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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Prosperity Experiment 2012 – 30 Days to a More Prosperous You!... Prosperity Experiment 2012 – 30 Days to a More Prosperous You!     Announcing the 2012 Prosperity Experiment to begin on January 23, 2012 If it is time to consider using the Power of Prayer and Candle burning to bring in added abundance and prosperity to your life in 2012, then this the the event you are sure to not miss. This year marks the 5th year I have been hosting the Prosperity Experiment, a groups of like-minded readers that want to harness the power of candle burning to bring in needed financial blessings to them. This is achieved by having 30 days of green candles burned for them to bring in abundance and prosperity. What is the Prosperity Experiment? To...
  • Readers Questions | Comments on Revenge, Damnation and Go to H*LL Spell... My, I have had a few people get really upset over this past candle spell! Here is my position on candle spells and the basis for the reason that there is the Free Candle Spells website. I am no position to ‘judge’ whether any candle burning spell is ‘right’ or not. It is up to the one who uses the spell. Besides that, haven’t you came out with an expletive or two when someone done you wrong? Tell the TRUTH. Anthropologists claim that magick ‘evens the scales’ between the oppressed (the candle burner) and the oppressor (the intended victim). As long as I do not advocate the actual HARMING...
  • New Moon in Gemini | June 12, 2010 – Help Others Less Fortunate... The New Moon in Gemini occurs at 6:00 am E.S.T. on Saturday, June 12, 2010. The Moon in Gemini is considered a “Mutable” Air sign. This means the energy for this New Moon fluctuates between the active and passive. It also rules the mind, thoughts and intellect. The time of the New Moon is a good time to light candles to bring in more money, fast luck, success and love. Gemini is the sign of communication, so making sure you are clearly heard will be a bonus at this time. The New Moon in Gemini is an optimum time to plan and calculate out all your candle spells. It...
  • Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Oregano in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells... Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Oregano in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells   Oregano, a common herb in European cookery, has its uses in candle spells to keep the law away and for keeping nosy people who are making trouble to stay away. Origanum vulgare, as it is known by its botanical name, has many different genus or variations of the same plant. The name Oregano stems from the Greek words “oros” and “ganos” to form the meaning “mountain happiness”. It is said that Greeks in the countryside would adorn the heads of newlyweds with wreaths of oregano to bless them with joy in their marriage. In the Greek and Italian magical traditions, oregano is associated with the practices of Stregheria,...
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Gemini – A Lunar Eclipse as Well!...   The Full Moon occurs at 9:38 am E.S.T. in the astrological sign of Gemini. In addition, this is a Lunar Eclipse, occurring in its entirety at about 8:00 am E.S.T., but West Coast residents can watch it as the sky will still be dark enough to view the eclipse in its glory at 6:05 am. In astrology, Solar and Lunar eclipses bring a certain meaning to the Moon’s lunar station, and this one is no different. It has been said that any new endeavors, contracts or matters decided upon and commenced within the week before any eclipse will rarely work out as planned. All matters taken on the...
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Saint Valentine Love Candle Spell | Patron Saint of Lovers – February 14th

Saint Valentine Love Candle Spell | Patron Saint of Lovers – February 14th In today’s world, we view Saint Valentine as the Saint who assists us in finding a lover and all the other rituals we have that is associated with February 14th such as giving cards, chocolates, jewelry, or sending flowers from the florist. Roses are the traditional flower to give on this day of lovers. There is a very different reason that San Valentin, or St. Valentine, is associated with love and lovers. Saint Valentine, born in Italy and was a Holy Priest in Rome, assisted martyrs under persecution and was beheaded on the date that is set aside for lovers – February 14th. Before capture, he assisted St.Marius and family to give aid and safe lodging to those being sought out for their religious beliefs. Saint Valentine, also known as San Valentin, is associated with lovers in the fact that on February 15th, a heathen festival in honor of their goddess Februata Juno, was held. In part of a custom, boys were to pick out slips of paper with girls’ names on them to court romantically. It is written that on the day after Valentine’s beating and beheading, the boxes where the name billets were gathered were filled with slips of paper with Valentine’s name on them. Since then, he has been associated with love and lovers. Saint Valentine/San Valentin Love Candle Spell INGREDIENTS 2 pink glass encased 7-day “novena” or “vigil” candles Photos of each of you separately, to attach to outside glass of candle Full name and birth date of each of you, on a slip of paper known as a ‘name paper’. 1 bottle of “Adam and Eve” or “Fire of Love” Anointing Oil 1 Red Rose in vase 1 glass Red or Blush Wine Pinch of Ground Cinnamon Clean candle with Lemon Juice or Florida Water as instructed in this blog post, “Candle Spell Candle Preparation Step by Step for Candleburning Success!”. Let set to dry. Continue to follow steps to candle preparation, including carving oil wells and putting oil in the three holes. Sprinkle a good pinch of ground cinnamon over each candle. Attach name and birth date paper to bottom of candle and photo to each candle. Set a love altar somewhere, as in the bedroom, where you can leave candle lit continuously,setting the rose and the wine next to the two candles. Pray that St. Valentine will make each of you tender and loving only to each other, forsaking all others, until the end of time. When candles are finished, take photos, name papers, rose petals and wine to the back yard of your home. Dig a small hole and place all in it, pouring the wine over all of the papers and petals. Cover with the dirt and place a good sized rock over it, to make the spot. You may want to consider planting a rose bush over the spot, in remembrance of Saint Valentine.    ...

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Advertise for as little as $20.00 a Week!

A banner ad such as this one, linking to your site is available for $20.00 per week. It will be the ‘break’ ad between articles and will sit on the front page for one week, until ads and articles change. Scroll back a few pages and you can see some examples. Our statistics counter located within the site, has logged that in January 2011, www.free-candle-spells.com had over 24,743 pages loads (that’s looking at pages) and over 11,851 first time and returning visitors. Here are the real numbers: January 2011 Page loads (amount of pages viewed)  24,743 Unique visitor (total returning and first time visitors) 11,851 Average click per visitor 2.08 pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 2010 Page loads 22,588 Unique visitors (first time and returning visitors) 11,592 Average click per visitor 1.94 pages These statistics tell you that when someone reads one page, most likely they will read two pages for information and that there are over 11,000 people looking for psychics, candle services, products and more. What are you waiting for? If they can’t find you, how do they know you are out there? Larger square ads, such as the ones on the right hand side, can be placed onsite for $500.00 a year and they will feature right in the two remaining places open for such an ad. That comes out to about $1.36 cents a day for international exposure for your spiritual offerings. Call Jacqueline at 916 * 284 * 5552 for more information on...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – Keep Passions in Check!

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – Keep Passions in Check! The New Moon in Aquarius occurs at 9:31 pm E.S.T. on February 2, 2011. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Aquarius, not only is perfect to bring in a new love with Valentine’s Day coming up, but also the sign of Aquarius concerns the love of the brotherhood of mankind. Aquarius’ role in the zodiacal sky, is about future dreaming, of when all can be accepted as one and that ll will love, respect and care for another. If you are about to embark on, or are in a current love affair, now is the time that things will really heat up. Don’t get burned, as passions flare! The New Moon time is traditionally a time to light candles in spells to “bring in” things – money, success and love. If you want to take your budding romance a little further down the road, burn red candles anointed with “Adam and Eve” Condition and Anointing Oil, for passion and sex. If you want to nurture a budding romance, use “Come to Me” Anointing Oil to attract affection from that shy individual who you have your eyes on. Remember, pink candles bring romance, affection and tender love while red candles are pretty direct –  like Rick James singing “Give It To Me, Baby” – so watch out! If a sex is not what you want at this time, consider using pink candle for the time being, until you want to “take it up a notch”. This is a good time to light a white candle with “Peace” or “Clarity” Oil for mankind. Seed future hopes of a friendly social community for the world and like-minded peace and goodwill. The next Full Moon will occur on February, 18,...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon Money Candle Service

Free Candle Spells | New Moon Money Candle Service The New Moon is coming on February 2, 2011 and it is considered the traditional time for candles to be burned to draw in money and prosperity success. This new candle service will begin February 2, 2011 and end March 4, 2011, when the next New Moon is in the sky. Our January 2011 Prosperity Experiment is coming to an end, but a few participants have asked that they can continue the good times coming in by keeping the Money Altar up and going, so that continued money attraction can be going on. If you would want to add your green candles to the Prosperity Altar, please consider a 30 day money drawing candle service. This consists of 6 green candles dressed with “Fast Luck”, “Money Drawing” and “Wealthy Way” anointing oils and your personal petition of a set sum of money that is needed be placed under your candle. You will get a photograph each time your candles is changed out, and any changes in the pattern of your candle burning will be sent to you, along with a photo of your candle. Order your month long Money Drawing Candle Service by clicking...

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Poppy Seeds in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Poppy Seeds in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells Poppy Seeds, harvested from the Opium Poppy flower, is a secret ingredient in Court Case candle spell work to cause confusion in court hearings and make the opposing lawyers or attorneys to appear confused in from of the Judge. It is also a little known ingredient in heavy love spell work, when you want someone to fall “head over heels” in love with someone or to appear “drunk in love”. When burning brown candles for court case spell work, use two candles for the opposing party, one brown candle named for the lawyer of the opposing party and one for the person being represented. If there is no lawyer as in the opposing party is representing themselves, them use one brown candle dressed with Inflammatory Confusion Oil and sprinkled with Poppy Seeds. Do NOT use Poppy Seeds on the candles used to represent yourself and your attorney (if you have one) or the Judge (unless you are mad at the Judge’s prior decision), however, this would not be a wise move. Use Court Case Anointing Oil on candles you burn to aid yourself and your defense. Look at the Court Case Candle Spell blog post, “Readers Questions | How to Do a Court Case Spell”. When using Poppy Seeds in love candle spells, sprinkle the seeds in the top of the glass encased 7-day “Novena” or “Vigil” candle of the person you want to be “drunk in love” with you. To enhance the spell, place a photo of them on one candle and a photo of you on another and place a magnifying glass between the two photos (turn candles so each photo faces each other). This way, your love intention is ‘dizzy’ in love with you and his eyes can only see you, since you are ‘magnified’ and in focus, as he sees it. Read about all 12 common kitchen spices used in hoodoo, conjure and candle magic here, “Kitchen Hoodoo | 12 Spices and Herbs for Hoodoo Magic...

Free Candle Spells | Rituals and Rites of Home and Personal Protection

Free Candle Spells | Rituals and Rites of Home and Personal Protection Moving or changing homes is something that has come by way of the Industrial Age. Centuries ago, many generations of families lived on the same piece of land or general area, but now with careers, school, technology and life, we have migrated farther and farther from the area where we were brought up. Most of us do not live in the home in which the family lived when we were born. Not knowing who a prior tenant was that was residing in the dwelling you are purchasing or renting can make you wonder what you will encounter during the time you reside there. Here are some things to do when moving into a new home (previously owned or occupied): *** Wipe down everything with a solution of white vinegar, blessed salt and rosemary to negate all former influences the house may have absorbed. *** If changing the carpet cannot be done, have it professionally cleaned first, then rent a machine and re-clean with Pine Sol. You may use the lemony one if you tend to lean towards Asian or African culture traditions and original pine for Native American cultural ties. *** Wipe everything down with a weak solution of clear (non-sudsy) ammonia to chase out the spirits of the former residents. *** Do not bring your old broom from the other home; instead buy a new broom for the new dwelling so you do not bring old strife, heartache and problems into the new home. *** Use small lodestones in the corners of each room to attract money, love, sex – whatever you are looking for. If small children are in the home, create a spell in baby food jars and place them in the corners, telling the children that they are to protect the home and they are not to touch them. *** Sprinkle Irish Moss on your doorstep or under your front door mat to keep money flowing into the home *** You can sprinkle red brick dust under your door mat to keep enemies away. There are other things you can do to protect the home and the family. Here are some sore traditions of protection: *** Other things to do to protect the home would be to hang empty glass bottles in the tree in front (secure with a good rope), a Bagua mirror over the front door and hang a garlic braid in the kitchen. *** Growing rosemary by the front door with protect the home and empower the female of the house. *** Buy cut flowers at least once a month and place in various vases throughout the home to lighten and lift spirits of the home. *** Dump ice cubes down each drain in the home after an argument so that the situation does not linger. It is also said to pour a little ammonia down the drains periodically as well to keep evil spirits out. *** Hang a prayer card of Saint Michael over the front door so he can protect you from harm. Catholics also pin the palm fronds from Palm Sunday over the door, only to change them each year with the fresh, blessed palm fronds. *** Sicilian women take a lemon and insert nine new nails into it and wound red yarn or thread around it until covered. They then hung this in the top of the front porch or over the front door to keep the evil eye away. *** Jewish families hang a mezuzah on the door lintel, with a passage from the Torah, to keep the home protected. A mezuzah is a small metal cylinder with a frame that has holes for nails to be...

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Cinnamon in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Cinnamon in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells Cinnamon is a spice known the world over to evoke memories of home and hearth and sweets baked on a cold winter’s day. It has been the item of scientific research on human behavior and is used extensively in the field of fragrance. Cinnamon (Cinnamomium aromaticum, et al) is the peeled bark of the Cassia tree from the region of Southeast Asia and has its historical use in medicines and fragrances that date back to the Bible. Recipes for Holy Oils and incenses are written in the Holy Book and many cultures have a spiritual connection to this warm, spicy ingredient that became known to the world by trading Arabs traveling what is known as the Spice Route. In the realm of hoodoo and conjure magic, Cinnamon is considered to bring the used Fast Luck, Money and Love. Mojo Bags containing a Jack Ball formed around a Cinnamon stick are carried for luck in games of chance and other forms of gambling. Love powders, commonly called Sachets, are created with Ground Cinnamon as one of the key ingredients for people to apply to their body when they want to “heat up” a love affair or have an attractive and attention drawing scent around them as they enter a room. Red Candles (for sexual passion) and Pink Candles (for romance and affection) are frequently recommended to be rolled in ground Cinnamon if a it is a free standing candle, to “heat things up” or increasing the power of the intended candle. When using glass encased 7-day “novena” or “vigil” candles, place a pinch in the top of the wax before lighting. A common known “tea” bath to draw in money and love is to take Cinnamon sticks and boil them in water to make a tea, adding the peel of one orange to the boiling water. Then, after cooling, pour over the body after showering without rinsing to draw people near to you. It is a common spice used in the creation of many “Fast Luck” Anointing and Condition Oils.   Read about all 12 common kitchen spices used in hoodoo, conjure and candle magic here, “Kitchen Hoodoo | 12 Spices and Herbs for Hoodoo Magic Spells”...

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