Free Candle Spells | Halloween Do’s and Don’ts with the Spirit World

For most, this weekend is about dressing up as your favorite actress, superhero or ghoul and dancing the night away. For the little ones, it is about going door-to-door gathering as much candy as their plastic pumpkin or pillowcase will allow before curfew. It is about decorations, costumes, candles and candy.

For some, the thought of attempting to contact the Spirit World is heightened, thanks to lore and Hollywood. Despite the truth that the curtain from this world and the other side is pulled back during the next three days so that the worlds can meet and greet, this can be quite a temptation for those who are not aware of what havoc can be created if not taking the right precautions. People who have been influenced by the media and/or books will attempt to host séances and parties where the Ouija board and other methods of spiritual communication will be used. If not in the proper hands, you may be asking for more than you bargained for during these social gathering. There are countless documentations of spirit possession and exorcisms that have to be performed on individuals that have been overcome by the entity.

Despite being Halloween party props, there are negative aspects to using the Ouija board, Tarot Cards and other means of communication with the spirits and it is those negative aspects that will literally haunt you for the rest of your life, if you do not take certain precautions as these:

How to Stay Spiritually Safe during Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day


Do not conduct anything of the spiritual nature while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics of any kind, including prescription medicines. They can alter your perception of what is going on and you can become easily influenced and possessed if you do. If imbibing, smoking or taking medicine, beg off and sit out the session.

Don’t do anything connected with spirit communication alone. Always have at least one person near you when you begin and through the session.

Do not ask for any evil or negative influence to enter your space. Set parameters for only good spirits to enter.

Do not participate if you are fearful of the unknown. Fear can be a tool for entry of negative spirits or influences that can cause havoc because of wild imaginations. Remove yourself from the session if fearful.

Do not invite anything into your body to possess you or use you as a ‘mouthpiece’ or ‘horse’, meaning to be able to work through you for communication or actual work.

Do not ask for the Devil, Satan or any of the Legions to manifest. Do not use any names of Angels that you do not personally understand who they are or if you have heard any names in any horror movies. Some Angels of Darkness have ‘cutsie’ or benevolent sounding names, but in reality they are some of the higher ranking servants of Evil.

Do not enter abandoned building or places reputed to be haunted without the owner’s permission and without a professional paranormal investigator.


Maintain a high level of liquids (water, juice, herbal teas) in your body as you might find that you are losing more than normal as the body is in a heightened state of the spiritual.

Do get assistance and guidance from a paranormal investigator, professional ghost hunter or a credible psychic or medium.

Do investigate with an open mind and light heart. Make sure your intentions are good.

Do have fun and don’t be afraid because whether you know it or not, the spirits are around us 24/7, we sometimes just choose not to realize this.

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