travelling in darkness.

Psalms 122: For peace city and countrywide, and to gain the favor of those in high positions.

Psalms 123: Used in spellwork to cause a servant, trainee, or employee to return.

Psalms 124: Cleansing of the soul, protection at sea and from being wronged.

Psalms 125: For protection in foreign lands and against those who work iniquity.

Psalms 126: After a miscarriage or the death of a child; for the next child to live.

Psalms 127: Added to a mojo packet or charm to protect and bless a newborn baby.

Psalms 128: For a safe and accident-free pregnancy and uncomplicated childbirth.

Psalms 129: Pray daily to prepare one for a long life of virtue and good works.

Psalms 130: Spoken to the four directions when passing by sentries in a war zone.

Psalms 131: Prayed three times a day to reduce one’s sin of pride and scornfulness.

Psalms 132: To change a person’s lack of punctuality and failure to perform duties on time.

Psalms 133: To keep the love and respect of friends and to gain many more friends.

Psalms 134: Use in altar work for scholarly success and pursuits of higher education.

Psalms 135: For repentance, spirituality, and rededication of one’s life to God.

Psalms 136: Recited on behalf of those who wish to confess and be cleansed of sins.

Psalms 137: For cleansing of the heart and soul from hate, envy, evil, and vice.

Psalms 138: Prayed daily to bring love and friendship from the Lord.

Psalms 139: To nurture and maintain love, especially in marriage.

Psalms 140: To restore tranquility and to preserve and maintain relationships.

Psalms 141: Protects against terror and fear and against looming oppression.

Psalms 142: To heal the body, restore health, and alleviate pain and suffering.

Psalms 143: To heal bodily limbs, especially the arms and to alleviate pain.

Psalms 144: To speed up healing and to ensure the perfect mend of a broken arm.

Psalms 145: To cleanse and purify those who are beset by ghosts or evil spirits.

Psalms 146: Used with altar work for healing and recovery after being wounded.

Psalms 147: For healing wounds and bites from snakes, insects, and other animals.

Psalms 148: Used with Psalms 149 to keep safe from accidents by fire.

Psalms 149: Used with altar work to protect against fire related accidents.

Psalms 150: To give Glory to the Lord and to give thanks for His intervention.


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