Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Leo – Banish and Reverse!


The Full Moon in Leo occurs on January 26, 2013 at 11:38 pm E.S.T. This Moon, under the planetary influences of Leo the Lion, which is considered to be a “Fixed” Fire sign. This means that the energy is assertive, creative, and unchangeable.

Full Moon time is considered optimum time for “banishing” or “reversing” candle spell work, and utilizing the energy of Leo means that you would want these items, situations or people out of your life…and fast! When charging and blessing your candles before lighting them, make sure to add a few words about not coming back around you anymore. Make sure that you actually do want this petition to manifest itself, because the Moon in Leo means business! There can be no wishy-washy feelings about actions taken now.

Other planetary influences also include the feeling that one is not completely secure with ownership of property and the home. This is the time to consider looking into your insurance policies regarding fire and flood insurance, and also security systems and gun safety. The issue of guns and the right to bear arms will continue through this transit.

Towards the end of this transit, it would be a good time to consider a deep clean of your altar or sacred space and maybe to change out the altar cloths to something a bit more bright as we will be moving into Spring before you know it and more daylight and sunshine to reflect the cleanliness and sanctity of your sacred space.

The next New Moon will occur on February 10, 2013. This coincides with the Lunar New Year and the year of the Snake. Our 5th annual Prosperity Experiment will begin on the next New Moon.

Order a Reversible Candle to be burned for you during this Full Moon time.

Click the button below to order:


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