Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Take Control!

The New Moon in Leo occurs on August 6, 2013 at 4:51 pm E.S.T. The energy of a New Moon in the astrological sign of Leo, the Lion is considered a “Fixed” Fire Sign and therefore is aggressive, creative, stable and unchangeable. This particular New Moon time is excellent for burning candles to dominate or take control of a situation. Other planetary actions during this time suggest taking a stance against intrusion onto your personal life by unwanted entities. Take care regarding your retirement issues and read all materials before making a decision regarding your future. Also, take precaution with electrical and things involving fire, such as B-B-Q’s, campfires, fireplaces and candles.

The New Moon is traditionally held as the time to burn candles to “bring in” or attract what you want, especially in matters of love, advancement, promotions, and money.This is an excellent time to burn gold candles for success and green candles to attract money to the home. If you are being considered for a promotion or are considering applying for a different position, now is the time to brush up your resume, dress for success and win them over with a dazzling smile and the eloquence of a leader. Love spells under Leo tend to bring on the dramatic and showy forms of love, so if you are ready to really impress someone, now is the time to light those pink love candles.

The New Moon in the zodiac sign of Leo is also a wonderful time to dress up or redecorate your altar, choosing fine fabrics and lots of “bling”, as Leo loves just about anything shiny and gold! The bigger and showier, the better is Leo’s motto!

The next Full Moon occurs on August 20, 2013.


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