New Moon in Aquarius | January 26, 2009 – The Eclipse brings Revolution!


The New Moon in Aquarius begins at 2:56 E.S.T. (10:56 P.S.T. on 01/25/09) and will be under the solar eclipse located a 6 degrees in Aquarius. This New Moon will usher in inoovation in technology, altruism in the common good of man, equality and objectivity, plus some unexpected surprises at the end of the month!  In addition, the planet Uranus, which rule Aquarius, is erratic and you might find that your daily life has become one big roller coaster ride during the first few days of February!

The New Moon in Aquarius is a good time to burn candles for bringing in anything “new” and “different”. Aquarius is a “Fixed” Air sign, which denotes that it is concerned with mental and intellectual stability. Aquarius is stable and unchangeable.

This is an ideal time to initiate any new, revolutionary ideas and works that are innovative. Calculate precisely your intentions, as burning candles to bring these into fruition will have long lasting effects. Make sure you have the stamina to see these works from dream to reality. This is an excellent time to working out the exact time parameters to your candle spells. The more of a scientific approach to exacting the timing of your spell will have longer lasting and dramatic results.

The New Moon in Aquarius is also a good time to light purple candles to enhance your E.S.P. abilities and your psychic talents.


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