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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | 4th Annual Banishing Burn 12/31/2010 – Time to Banish All Negative Influences!... Free Candle Spells | 4th Annual Banishing Burn 12/31/2010 – Time to Banish All Negative Influences! I cannot say enough about the banishing burn that I will be performing on December 31, 2010 – New Year’s Eve. As the hands of the clock are pushing down on the face of the clock, I will be lighting your tea light petition candles, adding the white sage, frankincense, myrrh and your printed petitions, all to burn as a burnt offering to the Heavens above. Then, I will add the poppet/dolls ordered by those of you who have a specific person that is tormenting you, all in the name of releasing their negative influence and hold over you. This is a real uncrossing and jinx removing ritual. All...
  • Full Moon in Aries | Tuesday, October 14, 2008 – Time to Banish!... Full Moon in Aries | Tuesday, October 14, 2008 – Time to Banish! The Full Moon In Aries occurs at 3:03 pm E.S.T. and is a good time to banish and perform exorcisms. The Moon waning in Aries is an excellent time because the Aries Moon favors works that require skillful wielding of tools and weapons (Mars, the God of War). Begin burning your 7 day Reversible Candles or Black Candles to get rid of an undesirable influence that is ruling over you now. Bye-Bye bills, nosy neighbors, bad boyfriends and drama! 7 days after the Full Moon, begin burning Blue candles for Peace in the Home or Work, anointed with Peaceful Home Condition Oil. Peace in the Home Condition Oil can...
  • Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions | Using Candle Spell for Court Case (Divorce) Proceedings... Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions | Using Candle Spell for Court Case (Divorce) Proceedings                         A reader asks for help. (This letter has been corrected for spelling errors)   Hi Jacqueline, My soon to be ex-husband is making my life crap.   I’ve been separated for nearly 3 years and he still has a hold over my emotions!! We have a gorgeous little girl of 4 yrs. I left him due to his controlling behavior & drinking. I’ve burned umpteen bits of paper with hope of moving on to no avail. I’ve bought a black candle as last resort & I am going to get the separation agreement (copy) and write something...
  • Readers Question | Is My Pink Love Candle Spell Doomed?... Readers Question | Is My Pink Love Candle Spell Doomed?   Jacqueline, I was doing a candle spell for love using a pink Our Lady of Guadalupe candle and the paper label started turning black. What does that mean? Is my candle spell going to work? Christina ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am thinking that you used a 7 day “novena” or “vigil” candle, so my answer will concerns only this type of candle. I am going to assume that you cleaned the candle properly, and if not, please read, “Candle Spell Candle Preparation Step by Step for Candleburning Success!”. Your label turning black can only mean two things – on a practical note, it means the wick somehow floated over to...
  • Readers Question|What Candles to Burn for Child Support?... A reader writes: Hi Jacqueline, I have a question about what spell or spells I should use to get my ex-husband to pay child support. Here is a little more about the situation. I have a restraining order on my ex-husband, which he has violated many times. I have an open case with child support service and he is on locate status. I have some information on where he is living and that he may very well be working. The problem is that if I report it and child support services finds him and makes him pay I don’t want him coming after me or the children. He knows...
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Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply | Elk Grove – Sacramento, CA

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply | Elk Grove – Sacramento, CA Lucky 13 Clover, an Internet and small retail spiritual supply business, is located in Elk Grove, CA (near Sacramento, CA). The hours vary, depending on day and time of year. Calling first at (916) 284 – 5552 is always a certainty. Lucky 13 Clover has a portion of the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. and a representation of the Motor City Hoo Doo Product line.  Many clients come for consultations and order custom blened oils, which are kept on file to replicte for you when your supply runs out. The owner is a graduate of the Lucky Mojo Company Root Worker Course and is a retailer of the Lucky Mojo Brand of spiritual products. Lucky 13 Clover has recently expanded its’ line to include Motor City Hoo Doo Anointing Oils and will be previewing the Mojo Moon spiritual products line in the very near future. Order your Lucky Mojo Oils by clicking here In addition, Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply has begun making their own spiritual products in the old time Southern Louisiana method of hoodoo and root work. Check back weekly as new product is added all the time. The Motor City Hoo Doo Oil line is a creation of the candle making company, Coventry Creations and their highly fragranced oils are delightful with their old time images and typeface. The Money Drawing Oil is a potent one for getting the cash flowing into your home as I have used it personally myself! To order Motor City Hoo Doo Oils, click...

Happy Chinese New Year 2010! Year of the Metal Tiger

Happy Chinese New Year 2010! Year of the Metal Tiger Happy Chinese New Year 2010! This is the year of the Metal Tiger. Here is an interesting page on some things regarding the Chinese astrology and the celebrations for today. Please click on the link to read on:...

New Moon in Aquarius | February 13, 2010 – Diplomacy without Overindulging!

The New Moon in Aquarius will occur on Saturday, February 13, 2010 at 9:53 pm E.D.T.. The Moon in Aquarius is considered “Fixed”, meaning that the energy is stable and unchangeable. Aquarius is an Air sing, so it deals with the intellect and mental facilities. The New Moon in Aquarius is a perfect time to work out the minute details of a candle spell. This is the time to “tweak” and “get the bugs” out of any step of a ritual that you want to perform. The Moon in Aquarius is an excellent time to focus on improving your psychic development and the powers of E. S. P.. Burning purple candles anointing with “Psychic Vision” Oil would be beneficial during this time.Choosing a routine of meditation is perfect at this time as it is more favorable that you will continue with it after the Moon has waned. This is also the time to try out anything new and different but to make sure you are cognizant of the effects of doing innovative things and the ‘ripple effect’ it may have with others around you. The New Moon is always a good time for burning “drawing in” or “positive” candle spells. This is the time for burning green candles anointed with “Money Drawing”, “Prosperity”, or “Wealthy Way” Spiritual Oils or burn red candles for passion or pink candles for romance to draw love anointed with “Look Me Over”, “Fire of Love”, or “Kiss Me Now!” Condition Oils. Do this especially on February, 14th – Valentine’s Day. The message of the New Moon in Aquarius is perfect with refurbishing and redecorate, but do it modestly and without going over budget. The planet of energy, Mars, is still in its’ retrograde mode, so calm changes to your personal space is not drastic and ostentatious. The next Full Moon will occur on Sunday, February, 28,...

Readers Question | Substituting High John for Revenge Oil in a Spell

Can I use high john the conquer oil in a revenge spell if I dont have the correct oil? (Edited by Owner) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to change out or substitute one oil for another in a candle spell, you need a source of reference for the magickal properties of each oil’s herbs and essences. I am using the Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic – A Materia Magica of African-American Conjure by cat yronwode.  (If you would like to purchase this book, please go to my site at www.lucky13clover.com and order by clicking the “Misc. Supplies” page button) The John the Conqueror Root (also known as “John the Conker”) is a heady, musky, earthy root that reminds you of mossy forests and tobacco. This root, used for external uses only and never is to be ingested, is considered THE root for men to carry for strength and virility. It is considered the root to use for drawing money to you, to enhance sexual power over women and also to bring luck for gamblers. I have heard that some women use it for dominance in the workforce or home, whoen decisiions have to be made and she does not want to be viewed as some ‘premenstral b**ch’. I have also heard that some women who want to be the ‘male’ partner in a same-sex relationship might want to use this for this power. I would not use High John the Conqueror Oil to substitute in a Revenge Candle Spell. However, you may make up a small batch of Revenge Oil in a pinch by using a good Extra Virgin Olive Oil and adding these items: Red Pepper, Black Peppercorns, Sulphur (break it off from a matchstick), Needles, Dead Spiders, Dead Flies, Graveyard...

Free Candle Spells | Cleo May/Cleo Mae Anointing Oil

Free Candle Spells | Cleo May/Cleo Mae Anointing Oil The traditional love drawing anointing oil to attract a wealthy,well-to-do man, is the formula called “Cleo May” or “Cleo Mae” Oil. In the past, this was the preferred perfume fragrance for prostitutes to use to draw in a good paying customer who will continue to come back to them. The ‘girls’ on Rampart Street in New Orleans would visit the apothecary shoppes in the French Quarter to buy this special blend on money and love drawing oil. The herbs used in the oil were ones that magically kept the wearer on their mind; especially important when vying with other ‘working girls’ for their livelihood. This is not your ‘traditional’ love and money drawing oil. In this day and age, the “Cleo May” product line has a new meaning – it is used by women who want to date men who can lavish them with baubles and nights on the town. The wearer bathes in the bath crystals, dusts on sachet power and anoints herself with the oil. The type of man that this Condition and Anointing Oil will bring are men who may be in business for themselves -whether it is legitimate or not – and for men who will want to ‘pick up the whole tab’ – meaning an apartment, clothes, cars and the like. In exchange, she will give him her body and attention as he pleases. This is not a love oil to end in marriage, but one in which the baseline effect is the exchange of sex for money. The type of woman who chooses to wear this fragrance would be one who may be a Hollywood starlet, those who are fascinated by a musician or sports star and want to be in his ‘entourage’, girls who encourage gamblers and ‘high rollaz’ and might frequent casinos, Las Vegas and Atlantic City. It is also used for suburban moms who have a need to ‘work’ part time in the trade while their children are at school. To order Cleo May or Cleo Mae Anointing Oils, please go to...

Readers Questions | What is Waning and Waxing with the Moon?

Hi Jacqueline You have an awesome site! I couldn’t undrestand the waxing, winding, new moon ect…..When is the best day or what situation should be the moon for good luck? Thanks, Ralph ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Ralph, The time from the New Moon (meaning when the sky is dark until there is a full circle in the sky) is auspicious, or very lucky for bringing in good things – like money, lovers, jobs, business, etc. The Moon  is considered to be “waxing” at this time. This is a two week period for you to burn candles to bring in anything positive  that you need. The two week period from the first night of the Full Moon (full circle Moon until completely dark in the sky) is considered a time that the Moon is “waning”. This is the Moon time to work “banishing”, “reversible”, or “revenge” – type of work. You are working with the dark aspects of the Moon. This is for getting rid of bad girlfriends, gossipy co-workers, nosy neighbors – anyone who vexes you and just causes drama that you don’t need. You can also use this time for habits like smoking, biting your nails, etc. To find out where and when each Moon is going to occur, continue to read the Free Candle Spells site or invest in a subscription to one of the Horoscope magazines or seek an ephemeris on the Internet. Thanks for the good question!...

Free Candle Spells | How to Use Spiritual Anointing/Condition/Dressing Oils in Spiritual Practice

Free Candle Spells | How to Use Spiritual Anointing/Condition/Dressing Oils in Spiritual Practice As you visit your neighborhood candle shop or botanica, you see shelves of little bottles of oils that are various colors and may have items floating in them. As you speak with the consultant or the person behind the counter, they may reach behind for a particular bottle and give you instructions on how to place the oil on your body (or someone else’s), rub on a candle or use in another fashion for your particular situation. These magical oils, sometimes called, “Condition”, “Anointing” or “Dressing” Oils can sometimes be used for all three purposes; sometimes each purpose needs a different oil, depending on ingredients in the oil. For the sake of clarity, let’s understand what the words “Condition”, “Anointing” or “Dressing”, as it can sometimes cause confusion through the many manufacturers of these oils. Anointing Oil – This is an oil that is placed on a fingertip and applied on the head, temples, back of the neck, hands, heart, or feet of the one being anointed. This is usually dome with the addition of prayer to boost the intent of the user or anointed in their strength of outcome for which the oil is applied. Another method of application is placing a few drops in one palm and rubbing the palms together to ‘heat up’ the oil. They then lightly rub over the surface of the body for a full body anointing. The direction of anointing in this method is also symbolic. For example, if you have a client or if you are in a negative situation or series of events and you feel that you have been “Jinxed”, “Crossed” or “Hoodooed”, then you would apply “Jinx Killer”, “Uncrossing” or any other oils that send back to the original person, or send away oils to clean your Spirit, thus elimination any further “Bad Luck”. You can find these oils at many fine retails such as Lucky13Clover.com. Condition Oil – This term is used to describe the situation (or ‘condition’) that you are facing – Court Case, Steady Work, Road Opener, etc. At the same time, it also describes the method that you will need to utilize to relieve yourself of that condition. This term is used widely throughout the Southern United States and can be specifically linked to the practices of Conjure and Hoodoo. For example, using the same idea from above, if someone has placed something down where you have walked over it or touched it, and it has been “fixed” to cause you troubles, and then you subsequently you touch it, pick it up or step over it, you are then considered as having a “Crossed Condition”, or “Jinxed Condition”. The term ‘condition’ refers to all the oils that are used in ritual to relieve you of the “condition”. Are all “conditions” bad? No – generally not – unless you particularly like being someone’s “love slave” – a possible cozy condition to be in unless the one who has used rituals for you to be there is abusing the power, such as sleeping with you and another. Then it is not a pleasant situation to be in. Dressing Oil – This term is used to describe what to do when you apply the oil on non-human objects – candles, knives, papers, pens, etc. – to do your bidding. You “dress” a candle by pouring the oil over it or pouring the oil in your hands and rub the oil over it to cover all the candle’s surface. You “dress” your petition papers y placing a drop of oil in the corners of the paper (you do not ‘anoint’ the papers as the paper is not a...

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