Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 28th, 2012 in Herbs and Spices used in Hoodoo and Conjure, Hoodoo Products and Uses | Comments Off on Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Oregano in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells
Oregano, a common herb in European cookery, has its uses in candle spells to keep the law away and for keeping nosy people who are making trouble to stay away. Origanum vulgare, as it is known by its botanical name, has many different genus or variations of the same plant. The name Oregano stems from the Greek words “oros” and “ganos” to form the meaning “mountain happiness”. It is said that Greeks in the countryside would adorn the heads of newlyweds with wreaths of oregano to bless them with joy in their marriage. In the Greek and Italian magical traditions, oregano is associated with the practices of Stregheria, a form of herbal witchery. In this belief system, oregano has strong properties of protection and some brew a tea of oregano to wash down homes to place a protective barrier for the family. It also has been said that planting a pot of oregano by the front door will also protect the home. In the Southern magical traditions of Hoodoo and Conjure, the oregano plant is used to keep the law away from your place of business or home, especially if you are conducting activities that may be slightly questionable with the authorities. Mixing oregano with crushed eucalyptus leaves will keep nosy neighbors and those who are “tattletales” our of your business. Rolling a free standing brown Court Case candle in oregano after anointing with Court Case Oil or adding a pinch to the top of a glass encased brown candle that has had Court Case Oil added to it and burning it before going to trial has allegedly been beneficial in assist that matters will turn your way to help you in the hearing. Read about all 12 common kitchen spices used in hoodoo, conjure and candle magic here, “Kitchen Hoodoo | 12 Spices and Herbs for Hoodoo Magic Spells” ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 21st, 2012 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – Time for Hope and Change?
The New Moon in Aquarius occurs at 2:41 am E.S.T. on January 23, 2012. The energy of the Moon in Aquarius in this astrological Air sign, is considered “Fixed”, meaning that it is stable and unchangeable. The energy is concerned with mental and intellectual activity and with the concerns for mankind. This Moon is a good time to activate or initiate new things that have been different than anything you have ever done before. Now is the time to try a red candle love spell or a green candle money spell if you had never considered doing one. Make sure you calculate the long range effects of your candle spells at this time. The Moon in Aquarius is good for community activism and social networking. Make new friends at this time and form ties that will lead to altruistic realities in the future. In addition this Moon squares Jupiter on one side and Saturn on the other, making it hard for those in positions of decision making to do anything because of effects that will happen if a choice is made. Look for stagnancy in the forward movement in projects, decisions. Burning purple candles to work with the energy of Aquarius would be ideal at this time, especially if they are anointed with oils infused with the herbs of Uranus such as Cinnamon, Ginseng Nutmeg or Mandrake. You may also use free standing purple candles anointed with olive oil and rolled in herbs such as Star Anise, Curry. Spikenard and Wisteria. The New Moon occurs on the same day at the Chinese or Lunar New Year. It is the year of the Water Dragon. The next Full Moon occurs on February, 7, 2012....
Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 20th, 2012 in Chinese/Lunar New Year | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Lunar New Year 2012 – Year of the Dragon
This upcoming week we celebrate Lunar New Year on January 23, 2012. This occurs on the same day of the first New Moon of 2012. This age-old celebration of culture and community, known as Chinese New Year in years past, is honored with the tradition of giving and receiving a red envelope, filled with money, as a symbolic gesture of wishing one prosperity and good luck. The color red is used because it is considered a color that wards off evil and symbolizes Good Luck. In some countries that have a population who practices Islam, green envelopes are sometimes used, as green is a color associated with Islam. It is said that odd number of bills, coins or the total of the money given must not add up to an odd number (like 3,5,7,9, etc.), but either must be an even number or end with an “8” in the ones column (like $88.00, $168.00, etc.) as they are considered auspicious or “good” numbers. Any money must not total the numbers, 4, 40,44,444, etc., as the pronunciation of the word “four” in Chinese dialects resembles the word for death, a bad omen. Red envelopes are also given to newlyweds in China. The Chinese New Year stamp (pictured above) caused quite a stir recently as the population thought that the dragon on the stamp was too “fierce” and may give the wrong impression of the Chinese. The Dragon is a symbol of power and strength, and those born in the Year of the Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012) are considered to have the personality traits of passion, robust health, short tempered temperament, stubborn, popular, fun loving and lead a life full of enthusiasm. They also love to indulge in healthy gossip and also make good gamblers. You can activate Good Luck on this day by burning red candles anointed with “Fast Luck” oil to activate the goodness of the New Year and the first New Moon of 2012....
Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 16th, 2012 in Prosperity Experiment | Comments Off on The Prosperity Experiment 2012 – Beginning Jan. 23 ,2012
The first of two Prosperity Experiments for 2012 is about one week away, starting on January 23, 2012 on the New Moon and the day of the Lunar or Chinese New Year. What is the Prosperity Experiment? The Prosperity Experiment, now in our 5th year, is a month long candle burning service to attract more abundance and prosperity in your life for 2012. This candle burning service of green money candles, collectively with others, is a day-by-day walk to rethink how you view money and to bring you closer in meditation to attract more money. You receive daily inspirational e-mails with a story and a daily meditation for you to ponder each day, plus other goodies that you receive in the mail. There are free down-loadable e-books from some of the most successful power speakers and spiritual leaders who have become a living example of prosperous living. To read more about the Prosperity Experiment, click here to go to article Don’t delay ordering your participation in the Prosperity Experiment now and get ready for abundant living! We have begun this Prosperity Experiment. Please look for announcements in June for July’s participation in the Prosperity...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 8th, 2012 in Prosperity Experiment | Comments Off on Prosperity Experiment 2012 – 30 Days to a More Prosperous You!
Announcing the 2012 Prosperity Experiment to begin on January 23, 2012 If it is time to consider using the Power of Prayer and Candle burning to bring in added abundance and prosperity to your life in 2012, then this the the event you are sure to not miss. This year marks the 5th year I have been hosting the Prosperity Experiment, a groups of like-minded readers that want to harness the power of candle burning to bring in needed financial blessings to them. This is achieved by having 30 days of green candles burned for them to bring in abundance and prosperity. What is the Prosperity Experiment? To read more about the Prosperity Experiment and more information on how to join this core group of people like yourself that want to “jump start” their financial success in 2012, then click here to read more about the Prosperity...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 8th, 2012 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Cancer – Time for New Beginnings!
The Full Moon in Cancer occurs at 2:30 am E.S.T. on Monday, January 9, 2012. This Full Moon in the astrological sign for the hearth and home, family and security, is considered “Cardinal” in nature, meaning that the energy of the Cancer Moon is energetic, innovative and emotional. This is the time to work on matters concerning the home and family, and with the energy of the Full Moon, eliminating and banishing things and energies that create disharmony in the home life is supported at this time. The Full Moon is traditionally held responsible for energy that is for a “Reversing” and “Banishing” nature. Now is the time to light Reversible candles to change back a situation or black candle to banish something that is creating chaos for you. Using Lucky Mojo Reversible Anointing Oil on your candles is a good way to boost the effectiveness of your reversing candle spell. This particular lunation emphasizes the need for balance between home and business for a secure place in the world.There may be delays in funding or expected payments form agencies. This is a time to not “place all your eggs in one basket”. Have a little tucked away here and stashed there so you can easily access it. The New Year also gives us a sense of renewed hope and a desire for a better future. Starting a savings would be opportune now, since you are about to embark on a very different and more positive year. The next New Moon occurs on January 23, 2012. This same day is the Lunar New Year celebrated in many Asian countries. In the Chinese astrological calendar, this is the year of the Dragon. Order a Reversible Candle to be Burned for You! ...