Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – Keep Passions in Check!

The New Moon in Aquarius occurs at 9:31 pm E.S.T. on February 2, 2011. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Aquarius, not only is perfect to bring in a new love with Valentine’s Day coming up, but also the sign of Aquarius concerns the love of the brotherhood of mankind. Aquarius’ role in the zodiacal sky, is about future dreaming, of when all can be accepted as one and that ll will love, respect and care for another. If you are about to embark on, or are in a current love affair, now is the time that things will really heat up. Don’t get burned, as passions flare!

The New Moon time is traditionally a time to light candles in spells to “bring in” things – money, success and love. If you want to take your budding romance a little further down the road, burn red candles anointed with “Adam and Eve” Condition and Anointing Oil, for passion and sex. If you want to nurture a budding romance, use “Come to Me” Anointing Oil to attract affection from that shy individual who you have your eyes on. Remember, pink candles bring romance, affection and tender love while red candles are pretty direct –  like Rick James singing “Give It To Me, Baby” – so watch out! If a sex is not what you want at this time, consider using pink candle for the time being, until you want to “take it up a notch”.

This is a good time to light a white candle with “Peace” or “Clarity” Oil for mankind. Seed future hopes of a friendly social community for the world and like-minded peace and goodwill.

The next Full Moon will occur on February, 18, 2011

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