Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – Emotions, emotions!

The Full Moon in Virgo occurs on February 25, 2013 at 3:26 pm E.S.T. The Moon in Virgo exhibits the energy of a “Mutable” Earth sign, meaning that it fluctuates between active and passive and is protective and materialistic.
The Full Moon lunation time is traditionally held as a time to “banish” or “reverse” a situation or occurrence, but the Full Moon in Virgo also encourages us to not cast spells for money for the home and lifestyle at this time and to cleanse, bless and dress candles for the next upcoming New Moon candle rituals. It is also a good time to completely deep clean your altar and consider changing out the altar cloths for something more seasonal.

In addition, other planetary influences that are happening now is that the planet Jupiter is squaring the Full Moon, as emotions run high. Jupiter rules the astrological sign of Sagittarius, so issues with truth, learning, and travel will be somewhat emotional. Given the recent problems with one particular cruise line ship, it is a good thing that this planetary influence was not activated at that time as perhaps the outcome could have become more intense and dire than it already was as it occurred.

It is an electric and unpredictable time. Watch for sudden changes and reversals in any form of negotiations with the Government. Your relationships with co-workers and friends may change overnight, so expect instability during the next two weeks.

Mercury turns Retrograde on Feb. 23rd and will last into early March. Read more about Mercury Retrogrades by clicking here.

The next New Moon occurs on March 11, 2013.

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