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Free Candle Spells | Using Visualization to Charge Your Candle

You have decided to burn a candle or candles for a certain situation in which you want to petition your Guardian Angels, the Saints and Higher Powers that be to sway the outcome to your desire. Whether it is for love, money or something else, it is your power of intent that will be a crucial and key ingredient to the success of your candle burning ritual. Lighting a candle, no matter what the situation, will be all for naught if you are not focused and emotionally attached to the situation. Sometimes you might feel the need to light a candle for your mate, girlfriend or a child’s situation in order to do the work for them, but it is important that you have some sort of connection with the one needing assistance from the Universe. After cleaning your candle, applying the oil and gripping the candle in your hands for a time to pray, meditate and charge your candle is an important step in a candle burning ritual. It is when you sit with candle in hands, focusing on what you want the outcome to be, that you are energizing and putting yout intent into the ritual. You may want to practice a technique of visualization, where you can see in your mind’s eye, exactly how things will play out and what the eventual outcome will be. This technique is used in many different settings, such as coaching a football team to victory or in a business where the Boss wants a certain outcome. It is also something that is used when creating postitive signs and vision boards. Like any skill, practice is the key element to being comfortable with using visualization. Here are some basic ideas you can use to charging your candle for your next ritual. When sitting with your candle in your hands, close your eyes and see the outcome you desire like watching a movie in your head. Use pictures in your mind to visualize. For example, if you are trying bring in money for a new home, see the new home in your mind. See yourself in the bank with a stack of money and signing the mortgage papers. See your family’s happy faces when they are unpacking the moving van. See how beautiful your new home is to you. Now take it one step further. Hear the laughing voices of the family as they squeal with delight at their new home. Hear the birds singing in your trees. Smell the flowers blooming in your yard of your new home. Now imagine how comfortable your new home will make you feel; how safe and secure. Once you see the home in your mind’s eye, add the other senses as you apply them, one by one, until the whole picture is in place. Let’s take another situation. You want to manifest a lover or maybe even bring in a little romance to a current relationship. See them standing in front of you, wanting you, desiring you. Visualize every detail of them – what kind of clothes they are wearing, their hair and eyes, their facial features. Do they have brown hair or blue eyes? Do they have a certain specific article of clothing that they wear? Now heighten the experience by smelling their natural body scent or their favorite cologne. Now taste their lips on yours, maybe with a hint of peppermint gum or strawberry lip gloss. Further, hear you lover speak romantic words to you. Hear the affection and desire in their voice. Hear them speak your name. Remember all of this and use all of your senses to visualize and charge you candle before lighting...

Free Candle Spells | St. Jude Pink Candles for Long Lasting Love

  The New Moon is a perfect time to light candles to bring in a long lasting romantic love full of affection and hope for a bright future together. St. Jude Thaddeus, also known as San Judas Tadeo in Spanish, is the Saint to petition when you cannot seem to find a mate who will give you all the romance and promises that love can bring. Burning St. Jude Pink Candles for long lasting love would be beneficial to any relationship that needs spiritual help. Burning a pink Saint Jude candle can also “warm up” an established relationship that is gone routine, so that a little “spice” can resurface and remind the both of you what some good lovin’ is all about! The front of the candle pictured above, has spaces on the label front to write your name and your lover’s name if in a committed relationship. On the back of the candle, a prayer is written especially for bringing in a love and all the good qualities you are looking for in a mate – fidelity, honesty, support and more. Order the St Jude Pink Candle in a kit from Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply. The kit includes candle, oil and herbs to sprinkle in the top of your candle and complete instructions....

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Cancer – Maintain Obligations, Security

  The New Moon in Cancer will occur on Friday, July 1, 2011 at 3:55 am E.S.T. This Moon is also governed by a Solar Eclipse and will be one of two New Moons this month, with the second coming on July 30th. This proves to be a very active month in regards to the Moon’s energy.  Remember that any time an Eclipse occurs, that energy dominates the whole picture and matters that occur or items that need attention take on a higher level of importance than at other times of the year. Since the Moon is in Cancer, the sign of home, hearth and family, you might find that events surrounding these areas be emphasized. The down side of an eclipse is that most plans made during this time and the 7 days prior to the eclipse hardly ever work themselves out. Any investments, ventures or plans made now may see significant changes once the eclipse is over, around the 5th, and the energy spent on projects during the eclipse is all for naught. The Moon in Cancer is considered a “Cardinal” Water sign, meaning it is innovating, emotional and energetic. Lighting candles during the New Moon, which is considered a benevolent time for bringing in money, love and other blessings, can be heightened because of the Solar Eclipse – almost too much so. Caution and control in your words and deeds is stressed at this time. Lighting green candles to bring in money to the home, or white candles for enhancing the idea of starting or raising a family, yellow candles for making plans to purchase a home and the care of children is ruled by Cancer, which governs these areas. Just make sure you are not over reaching your goal. Casting candle spells for advancement in a position within your current job is also favored. Lighting candles to calm a home (using Peaceful Home Oil on blue candles) or using Controlling Oil on white candles for your children is beneficial at this time. The next Full Moon will occur on July 15,...

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Allspice in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Allspice in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells     Allspice, also known as Jamaica Pepper, are the dried berries of the Pimenta dioica plant found in the Antilles and Central America. It has a sweet, smoky scent and is reminiscent of the combination of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg together. The English dubbed this spice “Allspice” as they were reminded of these three flavors as well. Allspice is used as a ingredient in spiritual products for Good Luck, Fast Luck and Money. You can anoint a red candle for “luck in a hurry” with Fast Luck Oil, a yellow candle for success with Crowning Glory or Crown of Success Oil or a green candle anointed with Money Drawing Oil and roll these candles (if free standing) in ground Allspice or you can place a good pinch of it in the top of your glass vigil candles for extra power to your candle spell. It is alleged that Allspice brings good luck to business owners and gamblers as well. Allspice is a key ingredient in mojo bags created to carry for money luck. One way to bring customers to your place of business is to create a floor wash daily with a spoonful each of ground allspice, ground cinnamon and sugar with a cup of Epsom Salts in warm water and mop your floors from the front door to the back, then taking the rest of the water and tossing it out the front door onto the walkway or sidewalk to draw in customers. Read about all 12 common kitchen spices used in hoodoo, conjure and candle magic here, “Kitchen Hoodoo | 12 Spices and Herbs for Hoodoo Magic Spells”...

Insightful Tarot Readings in Sacramento|Elk Grove|Northern California

Insightful Tarot Readings in Sacramento|Elk Grove|Northern California ...

Readers Question | What to Do with Other Petition Papers

Readers Question | What to Do with Other Petition Papers Hi Jacqueline, I have read your suggestion about money petition papers. What if it is not for money but someting else? What do you do with petition papers that are secret wishes for things like good health or for better times ahead? Mary   * * * * * * * Mary, Let me tell you what I do with petition papers. As you know, I receive prayer requests from all over and place them free on my All Saints Altar, under the candles I am burning for others, so that they can “piggy back” on the candle intentions and have a little “oomph” for the Angels and Saints to hear. On Sundays, when I clean the Altar and reset things and such, I take those prayer requests and petitions, including the petitions that were attached to candles I have burned for clients, and I burn them on a charcoal that has frankincense and myrrh or other Holy Resins and Herbs on it, and let them burn, allowing the smoke to drift to Heaven. It is reminiscent of Old Testament times when burnt offerings were placed on fires in the Temple. You might want to do the same for your petitions. Get a aluminum pie pan and light some incense charcoal that you can get at a spiritual supply shop or Catholic store. Frankincense and Myrrh granules can be found there as well. Light charcoal, drop some incense grains on he coal, then place petition on top of it. Make sure you area is fire safe. You can add prayers or a meditation time during your burn, if you wish. Thank you for a good question! J.        ...

Readers Question | How to Create a Honey Jar Petition

Readers Question | How to Create a Honey Jar Petition   This is the snippet of question that  I received from Amie regarding a petition paper for a honey jar spell that she was reading about on Free Candle Spells.   Amie wrote: If it for love, do I write the persons name and superimpose with my name??? How many times and in what way? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amie, Here was how I was taught in a Hoodoo Course that I took many years ago. First, get a clean white piece of paper and a marker. Then write your intended’s name on it nine times, one right under the other (see photo). The one you want to love needs to have their name written first, then yours. For this example, I am using the names Olive Oyl and Popeye, with Popeye being the one who is creating the honey jar. Then you will write your name on top of your intended’s name nine times, one name written under another, like in the second photo. For the photo, you will see not only Popeye’s name written across Olive Oyl’s nine times but also the last step of encircling it with a proclamation or spell intent. In this last step, which you will find the hardest to do, you MUST not lift your pen until you have joined the first and last letter together (very hard to do). If you err and lift your pen by accident, you must begin whole petition paper writing over again. In this example, I wrote “Marry me and live with me in a long lasting loving relationship” or something along those lines. Again, the most important part is that you write and spin your paper in a circular motion while writing and without lifting your pen. Once you have joined your first letter and last letter together with the pen stroke, lift pen and cross the “t’s” and dot the “i’s”. Now you can continue with your honey jar spell for love, placing in the center of the petition paper used tissues from intimate relations, a hair from his or her head, nail clippings, two matched Lodestones, cinnamon, rose petals and other items reputed to bring about love.      ...

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