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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Question | Is Candle Burning REALLY Working?... I have done candle burning in the past and have adjusted my spell work according to various different information (Books, Internet) and I have found that sometimes the candle spells work and sometimes they don’t, which is frustrating because of the work and cost involved. Is there any way someone can REALLY know if a candle spell is going to work or not? Thanks Joanne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joanne, Thanks for your question. I am going to examine both sides of the question in regards to candle burning. Please bear with me, but I like to play Devil’s advocate when it comes to an issue that can be taken both ways....
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Free Candle Spells | Bills Be Gone Money Drawing Green Money Spell

Free Candle Spells | Bills Be Gone Money Drawing Green Money Spell This candle spell is intended to use specifically for bills that you are wanting to pay off. Candle magick does not do it alone, but with diligence and faith, you will be able to pay off your bills as you will see money coming from unexpected sources and all avenues of cash flow. – J.   INGREDIENTS Green 7 Day “Novena” Vigil Candle in glass Pyrex Pie Plate or other oven proof bake-ware plate Copies of All Your Bills A Red Permanent Marker Pinch of Ground Allspice Pinch of Ground Cinnamon Pinch of dried Chamomile Flower Tops Pinch of dried Ginger Pinch of dried Mint 4 small chunks of pyrite (aka “Fool’s Gold”, a shiny crystal that looks like tarnished gold) Lucky 13 Clover Prosperity Anointing Oil Bible Clean, sharp nail or cross-top (Phillip’s head) screwdriver Eye Dropper (optional) Small saucer and spoon or mortar and pestle (to grind herbs) White Sage or other incense Gather together the above materials. Begin by wiping down the vigil light with a little bit of lemon juice or Florida Water to clean it of any previous energy and dust. Make sure to wipe the glass inside along the rim, the outside and also the top of the wax itself and the wick as well. Set aside to let dry. With the red marker, write “PAID IN FULL” across the copy of each bill both from the upper left to the lower right, and then again from the lower left to the upper right, so that the words form an ” X ” across the copy of the bill. Set papers aside.               Combine the allspice, chamomile, cinnamon, ginger and mint in the mortar or in the bowl and grind to a fine powder. Add nine drop of Lucky Mojo Wealthy Way Oil and mix together. As you do this, pray Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd”) three times, then stating to the mixture what you want it to do for you. Breathe your intention into the mixture. Then, use a nail, or Phillip’s head screw-driver and bore three small holes in the vigil light at equal points around the wick in the shape of a triangle. Fill each of the holes in your candle with your herbal mixture. Place three drops of Lucky Mojo Wealthy Way Oil in each of the three holes and top each hole with a small piece of pyrite chunk. Next, Lay the stack of bills on your altar and place a Pyrex oven proof baking plate over the bills, making sure that the bills are level and the plate stable. Place your Bills Be Gone Candle in the center of pie plate. Place your hands a few inches over the candle and visualize yourself being debt free. Vocalize or state your intentions while hands are over the candle. Choose one of the following Psalms to pray: Psalm 23 (The Lord is my Shepherd…) again Psalm 37: 3-11 (Delight in the Lord and he shall give thee the desire in your heart) Psalm 84:11 (The Lord will give grace and glory, and no good thing will be withheld) Psalm 118:25 (Save me now, O Lord, send me prosperity!) When you are done, place your dominant (handwriting ) hand over the top of the candle and pick it up with the other hand. Gently tap the candle on the altar three times and then return it to the pie plate. Light the candle. Each morning before your day starts, visit your candle and spend time in prayer with your candle. Each evening before retiring spend time in prayer with your candle. Repeat...

Free Candle Spells | St. Expedite Red House and Home Candle

  I saved this readers question until I created the St. Expedite Red House and Home Candle so that I could show how this could be effective with items and needed cash for the home – J.   Jacqueline  I was in a candle shop and one of the persons behind the counter told me that you can use St. Expedite to help when you do not have enough money for the rent. I have read what you wrote about it, but how does this help in this situation? Thanks  Beverly   Beverly, it is true. Remember that Saint Expedite (San Expedito in Latin communities) or “Saint Expedee” in the lingo of New Orleans, can be petitioned and utilized for any “Fast Luck” or when you need something to happen or materialize in a hurry. This can be applied for when you are doing the actual initial purchase and waiting on the documents or loan to go through all the way to petitioning for extra money to make repairs and enhancements. It is all about wording your petition to fit the situation. For instance, on the St. Expedite Red House and Home Candle, some of the prayer on the label reads like this: “I call for and….to remedy financial and economical problems….and in my home.” The prayer, in it’s entirety, is long and there are proprietary authors’ rights, so the jist of the prayer is listed here. So the theory that you can petition him for rent or mortgage money is correct. Remember to accurately voice your need in a petition in a fashion that states how much you need and what is it to be used for. An example would be something like this: “Saint Expedite, Patron Saint of Aiding those who need your swift intervention, assist me in my time of need. I am short of money for the rent, due to unforeseen circumstances, and I need the sum of $300.00 to collect or make so I can pay next month’s rent. Assist me, I implore you, to give me opportunities that will allow me to gain $300.00 in order to pay my rent. Amen.” Mind you, you must also change your spending habits in order to not get into this predicament in the future, as the Saints may not grant you what you need because of foolish spending or not getting up each and every morning and looking at the day as an opportunity to advance your life. I tell many people that burning a candle does not bring you success alone; you must also be active in your quest for success. Saint Expedite is considered best to be petitioned when you need things right now. These immediate needs are not to be used for gambling at the casino or playing the lotto, as to “trick” St. Expedee to change a situation that will ‘free up’ some money for you to play will result in things happening that will take that blessing away from you. It is with sincere conviction and humble application of the blessings served to you to the cause in the petition that will be best for you.   Order a “Saint Expedite Red House and Home Protection” Candle to be burned for you in a candle service by clicking the button below:    ...

Free Candle Spells | New Design! Pink Saint Jude Love Come to Me Candle

Free Candle Spells | New Design! Pink Saint Jude Love Come to Me Candle We are pleased to announce the new design of the Pink Saint Jude Love Come to Me Candle! This candle label with it’s Old World look and feel, will remind you of hours in the chapel surrounded by the smell of incense, while reciting your prayers. This candle, and exclusive design by Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply is second in a line of Catholic Saints images that are bring produced with specific prayers created for the candle to enhance your candlelight petition prayers or the setting of lights for specific issues and intentions. The pink Saint Jude Love Come to Me Candle was created out of the need for this patron Saint of Lost Causes to intervene for those who seem to not find the appropriate candidate for a long-lasting, loving relationship. The prayer that is scripted on the candle back gives specifics for a quality lover that will stay for the long run and guidance on how to ask for that love to come into your life. This candle is intended to attract persons of quality to you that would be suitable for you to date and fall in love with them. There are two ways you can participate in setting lights to petition this much loved Saint to bring you the man or woman of your dreams. One method is to have the candle lit for you on the All Saint Altar, so that your constant prayer of light is burning with others who are in need of answered petitions. The cost of this candle service is $8.00 (plus tax). Once your order is received, an e-mail will be sent to you asking you your full name and birthday.Then, once your candle is lit, a photograph will be sent to you of your candle. It will be prayed over one in the day and once at night, and a brief report of the burn will be sent at the end of the candle service, along with a photo of the finished candle. To have a pink Saint Jude Candle lit for you to petition to bring in a long-lasting love, click here: Order a pink St. Jude candle If you wish to conduct your own personalized St. Jude pink Love Come to Me Candle service, order your St. Jude Candle Kit here: St. Jude Candle Kit  ...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aquarius – Watch Your Budgets!

  The Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on August 1, 2012 at 10:28 p.m. E.S.T. We are still under the influence of a Mercury Retrograde until the 8th, when we can then breathe a little sigh of relief until the next Retrograde time in November. This Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius the Water Bearer, is consider to have the energies of this “Fixed” Air sign (despite the pouring water image). The signs associated with “Fixed” signs say that they are signs that are stable and unchangeable. Aquarius guides the mental facilities and this is a favorable time for you to use your psychic energies to defeat or remove negativity you may have been encountering. Burning Reversible candles is best during the next two weeks, when you can “send back” things being dumped on you from jealous and spiteful people. Take to heart the outcomes of your candle spells, as Aquarius also rules the betterment of the Brotherhood of Man, meaning that if you are the target of some negativity, reflect and consider if you are attracting this by your words and behavior and if you are receiving a “warning” from the Universe. This Moon also will highlight arguments between nation health insurance and labor (the betterment of Man) and also a feeling of tightening of budgets as children go back to school at the end of August and families are struggling with the purchases of items needed for the next school year. Watch your sales and also watch your finances, as spending could get out of hand, only to reflect on you in September and October. The next New Moon will occur on August 17,...

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply

      Order your Lucky Mojo Condition Oils and Motor City Hoo Doo Oils here as well as other supplies such as Goya brand Florida Water and other supplies and books you might want to read. Located in Elk Grove, CA (near Sacramento) CA, it is the areas choice for buying Lucky Mojo Anointing Oils. It is open Sundays only from 12 noon to 4 pm....

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Cancer – with a Mercury Retrograde as Well!

The New Moon in Cancer occurs on July 18, 2012 at 11:25 p.m. E.S.T. The Moon in the zodiac sign of Cancer, the Crab, is considered the sign of the home and family. In addition, this New Moon is working against the energies of two planets in retrograde, Uranus (in the astrological sign of Aries) and Mercury (in Leo), and things could take a turn to the internal as these two signs’ energies are pulling you inward to reduce rebellion and change and to reevaluate where you are spending your energies. The question that will be on many minds is if the efforts they are doing making a difference or not. Despite the traditional thought of initiating new and positive concepts during the time of the New Moon, with this Moon being in the zodiac sign of the hearth, home and nurturing, many might want to seek change beginning within their own families and household. Burning candles during this New Moon in Cancer could include blue one anointed with Peaceful Home Oil, or Command and Compel or Helping Hand Oil. Using either of these last two oils on a Guardian Angel or Holy Spirit candle will greatly assist in bringing about your desired efforts for a comfortable and supportive family and home. It has been a closely held belief for generations that burning a Money Drawing candle in the home would bring abundance and prosperity. You may want to consider starting a series of candles in the form of a candle vigil, to keep the positive energy flowing into your home. This book, “30 Days to Prosperity – A Candle Vigil Guide” by Rev. Jacqueline Mathers, will give you a daily walk through burning candles for money drawing properties with a daily message, a meditation and helpful information regarding building your Money Altar to burn candles on to increase your wealth and abundance. The next Full Moon occurs on August 2,...

Free Candle Spells | Prosperity Experiment – July 18, 2012

  The Prosperity Experiment begins on July 18, 2012. Read more about what the Prosperity Experiment is by clicking...

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