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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | What This Blog Is and Isn’t... I had an interesting telephone call from a person mentioned in a page on the Free-Candle-Spells site (of which their name has been removed as requested), and it brought to me the realization that perhaps not all who visit here understands exactly why this site exists.  Let me share some thoughts with you. This site is intended to share the candle burning beliefs of many from around the world. Candles were burned for many reasons, some of them identical, but all around the world and in many cultures.  The presence of flame in even the simplest moments, such as a birthday party, gives significance to the occasion.  What are...
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  • Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Pisces the Fish... Pisces rules those born from February 20th to March 20th. This zodiac sign is considered “Mutable” Water sign, which means the energy fluctuates between stable and erratic tendencies. This energy can be deceptive, emotional and intuitive. Astrological candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain...
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Full Moon in Aries | September 23, 2010 – “Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself”

The Full Moon will occur at 4:18 am E.S.T on Thursday, September 23, 2010. The energy of this Moon’s lunation in the zodiac sign of Aries the Ram is “Cardinal”, meaning that it is creative, spirited, innovative and energetic. The waning (from Full Moon to New Moon) Moon in Aries is an excellent time for exorcisms and banishing of all kinds. This Moon enhances works using tools or weapons. This Moon in the astrological sign of Aries is considered to be one that you can go either way. The Moon’s association with other planets and asteroids can signify that even faced with utter loss, it does not have to be so, if you make the right choice. This is a time to see the ‘forest for the trees’. It is best to control our lower level elements and strive to use clear thinking and love through difficult situations that may come with this Moon. Now is the time to purge yourself of the “uglies” before they consume your Soul. The rap song lyric by Ice Cube that goes, “Check yourself before you wreck yourself” seems an appropriate message to apply for the next two weeks. The Full Moon is considered the most opportune time to light candles to reverse things back to where they once was or to seek revenge on an enemy. The Reversible Candles, best when the term “Black on Red”, meaning black wax at the top of the glass encased candle and red wax on the bottom, will burn off any negative energy with the burning of the black wax, only to leave the powerful red positive energy of the red wax on the bottom to make things ‘go back’ to the original state. You can enhance a red Aries astrological candle by anointing it with Mars Oil or anointing a free standing candle anointed with the essences of geranium, basil, mint or rosemary. You can also anoint a red candle with Olive Oil and roll your free standing candle in these crushed herbs. The next New Moon will occur on October 7, 2010. Click this Button to order a Reversible...

Reader Results of Revenge, Damnation and Go to H*LL Candle Spell…Eerie!

Reader Results of Revenge, Damnation and Go to H*LL Candle Spell…Eerie! A reader wrote me this today…. Jacqueline I’ve used this spell with some pretty spectacular results. At first I thought it wasn’t working because the person seemed perfectly well and happy, but within a week, he was nervous and jittery, saying he thought his house was haunted and that ghosts were following him. Within a week, he got steadily more nervous and awkward. By the time the next full moon had arrived, he had been taken out of school(I’m a college student-computer sciences-and the guy in question was one of the college’s jocks that had been accused of raping a fellow student). The last thing I had heard was that one of the professors had found him standing over a sink in the restroom crying because his teeth were falling out and his mouth was bleeding. The bleeding wouldn’t stop and he ended up leaving unconscious in an ambulance. Hopefully now, she feels some small bit of justice for what he did to her. Robert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Robert (and readers), Justice comes to those that spew evil. Again,when I posted this spell, I has some people ‘drop out’ because they were are light and loving. Candle magic is not always like that. I try to explain it like this; it is almost Old Testament. Remember in the Old Testament, it was an ‘eye for an eye’? Then, when Jesus came along, it was “If you get smacked on one cheek, offer the other”? Sometimes, evil just doesn’t play Jesus’ way. It needs a dose of it’s own medicine. This is where this candle spell comes in. Click this link to go to the original spell Then a day later, I got some ‘flack’ for posting a candle spell such as this. So, I offered the anthrological view on magick. Click these words to see what ruckus I created by posting this spell Thank you Robert for being a ‘gentleman’ (oh, how this sounds so tongue-in-cheek!) but, your efforts are considered noble and I do hope she ‘knows’ it was done for her. Sounds like you have got some pretty powerful hands there, while charging the candles and all!...

Free Candle Spells | Candle Safety Can Never Be Stressed Enough!

I receive a call yesterday, from a client who went to a Botanica, a Latino-based spiritual supply store here in our area. She purchased a series of candles, with numerous bottles of oils to accompany them. In a nutshell, she went home, cleaned her candles and decided to put a whole bottle of oil in each candle, again, thinking that more is better (like using laundry detergent) and lit her candles. She proceeded to go take a shower and when she came out of the bathroom, she said the reflecting flame on the opposite wall from the candles was so big that when she turned the corner, she saw that the whole top of the candle was on fire! She quickly went to douse them, splashing oil and wax from one over her, the bookcase and the wall behind the candle. She got all of the candles out (she was burning three at a time), but it was a VERY close call with all that oil being splashed about. She was very, very lucky. Here are the links to some articles that I have written addressing this issue. I truly hope that something like this never happens to you. Jacqueline First article regarding Candle Safety – https://free-candle-spells.com//2009/08/18/free-candle-spells-update-cancer-and-fire-causing-conditionanointing-oils/ Second article regarding Candle Safety Tips –...

Readers Question | Black and Gold Candles for Money?

Dear Ma’am, I have heard so much about candle burning especially for financial success. I do have a few questions to put to you: 1. I have bought gold colored and black colored candles and I am burning them – one gold & one black at a time, but did not clean and annoint them. 2. I will now use green candles and gold candles. How many candles do I burn at a time and do I let it burn our completely in one go, or leave it burning for say 15 minutes and again 15 minutes the next day and so untill the the candles are completely burnt out. I especially would like to do this for financial ‘gain’. 3. Can I buy the ordinary ‘house candles’ or must it be a specific candle. And can I use an ordinary candle holder ‘like people used in the olden days’? I will surely look forward and value your reply. Many thanks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My main concern here is that you were given a candle spell from an individual or website and you are asking me to give details such as how many candles to use. Another ‘red flag’ is the use of black candles for money. I do not know where you have gotten this information, but in my 20 plus years of burning candles for magical results, never have I heard of black candles for money. Reader, here is an example of someone giving information, either through a reading, going to a candle shop or spiritual supply store, or on the Internet, and giving this poor reader only half of the story. Here’s why: 1. Black candles are to curse and bring revenge or to thwart someone’s progress. The energy is negative. 2. Burning candles without cleaning, blessing and oiling then might just be like getting something from Bed, Bath and Beyond or Pier 1 Imports and putting a flame to it. No ritual and no energy has been intoned into the candle. 3. To determine how many candles you need for each color, you need to go back to the source. If the ritual is to be during the New Moon only, figure 2-3, but then again, the size of the candle is a determining factor. 4. The term, ‘ordinary house candles’ must mean those finger sized emergency white candles, right? Here again, not enough information was given to me to answer. The quote, ‘used in the olden days’, again might mean the same candle I mentioned above, or another, since the Jewish people have candles that they use, are called household candles, and were used a long time ago. I would go back to the original person or website where you got this information and ask them, either by phone call or e-mail, to clarify their candle spell. Not only will it save you hours of frustration but money as well. Thanks for a good question!...

New Moon in Virgo | September 8, 2010 – Time for Harvest!

The New Moon in Virgo occurs at 5:31 AM E.S.T. on Wednesday, September 8, 2010. This Moon in Virgo is considered a “Mutable” Earth sign, enhancing the qualities of innovation, invention and intellectual. The New Moon in Virgo is an excellent time to reconstruct your altars and create any ceremonial robes that you might want to have to wear during meditation or prayer time before your altar Lighting green candles for sustained prosperity and red candles for money “in a hurry” is best to do now. Healing candles in colors of white and blue for pets and animals are to be lit at this time. The New Moon in Virgo also tells us to make sure we have clear communication as Mercury is still n Retrograde motion until the 12th. Resolve disagreements It is time to consider concession now and negotiate so that things are fair with you and the other person. Those born under the zodiac sing of Virgo can burn orange candles with essential oils and herbs of mint, lavender, lily. Our next Full Moon will occur on September 23,...

Readers Question | Burn Pink Love Candles Only During New Moon?

During my reading one of the things you advised me to do was to burn a pink candle sprinkled with cinnamon and set atop a petition paper with my desires for my love and me. I have been doing that. The second candle has now finished and I have not replaced it. My question..is it ok to continue this pink love candle now during this moon? Or should I wait for the next cycle? (and what is that cycle??) Thank you..I await your reply. Sylvia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sylvia You sent me this question through my other e-mail, but I thought it was worded so good and it addresses what someone else might be thinking, that I answer it here. I did tell you to burn during the New Moon, as my belief is that beginning candle spells on the ‘proper’ Moons gives the spell a little “boost” of cosmic energy. Here is a bit more about the different theories out there in the World. There are two Schools of Thought popular with candle spell burning. One believes in working ONLY with the Moon cycles, and some go so far as watching for Void-of-Course Moons as well if the Moon is Waxing or Waning Crescent or Gibbous. This is more popular with groups who do specific magickal work. I am not so knowlegeable in this with the exception of New Moon are for BRINGING IN – love, money, success, a loan, friendly or spiritual help, guardian angels and the like. I also know that the Full Moon is for BANISHING or SENDING AWAY – bad boyfriends, nosy neighbors, negative ‘funk’, evil back where it came from and other things like this. Another theory that is practiced is that you address the situation in the “RIGHT NOW’ – meaning despite the Moon, if you need something to manifest, start your candle work now and do not hesitate.  This is the method that I believe how most people work. I am open to both; I have no qualms with waiting for the next Moon to occur for burning a candle, but then again, for me, it is the clients wish that I start candle work for them on their belief system. I DO however, suggest waiting until the Moon cycle, but who an I to judge the need of the client? I guess what I am saying to you is listen to your heart. In my past experience for my own personal love life, I have burned pink candles continuously until I have achieved my goal (for me it took seven weeks of burning candles continuously – 2 candles a week). Was it worth it? Yes. This is the part where you have to listen to your hunches and go with it. Good Luck and tell us which store has your wedding registry!...

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