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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • New Moon in Virgo August 30, 2008 | Using the New Moon to Bring In Good Things... New Moon in Virgo August 30, 2008 | Using the New Moon to Bring In Good Things   Greetings All! Just a reminder that tomorrow, August 30, 2008 will be the New Moon in Virgo, a time to start your Love, Money, Business, Abundance and Blessings candles to bring it all in! In addition, this Moon will be at 7 degrees in the sign of Virgo, the sign for burning candles to bring in additional money to the home. So, if you are NOT in need of any additional money for, oh let’s say, vacations, remodeling or just a few trinkets to make your soul happy – this time is definitely not for you!  ...
  • Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Some of Our Fine Advertisers... ...
  • Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Sagittarius the Archer... Sagittarius rules those born from November 23rd  to December 21st . This zodiac sign is considered “Mutable” Fire sign, which means the energy fluctuates between optimistic  and pessimistic tendencies. This energy is creative and aggressive. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Let It Shine!... ...
  • Readers Questions | Reversible Candle Has Black Smoke – Should I Worry?... A reader, Josie, commented on posts, but I thought I would make it a full blown blog post as she brings up some concerns that others might be having as well. Josie says: I’m too a little confused about the right candles to buy. but I try to do my best. My reversible candles have a real big flame, and throws black smoke. Should I worry? Smoke and Flame Divination is part of candle burning. The antics of the flame and the intensity of the smoke is a good indicator of how your candle burning spell is going. For instance, you say that your flame is real big, that...
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Free Candle Spells | Court Case/ Drop Charges – Influence Judge Brown Candle Spell

While this court case brown candle spell is very detailed and will need a lot of work to do, it has been successful for many people. It requires a brown candle for each key player in the proceedings and a white candle to represent yourself. Ingredients 1 White glass 7- day Novena Candle 1 Brown glass 7-day Novena Candle for each key player in the case (i.e. Judge, District Attorney or Attorney for other side, Arresting Officer, Your Attorney, etc.) Your number will vary. 1 package loose Pipe Tobacco 1 piece of White Paper 2 X 4 inches for each candle (your number may vary) Copy (not Original) of your Court documents that include the day, date and time of hearing 1 bottle Influence Condition Oil 1 bottle of Confusion Condition Oil 1 bottle Victory Confusion Oil 1 bottle of King Solomon Wisdom Condition Oil 1 bottle of Clarity Condition Oil 1 teaspoon of Poppy Seeds (can be obtained in gourmet specialty cooking shops) 1 large rectangle glass baking dish or aluminum cookie sheet Clean candles with lemon juice or alcohol, let dry. On each piece of paper, write the full name of each participant (if known) and the jurisdiction that each person resides or presides over (i.e. “Arresting Officer J. Jones, Badge #1234, San Bernadino County Sheriffs Dept.”). On the paper for yourself or the person the candle spell is intended, write their full name, date of birth and city of birth, along with the words ” innocent of all charges”. Anoint the White Candle with any of the “victory” condition oils such as “Victory”, “Victorious” or “Ganador”. Place a few drops of the oil in the top of the candle and rub in counter clockwise while picturing you being set free of all charges. In the Brown Candle meant for the presiding Judge, rub in a few drops of Influence Oil, a few drops of Clarity Oil, and a few drops of any of the Wisdom Condition Oils, such as “Wisdom”, King Solomon”, “King Solomon Wisdom”, etc. Rub the oil in the candle in a counter clockwise motion, visualizing you influencing the Judge’s decision making abilities. In the Brown Candle representing your Legal Defense team or Attorney, rub a few drops of Influence Oil and King Solomon Wisdom Oil in a counter clockwise motion. In each of the County District Attorney’s or the Attorney for the other side Brown Candles and the Arresting Officers’ Brown Candles, rub in a few drops of the Confusion condition oil in a counter clockwise motion. Sprinkle a bit of the poppy seeds into the top of each of the candles. Place the copy of your Court Documents in baking dish or cookie sheet. Place white papers of names of each key participants on their respective candles with tape. Sprinkle the loose tobacco over the documents. Place candles on the cookie sheet in this manner: Your Attorney’s Brown Candle to the back of the cookie sheet County District Attorney’s Brown Candle to the left of the cookie sheet Arresting Officer(s) Brown Candle to the right of the cookie sheet the Judge’s Brown Candle in front of the cookie sheet Your White Candle in the center of the cookie sheet The configuration should look like if you were setting the candles on a compass face, with the Judge as the South position or point, your Attorney at the North position, the County DA in the West position and the Officer(s) in the East position, with your white candle in the center. Light the Candles in this order: 1st Your White Candle 2nd Your Attorney 3rd the Judge 4th the Officer(s) 5th the County...

Free Candle Spells | White Candle Release and Forgive Candle Spell

This simple candle spell is to “let go” of a bad relationship, situation or even a particular event. Ingredients 1 White Glass 7-day Novena Candle 1 teaspoon Olive Oil 1 piece of White Paper 1 large pinch of loose Tobacco Saucer or small dish Clean your white candle with lemon juice or alcohol, let completely dry. Write your full name on piece of paper. Turn the paper 180 degrees (upside down) and then write the other person’s full name or the date of the event. Each name should line up under each other, but require turning paper upside down to read each name. Place paper in a small dish or saucer. Put the Olive Oil in a small saucer and extend your hands over it, praying that it be blessed. Pour a small amount into the top of the candle, set candle on paper inside saucer. Circle the candle with tobacco with a clockwise motion of the hand, to banish and release. Light candle and pray Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd”). Let candle burn continuously until out. When candle is done, take candle out of saucer, fold tobacco inside the paper and carry it with a lighter to the gutter drain nearest your house. Light the paper, making sure you get a good burn. Drop lighted paper into drain (or what is left of it) and return home without looking back. Clean your house thoroughly with a pine cleaner or lemon essence cleaner. Throw open the windows and light white sage to smudge the whole house. Sprinkle Epsom salts on the floors, let set and sweep or vacuum up, disposing of the vacuum bag immediately at the front door. Sweep everything towards the front door. Wipe down home and floors from farthest point of home towards front door.    ...

Free Candle Spells | Banishing/ Release of Negative Vibrations – Uncrossing Candle Spell

  This spell is really simple to do and you can use small finger-sized candles. I found some of these candles in one of our area drugstores, Long’s Drugs! Now I know where to send clients when they want to get a black candle in a hurry! Ingredients 1 small free-standing Black Candle (not encased in glass) 1 handful of Salt 1 piece of white paper 1 ceramic or glass dish, container or jar (that you will be disposing of at end of candle burn). Small jelly or honey jars, pickle or olive jars work best (make sure they are clean and dry). 1 White 7-day glass Novena Candle Ice or ice cubes (enough for all the drains in the house) This spell is for when the home feels like there is negativity in it or if you have had a really bad fight or argument and you want to banish the energy and get on with the day. Clean candles with alcohol or lemon juice; let dry. Take the piece of paper and write a banishing incantation on it (i.e. “Energy of our last argument, be gone and leave this premises” or “Ill will and negativity leave this home, be carried by the wind to the Heavens and never to return”). Put the paper in the ceramic or glass container. Sprinkle it liberally with salt. Place black free-standing candle upright in the container. Tell the salt to heed what you have written on the paper. Tell the salt to carry away the negativity. Place container on front step. Sprinkle additional salt across the doorstep. dividing the space between you and the candle like this: You >>>>>|<<<<< Black Candle (the line between You and Black Candle in the above diagram is the salt line) Light candle and again state your intentions. Close your door, letting candle burn on porch or doorstep until out. Do not relight candle if it goes out; the work is done. Take all the ice cubes you have in the home and equally fill each drain in the sinks and tubs with ice, letting it melt slowly to calm the area. Anoint the white candle with any of the benevolent oils (Blessing, Peace, Joy, Healing Condition Oils) or a teaspoon of Olive Oil that you have prayed over it for peace and happiness. Let it burn until candle is finished. Do not blow white candle out. When black candle has gone out, carry whole container to nearest gutter drain and dump the contents of the ceramic dish into drain (wax, paper and salt). Take glass container and place it into the recycling or garbage can outside your home. Keep salt line on your porch overnight; washing it away with a weak solution of Pine Sol or Chinese Wash and water, using a broom meant for outdoor use only to brush the solution as far towards the street as you can. Rinse off broom with garden hose and stand it upright in the corner of the porch to dry overnight. While the majority of uses for black candles is to cross someone or wish them ill will, the use of the black candle is to draw the negativity towards it, to burn it out and send it heavenward. The theory of “like attracts like”, meaning the dark negative energy will adhere to the dark candle is the intention here. the use of salt speaks of centuries of tradition that “salt will do what you tell it to do”; in this case, not only to absorb the negativity (salt in jar) but to also mark a line where the negativity cannot cross back into the home (salt...

Free Candle Spells | St. Joseph/ Saint Joseph – San Jose Feast Day Celebration – March 19

St. Joseph is the patron Saint for Fathers, Carpenters and the Heads of Households In the Catholic tradition, the stepfather of Jesus Christ was St. Joseph, a gentle man who loved Mary, and was honorably chosen to become Mary’s husband and the future father figure of the Son of God. Joseph heard the duty he was called to do to protect the status of Mary, child of St. Anne and St. Joachim, who was chosen by God to be free from sin and to carry the Christ child. St. Joseph is a traditional Saint of honor in many Italian (Sicilian) and French homes. In Cajun country Louisiana, there is even a festival night in summer called St. Joseph’s Night. Read about St. Joseph’s Night in New Orleans here: http:www.satchmo.com/ikoiko/js9703b.html There are traditional foods served on March 19th, the Catholic Feast Day of St. Joseph. After attending Mass on that day, many people set up altars in honor of St. Joseph, to sup on minestrone soup (without meat) and to bless all who visit and all who leave small donations of money, which are to be distributed to the needy. St. Joseph was a giving soul and it is traditional to give to those less fortunate. Many have set up plans to have these altars and open their doors to the public.   Read about altars to St. Joseph in Louisiana: http://www.houstonculture.org/laproject/stjo.html A Prayer to Saint Joseph for Workers: O Glorious St. Joseph, a model for all those who labor, obtain for me the Grace to work conscientiously, placing love of Duty before frivolous inclinations; to gratefully work to develop the gifts received from God, to work methodically, peacefully, in moderation and patience. Let me not shrink from difficult work for it is through struggle that my unused talents are developed. Let me do my tasks well, with my best efforts, and permit me not to be vain in my success. To imitate Thee shall be my desire for life and eternity. Amen. Saint Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect and enlighten families. – Pope John Paul II...

Free Candle Spells | How to Properly Cleanse your Candle for Candle Spell Magic

Free Candle Spells | How to Properly Cleanse your Candle for Candle Spell Magic   Once you have chosen a particular color or type of candle for your candle work, the very first thing you must do is clean off all that may have been applied, whether accidentally or intentionally, to the candle in shipping. Candles are mass produced in factories, therefore picking up dust and lint, substances, solvents, and even negative energies given off by the people handling the candles. Candles are consider like a conduit, absorbing and transferring energy of either spiritual or material from one realm to another. Clean your candles before applying oil with either alcohol or lemon juice. When alcohol is used, make sure you thoroughly dry your candle before lighting it to minimize the possibility of fire. A more traditional and safe method is to use lemon juice. The juice and oil of the lemon is considered a neutralizer and “chaser” of any substance that may have been on the candle before cleaning, whether dust or oil because of its’ acidic nature. The oil of lemon and/or lemongrass, an Asian grass, is used in various spiritual cleaning products known b y the names such as Chinese Wash, Cut and Clear, etc. To clean your candles, simply take lemon juice on paper toweling or napkins and rub the candle over all areas of the candle, inside the glass, the outside area of glass, including the top of the wax and the wick. The technique is the same for the cleaning process on a free standing candle as same on a glass “novena” type 7-day candles as well. After cleaning, let dry before adding oil, herbs or minerals  to the top of glass candles or rolling the free standing candle in the mixture. You may clean a series of candles at the same time by simply applying the lemon juice, letting them dry, then storing them in a large brown paper bag that is folded over multiple times. Place the bag in a cabinet, closet or cupboard until ready to use. Please visit www.lucky13clover.com for all your spiritual supply needs. The staff can take your particular situation in consideration and can advise you on the correct condition oil to use for the problem....

Free Candle Spells | Money Drawing Green Candle Spell/ Abundance & Prosperity Candle Spell

This is a simple and effective way to begin to use candles to bring in money.   Ingredients: 1 Deposit slip from your banking institution or a check made out to you, signed by you, and the date that you would like that money to appear in your account. 1 green 7-day Glass Novena Candle 1 bottle of any of the traditional money oils (“Money Drawing”, “Pay Me”,”Wealthy Way” or “Prosperity”) 1 Tbsp. Basil 1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon 1 tsp. Granulated Sugar 1 small dish, bowl or saucer Clean the inside and outside of the glass of your candle with lemon juice or alcohol, wiping it dry with a paper towel and letting it air dry while you assemble the rest of your supplies. Write a reasonable amount of money in the deposit area of your deposit slip or in the “Pay to” area of your personal check. Do not write in $1,000,000, as you might find that you are asking the Universe for too much. Reasonable amounts could be in the thousands, but just like a yearly salary, you get the same amount in payments, not a lump sum. remember to sign the date on which you would like to see this amount be in your possession. Place the deposit slip or personal check on the place or saucer. Take the Basil, Sugar, and Ground Cinnamon into your two hands. Pray over it, asking for it to be Blessed and Activated to do the work you have intended. Sprinkle the mixture on top of the deposit slip or personal check. Anoint the inside wax area of your candle with your condition oil, rubbing in the oil counter-clockwise to “draw in” the amount needed. Set candle on top of deposit slip in the bowl that holds the herb/sugar mixture. Light candle and pray Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd”) three times. Visit you candle twice a day, once in the morning, once at night. Pray the Psalm 23 once each time you visit candle. You may begin to see “money” in the forms of loans being paid back to you, “windfalls” and “rebates” coming to you that you did not expect, extra discount savings at the cash register (For instance, the item is marked $5.00, but “rings up” at $3.00 – that is a two dollar savings and two dollars towards your goal!). Repeat candle spell until desired amount is received. I do this candle spell almost every week (I say “almost” because I intertwine this spell with the Wednesday’s St Expedite spell (kind of like “double-backing’ each other) and I make out my deposits slips in small amounts ($200.00 for the payment on the high school ring, for example); so you can see that I have stated a “specific need” or bill hat has to be paid. I would give this a 87% success rate for efficacy in my personal experience. NOTE: I also take the herb/sugar mixture and boil it in a little water to make a “tea”, that I then pour a cupful over my body daily as a final rinse before towel drying myself, just to boost my “money drawing” power....

Free Candle Spells | More Money Spell Magic

  While this is not candle magic, I think everyone can appreciate always being able to eat! Keep a sugar bowl in your kitchen cabinet in the back where no one will find it and put in it rice, sugar and various kinds of coins. That will bring in money all the time to be able to keep the family and you will not go hungry. Amelia S. – Alabama Thank you Amelia for sending this in and while it is not using candles, I know that the traditional use of sweeteners such as honey, molasses and sugar in the South was to bring in money and certainly putting it into your kitchen cabinet would indicate that you always want full cupboards. Rice is also used on kitchen and money spells since it is a staple of many diets around the world. Tinting rice green with herbs or food coloring is a basis for a green money rice bowl that many sit on their altars where they pray.  ...

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