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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Free Candle Spells | Question about the St. Jude/ Saint Jude – San Judas Love Candle Spell

                    From time to time, I get feedback on the spells posted. This particular spell was one of my own. Flamestro is in one of the online groups I belong, and sent this e-mail. Flamestero asked: I was reading your St. Jude spell and I have a question. What do you do with the cinnamon dusted letter to St. Jude when the candle burns out and when your petition has been granted? What do you do in both cases? Some things you can do with the remains of your candle spell: Dust your sheets (if they are coming over and woo woo); Dust a love letter to them; Reuse it for a future candle; Put it in a love mojo bag; Sprinkle it in their coat pocket when they visit; or Put it into another dusting powder and give it to them at Valentine’s Day. When the petition is granted I take the written petition and burn it with some copal or sage outside, letting it go to the Heavens. I would publish his works in the newspaper (you have seen them in the personals) or at least, get some of his prayer cards and pass them out (remember, you still are advertising for Jude, but in a unique way).Toss the candle glass in the recycling. If you used a free standing candle (one that is not in a glass cylinder), you can use the wax to make a jack ball with the sachet, petition paper and a few other items such as herbs, minerals and personal effects. Thanks for asking such a good question! 🙂  ...

Free Candle Spells | Another St. Jude | Saint Jude – San Judas Tadeo Green Money Candle Spell

    This one for money and peace in knowing that the right solution will come around for you and your particular situation. Many thanks to Beatrice from a group I belong to for allowing me to post her St. Jude Candle Spell St. Jude has come through for me on a number of fronts (health/well being/ money etc.) and I posting what I did and the results in gratitude. Ingredients: 1 7-day green candle- with Jude’s image Anointing oil- (olive oil base with other helpful things) Incense (cinnamon among other things) Anglican rosary (33 beads- 7 beads x 4 + 4 separating beads- 1 one at beginning- cross at end of rosary) Petition paper with request with name written on it- anointed with oil The Ritual: Begun on waxing moon Bless and dress all materials, light incense, dress candle with oil- recite using rosary: Cross yourself Begin by praying for God’s mercy on opening bead “God Bless St Jude” on each series of 7 beads followed by Lord’s Prayer on each of the 4 beads. Mention request at end of rosary. Then recite rosary again except say “St. Jude Pray for (Insert Name)” instead of “God Bless St. Jude”; at the end carefully lower the rosary so around the candle so that the candle is in the middle, so that it is surrounded by your prayers Keep the Candle burning in a draft free fire-safe area & do not extinguish, Everyday, once in the morning and once at night until the candle burns out, add more oil to candle & recite rosary as on first day. Watch the candle for signs and the matters mentioned by petition The Results: Immediate increase overall feelings of peace and unexpected work offered which was within my capabilities and met the subject of the petition- progress on other matters covered by the petition. Today came substantial job offer which will meet expenses for coming fall. God bless St. Jude. Best, Beatrice Beatrice is an observant Christian who believes in praying with the Saints. Her family has a tradition of using prayers, psalms and natural materials in developing a relationship with God and to help themselves through life’s problems. May God bless her in every way.      ...

Free Candle Spells | St. Jude/ Saint Jude – San Judas Tadeo Green Money Candle Spell

St. Jude Green Candle Burn for Money in Impossible Cases   Ingredients 1 Green St. Jude 7-day glass novena candle 1 bottle of Fast Luck Oil or Money Drawing Oil 1 Piece white paper (preferably Parchment) 1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon This Catholic saint is famous for being to one to petition in the most impossible of causes. He is one to go to when you are at your last hope of receiving money. Take a clean white piece of paper or parchment paper, and write on it the amount you need and for what cause. Clean the outer and inside wax area of a green St. Jude candle with lemon juice, in order to “cut and clear” away any residue that was left in packing or previous handlers. Put some Fast Luck or Money Drawing oil in the top of the wax and with your index finger of your dominant hand, rub in the oil, circling three times counterclockwise around the top of the wax. Make sure you are praying while you do this. Place the candle aside and then put your petition paper in front of you. You are now going to bless and charge your petition paper. Taking a drop of oil on your finger, you will then dab some of the oil on the upper left hand corner, then move to the lower right hand corner, then move to the upper right hand corner, then move to the lower left hand corner and finally the last touch point will be the center of the paper. Follow the order of numbers like this: Number 1 will be on the upper left-hand corner of paper. Place your first drop of oil there. Number 2 will be on the lower right-hand corner of paper. Place your second drop of oil there. Number 3 will be on the lower left-hand corner of paper. Place your third drop of oil there. Number 4 will be on the upper right-hand corner of paper. Place your fourth drop of oil there. Number 5 will be dead center of paper. Place you fifth and last drop of oil there. Seal this petition with this prayer, “Oh Lord grant this to me for my cause if it be justified in your eyes.” Set paper on saucer, dust with some ground cinnamon, set candle on top and then you are ready to light it. Important: Some of the most elaborate candle rituals do not work because people do not light their wick with absolute faith and certainty that God will hear their prayer. Cleanse your mind of all the “I hope that…” and the “I wish that…” and when putting match to the wick state with confidence that this candle WILL BURN for the petition that was placed underneath it. Visit your candle morning and at night, and say “St Jude I know that you are working for my good and the money to take care of my petition. Thank you.” Repeat candle cleaning and anointing of wax as candles burn down and repeat until the money comes in. Fast Luck Oil and Money Drawing Oil can be purchased online at Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply. Visit them online at: www.lucky13clover.com    ...

Free Candle Spells | Find a Job/ Get a Job/ Gainful Employment Candle Spell

    Over the years, I have collected many, many spells in the hopes that one day, they would be the right “recipe” for someone’s condition. I do not know the author of this spell but I want to thank them for creating it. Ingredients 1 package Van Van Bath Crystals 1 package Job or Get a Job Bath Crystals 1 Job or Get a Job Petition Candle 1 bottle Job or Get a Job Condition Oil 1 bottle King Solomon Wisdom Condition Oil 1 package King Solomon Wisdom Incense Powder 1 Buckeye 1 Seal Number 11 from the 6th and 7th Book of Moses Put one teaspoonful of Double Strength VAN VAN BATH CRYSTALS in a cup of very hot water. After allowing it to stand for four or five minutes, pour it and one tablespoonful of JOB BATH into your bath water while making your wish. After your bath and before you go out to look for a job, anoint both wrists and hands with Double Strength JOB OIL. Write your name three times and your wish once on the back of SEAL # 11 from the 6th and 7th Book of Moses and place it in your left shoe. Carry in your pocket or purse, a BUCKEYE dressed daily with KING SOLOMON OIL. A Double Strength JOB CANDLE should be burned continuously until you obtain the job you are looking for. Write your name nine times and your wish once on a piece of parchment paper and place it under the Job Candle. Each day, preferably during the morning hours, burn one stick of KING SOLOMON INCENSE and read the Prayer for Job or Psalm #31 and make your wish. Finding a good job in this day and age is not a simple or easy matter. Many job seekers have had one door after another closed before them. It can be very disheartening and discouraging when you are turned down time and time again, when you see others going to work while you are going to look for work. Knowing that jobs don’t seek you, but that you must seek them, many have used the following candle spells when looking for suitable employment.    ...

Free Candle Spells | More About St. Expedite/ Saint Expedite/ San Expedito Candle Spell

Free Candle Spells | More About St. Expedite/ Saint Expedite/ San Expedito Candle Spell     To continue with writing about my experiences with working with Saint Expedite, you should understand that the idea of working with him, whom I classified as a “non-saint” (again, he is not on the Catholic roles of saints), was probably one of the three major roadblocks with traditional Southern hoodoo/conjure that I futzed about (East Coast expression meaning “reluctantly worked over”). Sure, I have my Saint Marin de Porres, Virgen de la Regla, Saint Therese Little Flower, Our Lady of Grace/La Miligrosa, and other Saints in which I work with, but these were listed in the book of Saints. I have to offer you an instance in which I DID not honor St. Expedite his proper offering and the actions he decided to create. I had petitioned him for an amount of money (always, with teenagers, pleez!) and he came through for me. I kept forgetting to remember to get the red wine and pound cake when at the grocers. One day, my daughter Bea reminded me as we were making strawberry shortcake said, “Mom, aren’t you supposed to give that guy (typical teenager) something?”, with a nod of her head in direction of his framed picture. “Oh yeah, I keep forgetting”, I said as I take a small cake from the shortcake cups package, and opened a bottle of chardonnay, pouring him a glass, giving it to him, telling him this will “have to do for now”, then returning to the task at hand. Weeelllll….lemme tell ya. After three days, the wine turned a light blush pink (really!) and the money flittered away through my hands like water. I learned my lesson to make sure I pay him promptly and to never again throw him a bone when he needs the whole meal!      ...

Free Candle Spells | St. Expedite/ Saint Expedite/ San Expedito Candle Spell

  Saint Expedite holds a place in the hearts of many hoodoo, conjure, root workers and residents of New Orleans. Because he is so well loved, I am dedicating a page to him and his works. Here is how you can petition him for assistance.   Ingredients 1 Red Glass 7-day Novena Candle 1 Bottle “Fast Luck” Oil 1 Piece of White Paper (preferably parchment) After your petition or amount of money is granted: Many would like to believe that they will assuredly get their wishes granted if they “feed” St. Expedite first, but this is not the traditional ‘way’ to interact with him as sometimes “St. Expedee” does not work with everyone. I have had personal experiences of  unsuccessful candle vigils and also certain petitions being granted partially or in a completely different way or outcome than I wanted. So it is believed that you reward Saint Expedite with the wine and pound cake after you get what you wanted. – J.   1 glass of Red Wine, 1 generous slice of Sara Lee Pound Cake (variations include 5 slices of pound cake and not only the Sara Lee brand, but pound cake in general) Clean your red candle in the traditional manner of using lemon juice or rubbing alcohol on the glass outside and the wax top inside of the candle. Set to let dry. Write your petition on the paper, stating a certain amount and the specific use for it, such as “I need $1000.00 to pay the homeowners insurance on my home that is due August 10th.” Anoint your candle with “Fast Luck” oil by applying a few drops into the top of the wax and circling the oil in a counter-clockwise motion while you pray to St. expedite to hear your petition for the amount written on the paper. Set glass novena candle on top of your petition paper which is in a small saucer or bowl to catch wax drips. Place a small glass of water next to your candle. St an image of St. Expedite * next to your glass of water. Light the candle while speaking to Saint Expedite, promising him that you will “pay” him with pound cake and red wine if he comes through for you. The Legend of Saint Expedite Legend has it that the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in New Orleans was the recipient of statuary that was ordered from Europe. All the crates were marked with each Saints’ name including one crate that puzzled the nuns who received the shipment. Some said that a cadaver was contained inside; some say it was a Roman centurion soldier. Both versions of this legend has it that the word “EXPEDITE” or “EXPIDITO” was stenciled on the box. Here is where his connection with candle work for procrastinators and those who need money in a hurry comes in. Expedite is seen with his foot on the neck of a crow, which has a ribbon in his mouth with the word “CRAS” lettered on it. In Latin, the language spoken by the Romans at the time, the word “CRAS” means “tomorrow”. In addition, Expedite is holding a cross up in the air with his right hand. The word “HODIE” is on the crosspiece. The word “HODIE” is Roman for “today”. Hoodoo practitioners and Conjurers burn red candles to St. Expedite on Wednesdays, the day that was set aside for him. Wednesday is also the day for the messenger Mercury, the winged Roman God of Communication, and for the planet that shares his name. St. Expedite’s feast day is April 19th, however, venture into your local Catholic book...

Free Candle Spells | Double Strength Uncrossing Candle Spell

      TO UNCROSS ONESELF Ingredients Double Strength Uncrossing Bath Salts Double Strength Uncrossing Oil 3 Kings Incense Charcoal Oil of Rosemary Saltpeter Parchment Paper Ink Pen Solomon Seal #35 King Solomon Root Red Flannel Bag Put two tablespoons of DOUBLE STRENGTH UNCROSSING BATH and one tablespoonful of SALTPETER into your bath water while the water is running, make your wish and repeat the Prayer ” O Lord, banish from us this day and for ever, all evil from our heart, soul, and body.” After your bath, anoint the palms of your hands and the bottoms of your feet with UNCROSSING OIL. On a piece of parchment paper write your name 9 times and place it under a DOUBLE STRENGTH UNCROSSING CANDLE. Place a bowl of water in which you have put 3 drops of OIL OF ROSEMARY between the UNCROSSING CANDLE and your ZODIAC CANDLE. Light both candles and let them burn continuously until the crossed condition is removed. Each morning burn DOUBLE STRENGTH JOHN THE CONQUEROR INCENSE with the candles and read the Prayer to Cast Out Evil or the 69th psalm. A crossed condition has been blamed by many as the source of their bad luck. It is when everything seems to go from bad to worse or when a stumbling block is put up in the path to friends, money, success, love, and good luck. It also manifests when results from other spiritual work are hard to obtain or when enemies and evil doers have used something to change all good luck to bad luck. Many, when feeling the weight of this evil work being done by others, use the following set-up to remove a crossed condition. Preparation of the Uncrossing Bag To prepare an uncrossing bag, first write your name 9 times on the back of SEAL # 35 from the 6th and 7th Book of Moses. Place this seal along with a dressed KING SOLOMON ROOT and some UNCROSSING POWDER in a RED FLANNEL BAG. Dress the bag every 3 days with DOUBLE STRENGTH UNCROSSING OIL. This bag should be carried with you at all times. At least once a day hold the bag in your left hand and make your wish to remove all evil and crossed conditions. In cases where you want to remove and return the evil back to whoever is causing it, use the DOUBLE STRENGTH GO DEVIL CANDLE in place of the Uncrossing Candle. Write ” Send Back All Evil ” 9 times on a piece of parchment paper, place it under the candle and read the Prayer to Cast Out Evil or Psalm 109 each day. I had this spell kept in a document file for many years and the author is unknown to me to give them proper credit for giving us this spell. Many thanks to you and I am sure this has helped many people.    ...

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