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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Working with the Moon to Enhance Your Candle Burning Success... Moon Phases and Work Effects of the Phases Full Moon (Night of the Full Moon) – Highest Moon power. Good for Dreaming and Love Magic. Good time for candles burned for Protection, Initiation, Creativity, Prosperity, Inspiration, Divination and High Magic. Waning Gibbous Moon (Night after Full Moon to 7 Days after Full Moon) – Banishing Negativity, Reducing Addictions and the need for them, Easing Stressful Situations, Help in Divorce Proceedings and Ending Relationships Waning Crescent Moon (7 Days after Full Moon to New Moon (Dark of the Moon) -Overcoming Obstacles, Getting Rid of Pain and Discomfort, Discovering or Uncovering Deceptions, Secrets and Lies, Banishing Negative Energy New Moon (Night...
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  • Readers Question | Is Candle Burning REALLY Working?... I have done candle burning in the past and have adjusted my spell work according to various different information (Books, Internet) and I have found that sometimes the candle spells work and sometimes they don’t, which is frustrating because of the work and cost involved. Is there any way someone can REALLY know if a candle spell is going to work or not? Thanks Joanne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joanne, Thanks for your question. I am going to examine both sides of the question in regards to candle burning. Please bear with me, but I like to play Devil’s advocate when it comes to an issue that can be taken both ways....
  • Free Candle Spells | Why Your Love Candle Spell Isn’t Working Pt. 2...     The second of a three part series on some things to consider as to why your love candle spell is not working as intended.   We have already explored the possible reasons of why your love spell is not working with some pre-ritual problems that may forewarn of disastrous results. You can read this on the first part of this series titled, “Free Candle Spells | Why Your Love Candle Spell Isn’t Working Pt. 1 (click on blue words to go to article). The second part of this three part series will talk about things that you may be doing that are thwarting your success in your...
  • Free Candle Spells | Red Candle “Hurry Up” Decision Candle Spell at the Crossroads... This spell was effective for me for fast action to exact a movement on a decision that I was waiting on from the other people in the situation. – J.   Ingredients 1 Red Glass 7 -day Novena Candle 21 Pennies 21 caramels 3 Cigars with 3 Wooden Matches Small, single serving of Whiskey or White Rum (airline bottle) Petition or letter written on white paper or photocopy of document, agreement or paperwork that supports your candle work Clean candle with lemon juice or alcohol, let dry . Take all items and travel to a 4-way intersection, also known as a crossroads, where each section of the “cross” extends...
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Readers Question | Regarding Recent Blog Post on Black/Green Candle

Readers Question | Regarding Recent Blog Post on Black/Green Candle You mentioned that the Reversible Black/Red candles should have the Black part on top and the red on the bottom so that the negativity is burned away first. However, you did not make the same distinction with Green/Black candles, which shows the Green on top…why is that? Wouldn’t it be best to remove the negativity first via the Black so that the Abundance (Green) could come in full force? Laffite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good question. Yes, I have had an astounding amount of successes with the “Black on Red” Reversible Candle as opposed to the “Red on Black” kind found in the majority of botanicas and candles shops. Here are a few photos to show what I mean by “Black on Red” and “Red on Black” Now, Reversible candles come in glass like above, and free standing like this:   This candle is intended to cut off the tip at the tip of the red wax, carve out the wick from the bottom of the black wax as part of the ritual of reversing. The candle is them cleaned with lemon juice or Florida Water, then oiled with Reversible Anointing Oil and lit.The same thing could be done on and free standing Green and Black Reversible Candle. I have learned that the Green and Black Reversible Candle in its original intention, is to jinx someones money. This means you burn the green off first, with the intended victim’s name under the candle, then jinx or cross them up financially by burning the black part of the candle. This is the traditional way to use the Green and Black Glass Reversible Candle. The spell I wrote and posted recently,Green and Black Candle Spells for Banishing Debt is my “twist” on bringing in money (by burning the green first), then banishing the bill (by using said money on bill, which is placed under candle). My intention (which is a big part of candle burning spells) is INTENTION, and that is to get rid of a bill. You may use this with a creditor or debt collector. This is not intended to send them away to leave you be, but to address the inflow of money to attach specifically to this bill. This is why I do it the last three days of the waxing Moon (meaning getting larger), so that it will bring in that last bit of money magic of working with the Moon so that I can immediately send OUT the payment on the bill. Does this get rid of the bill? No, only by you paying it off, it will get rid of any bills or debts that are overdue. Hope that explains thing for you and thank you for the good question!...

Readers Question | Proper Use of Epsom Salts to Banish Negativity

Readers Question | Proper Use of Epsom Salts to Banish Negativity A reader asked about the effective use of Epsom Salts. Here is some great uses. Jacqueline ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Epsom Salts, a common name for Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate, is a common hoodoo, conjure and rootwork item for banishing negativity from ones person, home and place of business. It can be used alone and can be blended with various jinx removing herbs and oils to boost the cleansing power. It can be purchased at any market that has a pharmaceutical aisle such as Walgreens or Walmart. It is considered a “first” among uncrossing and jinx removing traditions. For Cleaning the Body of Negative Vibes: Draw yourself a warm bath with two cups of  Epsom Salts in a clean tub. Get in and soak, including holding your nostrils closed and submerging your head and face in the water. Relax into the water until water turns cool. Stand up and shower off, using your regular bar or liquid body soap. Shampoo as well. Get out, dry off and wear clean, comfortable clothes. Sometimes an Epsom Salts soak will leave you lethargic. Take a nap or recline on the sofa until energy returns. Make sure you drink a large glass of water after an Epsom Salts bath. For Cleaning the Home or Business: Sprinkling Epsom Salts on floors and carpets while reciting the Lord’s Prayer or Psalm 23 (“The Lord is My Shepherd”) is good for collecting up negativity. Just sweep out the front door and down the steps to the street after a few prayers or vacuum up and toss out the old dirt bag in the machine before using vacuum cleaner again. You may also add Epsom Salts to a bucket of warm water and wipe down any surface that can take a light wiping with water. Desks, doors, door handles and jambs, chairs, floors, counters – anything that someone who is negative or spews negativity touches is subject to lingering “funk”. Wipe down with clean cloth that has been immersed in warm Epsom Salts water and wrung out. Do not reuse cleaning rag;  just toss in trash. You can also add a cup of Epsom Salts to your clothes wash water to spiritually clean your clothes. Many people do not know it , but they bring home negative vibes through their clothing. Bring out in the public gives you the opportunities for someone to jinx you – whether they oils their hands them pat you on the back or shoulder, sprinkle crossing powder under your desk or where you stand or sprinkle Graveyard Dirt or Goofer Dust on the ground near your driver’s side door in hopes you will track it into your home with your shoe. A good rule of thumb is to take off your shoes at the door, carry them in and place on tiled entry or on newspaper near front door. Then, proceed immediately to bedroom to shower or bathe, or change into “house clothes”, leaving your work clothes in the hamper or laundry basket. do this before entering and interacting with the family. You will see a lessening of family “drama” in the evenings. To clean your business, sprinkle Epsom Salts on your floor and sweep out towards front door and into the street. Follow with a warm water and Epsom Salts mopping and toss remaining water in the gutter. For added boosting to all washing and mopping water, add 1 tablespoon of plain Ammonia and the crushed tips of three wooden match heads. The match heads have sulfur in their composition and will give an added boost to the mix. All of these recipes given above can be enhanced with Jinx Removing Condition Oils and...

Readers Question | How Long Before Candle Spell Works?

Readers Question | How Long Before Candle Spell Works? Jacqueline, I had you do  a candle service for me a couple of months ago, and I have not found a job and now I have to look for another place to live. Why didn’t it work? Can you explain why my candles did not work? Susan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Susan, I am sorry to hear that things are not going well with you. I remember that we did indeed do a month of white candles for family blessings of all kinds in April.  All your candles burnt clean – meaning there was no negative aspects such as sudden sooting or blackening of the candle glass or exploding candles. So let me try to explain what might have happened. * NOTE: Something I have ALWAYS emphasized is this: Do not consider candle burning magical spells to be 100% guaranteed effective. If you are hearing something like this – even is you are misconstrued in my writings – you must think about it. A candle service will not EVER bring you what you want 100% of the time. It is the Higher Power that will determine what you can have in this world and how you get it. think of a handicapped person. They may have been born that way or was injured in an accident. This was something that the Maker (God, Jehovah, etc.) determined that this Soul was to experience. Your trials will only do tow things – either will make you stronger, like steel being forged in the fire, or break you, to make you realize a lesson that you need to experience. * Regarding Employment : You live in California, which has 12% unemployment at the time this is written. Now, without knowing your field, I cannot determine whether or not your talents and/or occupational field is a “dinosaur” or is a dying trade. I also cannot determine if you actively did job search and was proactive in  your own employment search. No offense meant, there are some who ask for a candle to be burned for them – they sit on the couch and watch television all day. HUH? I scratch my head thinking, “Watching Judge Judy and Oprah isn’t going to feed them when the cupboard is bare”. So, my question to YOU is – did you investigate going back to school, whether trade, technical or junior college?  Did you dress for success everyday and go out and visit at least five places everyday? Did you re-visit those same places a week later? Is your resume in top shape? Are you applying online everywhere you can think of? I recently watched a Dr. Phil show where the wife was at wit’s end because the husband was being “too selective” where he was looking for a job and it had been two years that he had been laid off. The family was broke, depleting their savings and the wife was working two jobs. Dr. Phil basically told him to go wash dishes until something else came along. Bringing in SOME money was better than NO money. * Regarding your Home : If you cannot afford your home, either refinance it or rent it out and live in an apartment. If you were one of those who took the “deal that was too go to be true”, this is why some many family homes are underwater – they bought a house with NO MONEY DOWN, qualified with some ‘numbers crunching’ (yeah, right) and gambled that they were going to be able to make that ballon payment in two years. Look, 7 years ago, I had my three girls and my guys one son. We made it work...

Green and Black Reversible Candle – Debt, Bill or Creditor Banishing Candle Spell

Green and Black Reversible Candle – Debt, Bill or Creditor Banishing Candle Spell The Green and Black Candle Reversible Candle has been around forever but I have experimented with this candle for the past few months and I am definitely seeing some positive results from my candle burning spells with the Green and Black Candle. Traditionally, these reversible candles were used to send money jinxes to people like your enemies, but I have found a new way to use the for GOOD and not EVIL. Recently, I have had an old bill surface from 1997 that I thought was taken care of, but was not. I decided to “bite the bullet” and take care of my responsibilities as a great number of Americans are doing now with paying off debt and saving money. I made arrangements with the company to send in a certain amount of money each month. A few days later, I was picking up supplies at the candle wholesale company and spied the green and black reversible candle. I picked up a bunch to do some work with them. After some research about the negative work that are traditionally done with these candles, I decided to “test drive” a spell on myself. Since the color black is negativity and green symbolizes money, I tried this spell on myself and my current financial obligation. The results: In two weeks I have made two payments towards this bill because I have made enough money in my business to pay this amount easily and without any deficit to the budget for the family! AMAZING! Now, I am not one to just believe right off the bat, so I did this candle spell twice more, and the same results happened! They say, “Three times the charm”, so I am publishing this candle spell so that YOU can take care of those old, lingering debts that are hanging over your head like Damascule’s sword. This candle spell has to be performed for a specific bill or collection agency that has been plaguing you. IMPORTANT * You need to begin this candle the last two days before the Moon turns Full so you will have to go onto the Internet to determine when the Moon changes to Full and calculate 24 hours back from that time. INGREDIENTS: * White piece of paper * Green and Black Reversible Candle * Bill or Creditor’s notice * Money Drawing Anointing Oil On a clean white piece of paper, write across the middle – “I attract Money to Pay this Bill” Turn the paper sideways so that the line you just wrote is vertically up and down. Write “I banish this Bill with the Money I attract” Draw a circle around this “cross” of words and the final look will be of a gun scope cross hairs. Clean candle as directed on the website. Make three hold in the top in a triangular pattern. Pour Money Drawing Oil in the holes. Hold candle and sit in a quiet area and meditate on bringing in the money for this bill and sending the money to these creditors you owe. Imagine them being happy that you are taking care of your responsibilities and the weight being taken off your shoulders of one less person wanting your money. Pray Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd”) or The Our Father. Place bill and paper on large plate or Pyrex pie dish. Place candle on top. Light candle. Take 5 minutes of your morning each day to pray the Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd”) or The Our Father before heading out the door to work or take care of your business. Burn these candles continuously until the bill or creditor is...

Full Moon in Sagittarius – May 27, 2010 – The Taskmaster Returns!

Full Moon in Sagittarius – May 27, 2010 – The Taskmaster Returns! The Full Moon occurs on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 6:08 pm E.S.T. This Full Moon is in the astrological sign of Sagittarius. The Moon in Sagittarius is in a “Mutable” Fire sign, meaning that it is creative, aggressive and can fluctuate between bring optimistic and pessimistic. The Full Moon time is perfect for doing candle spell work of a banishing, reversing and sending back nature. This is the time to decide what and how much aggravation you can handle from your oppressors and decide to take action to thwart their advances on you spiritually and to do a little revenge work, if the situation warrants it. This Full Moon brings in the idea that we have to “roll up our shirt sleeves” and get down to work. Some will bear a heavier than normal workload or may have additional projects given to them. Begin all projects early as many will have obstacles and roadblocks to overcome. The next New Moon occurs on June 12,...

Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Gemini the Twins

The astrological sign of Gemini rules those born from May 22nd to to June 21st. The energy of the Gemini sign is all about “Communication” since Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. A “Mutable” Air sign, Gemini is active and passive in the matters of the intellect and thought processes and communication. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day glass novena candle in the appropriate color for your sign and use a permanent marker or paint pen to draw the symbol for Gemini, which is similar to the number 11 with a upward curving line at the top and downward curving line at the bottom. Using the Oil of Mercury to anoint these orange candles or using an oil that contains the herbs of oregano, honeysuckle, lavender and mint can also boost the drawing power of the Gemini...

Readers Question | How Do I Put Out a Candle for a Candle Spell?

Readers Question | How Do I Put Out a Candle for a Candle Spell? I was wondering when turning off a candle. Is there a certain way? Should you blow it out, cover it so it can turn off on its own, or pinch out fire? No Name Given ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This was really a timely and authentic question, but I kept from posting it fir awhile because of the many grammatical and punctuation errors that were originally in the question. I been so busy answering other questions that I didn’t have time to correct the errors! Two Rules to Follow when Extinguishing Candles from Your Candle Spell 1. When you are completely done or finished with your candle spell and you do not need to work the spell any longer, you may blow your candle out. Do not reuse the candle. Blowing out the candle tellsthe Universe you are finished with this intent. Toss in trash can. 2. If you need to extinguish your candle spell (because of leaving the home, for one), use a candle snuffer or wet your fingers with saliva and “pinch it out” (meaning to quickly move thumb and index finger towards wick and using the saliva, snuff the flame). You may also use a brass or metal candle snufter as well. This candle can now be re-lit for your candle magic when you return without any further anointing or dressing of the candle.      ...

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