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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Readers Question | I Burned Money Candle – Now What?

Readers Question |  I Burned Money Candle – Now What? Jacqueline I am new to your site and new to candle burning. Last month, I burned a green candle for money and I have not seen any changes. I work, but I don’t see any new money coming in. Does the work? Shayla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shayla, It does indeed work – if it didn’t it would have faded into obscurity like the typewriter recently did. Let me go over some things that might have happened that you may  or may not be aware of in candle burning. First, proper candle preparation such as cleaning, carving the oil holes and blessing is a must. For a refresher, read “Candle Spell Candle Preparation Step by Step for Candleburning Success!” for tips and to refresh your memory on getting the candle ready for your candle spell. Then, you may want to see if your petition was properly worded and prepared. If your petition is asking for extra money to go to the Casino, you might be barking up the wrong tree, so to speak. It is wiser to petition for money to pay off bills and have a little for rainy days, as the Higher Powers would be more pleased at this concept. You might want to read this blog post, “Free Candle Spells | Constructing an Effective Petition Paper”. This might get you the psychology of wording petitions the right way. Lastly, I would suggest that you burn the candle constantly. Why? Because you need money constantly right? I certainly do – taking care of the family, bills, food, etc. – all costs money. Are these reasons that I mentioned and that we labor so hard  and long for worth a petition so that constant streams of prosperity and wealth flow into our hands to support our needs? Yes, and that is why I strongly suggest creating a money altar – however small – so that you can have a green candle for prosperity burning day and night constantly until you do not need money any longer. Money is good and many misquote the Bible saying that it is written that money is evil. Money is not evil but it is the GREED of money that is evil. Money is a tool to use for validating one’s hard work and to glean necessary items to sustain us and our loved ones – that is why we go to work, right? Please consider burning at the very minimum, one candle each week for your own personal money altar. Here are some examples of money altars that you can create: I suggest that you keep working and also consider joining my month long candle burning service I provide twice a year that I call the Prosperity Experiment. This has been ongoing for four years now where a group of participants band together and have me burn candles for them and send them daily inspirations to guide them to greater wealth. My next one will be in June, so keep looking for the announcement coming soon!...

Readers Question | Candle Gets Black and Goes Out

  I have been buring a protection candle for someone and the glass, of course, is black all the way to the bottom. However, the question I have is this: The candle burnt itself out with about one inch of wax in the bottom. I have never had one do that. I have lit another candle for him since this one was suppose to go out today. So, what does it mean? Thanks, Leslie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leslie, A black candle all the way down means negativity but one that goes out without any physical help (wind, movement, or excess oil) means that it was stopping in its tracks or thwarted. It could mean that  if someone else is keen to it, they might be burning candles to damn him (if they is so inclined). I would start a new candle and see if this pattern repeats itself. If it does, then “boost” your candle with a white candle for protection of the protection candle or red to increase the power and intensity of the protection candle. You might try one then the other to see which is more effective. Just light that second candle and sit real close to the first candle (like twins) and let burn. Also, you might want to tweak your cleansing and blessing – maybe adding smudging the candle and petition paper with incense as well. Once you “hit” on a technique, hen it will work – some candles need smudging with incense, some don’t. Kinda like chocolate cake, maybe you ad three eggs and I use a cup of black coffee, it is still chocolate cake – but with MY or YOUR twist.It is like saying that what works for one might not work for others; you have to develop you work technique for candle burning success. Sometimes you have found the perfect method on the first try, sometimes you have to burn a few candles before knowing and ‘feeling’ you prepared the candle “correctly” to your specifications or not. Good Question!...

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | St. Expedite Chaplet Prayer Set

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | St. Expedite Chaplet Prayer Set Saint Expedite Chaplet Set As you know, I have recently returned from a pilgrimage to the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on Rampart Street in New Orleans. Many of you sent in petitions to set with the petition candle for your prayers to me answered by St. Expedite, beloved New Orleans Saint reputedly to be the one to petition to bring in “things in a hurry”. I have commissioned a special Saint Expedite Chaplet for you who are especially devoted to him and regularly petition him for assistance when Fast Luck and quick assistance is needed. This special chaplet, 10 prayer beads long, is a beautiful with ruby red glass beads, matching his cape that drapes from his wide shoulders, with a Crucifix and St. Expedite medal in beautiful pewter. This is truly a gorgeous spiritual piece that can be carried in a small hand kerchief in your bag for quick assistance, or a beautiful addition to your prayer corner or table. This chaplet has been blessed by Holy Water from the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the home of the statue of Saint Expedite that began the legend and the tales of miraculous success with devotion to St. Expedite. In addition to the chaplet, I will include a laminated prayer card with the specific prayer to be prayed to Saint Expedite, while fingering your 10 ruby beads on the chaplet. I am also including a bottle of Holy Water from the original home of Saint Expdite, the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe in New Orleans. This Holy Water can be used to anoint your forehead or cross yourself before going into prayer to Saint Expedite, also known as San Expedito in Spanish, for needed rapid response to your needs. You can use your chaplet when setting lights in the St. Expedite Fast Luck Candle Spell. To read more about this candle spell, click “St. Expedite | Saint Expedite – San Expedito Candle Spell”.   This set has sold out. Chaplets that have not been blessed in New Orleans are available at Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply    ...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – Hold Cards Close to Chest!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – Hold Cards Close to Chest! The Full Moon occurs on March 19, 2011 at 1:10 pm E.S.T. in the astrological sign of Virgo. This lunation, along with other planetary factors, will be one the brings a pall of negativity over many situations. This is not the best time to negotiate business as the possibility of being tricked or false illusions may occur. This is a time to “hunker down” and wait out the storm. Many will think have a could of doom and gloom over their heads, and with many parts of the country still experiencing storms, cold weather and snow, will add to melancholy and SAD. Full Moons are traditionally considered opportune times for burning candles for reversing and revenge. If considering burning a Reversible candle, please make sure you have purchased a “black on red” style of candle, making sure the red wax is in the lower half of the candle (see photo). The next New Moon will occur on April 3, 2011  ...

Readers Question | What Is Use for Liquid Crab Boil?

  I have a question regarding liquid crab boil. Is it used to attract couples or repel them? C. Colas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am going to take a stab at this one and think that you are speaking about the liquid that remains after boiling crabs in a pot. I have heard of a product that has Crab Boil in the title, like the one produced by Zatarain’s, but I believe it is a mixture of spices to add to the water, since it is usually displayed in front of the fish counter at the supermarket. In traditional hoodoo and conjure, crab shells, crushed to a fine powder after one has eaten the flesh inside, were scatted alone or mixed with other jinxing herbs and roots such as black pepper, causing a diversion of an enemies attack, and subsequent delays and problems for their attack. It can also be lain across your doorstep outside on the porch, while naming your enemies, to form a barrier front their attack. Since you asked in regards to a liquid, I am going to assume that you are speaking about the water in which crabs were boiled. Since the spiritual properties of a crab is to pinch, I would have to gander that it would not be an item to use to bring two people together, but most likely be one to keep them apart or at war with each other. Good Question!...

Readers Question | Why Not Use Matches on Candles?

Why shouldn’t a candle be lit with a match? Sue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The tips of matches are created with a substance called sulphur, along with other stuff, that makes the matchead light. Sulphur, in the traditions of hoodoo and conjure, is used to do work that is considered evil. In Old English verbiage, it is sometimes called Brimstone, and you may have heard it used in movies along the European magical style. A bit of “bubble,bubble,toil and trouble.” Sulphur is used when you want to thwart or even do serious damage to an enemy. It is also used to cross up an person and make someone move away. For most purposes, it is suggested that you use a small lighter or even a small broom straw lit by a gas flame (as on your kitchen stove) to light a candle for good works and blessings. Using a sulphur match to a black revenge candle would be an appropriate choice to enhance your black candle spell. Good Question! J.  ...

Free Candle Spells | Constructing an Effective Petition Paper

  Constructing a petition paper to place under your candle is an intregal part of candle magic in many belief systems. The theory is that the words are magnified and blessed by the candle being burned directly on top of the paper; as kind of constant, ever-going prayer, while the candle is lit, in order for the Higher Power, Guardian Angels and Saints to hear. Constructing a simple prayer on a piece of clean, white typing paper, is relatively easy to do, however, many are at a loss for words as they feel their petition paper might not be “correct” or “good enough”. Never fear, it is the intention that is the most important element – your belief that what is written will occur – which is your greatest asset. Here are some great tips to consider when writing a petition paper: 1. ) Intention – Do not write your history as the Universe and all of its celestial beings already know what happened. Focus on the outcome, not the incident. For example, if it is money you need, then state directly and forcefully: “I will have $300.00 in my hands to pay for the brake job at the time it is needed to keep my family car safe and secure.” You have set in positive motion by your words “I will” and you have specifically named an amount needed (“$300.00”) and for it’s intended purpose (“To fix the brakes on the family car”) and the reason for the petition to God, the Angels and the Saints (“to keep my family car safe and secure”). Simple, effective and to the point. 2. ) Construction – A petition is just that, a request for spiritual intervention. When you write your petition paper, be sure to not use these words: I hope Maybe Only if These words introduce the option of doubt – doubt that you will get what you want. When you doubt the outcome is nothing but 100% positive, you are not confident and you must be absolutely confident when you do your candle spells. When you light your candle, you must be ‘pumped’ to pour out your most extreme ray of positive affirmation as your lighter touches the wick, in order to have the most effective outcome on your candle burning spell. For instance, when I performed the pink Saint Jude Love Spell for myself many years ago, my prayer to St. Jude was this: “As I light this candle, I am totally positive that I WILL meet the man most suited for me. I KNOW that you, Saint Jude will bring me one who is perfect for me in every way. One that will not cheat, lie or steal. One who is handsome, has a good job, a decent home, a good running car, positive words for my endeavors, love my children, will be good to me and never want to thwart my goals and tie me down. I KNOW that every minute this candle burns, you are searching for that perfect person for me, Saint Jude, and I thank you for interceeding for me.” 3. ) Greed – Now I am going to examine the flip side of need – greed. There are people that burn candles for extra money to go gambling, and while I cannot say I have not gone (because I have gone to the casino a few times), I do not ask the Universe for money to spend there. If I have enough for my guy and me to go have the King Crab special and drop $20.00, then I use it out of my general funds from working. You will have...

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