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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Pisces – Sensitivity and Patience!... Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Pisces – Sensitivity and Patience! The Full Moon in Pisces (at 26 degrees) occurs at 6:13 am E.S.T. on September 19, 2013. This lunation may be mentioned in other astrology pamphlets and websites as being in the sign of Aries, but at 26 degrees, it is on the cusp of both signs, so aspects of each needs to be recognized. The energy of the Full Moon in Pisces is considered to be a “Mutable” Water sign which means that it is highly emotional and psychic, but also erratic and deceptive. Full Moons in Pisces are also an excellent time to retreat with a journal and contemplate your new plans and just plain rest. The...
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Hoodoo Products and Uses | Ammonia and Epsom Salts – Dynamic Duo of Negativity Cleansing

Hoodoo Products and Uses | Ammonia and Epsom Salts – Dynamic Duo of Negativity Cleansing Ammonia and Epsom Salts have long been two items I frequently recommend for negativity-busting whenever someone has ‘hit a streak’ of bad luck, the children are ‘acting out’, or whenever something in the household just ‘feels wrong’. I consider them the “Dynamic Duo” of removing negativity, jinxes and crossed conditions, and are the first things I suggest before any candle work is to be done. Found at your local WalMart and other pharmacies like Walgreens, for under $10.00, you can start cleaning up and clearing out all at the same time. Here is the spiritual and physical reasons that old-tyme hoodoo conjurers suggest and use Ammonia and Epsoms Salts to keep away negativity and pure-D funk! Ammonia, also historically related to the distillation of horn shavings, giving it the name Spirits of Hartshorn, is scientifically known as a solution of anhydrous ammonia suspended in water. Ammonia is a common household cleaner and is a replacement for urine in Southern conjure spells. It has been said that a half cup of ammonia added to wash water in the clothes washer, removes negativity that has become attached to individuals who work in places that attract this such as prisons and jails, slaughterhouses, and casinos. When washing white clothing that require bleach, add the bleach to the first wash, then, re-wash a second time with soap and ammonia, following with a rinse. DO NOT COMBINE BLEACH and AMMONIA, as they will release a noxious gas that can kill you. Do the two-step washing process I described above when laundering whites with ammonia. When doing general cleaning and ‘funk busting’, use a capful in a tub of water and immerse a clean cotton cloth. Wring out and gently wipe down all surfaces with this water. You do not need to use much ammonia to get the cleansing effect of ridding the home and area of negativity, as too much ammonia has also been known to chase off any ‘good spirits’ around. A capful in a tub of water will also keep fine woods from fading and keep most surfaces safe from damage. You can wipe down doors, doorknobs, light switches, walls, windows, sills, bookcases, tables and lamps, floors, and bathrooms with this solution without worry. To lighten up a room, you can take a clean corn fiber broom and lightly dip the tips of the bristles in the water/ammonia solution, and brush the carpet from the area of the front door towards and out the back door. This symbolic ‘sweeping out negativity’ can bring lightness and a calming feeling to the home. To keep the good feeling going, make sure you have all family members and guests remove their shoes at the front door before entering the home. this way, the negativity stays on the outside of the home. Ammonia is also a good way to keep your personal self from being a magnet of negativity. After showering, take a capful of ammonia and pour it into a large cup. I always suggest one that was purchased at a fast food restaurant, so you can keep it under the bathroom sink and no one will drink from it. You may also substitute a large pickle jar or quart Mason canning jar. Fill receptacle with warm water and add the capful of ammonia. Pray the Psalm 23 (“The Lord is My Shepherd”) over the mixture and pour from your shoulders downward over your body, both front and back. Rinse off with water from the shower, dry off and dress. This is a way to ‘seal’ your body from negativity before going to work or meeting individuals who are a cesspool of negative thoughts and...

Readers Question | Help with Burning Candles Turning Black?

Readers Question | Help with Burning Candles Turning Black?   I am burning a st johns the conqueror candle and the candle is pitch black at the top. What is it I need to do because I don’t know who my enemy is that is attacking me? The candle was dresses and is also burning with a seven day african candle and a white candle as well. Marilyn  * * * * * * * Marilyn, While this question does not give me much to go on because it is not formulated into a question, most of your answers can be found be reading a previous post, “Free Candle Spells | Negative Signs in Candle Spells Work” I recently was burning a candle for a client and their monetary problems and their candles turned black. I sent them these photos of their candles. Notice how dark the sooting or blackening became, and this was client that had tremendous problems with a certain financial situation.     Marilyn, in your case, unless I specifically knew what your candles were being burned for, then I could not determine why they turned black. High John the Conqueror, sometimes called Hi John the Conker in the South, is a candle burned for masculine energy and power or for a woman, strength to get through whatever she was experiencing at the time. The Seven African Powers candle is calling on all the Yoruba Gods and Goddesses, called the Orichas/Orishas/Orixas that are identified with the Ifa/Santeria religion. A white candle indicates blessing candle or an all purpose healing candle. You also may want to participate in the End of the Year Banishing Burn Ritual that I perform to negate and burn off any unwanted negative influences that my clients have so that they start the New Year 2011 off on a good foot. Click the gray banner below to go to the information page on how to participate....

New Moon in Sagittarius | December 5, 2010 – Get Close and Contemplate!

The New Moon in Sagittarius on Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 12:37 pm E.S.T. The energy of the Sagittarius Moon is considered to be a “Mutable” Fire sign, meaning that it is changeable, flexible and creative. New Moon lunation cycles are considered auspicious for doing spell work and burning candles to bring in “good things” such as love ,money and success. The waxing, or growing (in size) Moon from nil to full circle, is correlated to ‘gathering’ or ‘increasing’ in Nature and therefore is believed to be working for the positive in all aspects. It is said that burning red candles anointed with “Fast Luck” Condition Oil, makes things that you want to happen come to you faster and green prosperity and money drawing candles, bring added money to the home. The New Moon in Sagittarius is an excellent time to do spells for expansion and increase. It is also an optimum time for self-improvement and to consider setting goals for higher education and ideals at this time. The New Moon in Sagittarius may see you as trying to attend as many functions for loved ones and close friends as you have never in year’s past, especially ones associated with the Holiday rituals and ceremonies that they bring. In addition, the planet of communication, Mercury, goes Retrograde on December 10th and will remain so until the end of the month, at which time you may find delays in checks and payments, computer mishaps and missed voice mail messages. Do not have any car repairs or sign any important papers or make life changing decisions during a Mercury Retrograde. To do so may bring in “re-dos” – a second car repair, a second signing of papers and an about change in decisions made at this time. Sit, rest and go inside yourself to contemplate before taking action. There will also be a Lunar Eclipse on Dec. 21st on the day of the Full Moon, which will throw even more caution into the Universe about making any important, life-changing decisions on the “hold” list until the end of the month. This lunation is geared towards retrospect and taking a step back to look at all the actors on stage in the theatre of your Life. When all is said and done, it is not wise to allow others to manipulate your actions and thoughts, as to do so can bring more confusion and disarray and lead to a loss of Personal Power. Listen to what others have to say, and tell then you will “get back to them on it”; giving yourself time to weigh all the factors of the proposal. If the ‘deal’ was good today and it was a legitimate offer, the ‘deal’ will be there tomorrow, too. The next Full Moon will occur on December 21,...

Readers Question | How Do I Do Banishing Spell Without Karma Backlash?

Hello Ms. Jacqueline, I am interested in purchasing one of 4th Annual Banishing Burn doll and I have a question. I do not want to send myself to hell for the person on the doll but karma is a mug. The person a (Professor) is a straight up liar she had me thrown out the college and I know it was because she does not like black people. I don’t know how the dolls works but as I mention karma is a mug if I sent a photo of her to be place on the doll would that have a greater effect? like I want justice I want her to be fired from the college and for everybody to see her as the liar prejudice woman she is. It your opinion that matter to me so what do you think? Name Withheld by Blog Owner/Moderator * * * * * * * Dear, The old saying, “If you want to destroy the negative hold someone has or magic worked against you, you burn it up” is at work here. In another way to see it, it is like if you want to lay a “trick” at someone’s door, and there is a houseful of kids, but you want the Mom to ‘get tripped up’, you NAME to spell and its’ ingredients and ‘label’ it that the spell is only to affect the Mom and not anyone else in the dwelling, then it will not hurt the kids. You do not want others to be affected, only the NAMED person. That is why we name the poppet/doll, so that it won’t affect others. Now, to use the color black for the doll is because negativity appears as the color black in hoodoo history, so we want to keep it as traditional as possible. We are not cursing, exacting revenge or jinxing someone here. We are burning up effigies of people who have made our lives troublesome. Also, if someone did something to you, then there are grounds for doing work to cut yourself off from the situation. This is the LAW OF KARMA, which does not have direct connections to Hoodoo, but many still think it has some influence over the motions of Life. It does not mean that you want this person DEAD, but you want to burn up any lasting residue or influence over you. All this ritual is for is to release negativity or negative persons who have bothered you, ‘tripped you up’ from success, bad mouthed you and caused you troubles, and the like. You are not ‘wishing’ them to die (that would be more of a graveyard spell), but their nastiness can be ‘burned off you’ so you can move on. My Hoodoo teacher and mentor, cat yronwode, is given credit by me to have taught me this ‘rule’, now I am not quoting her specifically, but I do want her knowledge to be honored and respected. Here is the exact “rule” as I know it to be in hoodoo: If you want to keep something at home or near you, bury it in the back yard. If you want to hide the original spell, you place it in the crook of a tree. If you want to bring in or attract something, bury it under the front step or nearby. If you want to eliminate the influence of it, burn it. If you want it to go far away or leave, throw it in moving water like a river. If you want it to work secretly, place it in food or something they drink. If you want to scatter it’s influence, place it at...

Free Candle Spells | 4th Annual Banishing Negativity Burn | Dec. 31st – New Year’s Eve

Free Candle Spells | 4th Annual Banishing Negativity Burn | Dec. 31st – New Year’s Eve It is time again to prepare for the 4th Annual Banishing Negativity Burn on New Year’s Eve night, Dec. 31st. This ritual, performed each year at this time, is a opportunity to burn away negative influences and events that has happened in the past year, so that you start the year 2011 fresh and renewed in Spirit. This is performed in an outdoor fire pit and fragrance sacred herbs and essences are added to the pyre, using frankincense, myrrh and white sage. These are mixed into the petition papers, creating a burnt offering that wafts to the Angels and Saints in Heaven so they can hear our pleas of negative release. There are two ways you can participate: 1. ) Order a tealight petition candle for $1.00 each (an excellent idea to burn one for each member of the family!) 2. ) Have a custom made poppet/doll made and named for an individual who is causing you grief and torment and burn their negative influences out of your life. Each poppet/doll is $25.00 Each participant will get a file with photos of their poppet/doll construction and the burn ritual. Read more about the Banishing Negativity Burn by clicking on the grey box at the top of this blog...

Free Candle Spells | Why Your Love Candle Spell Isn’t Working Pt. 3

    The third of a three part series on some things to consider as to why your love candle spell is not working as intended.   To read part one, click the blue words here, “Free Candle Spells | Why Your Love Candle Spell Isn’t Working Pt. 1”. To read the second part of this series, click here to read, “Free Candle Spells | Why Your Love Candle Spell Isn’t Working Pt. 2”. So we have covered some reasons that your candle spell wasn’t working with problems that may have existed before you even considered putting flame to a wick. The second part delved into cheap changing of products and the possibility of being a victim of a rip-off artist. Part three rounds up some more things to consider even after you have eliminated the problems brought up in Parts 1 and 2.   This last section focuses on you and your actions in regards to the candle spell. What you do and say will help determine the outcome of the candle spell, and that is why many will tell you to plan, prepare, revise, research and revisit the petition papers, herbs, oils and candles you use. 7. ) Giving vague or inaccurate information for the reader/spellworker to properly prepare a candle spell. Oh this is a doozy. In the near past, I had someone who contacted me about a candle spell they were considering. Theirs was a ‘Double Big Mac with extra Cheese” – type of issue. I strongly suggest a reading – not only to determine if the work was validated but if I was the ‘One’ who should be performing this spell (something I do ask in my readings with a client). I also ask if the outcomes will be successful because I do not want to have a client “throw good money to the bad” if the outcome will not be what they wanted. Remember – we are petitioning the Higher Power for our best outcome – and if the Almighty does not want the petition to come to its’ fruition, it won’t, plain and simple. So I do the reading for the person, and in it I find multi layers of items that are loosely related, but in the end, not best for the client. The client reveals to me some candle spells that they are doing, substituting one thing for the other (like candles), and it turns out a big mess. I suggest to the client to bite it off like a Big Mac, because you cannot eat one in one bite. I tell them to first determine what is most important to work on, then systematically do candle work for each item. Comes to find out, there is even MORE issues, and the slip up was their e-mails asking for yet more information and it all had to be done be the end of the month! Readers, be honest with your rootworker/spiritualworker. We cannot do the best for you if you are withholding pertinent information and we use the ‘wrong’ oil, candle or herb. It sets up a situation that you will not be happy with the results and then you’ll bad mouth your worker all over town. We all need to Trust. 8. ) You are fixated or obsessed over the candle spell as it works or the outcome. – One of the most saddest things is when someone has contacted me, waited on considering a candle spell, and then when faced with either a worst situation or they come up against time limits, they are bombarding me with calls and e-mails. Doing research is fine and I encourage it, both...

Free Candle Spells | Free Love, Money, Success, Reversible Spells

Welcome to Free Candle Spells, your best source for free love spells, money spells, success spells and even reversible candle spells and revenge spells. Free Candle Spells is a free, informational website for all kinds of candle spells for love, success,revenge, money and prosperity, reversing, peace and much more. Free Candle Spells.com gives you techniques to use and suggestions of oils, herbs, sachets and candle layout patterns for you to use to achieve your desired outcome. The owner/moderator of Free Candle Spells.com is unable to do consultations for you for free as we believe in the fair exchange of energy vs. fees to do a reading, whether tangible or not, is required for a successful outcome for these matters. If interested in booking a reading or consultation, please go to Tarot by Jacqueline (click blue words). Free Candle Spells also does not do dream interpretations or second guessing of spiritual practitioners. We also cannot suggest you using any product purchased at your local candle shop or botanica that we are not familiar with the product line. We only use the lines offered at Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply (click blue words). If you have a favorite spell that you would like to share, or a candle spell that you have had success with, please feel free to send it in with complete instructions, and we’ll post it. If you have questions about candles and candles spells, please feel free to submit it and if it is a really good question, we’ll answer it in this...

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