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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Questions | What is Waning and Waxing with the Moon?... Hi Jacqueline You have an awesome site! I couldn’t undrestand the waxing, winding, new moon ect…..When is the best day or what situation should be the moon for good luck? Thanks, Ralph ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Ralph, The time from the New Moon (meaning when the sky is dark until there is a full circle in the sky) is auspicious, or very lucky for bringing in good things – like money, lovers, jobs, business, etc. The Moon  is considered to be “waxing” at this time. This is a two week period for you to burn candles to bring in anything positive  that you need. The two week period from the first...
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Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – A Lunar Eclipse to Boot!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – A Lunar Eclipse to Boot! The Full Moon in Libra occurs on April 4, 2015 at 7:06 am E.S.T., and coincides with a Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses always brings certain issues to light, leading to unexpected developments, with decisions and actions taking on extra importance. Lunar Eclipses are oriented around relationships and the feeling that is illuminated is one of a crisis of some sort – usually from a lack of attention or a lingering neediness or great want. This “relationship” does not necessarily mean a personal or love relationship, but can also mean a work-related relationship, health, or even the one we have with ourselves. Many times when a Lunar Eclipse is in association with a Full Moon, the effects can last for up to six months, when the next Lunar eclipse will occur. Since this Lunar eclipse is in the astrological sign of Libra, the Scales, the need for balance in our lives comes to the forefront. Libra Moons represent diplomacy and fair mindedness for all, however, since Aries has a hidden agenda in this configuration, that agenda may be for the self and not really about diplomacy for all. This Lunar Eclipse will place the magnifying glass on flaws in our lives, particularly in partnerships and our relationship with ourself. Emotions run high and can overload the senses as decisions are made with emotional energy. Full Moons are traditionally held as times to banish and remove, and the Full Moon in Libra, a “Cardinal” Air sign, means that the energy is innovative, intellectual and inventive. You may want to burn “Reversible” candles but if you are seeking a peaceful separation with a partner, lighting blue candles anointed with “Healing” and “Blessing” oil will aid and assist in keeping an even keel in this emotional time. It is also a good time to beautify your altar, creating new altar cloths, candles or robes. The next New Moon will occur on April 18,...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – All About the Timing!

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – All About the Timing!     The New Moon in Aquarius occurs at 6:47 p.m. E.S.T. on February 18, 2015.  This Moon, in the astrological sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, has the qualities of a “Fixed” Air sign. This means that the energy is stable, unchangeable and the emphasis is on mental and intellectual activities. New Moons are traditionally held as time for candle rituals for increase and expansion in wealth, fame, love and success. This is because as the Moon “grows” from nothing to “fat” (meaning non-existent in the sky to full), the Celestial Beings are blessing the earth with moonlight. Not every person works with the moon’s influences but for those who do, the Moon can be beneficial to your candle spells. This is an excellent time for calculating and planning for your spell as all things mental is supported by Aquarius. Complex and complicated candle spells are always supported by determining the best hour of the day to start and which day is best as well. The more exacting you can be with the investigative study and calculations of what time and what products to use will increase your candle burning spell work success. Other planetary influences at this time is that we recently left a Mercury Retrograde cycle on February 11th and there could be some residuals of clearing up problems because of that. In addition, a March Solar Eclipse is showing signs that there may be a crisis involving the military as well as union based finances and pensions. The 8th semi-annual Prosperity Experiment 2015 will commence on Wednesday, Feb 18th. For more information regarding this month long candle ritual for an increase in prosperity and abundance, click here: https://free-candle-spells.com//2015/02/07/free-candle-spells-2015-prosperity-experiment-february-18-2015/ The next Full Moon will occur on March 5,...

Free Candle Spells | Using Psalm 3 to Relieve Pain

Free Candle Spells | Using Psalm 3 to Relieve Pain   PSALM 3 for Headache and Backache Pain Hoodoo and Conjure is a folkloric belief; it is a methodology of spiritual practices using herbs, roots, oils and candle magic. It is not a religion; you cannot become baptized in it despite many baptized Christians using it daily for things that ail them. Depending on the locale of the practitioners, one may use the Protestant King James Bible or in areas that are heavily Catholic, prayers to the Angels and Saints were used. I have used the Psalm verses from the King James Bible, as the majority of the South was Protestant. When you are experiencing a Backache or Headache: Using Psalm 3 to relieve pain and to treat a person with a severe headache or a backache. The Psalm would be recited over a Healing or Blessing Condition oil, and then massaged into the head and/or back while praying. This Psalm is also considered a traditional Psalm used in banishing Spirits of Oppression and Agony, who may have been sent to you by someone and might be responsible for the physical attack. Items Needed: 7 Day Blue Candle in glass Florida Water Blessing or Healing Condition Oil Two small towels Drape a towel over the shoulders of the one to be anointed to cover their clothing from oil drips. You may have to drape lower for specific back areas. Your client can sit in a chair for a headache prayer service, or lay down for the back service. The second towel will be used for you to wipe your hands and any areas of their face or body not needing oil to be applied. Prior to the service, clean your blue candle with Florida water, then let dry completely. Place nine drops of the condition oil in the candle and light. Before starting. put a few drops of Florida water in your hands and rub over the afflicted area. Move slowly to ease the tension of the person afflicted with pain. Work slowly, allowing time for their breathing to slow down and you can see/feel the tension leaving them.       Then, apply three drops of the oil to your hands and distribute to both palms. As your anointed hands are rubbing the location of the pain, pray: “Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah. But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about. Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongeth unto the LORD: thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah.” (Psalm 3) You might want to follow the Psalm with a prayer of your own such as this one: “Lord, the Great Creator, I seek your Divine power as the Great Physician in my hour of need. Heal me and relieve me from my  headache and backache, as only with Thee is counsel and healing can exist. Amen. Selah.” (Selah is a expression that means “Pause”. It is found throughout the Bible. The writer places them in appropriate places where the immediate prior message is to be dwelled upon quietly in prayer, holding the meaning of the...

Free Candle Spells | 2015 Prosperity Experiment – February 18, 2015

Free Candle Spells | 2015 Prosperity Experiment – February 18, 2015   Announcing the 2015 Prosperity Experiment beginning February 18, 2015 I moved the date of the 2015 Prosperity Experiment this year because of the Mercury Retrograde happening just after the New Moon of January. I didn’t want to chance that things to go so terribly wrong during a Mercury retrograde while we are praying for good things. This first of two events will begin February 18, 2015 – Ash Wednesday. * What is the Prosperity Experiment? It is a group of dedicated individuals who have a “run” of 5 green candles burned for them throughout a month-long candle service. They also receive a daily inspirational note in an e-mail from me and tips and tricks to keep the abundance going long after the candles are over. This is the eighth year that we have been holding this month long candle service altar and in recent years, it has expanded into a two-month “rider” group and also the mid-year Prosperity Experiment in July. In those eight years I have seen houses sold, new businesses opened, raises, lottery wins (small but still a good thing), new clients and child support and tax refund checks being released when previously being ‘held up’ on some technicality. * How you can Participate? If you are in need of prayer and green candles burnt for you to increase your abundance, wealth, prosperity blessings and to ensure a raise or advancement, then this is for you. Order you set of 5 candles and daily inspirational e-mail messages by clicking the button below. Additional information will be needed before the event begins. We have started the Prosperity Experiment and have closed this...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Leo – Curb the Roaring!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Leo – Curb the Roaring!     The Full Moon in occurs on February 3, 2015 at 6:09 pm E.S.T.. This lunation, in the astrological sign of Leo, the Lion, is considered having the energy of a “Fixed” Fire sign, meaning the energy is aggressive, stable, constant, and unchangeable. In addition, we have just crossed a mid-point in our three week Mercury Retrograde, set to end February 11th, and this is a challenging time for communication as Leo may incite strong communication (Planet Mercury) that may go awry. Be calm and cautious in your choice of words. Full Moon time is traditionally considered ideal for doing candle rituals for banishment, reversal, repelling, decrease, and waning. Burning Reversible candles are more effective at this time. Since Mercury is the planet of communication, extra care should be placed on the words incanted or the written petition paper for these spells as a Mercury Retrograde jumbles things up and things could get misconstrued. Other planetary influences are that Pallas is still very active and you are being cautioned to be careful with sharp objects. Be careful of your words as they could incite a riot in your world! If you are feeling the effects of this harsh time, better to take everyone that you associate with and write their names on slips of paper and place them in a container of sugar. this will keep them ‘sweet’ until this cycle is finished on the 11th, then you can decide whether you want their names to stay in the sugar or you want to extract them and pour some Healing Oil over the papers and set alight outside in a tin pie pan. The next New Moon will occur on February 18,...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – A Mercury Retrograde to Boot!

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – A Mercury Retrograde to Boot! The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on January 20, 2015 at 8:14 am E.S.T. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Aquarius the Water Bearer, is considered a “Fixed” Air sign, meaning the energy of this lunation is concerned with mental activity and is intellectual, stable, and unchanging. Aquarius, the zodiac symbol representing the “Family of Man” has qualities that promote equality, fairness and a person’s rights. New Moon time is an excellent time to burn candles for increase in abundance and wealth, to attract love and romance, and to gain success in education and employment. Burning yellow candles anointed with “Crown of Success”, green candles with Money Drawing Oil, or pink candles for affectionate love and romance is favored now. This is also an excellent time to plan out your spells for the year, by calculating the timing of the Moons, planetary hours and products, you can schedule your candle spells for the upcoming months. The more that you use the scientific method on your spells, the more dramatic and effective the candle ritual will be! Other planetary aspects that in action now is that Mercury, the planet of communication, will turn retrograde tomorrow, Jan. 21st. Click on the link here to read more about actions to take during a Mercury Retrograde:https://free-candle-spells.com//2015/01/10/free-candle-spells-mercury-retrograde-stations-2015/. This is also a good time to calculate your candle spells around the concept of the ‘good of the whole’ instead of ego or self-driven projects. A raise will immediately benefit you, but also your family and the community around you. One easy way to increase your abundance and prosperity is to give a small donation in the spirit of compassion to those less fortunate. A few dollars donated will be replenished in your wallet or pocketbook faster and in a larger quantity than you might expect. The next Full Moon will occur on February 3,...

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde Stations for 2015

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde Stations for 2015   Mercury, the planet of Communication, will go in Retrograde three times this year as it always does, seemingly throwing us a proverbial “wrench” in plans. The dates for the Mercury Retrograde periods for 2015 are as follows: * January 21st to February 11, 2015 * May 18th to June 11, 2015 * September 17th to October 9, 2015 When Mercury enters it’s Retrograde station, it appears to have stopped moving across the night sky and will appear to be retreating backward, hence the word retrograde. It has been said that during this time of moving backwards, communications in all forms is troubled and difficult to work through. There has been times during a retrograde period that computers will crash, letters get stuck or lost in the mail, deadlines are not met and relationships of all kinds, both personal and professional, are strained in some cases. Many people who are aware of these effects or if they have aspects that are affected by Mercury’s Retrograde station in their astrology chart, will prepare and work with the retrograde stationing. Many are not aware that this planet is affecting us and the frustration of delays and broken promises and missed deadlines make us feel like we are being personally attacked in some way, therefore bring hurt feelings to the surface and sometimes built up slights and actions will more likely be vocalized during this time – the ‘shadow’ affect of us holding in these emotions. The release of this energy is what a Mercury Retrograde is about. When Mercury is moving backwards, it is retreating “into its shadow” and this is when those ‘shadow’ remarks, feelings and situations are revisited and may resurface. Communication during Mercury Retrograde is cloudy and more of a challenge than other times, and taking steps to work on things with introspection is a safe way to get through the three weeks of the retrograde times. Although some things are never predictable, here are some things you can do to survive a Mercury Retrograde: * If at all possible , do not sign contracts or other legally binding agreements during this time. Ask for more time to review and reflect on the agreement. * If paying bills by the postal service, plan for a couple extra days to get to their destination without the possibility of a late fee or interruption of service. * It is advisable not to make grandiose professions of love or propose marriage during this time as some verbiage may be misconstrued. Better to wait out the three weeks of the retrograde cycle. * Back up your computer to a hard drive or flash drive in the event electronic communications go haywire and your projects are frozen in cyberspace or worse. * Try to plan car maintenance repairs either before or after the retrograde cycle as you may find that you night have to have the job redone afterward. Of course, you will have to make emergency repairs and those may also need a “re-do” but the less that you spend on car repair during retrograde periods, the better it will be for your budget. * It is best not to ask for a raise or promotion at these times, but to hunker down and focus on getting your job done in an effective manner to please the employer so you can ask for the raise after the retrograde period is over. * When facing an approaching retrograde period or if you are in the throes of one, make sure that when speaking to people that you choose your words carefully as some people will tend to be more sensitive during the retrograde...

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