Full Moon in Aries | October 22, 2010 – Spreading Yourself Too Thinly!

The Full Moon occurs on Friday, October 22, 2010 at 8:38 pm E.S.T. The Moon in the astrological sign of Aries, is consider to be “Cardinal” in Nature. The energy of the Aries Moon is spirited, innovative, fiery, and energetic. It is considered a good lunation if you want to get things done, as the energy of the planet Mars, which rules Aries, is all about action.

The energy of this Moon is somewhat frustrating as there is the knowledge that things have to change yet as the days progress, you may find obstacles thwarting your progress. Do not lose your head over these matters, as the feeling of urgency drives you to your goal, but take the as a “weeding our” of the unnecessary situations and things for you to complete this goal. Cool heads prevail during this time. The Moon will be considerably absent on October 31st, making for a spookier atmosphere on Halloween.

The Full Moon is considered optimum time for doing “Reversible” candle work to send negative things and thoughts back to the sender. Burning black candles for “Revenge” work is done at this time. Reversible candles can be anointed with “Reversible ” Oil to boost it’s negative -releasing properties. Black candles can be anointed with“Run, Devil, Run”, “Crossing” or “Jinxing” Oils.

Be careful with your candles, making sure that you consider ways to keep your sacred place safe with fire safety measures. I have written an article regarding how to keep candle spells safe in the past, Ideas for Keeping Your Home Fire Safe During Candle Burning Spells. I suggest you read and brush up on fire safety.

The next New Moon occurs on November 6, 2010.

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