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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Sugar for Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells... Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Sugar for Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells Sweet substances, by its various forms, has been used in traditional spells to “sweeten up” someone to see things your way for centuries. Sugar, whether white, light brown, dark brown or raw, in crystals or in liquid cane syrup such as Karo or Golden Barrel syrup, is the most economical way of using this substance when you want a lover to see you, get a boss to give you a raise or to attract money to you or bring in business like “bees to honey”. In regards to honey, it too, is considered a necessity when you are creating a honey jar spell for love. Read more about honey...
  • Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions – Regarding Burning Too Many Candles... Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions – Regarding Burning Too Many Candles Hi All! It has been a quick summer and I have a bounty of spells to post here – I’d better get crackin’! 🙂 But first, a question from a reader:     Dear Jacqueline, Let me tell you first that I LOVE your site! You have such interesting spells – even the baaad ones! I have a question. I am burning candles left and right because my boyfriend and I had a disagreement awhile back and even though he calls me and comes by, it’s just not the same as it was before so I had been burning pink candles of Saint Jude like you said and I...
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  • Free Candle Spells | New and Full Moons, Super Moons and Eclipses for 2022... Free Candle Spells | New and Full Moons, Super Moons and Eclipses for 2022 Working with the phases of the Moon has been an accepted form of ritual work in many belief systems for generations. The Moon, our closest natural satellite, affects the Earth and we the living on this planet in many ways. The movement of tidal water is because of the gravitational pull of the Moon, Our emotions and many of our biorhythms are inflenced by the Moon as well. Ever heard of an increase in erratic human behavior during a Full Moon commonly called “Full Moon Madness”? Yes, the Moon affects our emotions and can cause some of us to have an increase of emotional outbursts, fear, and anger.  ...
  • Readers Question | I Burned Money Candle – Now What?... Readers Question |  I Burned Money Candle – Now What? Jacqueline I am new to your site and new to candle burning. Last month, I burned a green candle for money and I have not seen any changes. I work, but I don’t see any new money coming in. Does the work? Shayla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shayla, It does indeed work – if it didn’t it would have faded into obscurity like the typewriter recently did. Let me go over some things that might have happened that you may  or may not be aware of in candle burning. First, proper candle preparation such as cleaning, carving the oil holes and blessing is a must. For a refresher, read “Candle Spell Candle...
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Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Mojo Moon Fast Luck and Money Drawing Oils

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Mojo Moon Fast Luck and Money Drawing Oils Introducing a new line of Spiritual Condition and Anointing Oils from Mojo Moon Spiritual Products! I am proud to announce two of the best and most effective positive spiritual anointing oils based on my studies of traditional Southern Louisiana style conjure and hoodoo. Made with 100% all natural herbs, roots, minerals and essences, these oils are safe for you and safe for the environment. In a crystal clear 1/2 ounce bottle, you can be assured of quality products that will last a long time. Mojo Moon Money Drawing Oil has all the essences and herbs associated with traditional Southern Style folkloric beliefs for bringing in money to the home and pocketbook or wallet. It has a golden green color and you can see the actual herbs and roots floating in the oil through the clear glass bottle. Anoint the corners of your greenbacks, your hands before handling money or your paycheck or on green candles to bless the household with necessary money. Mojo Moon Fast Luck Oil is blended based on traditional old style recipes that have been passed down through the generations to incite and attract Fast Luck when placed on a red candle, on your fingertips and passed over your body, leaving a thin veil of scent to work as a secret magnet for luck to come from all forms straight to you. A little drop or two will suffice when blessing and sealing yourself for the day. Order a set of these two powerful products for only $9.95 (plus $5.95 S & H) by clicking the button below:        ...

Readers Question | Why Did Money Candle Go Out?

Readers Question | Why Did Money Candle Go Out?   I lit a money candle and a lot of crackling and then it went out on its own. I used lemon juice on it first and then a little olive oil. I did not blow it out it went out within 10 seconds of me lighting it. What does this mean? Nikki ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, I am going to eliminate all the physical possibilities before getting into the spiritual ones. Here are some reasons your candle could have gone out without any negative meanings or hidden agendas: Wick was still wet Too much Oil Wick too short Wick too long Passive breeze in room Candle wax properties not well suited for it to burn Flame was not well lit before you moved lighter away (please tell me you did not use a match!) Wick too thin to be of use (you would not believe some of the funkiest candles being produced today) Candle poorly made at the factory Now, given that you properly prepared it, cleaned it with the lemon juice, prayed over the olive oil, wrote a petition paper and placed it under the candle, said a prayer as you were lighting it, here are some reasons, other than physical, why your candle did not stay lit. Someone is working against you – The immediate sputtering and crackling of candle would indicate spiritual disturbances – think of it as an “argument” that the candle is having about you lighting it against the forces that are surrounding you. In good candle burning, we look for signs of activity, such as flames whipping back and forth without apparent air movement in the room, or noises such as you heard, to indicate how well the spell is going. Wrong time of the Moon/Wrong Intention – While this may or may not apply, some people are more successful when working with the phases of the Moon than others. Remember, the Moon growing or “waxing” from dark to Full Moon is for bringing in, as you would have been with a money drawing candle. Lack of Focus/Concentration – If you were having a ‘down’ day, on your menses, distracted or just didn’t put enough “oomph” into your petition paper words, gripping the candle, deep breathing and praying over your candle, you may have not performed your rite successfully to keep the candle going. I would read articles listed under the Free Candle Spells Categories labeled “Proper Candle Preparation” and see if a change up in your style or method of proeparation will results in future successful candle spells....

Readers Question | Bad Times to Light a Candle Spell

Miz Jacqueline, Are there times when I should not burn a candle? I try to follow the Moons when it is time to burn love and money candles, but are there other times that I should not burn a candle? Lashandra —————— There are certainly times when you should not light a candle for something to happen or instigate a candle burning spell. You can consider this article a warning so that you do not regret your actions later or in the future. 1.) When you are angry, emotional or traumatized – This could prove fatal for a relationship, especially when the offending person might truly have forgotten your birthday, a date or something else. In some people’s lives, birthdays are like any other day. If it was a date, maybe car trouble or working late was a problem. Today’s technology is making it harder to NOT keep your agreements and appointments, because people can contact you everywhere. It is best to ask them, and then if you get a feeling that “somethings fishy”, then you can plan a revenge candle spell. Get yourself settled and calm and sort out all the facts before gathering a candle spell together. 2.) When a female is on her menses. – Some candle spells can go awry because of the natural forces that women go through every month. It is best that a woman wait until things are clear before performing any candle spells, so that you do not “get it wrong” or have to re-do the spell once menstruation has finished. This also goes for women who are having a bad hormonal day as well. Take the day off magickally, and let the World deal with itself for once. 3.) When you do not have the proper ingredients. – I have had so many people ask me if they could substitute this for that in a candle spell and I tell them no, unless the qualities of the item are the same. Here is an example, when you want to “spice” up a relationship and you want to use spices, you can substitute Ginger for Cinnamon in bath salts, sachets and candle “pinches” when burning a glass 7- day novena candle for love. Why? Because both spices naturally “heat” up the blood and are considered “spicy” and this is what you want to do in the relationship. 4.) When you do not have all the “facts”. – Examples of this would be not having the proper spelling of a person’s name for a namepaper, not having DNA or Personal Concerns for love drawing spells, not having a key ingredient like Holy Water, Graveyard Dirt or the proper candle color. I once had a person ask me if they could substitute a tri-colored beige-to-dark-brown coffee scented pillar candle for a court case spell. I told them it was not acceptable. 5.) When you are not ready to accept the results of your candle spell work. – This is very important. If you are not ready to perhaps in being the “back up” plan when you burn a Run Devil Run candle on your no-good, lazy son-in-law, then do not burn a candle that will drive him away and abandon your daughter and grandchildren, if any. Despite your anger and loathing of a family member, remember that their exit means the exiting of their finances, which although may not be up to your standards, keeps you from being the “back up plan” in the bills and food department. Instead, burn white candles for clarity and red ones for strength and honor for your son-in-law, so that he “gets it together” and is doing the...

Readers Question | Popping Noises and Putting the Candle Out

Readers Question | Popping Noises and Putting the Candle Out   I have a question if you dont mind, I started my honey jar spell, and burning a red candle on top of the jar, I was wondering what does it mean that I hear popping while it is burning, at first the candle was not dripping and now I can see it is, every now and then I here a pop and from the flame a little spark. Also if I have too, will I ruin the spell if I have to put the candle out Janet ——————– Popping and crackling noises means that the Spirits involved, which in your case, are yours and the intended honey jar person, are having a lively ‘conversation’ about the situation. If the candle flames are high or tall, and the flames are moving back and forth, then the candle is working. Read more about noises from candles here at “Free Candle Spells | Positive Signs in Candle Burning” With regards to putting a candle out, it is said that if you blow the candle out, you are done with the candle spell. If you need to extinguish the candle before the spell is finished, then either moisten the tips of your thumb and forefinger with saliva and “pinch” the flame out. If this is not feasible, then buy a brass candle snuffer at Cost Plus World Market for a few dollars and use that to put out a flame. You can then re-use the same candle when you want to continue the candle....

Free Candle Spells | Rev. Ike “Get Rid of Your Money Hang Ups!”

I love Reverend Ike’s preachings and despite having passed, his son, Bishop Xavier, continues the Church. Here is a great video about Money. It’s important to have the right frame of mind when working money prosperity rituals and when you burn green candles because it is what you say and what you think that will be the downfall to your livelihood and wealth. Listen to Reverend Ike in his teachings of money manifesting and how you can sabotage your own...

Free Candle Spells | Black Candle Spell Smoke – Positive or Negative?

Free Candle Spells | Black Candle Spell Smoke – Positive or Negative? I was doing a black candle spell on someone for a client a couple of weeks ago when about 5 minutes after lighting the candle, it started to create a column of black smoke in the center top of the candle (especially see first photo). So, playing devil’s advocate and ruling out the possibility of too much oil on the candle top (it wasn’t because the oil was in the three wells I carve into the candle in a triangular pattern), I wanted to post these photos and a description of what is happening to the candles, in the event you have something like this happen to you. In this situation, the black column of smoke coming off the black candle is the negativity being removed for the purchaser of the candle (not the recipient) and it is negativity being released as the negativity that the recipient had sent to the candle purchaser is being dissipated. Now, is this particular case, it was a wife that was burning a black candle on a woman who is braking up her marriage and she wanted to give her a good whelping of all kinds of bad stuff for doing what she is doing (yes, the husband is to blame as well, but the ‘other woman’ is cognizant of the wife and 2 young’uns and flaunts her affair all over Facebook). In addition to this, I also sent a little ‘something’ to the ‘other woman’, in the form of a Valentine. The card, dusted with Graveyard Dirt and other cursing-type herbs and sachet powers, will arrive in a day or so to the woman’s workplace, where most likely she will open it, spilling the graveyard dirt all over her cubicle or work space, further keeping her cursed as she will not be able to clean up all the “stuff”.  ...

Free Candle Spells | Using Personal Items in Candle Spell Work

Free Candle Spells | Using Personal Items in Candle Spell Work Picture with me for a moment, you are all in love, playing house and building a dream together. It’s all good. Then, someone wants to move in on your “love territory”, maybe even breaking you two up, or maybe your love interest has got wandering eyes and a few other things as well. You break up. You want them back. What are you to do? You call a root worker or spiritual worker and they ask you for  something personal and you are wondering what the worker means. Personal items? Whaaat? Here is another scenario. Suzy Sue, hard driven make-it-on-my-own career woman, is doing her damnedest to thwart your moving up the ladder of success with your company. You have got to stop her in her tracks, before you are out of a job. You call your rootworker and she asks for something from Suzy Sue. what are you going to bring her? The gathering of ‘stuff’ to use in the event your sunny days have gone grey is something that everyone should consider collecting, even if you are looking at the “Happy Ever After” sign as you travel down the highway of Life. In this mindset, if something happens to the both of you, you have a ‘little something’ of the person that you may need to do some spell work on. One of the traditions of many forms of candle spell work is the theory of using a persons’ DNA to personalize and custom make the spell only for one person. In cat yronwode’s book, “Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic”, available through www.amazon.com, she tells the specific ways to use various items belonging to a certain person in spell work, especially for those doing work for love, protection and enemy tricks. I consider the items in three main categories, listed below, that will bring a more concentrated effort and more successful effects to your spells for a certain individual. They are in order of intensity: 1. ) True DNA and Items gathered from a Person’s Body: Sweat, Saliva, Body Odor, Nail Clippings, Stuff from under the Fingernails, Ear Wax (on a Q-Tip), Sperm or Vaginal Fluids, Dirt from between the Toes, Hair from a Person’s Head. 2. ) Something the Intended Victim Used: Kleenex Tissue, Dinner Napkin, Tip of Straw, Cigarette Butt, Roach from Marijuana (Yes, I have used it), Lollypop stick, Popsicle stick, Leftover Bathwater absorbed in paper toweling, Bow or Ribbon from Hair, Unwashed Underwear, Socks or T-Shirt, Baseball Hat, Bandanna, Headband, Gym Towel, Toothbrush. 3. ) Other non-DNA items to Consider Using: A Signature, Business Card, Photograph, Full Name, Birth Date, Keys, Love Letter, Business Letter, Pill Bottle, Newspaper Article, Foot Tracks (in Dirt) These items, when used in either a jack ball, under a candle, a packet to bury in the backyard, something buried in the graveyard, mirror box spell, in a love packet to place between the mattress and box springs, inside a pillowcase, or in a mojo bag, are effective ways to personalize your...

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