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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Sagittarius – A Lunar Eclipse!... The Full Moon occurs on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 3:14 pm E.S.T in the astrological sign of Sagittarius. This also is during a Lunar Eclipse. As a rule, the seven days before and after an eclipse is still under the influence of this event. It is said that any major decisions that have to be made that can be life-changing or of a serious matter should be postponed until after 7 days after an eclipse, if it is at all possible. During this quarter phase of the Moon (June 15-23), events that take place will have a greater importance than at any other time. The Full Moon is...
  • Free Candle Spells | Sour Jar Spell to Sour or Ruin a Relationship... Free Candle Spells | Sour Jar Spell to Sour or Ruin a Relationship           A sour jar, sometimes know as a vinegar jar, is a traditional hoodoo spellwork to set two people, or a group of people, in opposition with each other. This jar, when activated, is alleged to create discord and fights, arguments and ill will within the group or between the two individuals. Sour jars have many different ‘recipes’ or lists of ingredients to provoke or incite different reactions. Here is a list of some ingredients and what reactions they can create:   White Vinegar – souring/dissolving of relationship Whiskey – Bitter/harsh words. Illusion of being ‘tipsy/drunk/incoherent’ Vodka – freeze this in jar to make work...
  • Psalm 109 White Prayer Candle Spell for Vindication and Revenge... Psalm 109 White Prayer Candle Spell for Vindication and Revenge Readers, Today we are going to begin a new column in www.free-candle-spells.com regarding using the Psalms to do your candle work for change and for outcomes that you desire. These “recipes” for candle work with Psalms come from various sources such as my own Bible, a few native informants and also traditionally inscribed in various tomes. Ingredients: 1 Piece White Parchment Paper (you can find small boxes of this paper at any Office Depot or Staples) 1 White Glass 7- day Novena Candle 1 Bottle of Revenge Oil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take the parchment paper (8.5 x 11 inches) and place it into your printer and copy and paste this Psalm...
  • Readers Question | How Do I Put Out a Candle for a Candle Spell?... Readers Question | How Do I Put Out a Candle for a Candle Spell? I was wondering when turning off a candle. Is there a certain way? Should you blow it out, cover it so it can turn off on its own, or pinch out fire? No Name Given ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This was really a timely and authentic question, but I kept from posting it fir awhile because of the many grammatical and punctuation errors that were originally in the question. I been so busy answering other questions that I didn’t have time to correct the errors! Two Rules to Follow when Extinguishing Candles from Your Candle Spell 1. When you are completely done or finished with your candle spell and you do not...
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Free Candle Spells | Tips and Techniques for Clearing Home and Body of Negativity

Today, I am going to give you some effective methods of clearing your home and yourself of negativity. We all encounter it, although you may not realize the destructive effects of negativity that lingers long after the initial “hit” of it occurs. The first signs of the appearance of negativity is an uneasy feeling that something is “wrong” or just “not right”. If you are an intuitive person or a sensitive, you can almost “feel” negativity like fog, enveloping and bearing down on you. Whether this is emanating from a person or is in a room or house, it is the feeling that makes your hair on your arms or the back of your neck “crawl” or can even make you feel like just breaking down and having a good, long cry right there. The person “affected” by negativity, is depressed and wears a scowl or appears teary eyed. Their appearance might not be as tidy as it would be if they were in a positive mood and there would be barely a hint of energy or happiness in their demeanor. There are various forms of “cleaning” or “cleansing” a home, building or apartment of negativity. Some are known by culture, some are Universal. I will list various tips to use to clean a place of negativity.   1.)   Discard all old newspapers, magazines and mail that you do not need. Donate all old clothes, shoes, appliances and things you no longer need or use. Give them to charities who sell them to others in need. If they are too worn, throw them out. If you are saving clothes that are smaller that you are now, consider keeping them for one year. If you have fashions over one year old, donate them to a women’s shelter, who can use them in their “dress for success” programs to help employ and empower abused women. 2.)   If it can’t be fixed, as in computers, electronics and televisions, take them to the nearest landfill that takes these materials. That includes old cell phones, too. 3.)   If you can’t bear to part with the things because of the cost of the item, then have a yard or garage sale. That way you reap a bit of the money spent, while helping out others. 4.)   Clean house top to bottom, from the back of the house to the front, with either pine or lemon fragrance cleaning products. Make sure that you get every corner, baseboard, windowsill and all crevices you can. Make sure you do not dump the dirty wash water in the sinks. Dump it into the toilet, then flush. You are ritually “flushing away negativity” as you push the handle down. Move furniture and vacuum, then toss out the bag. Clean the windows with an ammonia-based product. Clean out under the sink, tossing half empty shampoo, conditioner and hand cream bottles. 5.)   Reorganize everything. Take a little time to straighten books on the shelves, change the locations of statues, vases, and candy dishes. 6.)   Wash all bedding, pillows and blankets. Send the quilts to the dry cleaners. Use a cup of ammonia in your wash water. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT USE AMMONIA AND BLEACH TOGETHER IN THE SAME WASH WATER. It creates a toxic gas that can kill. For white clothing, wash in ammonia wash cycle first; then re-wash with bleach. 7.)   Buy some white sage in a bundle or frankincense, myrrh or copal incense and burn and smudge (some say “smoke”) each room, moving from the back of the house to the front. 8.)   Buy a bunch of white votive or finger-sized “emergency” candles, one for each room of the...

Free Candle Spells | Money Drawing Prosperity Rituals for Everyday Use

    Let’s face it, we need money to exist in this world. Money is the tangible representation of energy – how much energy that you put out in physical form to be of “value” to someone who judges that. In the Old Testament days, there was not money as we know it today, but more like a bartering system that each participant deems a value on what he possessed – whether it be a flock of lambs or bushels of wheat. each participant would meet at a certain location, called a market or the temple area of the nearest town. There the people would trade their items for other things needed from others. There were some coins of gold and silver that were rather misshapen and crude in form in existence, but for the common man, trade was the best route to getting things to others and gaining their items needed. In today’s world, there are things that can bring a continuous flow of money into your hands. First, you must give to get. Yep. Find charities that are near and dear to you and give in small but frequent amounts and soon you will see the cash flow coming in. You may tithe to a church, but it is also in the giving of other good works that will also give back to you. I give to one local charity that feeds the homeless and gives them just barely enough for a person to be dignified (soap, toothbrushes, etc.) I send in a check, but before I do I pray over that check that my small amount be coupled with others’ small amounts and we make a mighty difference in the community. I give thanks that I always have food in my cabinet and a roof over my head and that if everyone in my town could give the amount of a latte or a value meal, no one could go hungry. I do have a church that I give to, although I do not attend. It is the church of Reverend Ike of the United Christian Evangelistic Association. He has sent many mailings to me that touched my situation at the time and it is eerily true that when I send in a donation, I get so busy I can’t keep up! Making sure you “mark” your money with money drawing sigils to hunt down more money and bring it back to you. Anointing your $5, $10 and $20 dollar bills with any of the money/prosperity/wealth drawing oils will extend your drawing enhancements. Visit my other site, tarot by jacqueline.com for more information. Burning green St. Jude, Bayberry or plain green candles dressed with any of the money drawing oils with your deposit slip from your bank underneath the candle will assist in finding more money for your household. Make sure that when you receive your paycheck or stipend, that you sit for a moment in gratitude for receiving it and that you pray that the power of discernment will enlighten you to spend your money wisely and to make it last until your next paycheck. There are many frivolous things that are attractive and fun in the world, but the thought that not all may be good for us and may do us more harm than good. Home cooked meals with healthy, nourishing foods will not only be good for your body but your wallet as well! Not that going to a nice restaurant is not to be considered, but we rush around busy with life, then pull into the first fast food joint we see because we are famished. We fill up with too...

Free Candle Spells | Brown and White Court Case Success Candle Spell

              This is a candle spell that I am currently working on for a client – who is fighting a charge and a ticket – and it has delayed this case from coming to its’ final appearance since last summer when the ticket was issued.   Ingredients 1 White Guardian Angel 7 Day Glass Candle (for you or the person charged) Brown 7 Day Glass Candle(s) – (various amounts) – Choose one Candle each for each Key Participant in the Case – the Judge, the DA, Your Attorney (if you have one), the Arresting Officer, etc. – any person who will be at Court with you – whether in your behalf or against you. Loose Pipe Tobacco Poppy Seeds Petition name papers for all participants. If name is not known, the list their role, (i.e. “the Judge of the Court of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA”) etc. 1 Bottle of Confusion Condition Oil 1 Bottle of King Solomon Wisdom Condition Oil 1 Bottle of Fiery Wall of Protection Condition Oil Clean all candles with lemon juice or alcohol, let dry completely. Label the White Guardian Angel Candle with the name of the person who has the charges against them. Place three drops of Fiery Wall of Protection Oil in the top of the wax and rotate candle in counter clockwise direction as you pray the Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd”). Set aside. Label all the brown candles with the various names of the key players in the case (Judge, D.A., your Attorney, arresting Officers, etc.). On the top of the wax of the Judge’s candle, place a few drops of King Solomon Wisdom Condition Oil and rotate it counter clockwise and pray from your heart a prayer that asks God to be the final Judge in this situation and to touch the Heart and Mind of this Appointed Representative of the Law to see clearly your (or the intended) intentions and desires. Anoint the arresting Officer(s) and District Attorney (other side) candle with Confusion Condition Oil. Sprinkle some Poppy Seeds in the top of each candle and into the oil. Rotate these candles both clockwise and counter clockwise, to make them “dizzy” and “confused” about the turn of events. Pray a prayer from your Heart that they will be disoriented and confused in their communication and recall of the day of the event or ticket. On Your Attorney’s candle, place some Blessing Condition Oil in the top of the wax and rotate counter clockwise and pray the Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd”). Set your candles in this manner on the surface or table where you are going to burn these candles. Remember to use either a very large plate or a cookie sheet to hold all the candles in to assure fire safety while burning them. The pattern will look like a 5 point cross with a center point in the middle. The pattern in which to set them is: Intended Person’s Guardian Angel Candle – Center with name paper turned forward Their D.A. Candle – Right Side of Guardian Angel Candle with name paper turned outward Your Attorney Candle – Back of your Guardian Angel Candle with name paper turned forward Arresting Officer Candle – Left Side of the Guardian Angel Candle with name paper turned outward Judge Candle – In front of Guardian Angel Candle with name paper turned inward to “face” Guardian Angel Candle Light candles in this order: 1. Intended Person’s Guardian Angel Candle 2. Your Attorney Candle 3. The Judge Candle 4. The D.A. Candle 5. The Arresting Officer Candle Circle the outside...

Free Candle Spells | Candle Burning Safety Basics – How Not to Cause a Fire with Candles

              A couple of weeks ago, I burned a white 7-day glass encased candles for clients paying homage to St. Joseph, who’s feast day was March 19th. The candle that cracked gives me thought that I should write about using petition candles with safety. I had the candles burning on the altar for three days, all of then clear (meaning no waxy residue on the inside of the glass) and no blackened smudging on the glass. Sometime late Saturday afternoon, one of my daughters came knocking on my bedroom door, wakening me from a long overdue nap. ‘”Mom, on of the candles broke and the paper is burned!”‘ I went downstairs followed by the other daughter, and yes indeed, the candle had cracked around the “wax line” clear through and up one side where the wick had lain on the side of the glass. Ironically, where the tip of the wick touched on the inside of the glass created a tobacco brown scorch mark on the name of the one who had purchased the candle for her baby’s father (Saint Joseph is the patron saint of carpenters, fathers and heads of households). I immediately made a mental note to send an e-mail later in the day to her, asking how things were going, but secretly knowing that something serious had happened. When the client had responded to my e-mail inquiry, she had said that she had received notice from the Franchise Tax Board that she would be the recipient of the ex’s tax refund to cover back court ordered child support, something that she had not been receiving. Another time that I had an interesting occurrence with candles cracking was a time in my early days of spiritual work. I had been burning a 7 African Powers candle for a situation and had left it sans saucer on my glass top altar. Our family had left to attend a barbecue that Sunday afternoon and while we sat stuffed and lazily making small talk, suddenly a wave of some unknown panic brought me out of that mood. I had the feeling that I just had to get home because something was wrong. Since we were 8 city blocks away, I quickly dove back home, searching the house, only to find that the candle that I had been burning had cracked and its’ wax was dripping across the glass topped altar and onto the hardwood floor below. I had made it just in time to stop a potential disaster from occurring. Here are some things to consider when burning candles: 1. Make sure you are setting your candles in a small saucer, cereal bowl or a flat cookie sheet with some clean kitty sand to catch the drips. 2. Make sure that you do not have paper, curtains and other items hanging directly above the altar or area where you are burning the candles to avoid catching those drapes or pieces of paper on fire. Candle can create intense heat in a small area that could potentially ignite these materials. 3. Make sure your candles are in a place that is undisturbed by pets, family and children. Sometimes small children and even kitty are mesmerized by the flickering flame. Getting too close can burn them and potentially tip over the candle, starting a fire. 4. If using name papers, prayer cards and photographs in your candle burnings, visit them often and attend to them when needed. This does not mean that you cannot leave your home during a candle burn; I have left town after securing my candles and was at peace the whole time...

Free Candle Spells | Red Candle “Hurry Up” Decision Candle Spell at the Crossroads

This spell was effective for me for fast action to exact a movement on a decision that I was waiting on from the other people in the situation. – J.   Ingredients 1 Red Glass 7 -day Novena Candle 21 Pennies 21 caramels 3 Cigars with 3 Wooden Matches Small, single serving of Whiskey or White Rum (airline bottle) Petition or letter written on white paper or photocopy of document, agreement or paperwork that supports your candle work Clean candle with lemon juice or alcohol, let dry . Take all items and travel to a 4-way intersection, also known as a crossroads, where each section of the “cross” extends for at least 7 city blocks (do not use a “T” intersection). Lay petition paper down, covering it with the Pennies and Caramels. Place the candle in center of petition paper or document. Assemble the Cigars at the 12 o’clock, 4 o’clock and 8 o’clock positions, with the candle being in the center of this configuration. Place the Wooden Matches (unlit) at the 2, 6 and 10 o’clock position. Open Whiskey or White Rum bottle, take small swig, swish it around in your mouth and spew/spray it out over the paper, candle and all. Place remaining Whiskey or Rum in bottle down next to candle. Light candle and walk away. DO NOT TURN TO LOOK BACK AT YOUR CANDLE AND RETURN HOME A DIFFERENT ROUTE THAN THE ONE YOU TRAVELED TO GET TO THE CROSSROADS. If there is no change in the situation within three days, repeat offering until decision is made or change has occurred. The crossroads, a section of a travel route that crosses each other, indicating 4 possible places of destination, is a traditional element in Southern Conjure/Rootwork/Spirituality. It is the residing place of the African God Ellegua (aka Legba, Elegua), an entity that is invoked for “opening up” one’s “roads” or “paths”. It is the subject of many tales and songs in regards to “going down to the crossroads” to extract a deal or negotiations to “sell their soul to the devil” in exchange for talent or fame in this life. Tommie Johnson, often confused with blues guitarist/singer Robert Johnson, is said to be the author of songs that explain on the “deal” made with the devil in exchange for guitar playing talented hands. Today’s musicians, such as Gregg Allman and Eric Clapton to name a few, still make reference to “goin’ down to the crossroads” in their music.        ...

Free Candle Spells | St. Joseph | Saint Joseph – San Jose Feast Day Altar March 19th

    In the spirit of heeding the spiritual advice I was given earlier this year, I am taking the day off to dedicate an altar to St. Joseph, patron saint to carpenters, heads of households (that should include single parents) and the stepfather of Jesus. My altar is small, as I began shopping for a St. Joseph statue last weekend. I did however, find the nicest one in our local Catholic shop. It has a halo around his head. http:www.tarotbyjacqueline.com/stjosephcelebration.html My home will be open for devotees to come by from 11 am to 4 pm and to discuss the devotions to St. Joseph. I wish all of you glad tidings today and strength as you labor for your...

Free Candle Spells | Orisha Goddess Ochun | Oshun Love or Money Success Yellow Candle Spell

Yoruba Goddess Ochun, known as La Caridad de Cobre in Cuba and Puerto Rico, is considered the Goddess of Love, Money and all the finer things in life. Although you may see her name written as “Oshun”, in the Yoruba alphabet there is no letter or syllable “sh” as in “shell”, despite the mispronunciation, her name is Ochun, with a “ch” as in “chipmunk”. Attributes of Ochun are: the number 5 (and multiples of 5). yellow, gold, the day of Friday, rivers, lakes, brass bell, peacock feathers, fans, perfume, hand mirror, combs, cinnamon, pumpkin, champagne, mimosa, oranges, honey. Ingredients 5 Glass 7-day Novena Candles 1 Large Clear or Yellow Glass Ceramic Plate 5 Oranges 5 Yellow Roses or Carnations (in vase, if possible) 5 Paper Fans (can be purchased at craft or party supply store) Yellow Tablecloth small Jar of Honey 5 small Pastries with Yellow Frosting or Cinnamon Icing Letter written to Ochun as if she was your best friend and confidant, explaining your love or monetary crisis Take all items in containers to the riverbank. Find a location that is somewhat secluded. Clean area of shoreline that you will place your offering. First, lay down your tablecloth, spreading it out nicely. Then place plate in the center of tablecloth, with your petition letter on it. Place the 5 oranges on the paper, alternating the arrangement with the 5 cinnamon rolls or pastries ( you may have to stack pastry on top of oranges). Place vase of roses or carnations near plate. Surround plate and vase with the 5 yellow glass candles. Around the outside of the candles, arrange the opened fans in a circle around the plate and candles. Stand and face the river, holding the jar of honey, and pour your heart out to Ochun. Tell her the trials you have been going through and your desire to bless you with love or money (or both!). Cry if you want, as she responds to and never says “No” to tears. Open the jar of honey, taking a finger-full of honey out and tasting it before as you look out over the river. This assures Ochun that the honey, her favorite food, is pure and untainted. Turn and pour the entire jar of honey over the offering on the plate, covering the pastries and oranges completely until the jar is finished. Light your candles. Take the jar of honey and collect a jar full of river water. Go home, place this river water in a pot along with more spring water and cinnamon. Boil to make a tea to use in your bath and let cool. Take a shower to clean yourself first, then scrub out the tub to clean it and then run a clean bath. Pour the cinnamon/river water mixture into the bathwater. Get in and immerse yourself completely from head to toe in the water. Get out and pat yourself dry and light a yellow candle in your bedroom for Ochun’s guidance. Once a year a reading from Cuba fortells which of the Oricha are ruling that year. The Letra del Ano 2008 states: ” Ire` Aruku` Ache Leri` Lowo Ochun” or “Good Fortune via your Ori given to you by the hands of Ochun” Maferefun Ochun, Yeye Kari!...

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