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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Moon Void of Course and Waiting to Light Candles...   When the Moon is changing from New Moon to Full Moon, or vice versa, old time conjurers, hoodoo practitioners and spiritual workers wait 24 hours before lighting candles to bring in or reverse, depending on the candle spell you are doing and the phase the Moon is in when beginning your spell. Traditionally, to manifest or “bring in ” good things, like new beginnings, a new love, more money, success, new job opportunities, etc., you would need to light your candle burning spell on the New Moon. This is when the Moon is from complete non existent or unable to be seen to the full round Moon. To...
  • Readers Question | Red or Pink Candle for Love Candle Spell... Readers Question | Red or Pink Candle for Love Candle Spell Hi Jacqueline, I am doing a red candle love spell on this gut I am seeing. We get together, then we don’t see each other for a few days, then we are together again. This is the reason I am doing to love spell. I want him around all the time. I read on here that I am to use pink candles and not red ones. Why is that? Please explain what I am doing wrong. Thank you Caprice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for a good question. In my experience and education, a red candle is energetic and that energy is quick and all-consuming. Like a fire, it burns through...
  • Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Aquarius... Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Aquarius       This is the second a 12 part series of blog articles regarding working with the energy of the Moon in each of the 12 zodiac planets in order to have a deeper understanding for candle spell burning success – J. * * * * * * * The astrological sign of Aquarius (Jan. 20th to Feb. 18th) is ruled by the planet Uranus, but older astrologers use both Saturn and Uranus . The energy of the sign of Aquarius is of a “Fixed” Air sign, meaning that it is stable and unchangeable. The energy of Uranus, a planet sometimes associated with psychiatry and psychology, is intellectual...
  • Free Candle Spells | 4th Annual Banishing Negativity Burn | Dec. 31st – New Year’s Eve... Free Candle Spells | 4th Annual Banishing Negativity Burn | Dec. 31st – New Year’s Eve It is time again to prepare for the 4th Annual Banishing Negativity Burn on New Year’s Eve night, Dec. 31st. This ritual, performed each year at this time, is a opportunity to burn away negative influences and events that has happened in the past year, so that you start the year 2011 fresh and renewed in Spirit. This is performed in an outdoor fire pit and fragrance sacred herbs and essences are added to the pyre, using frankincense, myrrh and white sage. These are mixed into the petition papers, creating a burnt offering that wafts to the Angels and Saints in Heaven so they can hear our pleas of...
  • Free Candle Spells | Candle Success – Lighting Candles with Confidence for Success – Part 2...             Read the blog post Candle Success | Lighting Candles with Confidence for Success – Part 1 to find out what happened first ….. The young woman left my home and proceeded to go purchase the candles. I received a telephone call the next morning at 7:30 am. It was the young lady and she was trembling as we spoke. This is what happened to her after leaving me. She went to the candle shop to buy the white and black candles as I had supplied her with the oils, but not the candles. She went home and started to proceed with the ritual...
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Readers Question | Crown of Success Candle Spells for College Son?

Readers Question | Crown of Success Candle Spells for College Son? Hello Jacqueline, My second oldest son who in college seems to be having difficulty with-his college classes this semester. Is there anything he can do to pass his classes he uses crown of success and he recently brought your sister attraction oil and he rubs it on his palms and neck what else can he do to acheive success? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have him get a yellow 7-day vigil or novena candle in glass (like the ones in the Latino foods aisle at your local market) and clean it using lemon juice or Florida Water and drill three holes in it like this (cleaning out the extra wax shards). Then fill each well with Crown of Success Oil. Have him burn this candle while he studies. When it gets low, get a new one going. Another thing is that he might want to create a little Vision Board to place behind the candle. This could be as simple as a collage that consists of magazine advertisements taped or glued to a cardboard or construction paper background.  The images needed to be included would be a photo of a graduate, photos of bags of money, fancy car, gorgeous women, a desk in an office, a home – basically all the things a good college education will bring you.  You can even start this Vision Board as soon as they are in middle school to keep them focused. Another thing is that he should anoint his temples and across his forehead at the hairline with the Crown of Success Oil before he begins his studying – and of course, light this candle. Light the candle only when he is studying, and pinch the flame out or extinguish it with a candle snuffer (don’t BLOW it OUT as that means you are DONE with the SPELL). Rubbing it on the back of the neck at the base of the head harkens back to old African American beliefs that the Soul of a person is located where the head meets the neck. Now, for the common sense – give him a space that is peaceful and quiet during his study times – might be a little hard to do, after all, he is, (ahem) IS in college! I am sure he will be distracted by all the ‘college life’ that is surrounding him – BUT – as a mom you can make sure he can ‘come home’ on the weekends, make sure you have lots of good, soul satisfying food on hand, and do his laundry (maybe lacing your liquid laundry detergent with Crown of Success and a little of Controlling Oils – just in case). It will be all good. God Bless him and I want a photo of that handsome man in his cap and gown! All the Best,...

Mystic Spirit Fair | Saturday, March 6, 2010 in Elk Grove, CA

Mystic Spirit Fair | Saturday, March 6, 2010 in Elk Grove, CA The Mystic Spirit Fair will be held on Saturday, March 6, 2010 in the Holiday Inn Express, 9175 W. Stockton Blvd, (off HWY 99 So. at the Laguna Blvd. exit) from 10 am to 5 pm. This gathering of intuitives, aura camera photographers, tarot readers, candle makers, spiritual supply crafters and whole body healers is completely FREE to the public to enter and seek services from the participants. For more information, please go to...

Full Moon in Virgo | February 28, 2010 – Wait to Act, React!

Full Moon in Virgo | February 28, 2010 – Wait to Act, React! The Full Moon occurs on Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 11:38 am E.S.T. This Moon, in the sign of Virgo, exudes the energy of a “Mutable” Earth sign. It is protective, emotional and materialistic. Any actions taken for new endeavors will be overly optimistic and too expensive right now. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into agreements that you are not given time to think them over and reconsider. You might find that you are being promised more than what can be delivered. The Full Moon time is perfect for Reversing and Banishing candle spell rituals to rid yourself of negative people, nosy neighbors, bad juju girlfriends, and bad habits, jealousies and envies that you may have surrounding you or that have ‘latched onto’ you. Burning a Double Reverse Black on Red candle like the one pictured below, will help ‘send back’ or reverse situations. It is also a time to retreat and rest! We never get enough time for contemplation and solitude to ponder the reasons things occur or event unfold, and with technological advances in communication devices, being hard to reach is getting more and more somewhat hard to do anymore! It IS OK to turn off the phone, computer and even not answer the phone so that you can clear your mind of all the ‘noise’ and listen to your intuitions and feelings when you sit and contemplate. Remember during this time to take plenty of Epsom Salts baths during this time to shake off negativity. You may add a handful of crushed eucalyptus leaves to the bath water for added release of negative vibes. You may also want to add a bit of Reversible Anointing Oil to your bath to soak in or apply to the bottoms of your feet after you get out of the tub. You can order this oil as well as Reversible Bath Salts at www.lucky13clover.com Order a Reversible Candle to be burned for you by clicking the button below The next New Moon occurs on March 15,...

Spiritual Supplies | www.mysticcandleshop.com

Local Internet apothecary shoppe, www.MysticCandleShop.com will be featured at the upcoming Mystic Spirit Fair in Elk Grove, CA on Saturday, March 6, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Express, HWY 99 South at Laguna Blvd. Click here to get directions to this great metaphysical...

Readers Questions | Candle Burn Meaning of “Tear Drops”

Hi, Thanks for all your posts and wonderful (and educational) information about candle spells! I’d like to ask: When a candle leaves “tear drops” (along one side, or two, or more), is this a positive sign or negative sign? Also, if the “tears” accumulate to form a column, and don’t burn away when the candle is finished? Thanks & blessings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you say “tear drops”, I am assuming it is the liquified wax running down a a candle side, right? This is the only idea that I have come to mind when you say “tear drops”. If you are experiencing actual watery-like “tear”, then I would not know and would probably first call the candle manufacturer to ask what it might be, then get a divination if it cannot be explained. So for the sake of argument, we’ll say it is the wax that has been turned into liquid because of the heat of the flame. This could only happen with a free standing candle (not a glass encased candle). When you look at the shape of the candle, it is in a tapered conical shape, to allow the wax to run down the sides of the candle to pool at the base. This is necessary as to keep all the liquid wax up at the flame would “drown” the wick and snuff the flame. This has been explained in past post regarding proper candle construction with candle crafter Stan, from Wizardcraft Technologies (search in older posts). You also asked about these candle drips forming a column on one side that do not burn down when the candle is finished. This is the basis of candle divination. What is the shape looking like and what was the original situation that caused you to burn a candle? You can either take your candle (plate, petition and all) to a local worker or maybe sit alone yourself and stare at the candle ad try to determine what the shape was. Good Luck. Let us know the outcome!...

Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Pisces the Fish

Pisces rules those born from February 20th to March 20th. This zodiac sign is considered “Mutable” Water sign, which means the energy fluctuates between stable and erratic tendencies. This energy can be deceptive, emotional and intuitive. Astrological candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day glass novena candle in the appropriate color for your sign and use a permanent marker or paint pen to draw the symbol for Pisces, which looks like two fishes swimming in opposition oof each other; one going up and one going down. The candle color associated with Pisces is blue and the planetary energy is Neptune. It would be wise to enhance your candle burning by using Neptune Condition Oil or oil that has the herbs Hemp, Mugwort, Passion Flower, Poppy or Wisteria steeping in it. Willow and Alder are the types of wood that is associated with...

Readers Questions | Commentary on Eben’s Vinegar Jar Spell

Readers Questions | Commentary on Eben’s Vinegar Jar Spell             Jacqueline, I was wondering if perhaps Eben changed the vinegar to the Four Thieves Vinegar, and adds along with the chili (I’ve made a blend of habanero, chili piquin in my magic bullet) and added some poppy seed (for confusion and to drive away enemies) and some black peppercorns, black mustard seed, some black salt and some urine…if this may give him a boost. Although Mary Laveau had a simple recipe of placing the name of who you want to leave on a paper and put it in a jar and cover with the FTV and throw it in moving water picturing them “moving” away. Not sure, just a suggestion?   I do have background knowledge that Eben is a practitioner or certain magical practices that use many herbs that you describe, but there are some things to consider: Eben’s ‘recipe’ may have varied a little from your suggestions, but doesn’t make it ‘bad’ or anything like that.  One thing Eben WAS doing was giving it a ‘time factor’; he was trying to use it successfully while the ‘other person’ was away for three months. One thing that practitioners have to remember is that ultimately, all decisions are finalized with the “Just Judge” – the Higher Power in every religious belief system that administers Justice – whether you want to call that power God, Krishna, Buddha, etc. – it is ultimately ‘out of your hands’ in a sense. Your petition may be HEARD, but was not acted on because of circumstances that you may not be aware of. Now, again, your mixture may be more potent as well. I tell people, magic is sometimes like a chocolate cake; maybe your Granny used mayonnaise and my mom used leftover coffee, but the core ingredients – flour, sugar, cocoa and eggs – are the same. We just have to “tweak” (my word) the spell a bit to get it to work right. I hope that Eben is reading and will comment on our readers entry. It’s a good one. Thank you for your input and suggestion! J.      ...

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