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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Reader Questions – Where to Start on Clearing Negativity? | Part 1 of 2... Reader Questions – Where to Start on Clearing Negativity? | Part 1 of 2         A reader asks about where to start when clearing negativity since she has multiple places to address. I will address the obvious cleaning tactics to use to bring in positive vibes today and follow up with spiritual cleaning methods in part two. Read on… Hi Jacqueline, I am very new to this aspect of the spiritual world, however I’m in great need of new direction for my life.  I have been stagnate for approximately 8 years now. After reading your Q & A’s, I realize that I need to start with thoroughly cleaning my home (with is extremely cluttered) but I really find it difficult...
  • Free Candle Spells | Love it or What? – The Magic of Pumpkin Spice... Free Candle Spells | Love it or What? – The Magic of Pumpkin Spice             Every year, some people mark the arrival of Autumn when Starbucks brings back their various Pumpkin Spice drinks for a few months before we delve into the flavors of Winter. Pumpkin spice, which is made up of four distinct spices, is either something that you love or would rather not choose when looking for seasonal drinks, cookies, bakery goods and even cereal (yes, General Mills has a Pumpkin Spice Cheerios) for you die-hard fans. But what is also interesting is that the four spices in the mixture named after those orange members of the squash family, is that each individual spice is related...
  • Free Candle Spells | How Many Candles Should I Burn for Change?...             From time to time, I sit and post something that is candle burning spell related, but has no actual spell or ingredients in it. This is one of them. Enjoy and ponder. A question that is repeated frequently to me and as I am sure, to other spiritual workers is this: How many candles should someone burn to make changes to a situation or a person? There are many factors that go into a calculated guess (because that is really what it is) on how long someone should burn candles for a person or enact change in something. It depends on the situation....
  • Free Candle Spells | Writing Petitions – Absolute or Shaky Hopefuls?...   In most candle spell traditions, writing a series of words on paper to effective bring about the desired outcomes is one of the core rituals one does when burning candles to bring about change, money and in matters of love and relationships. The petition paper becomes a focal point or an incantation written so that as it sites below the candle, the energy of the candle will draw down from the Universe and land on the petition. The light from a candle is considered a perpetual beacon of light and prayer as it sits on the petition during the candle burn. Afterwards, the petition is usually reused, burned...
  • Free Candle Spells | Success in Reversible Candle Burning... Free Candle Spells | Success in Reversible Candle Burning Well, just about a week after I told you the tale of our neighborhood bicycle thief who stole my guys bike and his request for me to burn a reversible candle on top of the tag that held the thief’s fingerprints, well, guess what, they’re MOVING! I guess that candle really did it’s stuff, and even before I could toss the burnt ashes from the petition paper and tag onto their doorstep with a little bit o’hoodoo thown in to boot! Read the original story here: Free Candle Spells |The Bike, the Tag and the Reversible Candle Spell...
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White Candle for Remembrance – 9/11

White Candle for Remembrance – 9/11 In remembrance of all whom perished in the events surrounding 9/11 and the lingering effects. May you find peace.

Feast Day for Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja Sept. 7, 2008 | Part 3 of 3

Feast Day for Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja Sept. 7, 2008 | Part 3 of 3 In the last post, I talked about the various foods cooked and served to Yemaya (and our guests). I am now going to talk about setting up your altar. Your traditional altar has either a framed photograph or statue of the image, whether it is in the form of a Catholic Saint or some other piece of art that holds their image. You may also worship in a more indigineous or authentic style, as in Yoruba, where you have the “sopera” or soup tureen-like covered jar with the implements of that particular Saint contained within. Since I have an actual statue from Spain of Yemaya, also known as the Virgen of Regla, I used it as the focal piece of my altar. The dishes that we offered are from left to right: Mexican coconut candy for guests to take as they depart, fried okra and stewed black eyed peas, Pork Iyako (a farmer’s stew) on a bed of rice, fried pork chunks surrounded by fried plantains, and homemade coconut candy with melao (molasses). Notice the corresponding drapery behind the statue and on the tabletop that matches the color related to the Saint. Yemaya’s colors are shades of blue and crystal clear white. To the left of the statue is a raised silver dish with various sea shells in it, a conch shell flanks each side of the statue, and to the right is a mini congo drum made by Carlos Santana to commemorate his album, “Supernatural” with a porcelain and cloth doll in the navy blue dress associated with Yemaya Okute (“She who cuts with a Knife”) that I just had to have when I found her in Sedona, Arizona, of all places. As the day got later, we had more visitors, and more candles were brought to light, necessitating another table in front of the altar. A peaceful and happy time was had by...

Feast Day for Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja – Sept. 7, 2008 |Part 2 of 3

Feast Day for Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja – Sept. 7, 2008 |Part 2 of 3 Maferefun Yemaya! Sunday, we celebrated the feast day of Yemaya, mother of all the other Orishas. While I began posting yesterday about the three parts I was going to give to you inorder for you to see how a feast day commences, the day got away from me and it was after 8 pm before I had a moment to check e-mails and for some, return calls! When I last posted, I was going in search of plantains, those larger green bananas that are such a favorite with different Caribbean dishes. My daughter and I visited the Red Star Import Company here in Sacramento, a mom-and-pop type store with foods from all of the Carribean countries such as Cuba, Jamaica, and as far away as Brazil and Fiji. Shopping in THE Thalia Took Yemaya shirt at www.cafepress.com, found a bottle of “mojo” by Goya and plantains, yucca, and taro root. Too much good stuff and look at this bottle of Spiritual Healing Roots – hoodoo for sale! We are back home and it is down to work, chopping, peeling, slicing and frying, frying and more frying! Next, we will show you the finished, yet small altar with all the foods displayed and...

Feast Day for Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja – Sept. 7, 2008 | Part 1 of 3

Feast Day for Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja – Sept. 7, 2008 | Part 1 of 3 Maferefun Yemaya! Today, we celebrate the feast day of Yemaya, mother of all the other Orishas. We will set up an altar to her, cook specialty foods for her and light candles for blessings received and to petition her for. Yemaya is: First Mother of the World Matron with large breasts Sustainer of Life (saline in blood, amniotic fluid) The Siren Forever call her children home (to the ocean) Indigo dyer Queen of all Waters, both sweet and sour Mother of the children of fishes Deliverer of her people The stern, exacting Mother The one who will define morality and its’ boundaries The mother of witches Her colors are crystal clear and all shades of blue (note I am using different blues in this post) Here is one of the recipes I will be making to set before her altar today. Eran elede` t’ agbagba`din (fried pork with plantains) Ingredients 2 pounds fresh, boneless pork tenderloin 2 large green plantains 4 tablespoons palm oil or peanut oil Wash pork and cut into 1 inch cubes. Peel plantains and cut into thin slices. Pour oil into hot skillet on medium flame, fry pork cubes until brown. Remove pork from skillet and fry plantain chips until brown. Serve hot together on same plate. If you would like to purchase a candle to go on the altar today, please go to: http://www.tarotbyjacqueline.com/SPECIAL.html and order one today. I will label and light your candle as soon as I receive your order and send you an e-mail confirming it was done. You can then look at the various photos I will post here to show the altar as it evolves. Keep checking in as this is a three part series today to show you how to make an altar and what to serve on it and how to conduct a feast day celebration for your particular...

Offering to Goddess Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja – Sept. 7, 2008

Offering to Goddess Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja – Sept. 7, 2008 Offering to Ochun, Sacramento River, January 2008 Many of you know that the Yoruba Goddess Yemaya (also spelled Yemoja or Iemanja) is my favorite goddess since she is the one that governs motherhood, women’s issues, children issues and the family. Her feast day is coming up in about a week and I wanted to share with you that with many requests, I am setting up an altar to Yemayathis weekend. It is Saturday and I am cleaning like a mad woman to make ready for altar building later today. If you would like to purchase a candle for Yemaya, please go to my other website to...

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply | Condition Oils, Herbs, Sachets and Candles

For spiritual products that are mentioned in the articles in free-candle-spells.com, go to: www.lucky13clover.com We carry Lucky Mojo Brand Products, pure blends of oils, roots and herbs following tradtional...

Working with the Moon to Enhance Your Candle Burning Success

Moon Phases and Work Effects of the Phases Full Moon (Night of the Full Moon) – Highest Moon power. Good for Dreaming and Love Magic. Good time for candles burned for Protection, Initiation, Creativity, Prosperity, Inspiration, Divination and High Magic. Waning Gibbous Moon (Night after Full Moon to 7 Days after Full Moon) – Banishing Negativity, Reducing Addictions and the need for them, Easing Stressful Situations, Help in Divorce Proceedings and Ending Relationships Waning Crescent Moon (7 Days after Full Moon to New Moon (Dark of the Moon) -Overcoming Obstacles, Getting Rid of Pain and Discomfort, Discovering or Uncovering Deceptions, Secrets and Lies, Banishing Negative Energy New Moon (Night of the New Moon – when Sky is Dark) – New Beginnings, Letting Go of the Past, Neutralizing Spells, Binding and Justice Spells Waxing Crescent (First Day after New Moon to 7 Days after New Moon) – Growth, Protection of Animals, Change, Help with Business Affairs Waxing Moon (7 to 10 Days after New Moon) – Forward Progressive Movement, Friendship, Luck, Psychic Abilities, Increased Growth, Prosperity, Cementing a...

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