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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • The Second Prosperity Experiment – January 2 -31, 2009 | Prosperity is Mine in 2009!... We are about ready to begin our second Prosperity Experiment on January 2, 2009 and go through the month of January burning green candles on the money altar to bring in prosperity for ourselves and our loved ones! You can participate in the second Prosperity Experiment. It’s easy! Register and make a payment of $30.00 for your Prosperity Experiment candles (6 candles) plus daily affirmations about how you can use the affirmations in your daily life. You will also receive a CD of Affirmations to listen to in your car as you drive to work or in the home while going about your daily responsibilities as my gift. A...
  • Readers Question | Help with Burning Candles Turning Black?... Readers Question | Help with Burning Candles Turning Black?   I am burning a st johns the conqueror candle and the candle is pitch black at the top. What is it I need to do because I don’t know who my enemy is that is attacking me? The candle was dresses and is also burning with a seven day african candle and a white candle as well. Marilyn  * * * * * * * Marilyn, While this question does not give me much to go on because it is not formulated into a question, most of your answers can be found be reading a previous post, “Free Candle Spells | Negative Signs in Candle Spells Work” I...
  • New Moon in Aquarius | January 26, 2009 – The Eclipse brings Revolution!... The New Moon in Aquarius begins at 2:56 E.S.T. (10:56 P.S.T. on 01/25/09) and will be under the solar eclipse located a 6 degrees in Aquarius. This New Moon will usher in inoovation in technology, altruism in the common good of man, equality and objectivity, plus some unexpected surprises at the end of the month!  In addition, the planet Uranus, which rule Aquarius, is erratic and you might find that your daily life has become one big roller coaster ride during the first few days of February! The New Moon in Aquarius is a good time to burn candles for bringing in anything “new” and “different”. Aquarius is a...
  • Free Candle Spells | Prosperity Experiment Updates & “Lucky” Green Rice!... Free Candle Spells | Prosperity Experiment Updates & “Lucky” Green Rice! Our first week of the Prosperity Experiment is coming to an end and the first weeks candles are extinguishing. Here is a picture of the first week altar. You can see the candles in large rectangle baking dishes (for fire safety) with the petitions placed under the dish. The statue is the Caridad de Cobre, Cuba’s Patron Saint and Catholic image of Ochun, Yoruba goddess of money, gold and the good life. In front of her you can see my green money rice bowl, full of Lucky Green Rice intermixed with coins from all over the world. Rice is considered a staple in many cultures around the world and...
  • Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Aries the Ram... The astrological sign Aries the Ram rules those born  March 21st to April 20th. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and the energy is considered a “Cardinal” Fire sign, meaning that the energy is innovative, energetic, lively and creative. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you...
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Candle Spell to “Control” a Child of Ochun/Oshun/Oxum

              This candle spell is from my own personal archives when I had to make a decision to buy some time in paying someone who was an initiate of the Goddess Ochun/Oshun/Oxum. I was in a job where my boss was to pay someone wages that he did not take the deductions for supposed “loans” against the earned income. the one who was to be paid wanted their wife to come pick up the money since the one who was owed the wages was out of town. My boss wanted to have some time to do calculations and so I created a candle spell for the wife, who was an initiate of the Goddess Ochun/Oshun/Oxum. Ingredients 1  7-day glass candle in yellow 1 Piece of Parchment Paper 1 legnth of black cord long enough to wrap several times around candle   I took the person’s name and wrote it on the paper. I then encircled the name on the parchment paper with a sentence regarding the time that was needed for this person to wait until the boss was ready to give her the husbands’ wages. I cleaned the candle with Florida Water, wrapped the Parchment Paper around the lower part (base) of the candle, wrapped the black cording around the paper in 5 complete rotations, then tied it off and lit the candle. During the time that this candle burned on the mantle of the bosses’ office fireplace, I would frequesntly pass by the candle, call out the person’s name inscribed on the Parchment Paper, and tell them to wait until the candle burned completely, about 7 days. When the candle wax got low, the cording would start to give off a smell and i had to keep the office window open. On the last day of the candle flames’ life, the cording had singed and burnt through from the heat of the glass, and the cording dropped off. About an hour after this happened, the wife showed up at the office, saying she had received a call from the boss to collect a check. As she was finishing her announcement to me, the boss called from his cell phone and told me to cut her a check in a certain amount – the amount that the employee was owed. She noticed the candle on the fireplace, scrutinized it for a moment, but said nothing. I didn’t acknowledge her observation. Let’s just say that she might have left with a lingering question if a candle was being burned on her. Despite having more conversations with her after this incident, she and I never approached the subject again.    ...

Full Moon in Taurus | November 13, 2008 – Maintain A Steady Course

    The Full Moon will be at 1:19 am EST on Thursday, November 13, 2008. This Full Moon in Taurus, a “Fixed” earth sign, is stable, practical, protective and materialistic. Light white 7 – Day Novena Guardian Angels Candles at this time for protection. This is a bad time to try to gain anything new as the power is not on your side, but on the side of the established situation. Do not ask for a raise or promotion at this time, as you will not be considered. This is not a good time to consider a separation as well, as you will not be able to make any forward movement. This is not the time for any money spells that require an immediate need as the money lenders are not in a position to hear your case and negotiations will stall in the process. During the last few days of the progress through to a New Moon, or Waning Gibbous, things will look more favorable for communications for practical  matters and then you may light your money drawing candles for necessary money for practical means, not “fun” money....

River Offering to Ochun – Friday, November 28, 2008

River Offering to Ochun – Friday, November 28, 2008 A reader asks: When will your next ceremony to Ochun take place for petitions to be submitted? Our next offering at the river for Ochun/Oshun/Oxum will be Friday, November 28, 2008. There are two ways you may participate: 1. ) Purchase a small candle and submit your petition for $1.25 each. 2. ) Purchase a larger offering with 1 large candle, 5 oranges and a plate to hold them for $25.00 For more information and to order your petition candles or larger altar set up for Friday, November 28, 2008, please go to: http:www.tarotbyjacqueline.com...

The St Expedite “Fast Luck” Prosperity Experiment Altar | Week Three

The St Expedite “Fast Luck” Prosperity Experiment Altar | Week Three YAY! We got the camera to work and here is Saint Expedite with his red candle on top of the petitions and amongst all the other green candles on the Week Three Altar as promised! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $...

Week Three | The Prosperity Experiment – Miracles In Many Different Ways!

This post is a little later than normal and thanks to the Powers that Be, we will not have a photo to go with it! I guess Saint Expedite, the central figure in this weeks money altar, didn’t want his photo taken and the camera won’t upload the images into the computer! Go figure! I will try again later to get the image up. Our Prosperity Experiment is winding down and we have had a few miracles come about from our prayers: ~~~ One participant met the man of her dreams and may be altar bound faster than we can ever known! ~~~ Our little baby is getting stronger every day. ~~~ We have had most of our participants gain at least 50% of their set goals. ~~~ A couple of them like to work quietly and we haven’t heard much but have told us theat they loved the CD! We will be conducting our next Prosperity Experiment in late December if you are now curious and want to increase your prosperity. Look for future notices of the upcoming Prosperity Experiment....

New Moon in Scorpio | Tuesday, October 28, 2008 – Secret Spells Abound!

New Moon in Scorpio | Tuesday, October 28, 2008 – Secret Spells Abound! The New Moon in Scorpio occurs on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 6:14 pm E.S.T. This is a favorable time to plan or devise your secret spells, but not a good time to begin them. If you do, the “victim” will “fight back” and thwart your scheme and you will be exposed. Make sure your spells are “water tight” and go over every step to make sure that you did not forget a step. Consider your “victim” and their weaknesses and strengths and then determine a best time for a “spell attack” If you believe that your “victim” will gain the upper hand, then just let things be for now, there will be better times later! Scorpio is a “fixed” sign, which means it is stable, unchangeable and emotional....

Readers Question | Broken Candle in Glass – What to Do – More from Bernadette

Readers Question | Broken Candle in Glass – What to Do – More from Bernadette               Readers, You remember that Bernadette wrote me last week about getting a specific job by October 30th?    Well, here is what she is experiencing… Hi Jacqueline, I have a question while burning my candles on the third day my boss candle broke.  Is there any reason why?  Thanks Bernadette A broken candle can be two things – either the glass had a bubble or a flaw in it, or you are working against heavy forces and have to “re do” the spell over. It all depends on how the candle was acting or the vibes you were getting BEFORE the actual candle breakage. We are going to rule out manufacturing flaws and go to the spiritual. When you light a candle or a series of candles, you are manipulating spiritual forces to do your bidding. However, you may also be fighting off others’ actions, such as candle burning as well. Sometimes, these two forces go to battle, resulting in a victor and a loser, depending on which side you are on. Was the flame flickering wildly before the break? Did the wick bend over and touch the side of the glass? Were two or more candles too close to each other (meaning was there air space between each candle)? There are a lot of scenarios that can be at play here. More importantly, I would regard that this candle that had been already burning for three days, meaning that it was at LEAST 50% burnt down, as a sign that the “boss” in this situation may be a little hard headed and won’t budge on giving it to you. My suggestion is re-do the whole thing RIGHT NOW while allowing the rest of the candles to burn themselves out at the same time. My only addition would be a white candle next to the new Boss Fix candle to give clarity and peaceful wisdom to that “Boss” who has to make a decision. Good Luck and Prosperity to you, Bernadette...

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