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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Questions | Triangle Placement of Candles in Candle Spell... Readers Questions | Triangle Placement of Candles in Candle Spell               Bernadette’s questions sparks more questions about placing candles in a triangle… Hi Jacqueline, I have a question about the advice you gave to Bernadette in the work she was going to land a Nursing Assistant’s position. I was wondering about this part: “place the anointed Road Opener Candle at the “12 o’clock” position, the anointed Boss Fix Candle in the “four o’clock” position and the anointed Crown of Success Candle in the “eight o’clock” position” I’ve heard of other rootworkers using the triangular shape in spells, but do you know why it is a significant figure? Also, why does each candle get...
  • Readers Question | Saint Jude Pink Love Candle Spell Success...             Dear Jacqueline, I am writing to you about how I took you candle spell and added a little more “oomph” to it candle wise, and I got my man to commit to a relationship. I used your pink St. Jude Candle Spell anointed with Come to Me Oil and added a photo of him, a lock of his hair and a Red Candle anointed with Fire of Love Oil I wrote in a circle on the back of the picture an incantation that I wanted hime to want only me, placed the lock of hair on top of it, placed the pink St. Jude...
  • Full Moon in Aries | Tuesday, October 14, 2008 – Time to Banish!... Full Moon in Aries | Tuesday, October 14, 2008 – Time to Banish! The Full Moon In Aries occurs at 3:03 pm E.S.T. and is a good time to banish and perform exorcisms. The Moon waning in Aries is an excellent time because the Aries Moon favors works that require skillful wielding of tools and weapons (Mars, the God of War). Begin burning your 7 day Reversible Candles or Black Candles to get rid of an undesirable influence that is ruling over you now. Bye-Bye bills, nosy neighbors, bad boyfriends and drama! 7 days after the Full Moon, begin burning Blue candles for Peace in the Home or Work, anointed with Peaceful Home Condition Oil. Peace in the Home Condition Oil can...
  • Readers Questions | Petitioning Multiple Saints During Candle Burning Spell... Readers Questions | Petitioning Multiple Saints During Candle Burning Spell Hi Jacqueline! I love your site and I’m learning a lot from it. I have a question regarding Saints, can you assign more than one job to a saint at the same time? Or is it better to do it one at a time. Thanks! Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The petitions of the Saints, Guardian Angels and associated Heavenly Beings is one that has been in existence since the early beginnings of the Church. Even though there are certain Saints and Holy Ones associated with professions and times of need, you may set up an altar to any and all Heavenly Deities that you feel comfortable with petitioning for your own...
  • 2015 Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment | July 16, 2015... 2015 Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment | July 16, 2015 Our Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment will commence with the New Moon on July 16, 2015. This will be a month-long candle service to boost and aid and support money drawing success for the rest of the year. Many of you have already inquired, and now this is considered the official announcement of this event. What is the Prosperity Experiment? In 2008, I had experienced a high volume of clients writing me about drawing in money. I was inspired to create a group (open to everybody) who wanted a month of twice-daily prayer and inspiration for attracting prosperity for the greater good for themselves and loved ones – thus, the birth...
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Free Candle Spells | History of the “Blue Moon” – Blue Moon on Dec. 31st

Free Candle Spells | History of the “Blue Moon” – Blue Moon on Dec. 31st Not only will it be New Year’s Eve and a Full Moon (perfect for the Banishing Ritual) but it will also be a “Blue Moon”, a rare occurrence when two Full Moons occur within a 31 day month.  A Blue Moon is the name given to the second Full Moon as there is not a special title to the first Full Moon within that month; it is simply call the Full Moon. This does not happen very much and can only possibly occur during the months of July, August, and  October as most Moon Cycles are about 28 days between each Full Moon. Each astrological sign has a Full Moon that occurs in its’ sign, during the time that that zodiac sign rules. The Blue Moon in The United States is considered a symbol of good fortune, but it is said that in Europe, it is considered a indicator of harsh weather and many get ‘the blues’ or feel uncomfortably sad during that time. In the Celtic and Native American Traditions, each of the 12 Moons have a specific name and purpose and the 13th Moon can be called the Blue Moon. Here is an article link to a piece written by Katerina Reif-Derrico titled, “Blue Moon Origins and Traditions”. Click the title to read this great...

Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Capricorn the Sea Goat

Capricorn rules those born from December 22nd to January 20th. This zodiac sign is considered “Mutable” Fire sign, which means the energy fluctuates between optimistic and pessimistic tendencies. This energy is creative and aggressive. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day glass novena candle in the appropriate color for your sign and use a permanent marker or paint pen to draw the symbol for Capricorn, which looks like a head and body of a goat with a fishtail end. The candle color associated with Capricorn is black and the planetary energy is Saturn. It would be wise to enhance your candle burning by using Saturn Condition Oil or oil that has the herbs Fern, Heart’s Ease, Henna, Hemlock and Hyssop steeping in it. Holly, Poplar, Cypress and Elm are the types of wood that is associated with...

Readers Turn to Share | Send in your Successful Candle Spells

Readers Turn to Share | Send in your Successful Candle Spells Dear Friends, It is time that I wand to ask that you share some of your successful candle spells and photos of the rare and odd. This forum is for you as a reader to share your successful candle spells. These candle spells can be for love, money, success – whatever. Do not judge yourself on a scale to rate your candle spell, just not the outcome that you had and send it in! There is more than one way to bake a cake or skin a cat, so to speak! Photos are an added bonus to other readers! Submit your information to freecandlespells(at)yahoo.com and I will post them as soon as I get them! Blessings,...

New Moon in Sagittarius | December 16, 2009 – Inspiration and Optimism!

New Moon in Sagittarius | December 16, 2009 – Inspiration and Optimism! The New Moon in Sagittarius will occur at 7:02 am E.S.T. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009. The energy of Sagittarius is considered to be a “Mutable” fire sign. It is creative and aggressive and fluctuates between optimism and pessimism. This New Moon bodes that the holidays are bringing optimism, hope and inspiration. Use this energy to advance your fondest wishes and dreams! The New Moon is the perfect time for increase and positive outcomes, so let’s hear it for more money, more love and more happiness! This is the time for increase, expansion, accomplishments and self-improvement. If you are seeking a ‘new you’, burn red candles with “Look Me Over”, “Fast Luck” or “Crown of Success” Spiritual Condition and Anointing Oils. If it is love you are seeking, burn pink candles (not read, which means a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am) with “Look Me Over”, “Cleo May”, “Kiss Me Now!” or any other love drawing oils on your candles. All these oils can be ordered at www.lucky13clover.com The candle for Sagittarius is blue and the planet which rules here is Jupiter. If your zodiac sign is Sagittarius, you may want to anoint it with Jupiter oil or add powdered Cardamom, Chervil, Dandelion, Hyssop, Sandalwood and Sage to your candle top to enhance the powers of the Sagittarius energy. The next Full Moon occurs on Thursday, December 31, 2009. It is considered a “Blue...

Tarot by Jacqueline | Sign up for Newsletter for Events, Specials!

Tarot by Jacqueline | Sign up for Newsletter for Events, Specials! Greetings All! As you may know, I am also a tarot card reader and I also use Obi divination for my clients during their consultation with me. The Free Candle Spells website is for you to share with me your spells and I to post successful spells that I have done to empower you. My e-mails list has grown to over 4,000 clients and friends that I am forced to change to a new way to notify you of special events and such. Sending out small groups of notices does not work anymore, so I have joined another part of the Get Response team with development of a new newsletter system. Since I will be phasing out posting  specials, events and such on this forum, please consider clicking this button below and going to the site to register for these very special promotions. As you also may know, I continue to write more about the tarot, astrology, psychics and more on my other blog, Tarot by Jacqueline Blog . Click the words and go to it to read up on what I am saying over there! P.S. – If you have photos of your candle spells, please send them in! Please also send in your questions and comments so that your wisdom can be shared with others!...

Just for Fun! Puppy Tries to Whistle Video

Absolutely nothing in it but fun for you on a winter’s day! Enjoy! Click here to see a puppy try to whistle courtesy of Purina.

Readers Questions | Can Candles Bring you a Lover?

            Jacqueline, First let me say that I have read many of your spells and after doing so research, I consider them some of the most authentic and true spells I have ever seen – and that’s coming from Memphis! I am ready for a relationship and I have been burning the St. Jude candles for love in my candle spells as you have instructed but to no avail. I meet someone and it looks good for a few weeks, then – poof- he’s gone. Some take the time to tell me they want to go back to their ex, but some just don’t call back. I think I am following the instructions right, so what can I be doing wrong? Tamika * * * * * * *   Thank you for your compliments regarding the spells. I truly ‘test drive’ them, either with clients or on my family and myself, because I do not want to just give you a ‘pat answer’ to a candle spell problem. Lets go over a few things that I got an inkling on what might be the problem. 1. Are you truly ready for a relationship? – Your life may be too busy to support a relationship. If you find yourself having to ‘juggle’ a spur-of-the-moment date invitation, or you have to reschedule a dinner out, this might be a ‘red flag’ to a fella that you are hard to pin down and may be an indicator of not having time to nurture a relationship. Once a guy has his ‘eyes on you’, he wants to be able to take you out at a moment’s notice – something that is getting harder and harder to do anymore. You might want to consider freeing up some of your weekend and weeknights ‘just in case’. 2. Are you truly ready for a relationship? – Part 2 – Have you gotten over your last love? If you have not put that past relationship ‘to bed’, then you will always be pining for your old flame and comparing the new man with the last lover – and you wouldn’t want to be in that situation, would you?  It is O.K. to be single for awhile – until your heart has healed and you are filled with a hope that you WILL INDEED fine a perfect mate for you. 3. Do you gravitate towards the same character of a person? – True story: For many years, I was attracted to Latin men – that dark hair, dark eyes thing got me every time. Was this a good thing for me? NO – my personality and theirs always clashed. Why? I dunno, but I think it has got to do with my independent streak. I was like a diabetic in a candy shop – so good but so bad for me. That is when my Madrina (Godmother) told me to use the Saint Jude pink candles and give Him and God the freedom to send to me the one that was ‘right’ for me. And it happened, but I had to stop the stereotypes tape playing in my psyche. I had to accept whomever God placed in my path – no matter what – in orderto have true and lasting love. 4. Is there a pattern developing? – Can you see any correlation in the days of break up or the length of time each new relationship? This might be a time for a good reading to see if there is a ‘jinx’ or ‘curse’ placed on you by a jilted lover or a jilted lover’s ex – they want revenge sometimes...

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