Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Cancer – Maintain Obligations, Security


The New Moon in Cancer will occur on Friday, July 1, 2011 at 3:55 am E.S.T. This Moon is also governed by a Solar Eclipse and will be one of two New Moons this month, with the second coming on July 30th. This proves to be a very active month in regards to the Moon’s energy.  Remember that any time an Eclipse occurs, that energy dominates the whole picture and matters that occur or items that need attention take on a higher level of importance than at other times of the year. Since the Moon is in Cancer, the sign of home, hearth and family, you might find that events surrounding these areas be emphasized. The down side of an eclipse is that most plans made during this time and the 7 days prior to the eclipse hardly ever work themselves out. Any investments, ventures or plans made now may see significant changes once the eclipse is over, around the 5th, and the energy spent on projects during the eclipse is all for naught.

The Moon in Cancer is considered a “Cardinal” Water sign, meaning it is innovating, emotional and energetic. Lighting candles during the New Moon, which is considered a benevolent time for bringing in money, love and other blessings, can be heightened because of the Solar Eclipse – almost too much so. Caution and control in your words and deeds is stressed at this time. Lighting green candles to bring in money to the home, or white candles for enhancing the idea of starting or raising a family, yellow candles for making plans to purchase a home and the care of children is ruled by Cancer, which governs these areas. Just make sure you are not over reaching your goal. Casting candle spells for advancement in a position within your current job is also favored. Lighting candles to calm a home (using Peaceful Home Oil on blue candles) or using Controlling Oil on white candles for your children is beneficial at this time.

The next Full Moon will occur on July 15, 2011.

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