Posted by Jacqueline on Oct 18th, 2021 in Mercury Retrograde | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Dazed & Confused no Longer! – Saturn and Jupiter (plus Mercury!) are now Direct
Remember Saturday morning cartoons with Tom the cat of the Tom and Jerry cartoons? The one most remembered image of Tom and Jerry is of the Devil on one shoulder whispering ideas into Tom’s ear while the Angel perched on the other is scolding Tom for considering such bedevilment represents that even today, we can relate to the predicament of deciding to raise hell or keep the peace in many situations we encounter in life. This can only relate this with the recent planetary movements of Saturn and Jupiter as they return to Direct motion after spending some time “raising Hell” with recent disruption in our lives, Saturn went direct on October 10, 2021 in the astrological sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, after being in Retrograde for over 4 months. Saturn rules the Tenth House of Reputation and how the World views you, as well as the astrological sign of Capricorn, the Sea-Goat. The energetic qualities of Saturn is considered controlled and conservative. Astrologer Jan Spiller indicates on their website that Saturn also represents karma, authority, discipline, perseverance and responsibility. Some say that the Tenth House rules careers, reputations, ambition, professional image and how people see you, and your position in society. Considering this idea that the planets that can station Retrograde are in opposition to their inherit nature, you can figure that Satern in Retrograde is on a mission to destroy how the World sees you and does it with a “devil-may-care” attitude that is not considering the ramifications of going “rebel” or “hog wild” in decision making and the possibility of consequences thereafter. Jupiter, as being in Retrograde motion for almost 4 months, goes Direct on Sunday, October 18th, also in the sign of Aquarius. Jupiter, the “Great Benefic”, rules the Ninth House of Philosophy in an astrological chart and the sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. notes that the Ninth House qualities are that we are searching for the Truth. With Jupiter in “the driver’s seat”, you would think that the planet formerly known as Fortuna would not only know where the best of all possible outcomes are but would also give a lagniappe of Luck along with it. Consider Jupiter in Retrograde stationing, dodging hard questions of where the last cookie went that was in the jar but also that maybe you should look at yourself in regards to the last cookie. As we consider that these two planets were acting in complete opposition of what their true nature is when in Direct motion, remember that both planets go Direct in Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of the Good of Man, Social Conscience, Humanitarianism, and making the world a better place for all. As with the cartoon characters on Tom’s shoulders, the Angel is chanting “Revolt!” and the Devil is saying, “Now wait a minute! Let’s talk this out!”. Confusing messages coming from vessels representing the opposite. How confusing and discomforting that could be for all of us who are operating with polar opposites on our shoulders – we want the benefits for all but at what price will it come down to? There needs to also be consideration that Mercury had been in Retrograde since September and will turn Direct on October 18th and earlier in the month of October Pluto stationed Direct after it’s Retrograde season all last Spring in the sign of Capricorn. As we move towards the end of 2021, we are facing the consequences of decisions that have been made Jupiter, as being in Retrograde motion, goes Direct on Sunday, October 18th, also in since Spring, and the outcomes that “have come home to roost”. In order to survive...
Posted by Jacqueline on Oct 9th, 2021 in Herbs and Spices used in Hoodoo and Conjure | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Love it or What? – The Magic of Pumpkin Spice
Every year, some people mark the arrival of Autumn when Starbucks brings back their various Pumpkin Spice drinks for a few months before we delve into the flavors of Winter. Pumpkin spice, which is made up of four distinct spices, is either something that you love or would rather not choose when looking for seasonal drinks, cookies, bakery goods and even cereal (yes, General Mills has a Pumpkin Spice Cheerios) for you die-hard fans. But what is also interesting is that the four spices in the mixture named after those orange members of the squash family, is that each individual spice is related to love magic and is incorporated into anointing oils, sachets, and even love mojo bags that are used in Hoodoo and Conjure. Here is the spiritual properties of each spice in it’s singularity use. CINNAMON: A warm, aromatic spice that is produced by peeling the back in curls the the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. It is widely used in spellcraft through many different belief systems and cultures. It is considered a spice of the Sun and some believe of Aries, the Ram, as it’s element is Fire. Ancient Egyptians used cinnamon as one of their embalming spices since it repels bacteria. History tells us that Europeans used cinnamon to mask the age of meat and make it palatable. Magically, cinnamon incites calm but constant lust and desire to lovers. Cinnamon is also considered an attractant for money, and luck at the casinos, therefore used in the creation of anointing oils, sachets, and mojos for Good Luck. CLOVE: The spice we know as cloves are aromatic flower buds that come from the Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum trees of Indonesia. These powerful dark brown “spikes” are considered a magical catalyst since the pungent burst of flavor provides a punch of power to your taste buds, and will do the same for your magic. A few traditions may also incorporate cloves into baneful or banishing work as it is considered to “speed things along”, but the majority of magical work with cloves are associated with love, luck, and gambling. GINGER: A common spice in many culinary cultures, this flowering rhizome, Zingiber officinale, has its origins in Southeast Asia. Ginger not only is used in Eastern European pastries, but also in Middle Eastern and Asian cooling. Ginger is used both in powdered, root chips, and whole root for love magic to “turn up the heat” in love spells and relatiosnhip work. Ginger also has a history in magic as being a spice to use in matters of gambling to bring in Good Luck. It is also sometimes used to break hexes, as the spice “heats things up” in order to quickly make changes or dissipates negativity. NUTMEG: A seed from the Myristica fragrans, which is a dark-leaved evergreen tree cultivated for two spices – Nutmeg and Mace. While both of these products of this one tree are traditionally associated with money luck and gambling, Nutmeg can also be used sparingly in love magic. The emphasis on the amount of Nutmeg used is centered around the traditional belief that “a little pinch goes a long way” – and with that thought you want to make sure you have luck in love, but not so much so that you have too many suitors to choose from. Some may say that there is never anything like “too much”, but in love magic where you want to focus on one individual, you certainly do not want another interfering and distracting you from your main focus for a relationship. Nutmeg used early in love work...
Posted by Jacqueline on Sep 16th, 2021 in Mercury Retrograde | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Final Mercury Retrograde of 2021 on September 27th!
The third and final Mercury Retrograde will occur from September 27th to October 18th 2021 and for this final phase, Mercury will be in the astrological sign of Libra, the Scales. Mercury enters retrograde status at 1:10 am Eastern time on the 26th, but will be at 10:10 pm at night on the 25th in the Pacific time zone. These three times that Mercury goes into Retrograde motion each year are times that we can review our accomplishments we have garnered so far so that we can make adjustments, while giving us a wee bit of chaos to make sure we are working at our best in terms of improvision and adaptability. Imagine being a Radio City Rockette doing the kick line on a stage full of banana peels! Now imagine Mercury being in the front row of the audience! Quel horror! Mercury, the planet of communication and natal planet of Gemini and Virgo, affects these signs more than others, despite the Retrograde time being challenging to all of us. Gemini and Virgo (an Air and an Earth sign) can succeed in slowing down and thinking before speaking and also re-reading those e-mails and texts before sending them. Mercury will also affect those born under the sign of Libra, as this is the sign that Mercury is operating at during this retrograde motion. All three signs would fare best if monitoring financial decisions and getting second opinions before any major medical procedures during this time. A good rule of thumb for all of us is to backup our smart phones and computers, making sure any letters going through the post office system are mailed early, making sure we check our voicmail and e-mail often, and making sure our words are not misconstrued at this time. Better yet, take a vow of silence for the next three weeks! The energy of the sign of Libra is one of balance. Author and astrologist Judith Hill shares that “Libra is the halfway point in the seasonal cycle, symbolizing sutumn and sunset.” When looking at the natural life cycle calendar that many magical practitioners follow (as opposed to the commonly used calendar), we see that the season or time of Libra is in balance between the fruitful time of the Spring and Summer and the harvest time of the Fall and Winter. The perfectly balanced scales shows equality between “youth” and “aged”. Libra represents an evenly balanced world and equality, but also perspective and introspection. During this time in Mercury, the planet of communication, you may want to ponder words that have been said but also revamping your vernacular style to fit your new ideas and growth that you have achieved this past year. Burning candles for Peace in the Home, Wall of Protection, and a white offertory candle to your Ancestors (who have your back in more ways than one), are suggested for these three weeks. Let us be mindful and thankful we have made it through the year so far and that we will be experiencing the last Mercury Retorgrade before the Winter Holiday season. Consider making a small donation to a charity that works with those misunderstood or works for those who have been unjustly judged is a kind gesture during this time. Mercury returns to forward motion on October 18, 2021 at 11:17 Eastern time. NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited by anyone and is not approved by the site owner. It is illegal to use another’s work without express permission and is defined as...
Posted by Jacqueline on Apr 18th, 2021 in Mercury Retrograde | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde May 2021 – The Second of Three this Year!
The second of three Mercury Retrograde periods occurs May 29th to June 22nd this year. Already passing the first one, the third and last one for 2021 will occur in late September-early October of this year. For the beginning of this second of three retrograde cycles for 2021, Mercury will be in the Air sign of Gemini, the twins. Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo and these might well be the two astrological signs most affected in this retrograde time. When a planet is in it’s own house of placement, we say that this planet is in it’s domicile (or home) placement. Mercury is considered the planet of Communication, so this is the area most affected during this time. You might see misunderstandings, wrong information or missed communications and meetings occur. With the changeability of Gemini, and the fragile nature of Virgo, these two signs should consider careful choices in words when discussing important subjects or consider waiting until Mercury turns Direct and is moving forward again before broaching the subject. When the Sun sign changes to Cancer on June 21st, then those ruled by Cancer will have some feelings of communication problems with family and emotions affected. Now, June 20th is also the Summer Solstice, and the First Day of Summer, and while Mercury is in it’s last days of the retrograde period, lingering effects could happen for at least a week, which means all of us will feel some residual feelings of errors in communication with each other through to the last of June. What to Do Before a Mercury Retrograde? Some things to consider doing before the next Mercury retrograde is to back up computers and other electronics to their newest settings, and make sure all online billing issues are secured and paid before the 20th of May. Delay any truly important decisions such as signing a lease or mortgage papers, discussing a relationship and if at all possible, make sure e-mails and postal mail is sent in plenty of time to arrive at its destination before the deadline. This is not the time to have any mechanical repairs done if at all possible, as sometimes the technician will have to repeat the process to get things corrected. Unless it is an emergency, it is best to wait for any repairs or any major financial decisions until Mercury has stationed Direct again. What to Do During a Mercury Retrograde? Consider a Mercury Retrograde time as a “communication break”. Consider silently journaling your thoughts and plans for the next 3-6 months. The plans or resolutions made in January may have made a 90 degree turn and taking this three week period of time to regroup and refocus on the goal and the end result could be beneficial for you in determining long range plans. You could also take a vacation from electronics as well, We are surrounded with radio and other frequencies that bombard us 24/7 and it might help you calm and center yourself during this time to unplug. All texts and phone calls do not need to be answered immediately (unless a true emergency) and taking time to embrace silence and enjoy distraction-free time could assist in sound, rational planning for you for the rest of 2021. This is also a time to do the mundane things we push to the back of the line because of the repetitive and boring nature of the task, This is the time to go through the mail, stapling and filing the invoices of credit cards and utilities into folders in your file cabinet. This is also a good time to go through that stack of magazines, tearing out...
Posted by Jacqueline on Mar 28th, 2021 in Coercive Candle Spells, Control and Compelling Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | “Run Crazy” Jar to Cause Someone to Appear Unstable or Loss of Credibility
This jar spell is intended to make someone appear as if they are not to be believed in their information they share or to lose credibility with their sensibility and decision making. ITEMS: Small mason or canning jar Photo and name of person Whisky Poppy Seed Twine 30 red tea light candles Take photo and write name on back. Talk to photo and tell then that they are crazy. don’t know what they are doing or saying, are misinformed, needs to take long vacation or medical leave for mental stress, make no sense in their decision making, etc. When you have gone through everything you can think of, place photo face up in jar. Cover with poppy seeds and fill jar with whisky. Close jar with lid and burn red tea light candles for 30 days. When using tea light candle, take candle out of aluminum cup, pop off the button on the bottom that holds the wick, replacing wick if it comes out. You will be using wax and wick only. Place on top of jar and light, making sure you practice safe fire standards. Burn one candle on top of jar lid daily for 30 days. After 30 days, tie twine securely around neck of jar tightly, then go to neighborhood park or open woods. Climb up tree and tie jar with lengths of twine to branch so that it is hanging to be able to sway in breeze. Leave it be. Wind will twirl and swing jar, mixing the substance and it is purportedly to be effective in making someone appear “off their rocker” (nonsensically crazy)....
Posted by Jacqueline on Mar 28th, 2021 in Sweet Jars for Friends & Favors | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Sweet/Honey Jar to Gain Favor from Co-Workers
This sweet/honey jar spell is to keep a group of people or your co-workers “sweet” on you – or – you will be considered a favored co-worker that they will assist or defend in your favor. This also works to keep the Boss “under your spell”.NOTE: This is NOT a romance or sexual “sweet” jar. ITEMS: Quart mason or canning jar Names and photos of all staff members Photo of you 30 red tea light candles Honey or Sugar Ground Cinnamon Ground Ginger Ground Allspice ******************************* Take names and photos of all staff members and greet each one by their name and tell the photo “You are a favorite co-worker and a good and faithful friend” then place each photo face up in bottom of mason jar. You will stack each photo one on top of another, and all will be facing up. Take a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of ground ginger and a pinch of ground allspice and sprinkle on top of stack of photos. Place your photo face down over the sprinkle and facing the other photos. Add honey to the top. Seal off with lid and for 30 days burn a red tea light candle on top of the jar. When using tea light candle, take candle out of aluminum cup, pop off the button on the bottom that hold the wick, replacing wick if it comes out. You will be using wax and wick only. Place on top of jar and light, making sure you practice safe fire standards....
Posted by Jacqueline on Mar 27th, 2021 in Vinegar Jar Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | To Drive A Wedge Between People Jar Spell
This spell is a variation of a traditional “Vinegar Jar” spell, which is used to sour a relationship between people. Items: Brown shopping bag without print on it Red string or yarn Red pen Photos and names of intended targets quart sized mason or canning jar 30 white tea light candles Place all three names, work position titles at name of facility, and photos in quart sized mason/canning jar (If you can photocopy or get a signature, even better, Add that to jar as well) Write the three names on a brown piece of shopping bag paper (one name under the other) then turn paper 90 degrees and write your name three times (once over each name). One the other side of the paper, write: Three Times Three What was done to me Reverts to Thee You will rue the day you crossed my way by the holy power of the Trinity Father Son Holy Ghost Three Times Three So it shall be Turn paper back over and place photos inside the piece of paper where their names are and place a long red chili in center of paper, roll paper into tube wrap with red string and tie off. Place in bottom of jar. Add: Lemon slices Habanero (or any other extremely hot) peppers Poppy Seed Black Car Hair Black Dog Hair 9 needles 9 pins 9 nails Gunpowder Ants Salt Asafoetida Vinegar Seal jar with lid and burn white tea light candle on top of lid once a day for 30 days. As candle is lit, pray the “Psalm 23 (The Lord is m Shepherd” prayer. When using tea light candle, take candle out of aluminum cup, pop off the button on the bottom that hold wick, replacing wick if it comes out. You will be using wax and wick only. Place on top of jar and light, making sure you practice safe fire standards. ...