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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • New Moon in Cancer – July 21, 2009 | All in the Family and an Eclipse, too!... The New Moon in Cancer occurs on July 21, 2009 at 9:36 pm E.S.T. It is in 29th degree of Cancer as just less than an hour later, the Moon changes signs into the astrological sign of Leo (at 10:28 pm E.S.T.). This New Moon is considered “Cardinal”, meaning that it is emotional and innovating. Not only do we have the regular Moon lunation, but it also occurs during a Solar Eclipse, which makes this an especially powerful Moon for wishing or burning candles for the family and all that it encompasses; children, home and hearth, food, mother, nurturing, safety and security. Blue candles anointed with “Peaceful Home” Condition Oil would...
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Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Take Control!

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Take Control! The New Moon in Leo occurs on August 6, 2013 at 4:51 pm E.S.T. The energy of a New Moon in the astrological sign of Leo, the Lion is considered a “Fixed” Fire Sign and therefore is aggressive, creative, stable and unchangeable. This particular New Moon time is excellent for burning candles to dominate or take control of a situation. Other planetary actions during this time suggest taking a stance against intrusion onto your personal life by unwanted entities. Take care regarding your retirement issues and read all materials before making a decision regarding your future. Also, take precaution with electrical and things involving fire, such as B-B-Q’s, campfires, fireplaces and candles. The New Moon is traditionally held as the time to burn candles to “bring in” or attract what you want, especially in matters of love, advancement, promotions, and money.This is an excellent time to burn gold candles for success and green candles to attract money to the home. If you are being considered for a promotion or are considering applying for a different position, now is the time to brush up your resume, dress for success and win them over with a dazzling smile and the eloquence of a leader. Love spells under Leo tend to bring on the dramatic and showy forms of love, so if you are ready to really impress someone, now is the time to light those pink love candles. The New Moon in the zodiac sign of Leo is also a wonderful time to dress up or redecorate your altar, choosing fine fabrics and lots of “bling”, as Leo loves just about anything shiny and gold! The bigger and showier, the better is Leo’s motto! The next Full Moon occurs on August 20, 2013....

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon July 22, 2013 – Instability!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon July 22, 2013 – Instability!   The Full Moon in Aquarius will occur at 1:17 E.S.T. on July 22, 2013. This Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, will still be under the influence of the last Mercury Retrograde, which ended on July 20th. With most major planetary shifts and stations such as this Retrograde, the influence builds the week before and takes about a week after to fully ‘clear out’. Given that Jupiter is in the sign of Cancer, you may feel that issues regarding the family and the home that were not addressed or not well received may still linger. Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, turns Retrograde on the 17th, and it rules progressive ideals and groups dedicated to social reforms and radical ideas. You may see that groups of this nature will have a more difficult time in moving forward with their agendas, and thus, may result to covert tactics or violence to express themselves.The energy of the times is instability. You may want to burn blue candles anointed with Peaceful Home Oil to create a safe haven from the World. The Full Moon time is considered to be beneficial for Reversible candle spells that you may perform. The term “Reversible” is loosely described and turning back or ‘reversing’ anything that you are going through at this time. This candle ritual also is to ‘send back’ any jealousy or envy from friends, neighbors or relatives. The Full Moon is also a good time to burn “decrease” or decreasing candle spells. The idea regarding “decreasing” candle spells would be to ease a re-occurring health situation or, if doing enemy work, burning candles to decrease the victims energy, power or resources like money or luck. The next New Moon will occur on August 6, 2013  ...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Cancer – Hearth and Home!

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Cancer – Hearth and Home!   The New Moon in Cancer occurs on July 8, 2013 at 2:15 am E.S.T. This Moon, also being influenced by the expansive planet of Jupiter, which began in late June and is expected to last until next June, focuses on the safety, security and dealings of the home and family. Cancer, the Crab, rules the breasts and stomach areas, all important to nurturing life and the child created, is considered a “Cardinal” water sign and the energy of a Cancer Mew Moon is energetic, innovative and emotional. Using the energy of a New Moon, which is traditionally held as a time to light candles for increase, attraction and gain in the areas of money, luck and love, and supporting your intentions with the energy of Jupiter, the planet of girth, gain and expanding forces, now is an excellent time to truly focus on increasing your financial situation regarding the home and family.  Burning red candles for fast luck and green candles for money drawing, using some of the oils featured at Lucky 13 Clover, would be beneficial at this time. Some of the intentions you could chart or mediate upon would be “I want to achieve gain in my employment for the safety and security of my family” or “I want a multitude of blessings of luck and abundance rain down on my family lineage for generations to come”. One way you could consider utilizing the power of positive intention during this time is to participate in the Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment which begins on the New Moon day of July 8th. Click here for more information In addition, using the energy of the Cancer Moon for candle spells for control and commanding could be more successful for you at this time. The only cautionary message is that Mercury is still in Retrograde, and because of this, careful wording of your prayer Petition is crucial to your success. Mercury will turn Direct on July 20th, right before the Full Moon. Our next Full Moon will be on July 22, 2013....

Free Candle Spells | Astrology Watch – Jupiter in Cancer

Free Candle Spells | Astrology Watch – Jupiter in Cancer   Jupiter in Cancer June 26, 2013 to June 2014 * What does the planet Jupiter represent? * The planet Jupiter is astrologically considered the planet of expansion and increase. It is the planet associated with the astrological sign of Sagittarius, the Archer and Pisces the Fish. Jupiter’s sigil or glyph is a stylized number four (shown above) and the color is purple. Jupiter visits one astrological sign a year as it takes 12 years to circle the astrological belt. Jupiter energy is masculine and is associated with the ninth (House of Philosophy) and twelfth (House of the Subconscious) houses. Traditionally labeled “The Greater Fortune”, Jupiter will give you a sense of a Higher Purpose. Depending on where it lies in your horoscope, it will set in place your ideals and happiness factors and will foretell whether your life’s course will be smooth freeways or rocky roads. Jupiter is kind and benevolent, but does not take too kindly to laziness and sloth, so grow and flourish in a positive manner by keeping busy on projects utilizing a forward motion to accomplish goals. Looking as to where Jupiter is in your chart at the time of birth will aid you in using Jupiter energy to the max. * How can Jupiter assist You? * Jupiter most precious gift is to guide you to your highest capacity, fulfillment and happiness. Many paths that you may take to achieve this is through travel, learning, philosophy and life challenges. Where Jupiter is in your chart will indicate where you are in the sphere of your life (astrological house) and the method of motion (astrological sign) that you will take to make these leaps in your life. Jupiter will also determine certain character aspects such as stinginess or generosity. * What Jupiter in Cancer means for You? * When Jupiter is the astrological sign of Cancer, the expansion will be in all areas that Cancer rules: home, family, children, security and the breasts and stomach regions of the body. You may see children being born into the family or the purchases of larger houses. You might see your waistline expanding as well if you do not take care and maintain a healthy weight, as Jupiter in Cancer also rules entertaining at home with delicious food, which is Jupiter in Cancer at it’s best and worst! You can best use the energy of Jupiter in Cancer by focusing on an in crease in what affects the family – security and prosperity. If you have a family-run or home-based business, burning purple candles for Jupiter and green candles for money together, along with a carefully worded prayer petition, will be most beneficial until June...

Free Candle Spells | Mid-Year 2013 Prosperity Experiment Event!

  The Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment for 2013 will begin in July 8, 2013, on the next New Moon. Coupling this with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, entering the sign of Cancer on June 25th, this means big gains for those Moon Children and also for those who want to bring major prosperity to their home and family life! * What is the Prosperity Experiment?* The Prosperity Experiment, now in its 6th year, is a group of souls like yourself who are striving for additional abundance, prosperity and financial gain. This event, which happens twice a year, is a way to have a constant stream of candlelight prayer said for your intention for 30 days. Each candle (total of 5) will be lit in a group, and prayed over once in the morning and again at night, for the intentions on the petitions from you to manifest for you. Some of the past successes of the groups has been selling a home that was on the market for 6 months without any offers, additional free lance work from another person, jobs, lottery winnings and increases in businesses.   * We have started the Event. Please consider participating in the January 2014 Prosperity Experiment Please make sure you are on our Newsletter list for announcements on the next Prosperity Experiment *...

Free Candle Spells | New York Times Article “A Brisk Business in Selling Hope by the Wick”

Free Candle Spells | New York Times Article “A Brisk Business in Selling Hope by the Wick” Here is a well written article about faith and hope and burning candles for success in things to come: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/22/business/22candle.html       NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited by anyone and is not approved by the site owner. It is illegal to use another’s work without express permission and is defined as plagerism....

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde Alert! – June 26, 2013

Mercury turns Retrograde for its second of three blocks of time in 2013 on June 26, 2013. As Mercury, the planet of communication and the astrological sign of Gemini, the twins, takes this backwards march through out summer skies, it brings both the good and the ‘bad’ with it. Some of the beneficial aspects of a Mercury Retrograde is that is is a good time to rest and reflect. Journal about where you want to be in three months or next year at this time. Curl up with inspirational reads or common sense books and consider their ideas that you read. Quiet your soul and listen. Now for the ‘bad’ – computers may fail or frizzle out, e-mails go into cyber-Internet-space and snail mail is well…slower than usual. Be proactive and not reactive by paying your bills a day or two earlier, especially if you do electronic bill paying, and if using the postal service, make sure you hand-deliver them to the clerk. Your cell phones may have problems and other items of communication may suffer meltdowns. On the personal front, from June 26th until July 20th, try not to discuss the “heavy” issues such as the path a relationship is going or signing divorce papers. This is also not the time to sign any contracts at all, or make any life-changing big ticket purchases or deals as you may not understand the ‘fine print’ and get wrapped up into something you cannot afford. It has been said that if you get cars repaired during a Mercury Retrograde, sometimes they have to be returned to the mechanic’s shop for a ‘re-do’ because of faulty work. To prepare for a Mercury Retrograde, you should consider: * Backing up your computer * Steer clear of difficult people wo will not understand your words and twist everything you say to them into one nightmare pretzel that you will have to unravel. * Finish craft projects and other things that have been left ‘hanging’ or that have been pushed to the ‘back burner’. This means lots of filing invoices and old bills for me! * If you own a business, review your income and financial goals and readjust your end game goal for 2013. Set a new agenda to get you through until the end of the year. * If you own a physical emporium, now is the time for a deep cleaning of all clutter and stacks of papers. * If you are doing any magical work, make sure you word your petitions correctly and do not be hesitant in your candle burning spells. No ‘beating around the bush’ here – you have to have a clearly defined goal and make sure your heart is in it before beginning your candle spell. * Rest and meditate. There is nothing wrong with doing or saying….nothing! Remember, your tongue can’t ‘dig your grave’ if it isn’t in use so keep certain comments and opinions to yourself and sit quietly and reflect on where you are in this point of your life and plan, plan, plan! Our final Mercury Retrograde will occur October 21st through November 10th later this year...

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