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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Cloves in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells... Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Cloves in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells Cloves, whether in Whole Clove or Ground Cloves form, is a main ingredient in products for money drawing and relationship concerns. The botanical name for Clove is Syzygium aromaticum and the plant grows in profusion in the India and throughout the Southeast Asian countries. Clove is one of the main ingredients in Money Drawing Oil and to anoint magical items used to enhance gambling such as mojo bags and jack balls. The oil is used on green candles to burn for money.   A special friendship spell is to take an orange, make a half inch slit in the rind to the center and insert a small slip of...
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Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Leo – Banish and Reverse!

  The Full Moon in Leo occurs on January 26, 2013 at 11:38 pm E.S.T. This Moon, under the planetary influences of Leo the Lion, which is considered to be a “Fixed” Fire sign. This means that the energy is assertive, creative, and unchangeable. Full Moon time is considered optimum time for “banishing” or “reversing” candle spell work, and utilizing the energy of Leo means that you would want these items, situations or people out of your life…and fast! When charging and blessing your candles before lighting them, make sure to add a few words about not coming back around you anymore. Make sure that you actually do want this petition to manifest itself, because the Moon in Leo means business! There can be no wishy-washy feelings about actions taken now. Other planetary influences also include the feeling that one is not completely secure with ownership of property and the home. This is the time to consider looking into your insurance policies regarding fire and flood insurance, and also security systems and gun safety. The issue of guns and the right to bear arms will continue through this transit. Towards the end of this transit, it would be a good time to consider a deep clean of your altar or sacred space and maybe to change out the altar cloths to something a bit more bright as we will be moving into Spring before you know it and more daylight and sunshine to reflect the cleanliness and sanctity of your sacred space. The next New Moon will occur on February 10, 2013. This coincides with the Lunar New Year and the year of the Snake. Our 5th annual Prosperity Experiment will begin on the next New Moon. Order a Reversible Candle to be burned for you during this Full Moon time. Click the button below to order:    ...

Free Candle Spells | Psalm 7 Vindication Candle Spell

  The Vindication Candle Spell is used when you have be unjustly done wrong, whether it was false accusations of your involvement in a particular situation or when someone such as an enemy did something that caused you harm or problems without your involvement and you are completely innocent. Please re-read the sentence above again. This candle spell is for when you were completely innocent of the charges or accusations or the actions done on you. The reason for this particular candle spell is because some people in the World have a natural ‘gift’ or goodness about them that, maybe for no other reason, makes some lower evolved souls to want to attack them. This is because the goodness of the person acts like a mirror to the one who is carrying around a heart filled with malcontent, and sometimes the most harshest of visions is the one you see when you look in the mirror. Many times this is the candle spell to use when you have received a raise and have been slandered by the jealous co-workers around you, or because of some streak of “Good Luck”, like winning the lottery, when all the so-called relatives come out of the woodwork, asking for “favors” and “loans”, and you choose not to share with them. INGREDIENTS: 1 7- Day Glass “Vigil” or “Novena” White Candle 12 white tea light candles 1 bottle of Lucky Mojo Spirit Guide 1 bottle of Lucky Mojo Indian Spirit Guide Oil The Litany of the Saints (a Catholic tradition) (find online) 1 clear glass wine glass (stem glass) 1 fire-proof glass or ceramic plate or aluminum pie pan 1 bottle of Florida Water How to Perform the Ritual: 1.) Clean glass candle and all 12 of the tea light candles using the methods described here: 2.) Let dry and write petition at this time exactly what you want to happen. Anoint large white candle with Lucky Mojo Indian Spirit Guide Oil. Place petition under large glass candle in center of plate/pie dish. You can also tape a photograph (either copied from Internet or other) of the perpetrator to the font of the candle. Set the twelve tea light candles around the center candle. Place a drop of a good Spirit Guide Oil in the center of each tea light. 3.) Fill wine glass with cool, clear water and set to left side of pie plate/dish that is holding your candles. Place a couple of drops of Florida Water in the water. 4.) Light the twelve tea light candles, reciting the Litany of the Saints (you can find online). Finish Litany completely before next step. 5.) Light the large white candle and recite Psalm 7 (listed below). After completion of the Psalm, pray in your own words what you want done to this person. Finish with either Psalm 23 (“The Lord is My Shepherd”) or the Our Father. 6.) Let all candles burn until out (tea lights will extinguish first). When all is out, take all, including plate, to nearest church and leave at doorstep. Walk away without looking back. Dump water from wine glass into the drain fixture nearest your house (may have to walk it down the street to do so).  * Psalm 7 * 1 O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me and deliver me 2.lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver. 3 O LORD my God, if I have done this; if there be iniquity in my hands; 4 if I have rewarded evil unto him that...

Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Aquarius

Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Aquarius       This is the second a 12 part series of blog articles regarding working with the energy of the Moon in each of the 12 zodiac planets in order to have a deeper understanding for candle spell burning success – J. * * * * * * * The astrological sign of Aquarius (Jan. 20th to Feb. 18th) is ruled by the planet Uranus, but older astrologers use both Saturn and Uranus . The energy of the sign of Aquarius is of a “Fixed” Air sign, meaning that it is stable and unchangeable. The energy of Uranus, a planet sometimes associated with psychiatry and psychology, is intellectual to the point of near genius. It is also sometimes referred to as the planet of disruption, sudden changes, and revolution. There is a reason that the song, “Age of Aquarius” by the 5th Dimension was considered a sign for the Sixties because Revolution was in the air. You can watch a clip from the song by clicking here. The changes that occur during the energy of Uranus is radical and cannot be easily reversed, as a rule, so remember that when you are working the planet or when the Sun is under the influences of Aquarius, make sure you are absolutely certain that this is what you want done, as it will be very, very hard to change back. This is not the planet to be wishy-washy in your candle spell work. Aquarius is considered the sign of caring for the Brotherhood of Man and the goodness for all in an equal way. When doing New Moon candle work under the sign of Aquarius, it is best to try to initiate new and innovative ideas to the recipient for consideration but this energy can also be utilized to turn someone’s “world upside down”, if need be. Again, the warning is to make sure that you carefully consider the outcomes of any candle work, both positive or negative, during this time. If you are using the energy of Aquarius in Full Moon candle spell work, it is best to do your “homework” first, as negative or any banishing or reversible candle work at this time can be detrimental to you, if you are part of the equation. For instance, if you want to burn a candle on a person who gave you a good talking to in an effort to see you on the road to success or to live a more positive lifestyle and you burn a revenge candle on them, be very certain that you will never, ever need this person’s influence or aid again, because you are basically “burning a bridge” with this person and do not be surprised that they write you off their friend list.        ...

Free Candle Spells | Start Attracting Money in 2013 on February 10th!

The Prosperity Experiment, beginning it’s 5th year, is a way for you to have the power of intention and petitions placed on a money altar for 30 days of morning and evening prayer to attract abundance, prosperity and wealth blessings on you in 2013! We have all just come through the holidays and have a few more months of higher winter heating bills and such to work though, so why not have an advocate praying for your continued increase in wealth and prosperity? The first Prosperity Experiment of 2013 will begin on February 10, 2013 and will continue through to early March. This will coincide with the Lunar New Year – the Year of the Snake. You can read more about the Prosperity Experiment and the events of the last few years by clicking here. New for 2013! Choose your participation! Because many of you are past participants and have received many of the gifts sent to you in years past, I want to give you and others the opportunity to choose their gift. This is especially important if you want to become one of the returning members who participate and have see the “magick” of candle burning to attract money. This way, you are sure to utilize what you receive or will consider passing it on to another who will be blessed with the knowledge of bringing abundance into their lives. Package #1 – $50.00* 30 days of morning and evening prayer on your personal petition for abundance, prosperity and wealth blessings using a total of 5 candles over the course of the month. A Daily Inspirational e-mail will be sent to you each day with tips and a special Meditation of the Day for you to jot down and chant over the course of the day. An additional mailing of a CD to listen to while driving or working around the home and a copy of Rev. Jacqueline’s book, “Highly Effective Money Candle Spells” will be mailed to you to enjoy. Photos taken each week of the grouping of candles both before and after the weeks burn. Package #2 – $35.00* 30 days of morning and evening prayer on your personal petition for abundance, prosperity and wealth blessings using a total of 5 candles over the course of the month. A Daily Inspirational e-mail will be sent to you each day with tips and a special Meditation of the Day for you to jot down and chant over the course of the day. Photos taken each week of the grouping of candles both before and after the weeks...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Capricorn – A Teacher or A Student?

The New Moon in Capricorn occurs on January 11, 2013 at  2:44 pm E.S.T. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Capricorn, the Sea-Goat, is considered the have the energy of a “Cardinal” Earth sign, meaning that it is the most materialistic of all signs and that practicality is its best descriptive word. New Moon energy is best for lighting candles to “bring in” or “attract” something, whether it is money, success or love. This would be a most opportune time to light green candles for Money Drawing using Mojo Moon Money Drawing Anointing Oil or other candle anointing oils that suggest attracting greenback dollar bills your way. Other planetary aspects during this New Moon emphasizes your role in life as either a teacher of life or a student of experience. Be ready for innovative and new ideas that will be presented in a new way. While you may not quite be ready for change and the concepts these new ideas will bring, at least consider the options and try to not be so rigid in your ideas and at least listen to others’ insights. You may find you thought you knew something that you may not have! The New Moon is also a good time to brush up on your resume and send some inquiries out of you are considering moving up or changing your career goals. Ask for an evaluation or even a raise. This is a good time to quite possibly have things “go your way”. Make sure you light a Success Candle and be preparatory ritual work like bathing with Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Crowning Glory of Success Bathing Bar. Click on the link to order yours today. Make sure you read in depth about working with the astrological sign of Capricorn in “Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Capricorn” by clicking the blue link shown....

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – January 2013

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – January 2013   * Did you know that the month of January is the first month of the Gregorian calendar but many calendars before this one would consider Spring as the time for the New Year. Old Viking calendars has two seasons – Winter and Summer. Winter was considered to be November through March with April through October being the Summer months. This would mimic the planting and birthing times for plants and animals, as most crops are picked before October and the connection with the Pagan Ostara ritual in Spring, when animals are their most friskiest, would make sense. * In some years, depending on the Lunar Calendar, the Chinese would celebrate the New Year. Today we have recognized that many Asian cultures use the Moon as a marker for the Lunar New Year, but the Lunar New Year will occur in February in 2013. Some notable Saints who celebrate their Feast day in January are: Jan. 6th – Epiphany of the Lord (aka 3 King’s Day) – on this day in Latin countries, a circular cake is served and slices are given to all in attendance. Tradition holds that the guest who receives the slice of the cake with the tiny figure of baby Jesus in it is to provide the next King’s cake the following year. Jan. 17th – St. Anthony Abad – Leaving home at an early age to live in the wilderness where he existed on pants and scrub herbs, he is associated with Osain in Lukumi. Jan. 21st – St Agnes – Virgin Martyr – She was but 12 years old when she dedicated her life to Holiness. Jan 31st – St. John Bosco – a modern Saint born in 1815, dedicated his life to organizing benevolent societies for first poor boys, which then branched out to needy girls as well. A friend in times of dire need. * January’s Full Moon Moon is called the Full Wolf Moon in Native American lore. The deep snow pack in January is the territory of the hungry wolf who howled in the distance as Indian families huddled in their tents. It is also sometimes referred to as the Old Moon or the Moon after Yule. This month’s Full Moon occurs on January 26, 2013.        ...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Cancer – Banish Negativity and Cleanse!

  The Full Moon occurs on December 28, 2012 at 5:21 am E.S.T. in the astrological sign of Cancer, the crab. This Full Moon is the last Full Moon of 2012 and is called the Full Cold Moon or the Full Long Nights Moon or the Full Long Nights Moon.The term Long Night Moon is truly an appropriate name because the midwinter night is long because the Moon is above the horizon for a long time. The midwinter full Moon has a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite a low Sun. Full Moon time is consider time for doing work that “banishes” or “sends away”. The Full Moon in Cancer would be an appropriate time to do candle work for spells in sending away money problems and bills that plague you and other candle spell work to send away troublesome people affecting the family. The zodiac sign of Cancer is considered a “cardinal” Water sign, meaning it is energetic and emotional. Cancer rules home and hearth, so a good housecleaning would do at this time of the year. In many cultures, a deep cleaning of the home, along with donating items that are no longer useful and tossing out old magazines and newspapers, can be the catalyst for bringing in new and fresh ideas and life experiences. Consider doing some spiritual deep cleaning with a mild solution of 1 capful of clear ammonia to 1 bucket of warm water and wipe down all areas where dust and hand prints can accumulate. Read more about banishing negativity by reading “Hoodoo Products and Uses | Ammonia and Epsom Salts – Dynamic Duo of Negativity Cleansing” You might also want to consider doing an end of the year banishing negativity rituals similar as the one I am doing here (click for more information) The next New Moon occurs on January 11,...

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