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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Taurus – November 21, 2010 – Emotions and Materialism

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Taurus – November 21, 2010 – Emotions and Materialism   The Full Moon in occurs on Sunday, November 21, 2010 at E.S.T. This lunation, in the astrological sign of  Taurus, is considered to have the energy qualities known as a “Fixed” Earth sign.  This energy is considered to be practical, stable, materialistic and unchangeable. The Full Moon is considered the most auspicious time for burning candle spells that reverse or return a situation back to where it once was or its’ source are best burned during the next two weeks. This Full Moon has other planets in the zodiac sky that warms of candle and fire safety. Remember that if you are burning candles, use common sense and protect your candle spells accordingly. Please read my candle burning safety article, “Ideas for Keeping Your Home Fire Safe During Candle Burning Spells” (click on blue word to go to article). Another article addresses safety when using Condition Oils,“Free Candle Spells | Cancer and Fire Causing Condition Oils”. During this Full Moon in Taurus, do not light candles for increase in money, as this is definitely not the time to ask for it. Also, do not ask for a change in power of the administration that is set in place, as they have the ‘upper-hand’ in the situation. Do not burn separation candles at this time. During this next two weeks, examine yourself and others as they gear up for the Christmas holiday season and all that entails. Do you value the meaning of the Season or is it another reason to purchase items to offset emotions that are so sensitive at this time of the year. Do you need to give to feel loved? Do others controls your emotions and you need to ‘please’ them by purchasing anything they want? Do not allow others to manipulate your emotions. Light a white candle anointed with “Controlling” or “Commanding” Condition Oils with your name written across theirs in a “crosshairs” diagram (one name vertically written with the other name written horizontally across it) if you feel you are being pushed into doing something that you do not want to do. In addition to this regular Full Moon, November’s Moon is also called a “Blue Moon”. Click the blue words to read what is a Blue Moon. Our next New Moon will occur on December 5,...

Free Candle Spells | Why Your Love Candle Spell Isn’t Working Pt. 2

    The second of a three part series on some things to consider as to why your love candle spell is not working as intended.   We have already explored the possible reasons of why your love spell is not working with some pre-ritual problems that may forewarn of disastrous results. You can read this on the first part of this series titled, “Free Candle Spells | Why Your Love Candle Spell Isn’t Working Pt. 1 (click on blue words to go to article). The second part of this three part series will talk about things that you may be doing that are thwarting your success in your love candle ritual.   4. You are doubtful of the power of candle spell magic and/or you do not have confidence in your own power. – Damn that brain! It keeps you from attaining what you want. You can talk your way right into a funk so low that even Satan needs to send a search party. All jokes aside, you may be thwarting your own success by doing something as little as saying, “I HOPE this candle will bring to me (insert name here)” or “Please let me and (name our target here) get together/back together/fall in love”. URRRRT….NO! One of the best ways to negate any positivity in candle burning is wishing and hoping something will happen. It is better that you wait until you either had a good cuppa joe or feel raging hormones before you light a candle with a POSITIVE MIND. Examples of statements that are truly positive are something like “With the lighting of this candle, I FIRMLY BELIEVE that (insert name here) and I will become a couple in a long lasting and happy relationship that will last forever” or “I KNOW that with the lighting of this candle, I WILL be the next girlfriend/lover/wife of (insert name here”. See how much more affirmative and positive those two statements are?   5. You are skimping on ritual and product or editing the length of ritual – When you read a good spell that just ‘clicks’ with you or if you are under a root workers suggestion to do something, do not buy or obtain items because you believe they can stand in for the real thing  ‘in a pinch’. I have had people ask me if they could use a half burned fragrance candle that is PINK like I suggested, but they don’t want to let it ‘go to waste’ so they want to substitute it for a new candle. Look, that candle that was being considered for substitution was meant to cover odors in the bathroom – why would you want to now suggest to use it for a love spell (unless you want your love affair to go down the toilet, right?). The original purchase of the candle was NOT for magic, but clearing the room of nasty odors. Don’t be cheap and go get a fresh, new candle. Also, if you are to do something for X amount of nights, don’t cheat yourself by figuring that you do not need to do the prayer or ritual every day/night. The Saints do not care if you are bone tired, just five minutes of meditation or prayer will do the trick. Heck, even when I was running out the door one morning, I paused and extended my right hand, saying to the candle, “You know my intentions, I just got to not be late for work!”. I backed it up with a wee bit more time in the evening to make sure I was applying the time.   6. You are the...

New Moon in Scorpio | November 5, 2010 – Confusion Creating Roadblocks!

The New Moon occurs on Friday, November 5, 2010 at 11:52 p.m. E.S.T. This moon, in the sign of Scorpio, is considered a “Fixed” Water sign, meaning that it is unchangeable, emotional and stable.  The New Moon in Scorpio is a good time to devise and plan your candle spells but not act them out now. This is because your intentions might come to light with the “victim” or “target” and they may have a counter-attack up their sleeves! Observe, track and investigate your intended person, but do not begin your candle spell if it is be of an attacking Nature. Let things sit and stew until a more fortuitous Moon occurs. The New Moon in Scorpio, along with the motion of other planets, causes a astrological “roadblock” for the plans of most. Do not worry, as this will clear in a few days, but the confusion it causes will be a head scratcher, as you will be wondering why there was a roadblock at all! The reason for the delay i that you needed to be given the time to examine alternatives and to ‘sit and think a spell’ on your motives, reasons and potential outcomes. The New Moon is considered by old tyme candle burning practitioners to be the optimum time for burning candles to bring in “good things” into you life and into the home. Burning green candles for the next two week anointed with “Money Drawing” Oil is reputed to bring in needed funds for the home. Red candles anointed with “Fast Luck” or “Attraction” Oil boost the magnetic qualities for attracting all kinds of luck, love or money, as you so desire. Pink candles started now for love and romance gain power as the waxing Moon grows larger just as the heart grows fonder of the loved one. Yellow or Gold “Success” candles anointed with the appropriate oils can boost studying power for students doing mid-terms and those looking for new employment. To read about how to properly prepare and anoint your candle to ensure candle burning success, please go to the Free Candle Spells article, “Candle Spell Candle Preparation Step by Step for Candleburning Success!” for tips and techniques on cleaning, carving and anointing your candles. For those born under the sign of Scorpio, the scorpion, you can enhance the powers of this zodiac sign by burning a blue Scorpio candle, fixed with “Scorpio” or “Pluto” planetary oils. You may also anoint your candle with Olive Oil (click blue words to read article on it) and roll or sprinkle herbs associated with Scorpio like basil, catnip, sage, or coriander. The next Full Moon occurs on November 21,...

Free Candle Spells | Why Your Love Candle Spell Isn’t Working – Pt. 1

  I have recently seen a pattern in regards to the line of questioning that I am getting in my e-mails regarding love spells. It seems that there are those who are not happy with the outcome or how long it is taking. I thought I would write an article to address some issues or situations that you may be having or are seeing with candle spell work. This is part 1 of a 3 part series that I am writing to address issues in failed love candle spells. Here is the scenario; you met a guy or a gal and you two are really hitting it off. You want to ‘turn it up’, meaning you want to make the two of you get closer. You choose to find a candle spell or you visit the botanica, candle shop or a spiritual worker to do the work for you. It has been some time, not terribly long, but you are not seeing the results you want. Examine these reasons why the love candle spell may not be working and see if any of them sounds familiar. 1. Magic is not “Guaranteed” – Pure and simple. Magic, candles, incantations or even prayers, are the infusion of wishes, desires and hopes that you are releasing into the ethers of the Universe. I see clients all the time who have gone from one reader to a psychic to a spiritual worker, all for naught, because each one had done work for the person/client and it did not turn out the way it was intended or not at all. The Internet is chock full of websites promising, even assuring the reader that their spells are “100% Guaranteed”. Truth.   If it is not meant to Be, then the Almighty will not allow it to happen.   The girl or guy might be the most handsome, beautiful, or gorgeous body Heaven sent down, but if their is evil intent afoot in the Future and the Higher Power that resides in the clouds doesn’t want you to experience it, then no amount of candles will make It happen. You have to ask, pray, meditate or incant what you desire, but with the understanding of this:   It Might Not Happen Despite How Many Candles You Burn.   ‘ Nuff said! 2. You have unrealistic goals – This falls into the “George Clooney or (insert movie/rock star’s name here)” section. There is just some circles that you and your target will circulate in and your paths will NOT cross. Another scenario is the “I’ll wait forever for you, Eddie!” syndrome, despite Eddie being married with 4 kids and a mortgage that would make Donald Trump cringe. Really? You want to become ‘Instant Step-Mom?’. Brave girl. The same goes for men as well; be careful what you wish for….. 3. There are underlying issues, problems and situations to take into consideration (further enhancing the above) – OK, so Eddie is really and truly is “the One”. He’s got 4 kids, a mortgage, and a wife that is taking him to the cleaners. Take a moment and think 5 years down the road – are you planning to be the major ‘breadwinner’ in your relationship with Eddie because three quarters of his check goes to HER? This is an example of what could happen once you are fully entrenched into a relationship. If she/he is cheating now, using now, lying now, then it is bound to happen later as well. Do not try to “fix” another person (which is a great majority of concerns lately). They are what or who they are; love them with all their faults...

Free Candle Spells | Halloween Do’s and Don’ts with the Spirit World

For most, this weekend is about dressing up as your favorite actress, superhero or ghoul and dancing the night away. For the little ones, it is about going door-to-door gathering as much candy as their plastic pumpkin or pillowcase will allow before curfew. It is about decorations, costumes, candles and candy. For some, the thought of attempting to contact the Spirit World is heightened, thanks to lore and Hollywood. Despite the truth that the curtain from this world and the other side is pulled back during the next three days so that the worlds can meet and greet, this can be quite a temptation for those who are not aware of what havoc can be created if not taking the right precautions. People who have been influenced by the media and/or books will attempt to host séances and parties where the Ouija board and other methods of spiritual communication will be used. If not in the proper hands, you may be asking for more than you bargained for during these social gathering. There are countless documentations of spirit possession and exorcisms that have to be performed on individuals that have been overcome by the entity. Despite being Halloween party props, there are negative aspects to using the Ouija board, Tarot Cards and other means of communication with the spirits and it is those negative aspects that will literally haunt you for the rest of your life, if you do not take certain precautions as these: How to Stay Spiritually Safe during Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day DON’T: Do not conduct anything of the spiritual nature while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics of any kind, including prescription medicines. They can alter your perception of what is going on and you can become easily influenced and possessed if you do. If imbibing, smoking or taking medicine, beg off and sit out the session. Don’t do anything connected with spirit communication alone. Always have at least one person near you when you begin and through the session. Do not ask for any evil or negative influence to enter your space. Set parameters for only good spirits to enter. Do not participate if you are fearful of the unknown. Fear can be a tool for entry of negative spirits or influences that can cause havoc because of wild imaginations. Remove yourself from the session if fearful. Do not invite anything into your body to possess you or use you as a ‘mouthpiece’ or ‘horse’, meaning to be able to work through you for communication or actual work. Do not ask for the Devil, Satan or any of the Legions to manifest. Do not use any names of Angels that you do not personally understand who they are or if you have heard any names in any horror movies. Some Angels of Darkness have ‘cutsie’ or benevolent sounding names, but in reality they are some of the higher ranking servants of Evil. Do not enter abandoned building or places reputed to be haunted without the owner’s permission and without a professional paranormal investigator. DO: Maintain a high level of liquids (water, juice, herbal teas) in your body as you might find that you are losing more than normal as the body is in a heightened state of the spiritual. Do get assistance and guidance from a paranormal investigator, professional ghost hunter or a credible psychic or medium. Do investigate with an open mind and light heart. Make sure your intentions are good. Do have fun and don’t be afraid because whether you know it or not, the spirits are around us 24/7, we sometimes just choose not to realize...

Free Candle Spells | Honoring Your Ancestors (Time of the Year)

The coming week will host three holidays that involve the Spirit world – Halloween on October 31st, All Saints Day on November 1st and All Souls Day on November 2nd. These three historically connected dates involve doing for those who have departed and remembering or honoring them in some way. For some of the younger generations, the only idea that comes to mind for them is ghosts and goblins and trick-or-treating. There is a much more spiritual meaning of the three feast days. First we start with Halloween, or as it was known before,  All Hallows Eve. This day is the traditional day before All Saints Day, or as it is also known, All Hallows Day. All Hallows Day, the day in which we honor the lives of the holiest of devoted Christians, those  who were named as Saints. It has been said that the origins of Halloween had children dressed as these virgins and martyrs of Christianity go door to door, reminding those faithful to  venerate them ‘on the morrow’ (the next day). Sweets were given to these little ambassadors of the departed Saints, thus the giving of treats to those who know on our doors on October 31st. All Souls Day, on November 2nd, is for us to remember the departed humans who left us and were the ordinary Jane or Jack who was a Christian. In our town, we have the Aztec dancers and Native Peoples makes burnt offerings to the directions with white sage and to blow their conch shell horns. The processional around the Saint Mary’s Cemetery on 65th Street is quite a sight with the pageantry and dedication of the various groups of people who choose to join this ceremony. The procession, taking several hours, ends with a Mass with an outdoor altar covered with images of departed loved ones, candles, flowers, sugar skulls, pumpkins and corn. I have recently renewed my indoor Ancestor Altar upon the reemergence of my long-forgotten spirituality. I wrote an article about it called “Your Ancestor Altar and Eguns”. Click on the blue title to go to my other site to read...

Full Moon in Aries | October 22, 2010 – Spreading Yourself Too Thinly!

The Full Moon occurs on Friday, October 22, 2010 at 8:38 pm E.S.T. The Moon in the astrological sign of Aries, is consider to be “Cardinal” in Nature. The energy of the Aries Moon is spirited, innovative, fiery, and energetic. It is considered a good lunation if you want to get things done, as the energy of the planet Mars, which rules Aries, is all about action. The energy of this Moon is somewhat frustrating as there is the knowledge that things have to change yet as the days progress, you may find obstacles thwarting your progress. Do not lose your head over these matters, as the feeling of urgency drives you to your goal, but take the as a “weeding our” of the unnecessary situations and things for you to complete this goal. Cool heads prevail during this time. The Moon will be considerably absent on October 31st, making for a spookier atmosphere on Halloween. The Full Moon is considered optimum time for doing “Reversible” candle work to send negative things and thoughts back to the sender. Burning black candles for “Revenge” work is done at this time. Reversible candles can be anointed with “Reversible ” Oil to boost it’s negative -releasing properties. Black candles can be anointed with“Run, Devil, Run”, “Crossing” or “Jinxing” Oils. Be careful with your candles, making sure that you consider ways to keep your sacred place safe with fire safety measures. I have written an article regarding how to keep candle spells safe in the past, Ideas for Keeping Your Home Fire Safe During Candle Burning Spells. I suggest you read and brush up on fire safety. The next New Moon occurs on November 6,...

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