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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Prosperity Experiment 2012 – 30 Days to a More Prosperous You!... Prosperity Experiment 2012 – 30 Days to a More Prosperous You!     Announcing the 2012 Prosperity Experiment to begin on January 23, 2012 If it is time to consider using the Power of Prayer and Candle burning to bring in added abundance and prosperity to your life in 2012, then this the the event you are sure to not miss. This year marks the 5th year I have been hosting the Prosperity Experiment, a groups of like-minded readers that want to harness the power of candle burning to bring in needed financial blessings to them. This is achieved by having 30 days of green candles burned for them to bring in abundance and prosperity. What is the Prosperity Experiment? To...
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  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Leo – Banish and Reverse!...   The Full Moon in Leo occurs on January 26, 2013 at 11:38 pm E.S.T. This Moon, under the planetary influences of Leo the Lion, which is considered to be a “Fixed” Fire sign. This means that the energy is assertive, creative, and unchangeable. Full Moon time is considered optimum time for “banishing” or “reversing” candle spell work, and utilizing the energy of Leo means that you would want these items, situations or people out of your life…and fast! When charging and blessing your candles before lighting them, make sure to add a few words about not coming back around you anymore. Make sure that you actually do want...
  • Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Some Great Sites!... Here are some great advertisers with Free Candle Spells! We encourage you to try them...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Virgo – Be Healthy!... Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Virgo – Be Healthy!      The New Moon in Virgo occurs on September 5, 2013 at 6:36 am E.S.T. This New Moon, in the astrological sign of Virgo, the Virgin, is considered to be a “Mutable” earth sign, meaning the energy of this lunation fluctuates between active and passive and is materialistic and protective. New Moons in Virgo is an excellent time to burn green Money Drawing candles to bring extra income into the household from various streams of resources. This is also a good time to burn candles to promote healing for people, animals and the Earth. In addition, this is a good time to deep clean your altar, taking the...
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Honey Jar Spells | Kitchen Spices and Such for a Love Honey Jar

I am frequently asked on the telephone what additives to put in a honey jar to sweeten someone for love and romance in relationships. Most of you do not have access to ‘exotic’ herb stores where you will find obscure powders and roots, so I have combined a list of herbs, spices and that you can pick up from your local neighborhood store. You would be surprised how many we used in everyday cooking and how we ‘enchant’ the ones we love every time we open the oven door! Here is a list of some common herbs and spices that you can place in your Honey Jar Spell: Rosemary – for empowering the woman in he relationship; upper hand in the family decisions. Rose Petals – romantic love and sexual attractiveness; make the heart of the intended soften towards them. Red Pepper – just a little will “heat things up” passionately. Cinnamon – traditional love drawing spice; gives a ‘warm radiance” to the feelings you receive from intended. Ginger – another fiery root that “heats things up” between a couple. Catnip – the herb felines love the most; make a woman “intoxicating” to a man. Sage – Gives a woman strength to conqueror a man. Cherry Bark – said to get you “what you want” in love and physical relationships. Cardamom – reputed to bring good luck in love affairs and those intimate times. Apple – used in particular love spell as a receptacle to hold other ingredients for couples to get along with each other Vanilla – when placed in sugar, it encourages all that eat the sugar to ‘be sweet’. Tea – yes, the camellia thea leaf we love to drink! A special brew with a woman’s soiled underwear keeps her man around. Orange –  the fruit of the Yoruba goddess of love and sexuality, dried peel can go into the honey jar to get married. Bay Leaves – promotes a long, happy marriage. Caraway – said to keep a partner faithful. Dill – reputed to restore sexual vigor and desire and break love jinxes. Hibiscus – use to decorate around the honey jar as an offering to the Chuparosa Hummingbird of Love. Lemon Grass -is said to heighten romance and sexual pleasure. Licorice – can be used in a mojo bag to control you love. Clove – use to draw someone closer Marjoram –  use for peace and happiness in the...

Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Sagittarius the Archer

Sagittarius rules those born from November 23rd  to December 21st . This zodiac sign is considered “Mutable” Fire sign, which means the energy fluctuates between optimistic  and pessimistic tendencies. This energy is creative and aggressive. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day glass novena candle in the appropriate color for your sign and use a permanent marker or paint pen to draw the symbol for Sagittarius, which looks like an arrow and a part of the bowstring in an upward direction. The candle color associated with Sagittarius is purple and the planetary energy is Jupiter. It would be wise to enhance your candle burning by using Jupiter Condition Oil or oil that has the herbs Cardamom, Sandalwood, Five Leaf Grass, and Sage. Cedar, Juniper and Oak are the types of wood that is associated with...

Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions | Sending Away Bad Habits Spell

            A reader offers a spell to cast off or chase away bad habits that are plaguing you.   Jacqueline, Thank you or this website. I just love it! I have a spell to share. I was told this spell from a lady who is in a group on the Internet and I thought that since it worked so well, I would share it with you. Shawna, TX * * * * * * * INGREDIENTS 1 White Petition Paper Broom Straw 1 Road Opener Sachet Powder Blessed Salt 1 White Emergency Candle (about 4 inches long) 1 White Saucer Make a list of your old habits and write these old habits, behaviors, and stories on the petition paper. Write your full name in a cross pattern on top of the written bad habits (like to ‘cross them’). Sprinkle the Road Opener sachet and Blessed Salt lightly over the paper and take the broom straw and  brush the mixture away from you. Take the paper and fold into a packet. Place on saucer next to candle. Light a white candle that has been cleaned with lemon juice (as you told me) and burn the candle, and state your releasing intentions and asking that the Virgin Mary (if you are a female) and/or Jesus (if you are a male) totake these things away and their temptations to do them. When candle has burned down, take the whole thing and then cast the ashes in moving water such as a river or flowing creek and banish them to be gone forever. Turn and leave without looking back.        ...

Full Moon in Taurus | November 2, 2009 – You Have to Give to Get!

The Full Moon in Taurus occurs on Monday, November 2, 2009 at 2:14 pm E.S.T. The Full Moon in Taurus is considered a “Fixed” Earth sign, meaning that it is practical, preservative, stable and protecting.  This Moon lunation is considered best for stabilizing matters of security and money. Light Green candles with “Money Stay with Me” Condition Oil to keep what you have with you so that you do not spend frivolously. You are naturally going to sped money to live, work and pay bills but lighting a candle with “Money Stay with Me’ is a method of controlling spending so that you can maintain the level of living you have now until the New Moon comes and you can burn candles for an INCREASE in money. This is the time to practice gratitude. A hard lesson to learn, but it is in the giving that you receive, just as St. Francis of Assisi had said in his prayer. It is a natural inclination to hoard and keep what is yours, but if we do not ‘give’ a little, misfortune could find us. You may begin by making a check out to your local soup kitchen or a small donation to the food closet, so that others can have food in their pantry. This is the season for giving thanks, and your fellow man may be having Thanksgiving dinner at a shelter. It is believed by many that ‘what goes around, comes around’, so it is better to receive blessings because you gave blessings than the alternative. Our next New Moon will occur on November 16, 2009....

Tarot by Jacqueline – www.tarotbyjacqueline.com

For a reading, please go to http:wwwtarotbyjacqueline.com

Free Candle Spells | Ebo Okokan with “Yemaya” – Feb. 2009

Ebo Okokan, Sacramento’s own Afro- Cuban drum and dance group, will perform on Sunday,  Novemeber 1, 2009 at the Holistic Healing Expo in Elk Grove, CA. Featured guest speaker, Luisah Teish, author ( “Jambalaya”, “Carnival of the Spirit”). Tickets on sale now at the website: www.holistichealingexpo.com...

Readers Questions | Comments on Revenge, Damnation and Go to H*LL Spell

My, I have had a few people get really upset over this past candle spell! Here is my position on candle spells and the basis for the reason that there is the Free Candle Spells website. I am no position to ‘judge’ whether any candle burning spell is ‘right’ or not. It is up to the one who uses the spell. Besides that, haven’t you came out with an expletive or two when someone done you wrong? Tell the TRUTH. Anthropologists claim that magick ‘evens the scales’ between the oppressed (the candle burner) and the oppressor (the intended victim). As long as I do not advocate the actual HARMING of someone by YOUR OWN HANDS, then burning a candle, a toby or voodoo doll in effigy, does nothing more than relieves the pressure off an overheated situation. If something more ‘happens’ to the individual, then maybe lighting a candle on them “shines a beacon of light” for the Universe to give them the whammy! Just like to old saying, “Paybacks are a mutha”. The Revenge, Damnation and Go to H*LL candle spell was written and posted for a particular person who asked for it, I did my research, found the proper combinations of candle colors and condition oils, and merely created the recipe, not much different than Julia Child in her kitchen....

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