New Moon in Virgo | September 8, 2010 – Time for Harvest!

The New Moon in Virgo occurs at 5:31 AM E.S.T. on Wednesday, September 8, 2010. This Moon in Virgo is considered a “Mutable” Earth sign, enhancing the qualities of innovation, invention and intellectual. The New Moon in Virgo is an excellent time to reconstruct your altars and create any ceremonial robes that you might want to have to wear during meditation or prayer time before your altar Lighting green candles for sustained prosperity and red candles for money “in a hurry” is best to do now. Healing candles in colors of white and blue for pets and animals are to be lit at this time.

The New Moon in Virgo also tells us to make sure we have clear communication as Mercury is still n Retrograde motion until the 12th. Resolve disagreements It is time to consider concession now and negotiate so that things are fair with you and the other person.

Those born under the zodiac sing of Virgo can burn orange candles with essential oils and herbs of mint, lavender, lily.

Our next Full Moon will occur on September 23, 2010.

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