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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Question | Crown of Success Candle Spells for College Son?... Readers Question | Crown of Success Candle Spells for College Son? Hello Jacqueline, My second oldest son who in college seems to be having difficulty with-his college classes this semester. Is there anything he can do to pass his classes he uses crown of success and he recently brought your sister attraction oil and he rubs it on his palms and neck what else can he do to acheive success? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have him get a yellow 7-day vigil or novena candle in glass (like the ones in the Latino foods aisle at your local market) and clean it using lemon juice or Florida Water and drill three holes in it like this (cleaning out the extra wax shards). Then fill...
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Sagittarius – Mercury’s in Retrograde to Boot!... Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Sagittarius – Mercury’s in Retrograde to Boot! The Full Moon occurs on June 2, 2015 at 11:19 am E.S.T in the astrological sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. Mercury is in Retrograde at this time, affecting all of us but those especially under the signs of Gemini and Virgo. Despite the tendency of a Mercury Retrograde to wreck havoc with all types of communication form the spoken word to technology, there is a tendency to be curt in response and have a sharp tone to the voice during this time, as Mars joins in the planetary mix to give words “a little heat”. The Full Moon is traditionally held as a time when you use the energies...
  • Reader Questions | Using Foreign Money in Prosperity Candle Spells... A reader asks about foreign money and its’ use in money drawing candle spells. Thanks for the great question! Dear Jacqueline, I am not sure if you already answered this on your free candle spells site but I do remember you mentioning something about using foreign money in prosperity spells. I am not sure if you could elaborate on your blog if you think this could be helpful for others on this subject. I just found a bag of foreign money that my mother had of francs, etc. and was wondering how I might go about utilizing that in a money and prosperity spell for others and myself? I...
  • Readers Questions | What Do I Do When the Candle Goes Out?...                 Readers, this is the continuation of an e-mail with questions from a reader that I felt were good to answer in blog posts. You may find a friend or even yourself experiencing some of the same things as our reader who writes: Reader: I was reading the instructions that were enclosed with the oil and powder sachets. It said that IF a candle went out do not re-light it due to negative forces. Jacqueline:>>>>>Yes. Throw candle away and start over. You either didn’t do it right or the thing that you are trying to change is too big and strong and...
  • Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment June 22 to July 21, 2009... It is time for another Prosperity Experiment! Time to increase your wealth and happiness! So what IS the Prosperity Experiment? It is a period of 30 days in which I burn green money drawing candles for your intentions and financial desires.It is a time where you have someone working for you exclusively for your financial benefit. We will start on the next New Moon on June 22, 2009. New Moons are for ‘bringing in’ and ‘increase’ – just what we want for your pocketbook and bank account! It is a time where 6 green candles, properly dressed, will be burned for you and prayed over once  in the morning...
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For your listening pleasure, please tune into The Sky, powered by CBS...

New Moon in Taurus | May 13, 2010 – Tackle Tough Tasks and Go for It!

New Moon in Taurus | May 13, 2010 – Tackle Tough Tasks and Go for It! The New Moon in Taurus occurs on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 8:06 pm E.S.T. The Moon in Taurus is considered a Fixed Earth sign, is stable, practical, materialistic and protective. New Moon time is most beneficial for lighting candles for money, love and success and to set light for Walls of Protection and Uncrossing on oneself or others. The Moon In Taurus is most favorable for business dealings and money, since Taureans are naturally attracted to banks and money. Studies have shown a higher number of people working in financial institutions are  born under the zodiac sign of Taurus than other astrological signs. Astrological candles for Taurus are a color of brown and can be charged with the Oil of Venus or with oils that contain mint, thyme, honeysuckle and jasmine. You can order your custom blened condition and anointing oil from Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply. The Moon during this lunation is considered one that it is time to face tough decisions with an attitude of ‘cleaning it up’ and laying plans for fresh beginnings. The Nike brand slogan of “Just Do It!” is so appropriate right now. The next Full Moon will occur on May 27,...

White Mother’s Day Candle Spell | An In Remembrance Ancestor Altar

White Mother’s Day Candle Spell | An In Remembrance Ancestor Altar Sunday, May 9, 2010 is Mother’s Day and a time to honor your mother. Since many do not have their Mom on this earthly plane any longer, you can still honor her with this simple candle spell. I chose the candle of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the color white to symbolize Peace, Blessing and Remembrance. Mother’s Day for the Mexican community is always May 10th, despite what day it falls on, so this years many gift and flower shops will have a long holiday getting out those gifts. La Guadalupe is the one that almost everyone in the Southwest turns to when in need. She is the “Protectress of the Americas”, both north and south, and her story is a wonderful one that tells of the introduction of the Catholic faith to the indigenous Indians of Tepayac INGREDIENTS: 1 white 7-day “Novena” type Our Lady of Guadalupe Candle 1 White Rose or Carnation in vase 1 small glass of spring water 1 small glass of sweet liquor or wine 1 small pastry or  a few fancy cookies (on white or clear glass plate) Photo of your Mother (no one else that is currently living can be in the photo, however, another person who has passed can be in photo) Make a corner in a quiet area of the home or the farthest corner of the living or family room. Place small table or chest there and cover with white tablecloth, small sheet or doily. Arrange photo of your Mother (singe shot of her and without no one else in photo), as well as flower in small vase, glass of water, glass of wine and plate of sweets in front of photo. Place cleaned candle (see how to properly clean a candle by clicking  HERE) to one side of offering. Light candle and say a prayer for the soul of your Mother. Talk to her a bit, asking her that she ‘join in the festivities’ of the day and that her Spirit will find enjoyment in seeing her offspring and grandchildren. Make sure the take the grandchildren over to see her photo so that they can know their grandmother or great-grandmother. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. I miss you more than I can...

Readers Question | Saint Jude Pink Love Candle Spell Success

            Dear Jacqueline, I am writing to you about how I took you candle spell and added a little more “oomph” to it candle wise, and I got my man to commit to a relationship. I used your pink St. Jude Candle Spell anointed with Come to Me Oil and added a photo of him, a lock of his hair and a Red Candle anointed with Fire of Love Oil I wrote in a circle on the back of the picture an incantation that I wanted hime to want only me, placed the lock of hair on top of it, placed the pink St. Jude candle on top of that and the red candle next to it. I started this on the New Moon in April and it took only 8 days before he sent me a letter saying that he wanted me to be there for him when he gets back (he’s away right now). I never had the confidence to do candle spells on my own and always went to this candle store in town and they would light candles for me but now I am going to continue to keep reading your site. I have a question, can I ask questions about my candle work like candle colors and types of oils by contacting you? Thank you and God bless you! Lashondra  * * * * * * * Lashondra, Thank you for sharing your candle success! I hope that the two of you will be together soon – in the same place! Your letter brings up a good point, you can change up ANY candle spell to make it more personal or more your “own” and you can work your own candle magic on your own as well. All you have to do is follow the right candle color, follow the Moon cycle (not all do this) and use the proper ingredients. Is there any wrong way to make chocolate chip cookies? No – just some have walnuts, or pecans, or have double chocolate chips, or  even M &M’s in it. Does that make them wrong?  Nah, enjoy each and every variation on a candle spell as you are eliminating the wrong items and fine tuning to use all the good stuff. Congratulations on your success. My only comment is to use red candles sparingly as too much red will make it more of a physical thing, which is not totally wrong, but if romance, respect and exclusivity is what you want, use more pink candles.    ...

Free Candle Spells | Expectations in Candle Burning – A Commentary

Free Candle Spells | Expectations in Candle Burning – A Commentary I recently had a client who was having love and financial problems in the form of a mortgage situation. She first contacted me in early April with a few questions. We briefly communicated back and forth, and then she committed to having some candles burned as a result of my suggestions. I lit the candles and for a day it seemed that al was going good. Then the signs came up during the candle burn. First, one of the two pink candles used in the love spell didn’t burn right. While one was burning correctly, the other had only burned a 3/4 inch opening in the wax – just enough to allow the candle flame to pass. This candle went on for about another day, then went out on its own. The other candle burned brightly until the end. Here’s a photo Both of these candles were purchased at the same place and lit at the same time. They were side by side in the same environment on my Altar.  In all of my candle burning days, this has only happened twice and both in love spells. can it be technical, like a bad candle pour from the manufacturer? Sure – but these are the same candles  used all the time, bought form the same place. Given a little information about the couple, I told the client that one has much stronger feelings for the other and the love is not reciprocated as strongly by the other. Then, about a day and a half later, her other candles started their antics. The court case candle I was burning for her cracked and the wax was oozing out all over the side of the candle, until the flame went out. Her second court case candle went as as well mid way on the burn. I told her that this is not a good sign and that this party in the situation will not be one that she can overcome. I get an e-mail a week later with this comment: your candles didn’t help I then responded by giving some deeper explanation of Faith in God to make these choices for you, but the return e-mails became more of a accusatory tone as if I was at fault for the candles not “helping”. Candle burning is not the be-all-and-end-all to a difficult situation. It is a plea, a prayer for help from God, the Angels and the Saints. It is a method of connecting with the Spiritual by turning over the decision of the outcome to the Higher Power. It is applying an offering and prayer in a better outcome for you, but ultimately leaving the decision to the Just Judge – God. Something to consider is that one set of candles is not touted to be the only thing that you have to do. It may take more than one set of candles to get the job done. I have people who light candles constantly so that their situation is always right before God’s eyes. It is a reminder to the recipient that there is something that needs constant attention until the condition improves. I burn green candles for prosperity constantly – for myself. I am a mother of children and I will constantly provide for them. I do not light candles for myself strictly when times are tough but in times of good as well. Setting lights for myself is my way of thanking the Higher Power for the good times and the bad. You don’t take the newest diet pill touted by the movie stars then go and plow through a double cheese  McWhopper with a hit-me-king-sized fries...

Reversible Candles for Full Moon Candle Spells

Reversible Candles for Full Moon Candle Spells The Full Moon occurs on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 and It is time to light Reversible Candles to ‘send back’ or reverse situations or negativity that has come your way. It is highly recommended that you get the “black on red” candles (pictured here) as they are considered more effective and the ‘correct’ candle to use. Many times you see in candle shops and botanicas the red wax on the top part of the candle and the black wax on bottom. This is not a good candle to use. Always use a “black on red” reversible candle. The “black on red” candle is the desired Reversible candle to use because the black wax represents the negativity and evil that has been lurking in your shadows and following you and the red symbolizes the “fast luck” energy of getting rid of that negativity and sending it back with a boot kick. You wouldn’t want to burn off all your energy and THEN deal with the negative stuff, right? The candle pictured here is a Reversible Candle burning spell I did for a client experiencing problems at work. After the candle was finished, I took the petition paper and rolled torn up bits of paper in black candle wax, making little “B.B.’s” that can be scattered around the offending co-worker’s desk and outside near the person’s car, where they will step on them and grind the wax (and petition paper) into their grooves of their shoe, thus carrying the spell around with them. Remember to anoint your Reversible candle with Reversible Anointing Oil such as the one sold by Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply. Have a Reversible Candle burned for you between April 28th and May 12th by clicking the button below: A follow up e-mail will be sent to you after your order to confirm your petition paper information regarding your Reversible candle and a photo of the lit candle will be sent to you....

Readers Question | What Does “Tear Drops” on a Candle Mean?

Readers Question | What Does “Tear Drops” on a Candle Mean? Jacqueline, I burned a free standing candle and there was a ball on top of the wick that looked like a heart, later, it burned off and the wax dripped on one siide of the candle forming a dolphin shape and then a pile of wax as the dolphins tail which was oozing wax until it hardened. The dripping of the wax remained. What does that mean? Yaa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Yaa (?), I would have to ask you – what do dolphins and hearts mean to you? You do not indicate what the candle was intended for nor what herbs, oils and petition papers you used for it. Unless you provide me more description, I can easily say that a heart means love and dolphins can mean a beach vacation in Hawaii (NOT REALLY!  I am pulling your leg!) Readers – I post this question as an example of what NOT TO SEND to www.free-candle-spells.com for candle spell divination or candle burning divination as it will get regulated to the file labeled ‘Just Too Hard to Figure Out”. Please submit things like the following: 1.) Reason you did the Candle Spell 2.) Herbs, Oils, Sachets and Petition Papers used 3.) Color of Candle (Free Standing or Glass Encalsed as well) 4.) YOUR Personal Outcome of the Candle Burn If you can provide something more than our sample copy letter, please send it...

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