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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply | Elk Grove – Sacramento, CA... Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply | Elk Grove – Sacramento, CA Lucky 13 Clover, an Internet and small retail spiritual supply business, is located in Elk Grove, CA (near Sacramento, CA). The hours vary, depending on day and time of year. Calling first at (916) 284 – 5552 is always a certainty. Lucky 13 Clover has a portion of the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. and a representation of the Motor City Hoo Doo Product line.  Many clients come for consultations and order custom blened oils, which are kept on file to replicte for you when your supply runs out. The owner is a graduate of the Lucky Mojo Company Root Worker Course and is a retailer of the Lucky Mojo...
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Full Moon in Pisces | August 24, 2010 – Make Healthy Choices and Rest!

The Full Moon in Pisces occurs on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 12:05 pm E.S.T. This Moon, in the sign of  Pisces, is considered a “Mutable” Water sign. The energy of this Moon is highly emotional, intuitive and erratic. Fantasy and deception can be a problem now if not thoroughly checked.   Coupling this, all other astrological activities are under the influence of a Mercury retrograde that occurred the week prior to this Full Moon. This is the time for retreat and contemplation. The energy of this lunation is to take stock in your health and do not dismiss any health problem, however minor it may seem. It is also a quiet time on the astrological plane, so taking more time to rest is to your advantage a this time. Full Moon time is considered optimum time for lighting candles and doing candle work for reversing, revenge and banishing. Order your “Black on Red” Reversible Candles to be burned for you today! Anointing blue glass “novena” or “vigil” type candles with such zodiacal oils such as Pisces Oil or planetary oils like Neptune Oil, who rules the zodiac sign of Pisces, enhances the power of the Full Moon. Herbs such as Lemon Balm (Melissa), Basil, or Sage can be crushed and either added to the top of a glass encased candle or applied after anointing a free standing candle with the matching oil. The next Mew Moon will occur on September 8, 2010. Order a Reversible Candle to be burned for you! –...

Readers Question | Green Money Candle Spells for Casino?

Jacqueline, I want to attract more money to me so that I can go to the casino and try my luck. Ialways seem to have my luck come and go, and I would like to know if there is a candle to burn to attract good luck so that I don’t dip into my living expenses money to try my hand gambling. Does one candle spell exist? Antoine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Antoine, Thank you for a good question. You do state a bit of slight confusion here and I think that it would be good that I clear things up. I am told that there are two distinct types oc candle spells regarding money – one for necessary needs and one for “somethin’ extra” – like going to the casino. While I am not a gambling person, I go maybe once a year if that because I don’t seem to do enough to make the drive worthwhile, so are VERY lucky at it. Lucky them! So, for the sake of clarification to all who read this website, let’s take a moment to explain the differences. First, it is very unwise to ever use the household money to gamble or play games of chance – that is almost like tesing the Devil and asking for calamities to happen. You and your family depends on that little extra cushion for those “whammy” months (what I call them) – when the car breaks down or these is a doctor or appliance repair bill that you didn’t factor in for it. Gambling money should be an extra “extra” – like entertainment money – to spend without harming the household or placing anyone in jeopardy. There are those who have a different opinion on this, and if you or any readers are one, I truly did not mean any harm. Being a monther I am always looking out for the family. So, if you are looking to burn candles strictly for BRINGING IN GAMBLING MONEY, I would suggest red or yellow-gold candles (the PREFERRED colors) anointed with “Fast Luck”, “Lucky 13”, or “Attraction” type anointing and condition oil. Clean candles as described in this link, Candle Spell Candle Preparation Step by Step for Candleburning Success. Then, anoint with the Fast Luck or any of the other oils I have described. Light the candle after placing it in a fire-safe dsih. You may sprinkle a little ground cinnamon or red pepper (not TOO much) in the top of the candle to give it a “boost”. You may place your lucky gambling charm or mojo bag next to the candle to give it a “recharge” before your next visit. If you are doing a candle light vigil for bringing money into the household FOR HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES or emergency money that will not be taken to the casino, I would suggest green candles and for super emergencies, back the green one up with a red candles by its side, anointed again with “Fast Luck” oil. Use “Money Drawing”, Wealthy Way”, “Money Come to Me” , “Money House Blessing”, or any of the other prosperity-type oils. Thanks for a good question and Good Luck!...

Readers Question | Best Time to Burn Money Drawing Candles?

Jacqueline, Thank you for writing your blog! I have recently found you and I am still new to this candle burning thing. I am in need of extra money for some upcoming bills. When would be the BEST time for me to burn candles for money? Which candles are best?   Many Thanks, Jocelyn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jocelyn, Thank you for your question and it is a coincidence it came on the New Moon. The New Moon is considered by some as the best time to begin any candle work for bringing in – whether it is money, love or success. We just started the Prosperity Experiment yesterday and it is too bad you didn’t join in because the 30 day candle vigil is for bringing in money to you. Look for it at the beginning of the year again as I conduct this service twice a year. Now to your question. Green candles, a visual reminder of green folding money or dollar bills, is the best to burn. You may boost the power of the green candle by burning a red candle next to it – anointed with “Fast Luck” Oil, too give it a little “nudge” in the right direction. Some, like myself, like to use Saint Jude candles. The green St. Jude candle is preferable over the white in cases of money – but – the old adage is when you do not have the right color of candle, you may use a white candle as a substitute. St. Jude, also known as San Judas Tadeo in the Latino community, is considered the Patron Saint of Impossible Causes – like ‘where am I going to get this money from to fix my brakes because I already got paid’, etc. You get the picture. this candle is used when all other conventional means of money gathering has been done – the savings accounts, the piggy bank – and you just need $300.00 for those brakes! Another idea that was a hard lesson for me to learn is to GIVE TO GET. I am like you and like those numbers in the bank, but I was not sharing with my fellow Man in blessing them and making sure that continue Blessings would come to me. I would be fine for awhile, then get stingy all of a sudden; it is a natural tendency that when times are tough or you are having one of those “whammy” months – we all do – that you are more cautious with your money. this is when you need to Trust and give a few dollars to that guy on the corner with a sign – just enough for him to get a Value Meal, because for the sake of God or the roll of the dice, it could be YOU. Hope this helps in clearing up some thoughts about green candles burned for money drawing and prosperity. Keep us informed on your best money drawing candle spell, ok?...

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Rosemary in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Rosemary in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells ROSEMARY, a fragrant woody plant that grows along the Mediterrean coastline, is a staple in Italian and Greek cooking. Little did they know how important an herb is for family magic! Rosmarrinus officinalis, as ROSEMARY is known in botanical terms, is considered a woman’s empowerment herb. Not to say that women can become a brute, but can rule with a ‘firm, but gentle hand’ in matters of the family. It is reputed that if a ROSEMARY bush is planted near the front door of a home, the woman has the “last say” on what goes on with the family. It is also believed that ROSEMARY will ward off evil persons who approach the doorstep and deflect any evil intentions directed towards family members. This belief is so widely held that many carry a sprig of ROSEMARY in a muslin bag inside their clothing or snip a small branch to place over their door on the inside of the home. ROSEMARY is one of the oils used in Peaceful Home Anointing Oil. You may use this on a blue candle to keep peace in the home. It was once used in Victorian bridal bouquets to insure fidelity between partners and is sometimes used in a flannel bag placed in pillowcases and under mattresses to keep a man and woman faithful to each other. You can boil a handful of ROSEMARY, HYSSOP, and EPSOM SALTS to pour into a bath to soak off any negative feelings after a fight with your spouse. It will bring calm and peace to the home. Order your Peaceful Home Anointing and Condition Oil from Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply.   Read about all 12 common kitchen spices used in hoodoo, conjure and candle magic here, “Kitchen Hoodoo | 12 Spices and Herbs for Hoodoo Magic...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Let It Shine!


Free Candle Spells | Best Days of the Week for Candle Spells

Free Candle Spells | Best Days of the Week for Candle Spells The Best Days of the Week for Candle Burning Spells   SUNDAY – The Day of the Lord and the best day for white candle Blessings and Healing candle rituals to be lit. Burning Uncrossing, Run Devil Run, and Jinx Removal candle spells are good on this day.. Also, it has been said that spells for knowledge and success in school such as Crown of Success and Wisdom spells can be begun on Sunday. MONDAY – Ruled by the Moon, an auspicious day for Peace in the Home, Happiness, and Tranquility blue candle spells. Monday also has a reputation of being a good day for purple Psychic Vision candle spell work to increase your intuitive nature. TUESDAY – Reputed to be a good day for Separation and Breakup candle spells, using the free standing couple candle with a knife sliced between the man and the woman figure. Good day for Fiery Wall of Protection and Reversible Candle spell work if the Moon is full. WEDNESDAY – Ruled by the planet Mercury, who rules communication, this day is good for candle spells for unblocking your paths and obstacles and the Fast Luck red candle spells dedicated to Saint Expedite. Good day for lighting candles for Fast Luck and Road Opener candles when the hands of the clock are rising (i.e. at 6:31 am or at 6:31 pm). Also an opportune day for certain kinds of spells for contact a lost person or needing to contact someone not reachable by telephone. THURSDAY – Reputed to be auspicious for Steady Work candle spells and candles to bring in more business for shop owners. FRIDAY – Ruled by the Yoruba Goddess Ochun (sometimes spelled “Oshun” or “Oxum”), Fridays are the day to cast elaborate spells for things like love, wealth and beauty. Use green Wealthy Way and Prosperity candles dressed with Money Drawing Oil. In matters of romance, use pink candles dressed with Love Me, Come To Me, Fire of Love, or Kiss Me Now! Oils.You can burn Attraction candles for general Good Luck, as well as yellow candles dedicated to Oshun on this day. SATURDAY – Legend has it to be the day for casting harmful work like laying ‘tricks’, Goofering, and Dark Arts spells. Also reputed to be a good day for Domination, Bend Over and Control candle burning...

Readers Question | Is Candle Burning REALLY Working?

I have done candle burning in the past and have adjusted my spell work according to various different information (Books, Internet) and I have found that sometimes the candle spells work and sometimes they don’t, which is frustrating because of the work and cost involved. Is there any way someone can REALLY know if a candle spell is going to work or not? Thanks Joanne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joanne, Thanks for your question. I am going to examine both sides of the question in regards to candle burning. Please bear with me, but I like to play Devil’s advocate when it comes to an issue that can be taken both ways. First, you say that you have been doing different spells from different sources. I wonder if you are mixing differnt traditions and something is not interacting right. Take for example, you do a great love spell and you and your lover connect closer than you have in a long time. The next time you want to burn a candle for love, nothing happens or it just isn’t the same. What happened, you ask? Here are some things to consider: Time and Date Candles (were they the same?) Oils, sachets and herbs Time of the Moon (New or Full – you would not BELIEVE the difference the Moon makes in candle spells!) Location Petition Paper Mood of your Lover Situations the two of you are facing Now, only you will know if they are working in regards to how your lover is acting or responding to you. Use this as a guide. My suggestion is to go back to the ORIGINAL love candle spell that worked for you best. Examine again what was it that made it work, and reproduce it each and every time you do that particular spell. I would also suggest keeping a candle spell journal and write down the effectiveness of each candle spell. For the ones that do not perform to your satisfaction, I would toss that love candle spell out. There is nothing wrong with a “tried and true” recipe, just like Mom’s apple pie, to does the same thing – works it’s magic and completes that task! I hope you found this helpful. When you find that great love candle spell, please share it with us on Free Candle Spells!...

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