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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Taurus – Time to Move!...   The New Moon in Taurus occurs at 2:20 am E.S.T on April 21, 2012. The New Moon is considered favorable for burning green candles anointed with Money Drawing Oils for money, yellow candles anointed with Helping Hand, Crowning Glory or Crown of Success Condition Oils for success, and red candles anointed with “Fast Luck” Oils for quick luck. This is a most favorable time for those who are starting a business or making plans to move forward with plans that will add to their income and abundance. The Moon in Taurus is considered a “Fixed ” Earth sign, meaning that it is stable, practical and materialistic. It has...
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  • Readers Questions | Immediate Job Success Candle Spell...             Bernadette writes: How do I get this Nursing Assistant job close on the 30th of the month? Bernadette, I would IMMEDIATELY copy any and all letters, business cards or any correspondence from them, including something that might say, “thank you for your recent application…”. I would set up an altar to include a white St. Jude Candle, a yellow Crown of Success Candle, an orange Open My Roads Candle and a red Boss Fix Candle, using the same blessing or condition oils with the same name. I would set up an altar either in the far left hand corner of your home or...
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Free Candle Spells | Using Pyromancy for Candle Spell Burning Success! – Series Article

Free Candle Spells | Using Pyromancy for Candle Spell Burning Success! – Series Article The art of determining the effectiveness and success of a candle spell is sometimes done by watching the candle as it burns throughout the candle spell. This is a type of divination that is used in many belief systems and practices. The watching for telltale signs in the burning of a candle will give indications of whether the candle spell is or was going to be effective and the petitioner will be successful, whether it was for good or bad. Their are particular behaviors that candle exhibit during the candle burn like popping noises, coloration of the glass, burning on the petition paper or just outright cracking of the glass that will bring an “answer” to the effectiveness of the candle spell. This is a multi part series of how to determine if your candle spell will be a success. – Jacqueline   *** Watching a Candle Flame to Determine an Outcome *** These particular signs are used for both glass encased “Novena” or “Vigil” type candles or free standing candles in a holder. Spending quiet time in front of your candle is not only soothing to the soul, as you are a silent “guard” to the constant prayer the flame represents as it sits above your petition paper and candle, but also you can get some insight as to the effectiveness of your candle spell on your situation, which may give you ideas to add to or change the spell mid-way through the initial candle burning. This is called Pyromancy, and is practiced in both the English traditions as well as the African-American traditions that settled into the South and Caribbean. The art of Pyromancy is done best in a room that is solely lit by the candle flame, so that you can observe all the nuances of the flame as it reacts to your prayerful watch. * If the candle flame moves about quickly as if “dancing” or if the candle flame is extremely tall (1 inch or more) and elongated, then this means that the work is being attended to in a quick manner, as if your spell working vigorously by the candle and this is a most positive sign, especially if this behavior continues throughout the candle spell to the end. This behavior may also create the candle to be finished within a shorter period of time than what was expected. I have had 7 day glass “Novena” type candles that behaved in this manner to be completely done within 38-45 hours after the initial lighting. Candles that exhibit tall flames must be closely monitored as that they do not catch anything on fire. If this candle behavior happens to your candle, it is best to move this candle to a tiled area in the kitchen or the center spot between the burners on the stove top to keep your home safe. * If the candle flame burns high and low in an alternating pattern, this is traditionally a sign that the person who is your “target” may be intuitively aware of your candle work, and is “fighting” the influence of the candle spell petition that desired. This can be helped by adding a white candle next to the original candle anointed with High John the Conqueror Oil or Helping Hand Oil to give your original candle a “boost”. * If a candle flame is low(less than 1/8th inch) or looks to be almost ready to go out, then you are working against some heavy negative influences and you may also use a white candle anointed with High John Oil or Helping Hand Oil to boost your original candle’s effectiveness. * If the candle flame goes...

Free Candle Spells | Time to Change Clocks Back One Hour

Free Candle Spells | Time to Change Clocks Back One Hour It’s time to “fall back” into Standard Time so remember to change your clocks back one hour tonight. To read about why we change the clocks in spring to reflect daylight savings time, please click the blue words to read this Wikipedia article.    ...

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Mojo Moon Double Duo Fast Money Pack

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Mojo Moon Double Duo Fast Money Pack   New Moon Fast Money Special – both bottles for $9.95   (plus S & H)     Mojo Moon Money Drawing Oil has all the essences and herbs associated with traditional Southern Style folkloric beliefs for bringing in money to the home and pocketbook or wallet. It has a golden green color and you can see the actual herbs and roots floating in the oil through the clear glass bottle. Anoint the corners of your greenbacks, your hands before handling money or your paycheck or use on green candles to bless the household with necessary money in your money drawing candle spells. Mojo Moon Fast Luck Oil is blended based on traditional old style recipes that have been passed down through the generations to incite and attract Fast Luck when placed on a red candle, on your fingertips and passed over your body, leaving a thin veil of scent to work as a secret magnet for luck to come from all forms straight to you. A little drop or two will suffice when blessing and sealing yourself for the day. Use on your red candles for fast luck to come your way. Order a set of these two powerful products for only $9.95 (plus $5.95 S & H) by clicking the button below:    ...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Scorpio – Discipline and Change

  The New Moon in Scorpio occurs at 2:57 p.m. E.S.T. on Wednesday, October 26, 2011. The Sun moved into the sign of Scorpio just a few days earlier on Sunday, October 23rd, so this New Moon will have the power of double Scorpio influences. Scorpio, under the planetary rule of Pluto, the planet of sex, death and transformation, is most often represented by the symbol of a Scorpion, but sometimes is represented by a Phoenix. The sign of Scorpio is considered a “Fixed” Water sign, meaning that it is stable, unchangeable and emotional. The next week is a time to plan and execute a secret but “shock and awe” candle spell against enemies, as they won’t know what hit them. Expect retaliation, as your enemy will surely go on he offensive, but if you calculate, devise and scheme to use candle spell magick to “hit” exactly their weak spot (literally or figuratively), you may be able to lessen their power and influence over others who may take their sides in matters. This New Moon heralds in radical change – from very high “highs” to very low “lows”. There may be more volitilivity in the stock market and investments, but gains in watching those “lows” and making changes to portfolios are favored this time. Some of you will be making emotional change and transformation as it is time to “crack that whip” and enact more disclipline in your life. This will be a passionate, intense and sexually charged two weeks, so get in and hang on! Change is in the air and you may hear Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore” reverberating in your mind as you bring about resoursefulness and reserve back into your life. The time for liberal wastefulness may be coming to an end. The New Moon traditionally users in a time to burn red candles for Fast Luck, green candles for Money Drawing and golden yellow Success candles for advancement in career or education. The next Full Moon occurs on November 10, 2011....

Free Candle Spells | Compelled to Pay Me Candle Spell

Free Candle Spells | Compelled to Pay Me Candle Spell   “This candle spell is to get someone to pay you what you are worth or to pay you for a job done. This spell will also work when a raise was promised. This spell works well for independent contractors who work without a specific contract or written agreement, when it should be that trusting in a person’s word and handshake will suffice in striking a deal. Sad to say, a lot of deals made on a handshake are not kept and cannot be held up in a Court of Law. That is when you need a spell like this to remind them to keep their word.” – Jacqueline INGREDIENTS 1 Green Glass “Novena” or “Vigil” type Candle 9 Red Tea Light type Candles (in their aluminum holders) 1 Bottle of “King Solomon” Anointing Oil 1 Bottle of “Pay Me” Anointing Oil 1 White Piece of Paper 1 Business Card from Boss or Employer(preferably with their name) 1 Red Ink Pen   Clean glass candle in accordance to the instructions located in this article: “Candle Spell Candle Preparation Step by Step for Candleburning Success!”. Clean tops of the nine red tea light candles. Let dry. Drill three small holes in the candle in a triangle pattern around wick (as if at 12 o’clock, 4 and 8 o’clock on a timepiece). Shake out excess wax. On the white piece of paper and addressing it to them in their full name (if known), write  this compelling note to the intended, stating their promise to pay you for a job done, and reminding them of their promise. Below is an example:   HEAR ME (insert name here) As my command to you: Until you pay me the amount I deserve, I, (insert YOUR name) Compel you to burn with the fire of remorse when you talk to me Compel you to remember your debt to me and what I did (or do) for you Compel you to feel the sting of your conscience when you see me Compel you to dream of the evil you have done to me Compel you to taste the bitterness of the ashes from this candle spell in your mouth when you think of me You, (insert their name) Will remember me Whenever you see money, you will think of me Whenever you think of money, you will think of me Whenever you hear the word “MONEY”, you will think of me Whenever you touch money, you will think of me Until you pay me the money you agreed on, you will not rest, gain fortune or bounty as God and the Angels will withhold from you as you withheld from me NOW PAY ME THE MONEY YOU OWE ME AS A FAITHFUL EMPLOYEE (insert their name) or life will become troublesome for you! As it will Be! Place this paper on a Pyrex glass pie plate or a large ceramic plate. Lay the business card on top of the letter and set the glass green candle on top of the letter and card. Pour in “Pay Me” oil on top of the green candle, filling the holes but not too much over the whole surface of the candle wax. Circle the glass green candles with the nine red tea light candles.  Carefully put three drops of “King Solomon” Oil in each tea light candle. Extend your hands over the candles with fingers spread out in a fan shape and gather up as much anger and disappointment towards the intended and begin to chant “Pay Me, Pay Me” over and over until the feeling has passed and you return to a calmer state of mind. Light the...

Free Candle Spells | Survey Brings New Changes!

  Greetings!   Free Candle Spells recently asked readers to answer a few questions about the site and what they want to see in the future. Your response was overwhelmingly positive and I thank each and every one of you that responded. It is good to know that you enjoy my writings! Here are the statistics per question: 1.) More than 53% of you visit the Free Candle Spells website every week. 2.) Almost 59% of you used a candle spell from the site more than twice and 24.7% of you used a candle spell once. 3.) Over 52% of you clicked on the article separator banner ads on the site. In addition, many of you gave great feedback on what you wanted to see. I am going to implement many of  them right away to make Free Candle Spells more effective and better for you to use. Here are a couple of comments I would like to answer now: “simple rituals for esbats would be great to find here. I love the site as its a great reference page for me. Thank you )O(“ Answer: I would love for YOU to give me some information on esbats as this is a path I do not follow. In fact, I encourage all who read the blog to submit your candle spells, especially if they knocked your socks off, so that it will help the next person with your same situation – J. “other’s comments regarding the spells and the articles.” Answer: I add a comment or answer a question sent to me by way of an article creation and I send the querent (the one asking he question) an e-mail stating that the question was so good that I turned it into an article. Some comments are more leading comments to have their own situation discussed and that is not what this blog is for. That would better be served in a discussion form type of blog, not a more informative blog as this one is set up to be(It’s a website mechanics thing) – J. “I love the free Candle Spells website ; however , the timing in which I receive the spells / instructions need be posted earlier than a few days before they are to be implemented so I have enough time to gather the items required for the spell.” Answer: Totally understandable and that is why I sent out the “one week until New Moon” newsletter alert the other day so you could go shopping this weekend. I have already marked my calendar to send those alerts out a week before a major Moon change so you can gather up products – J. I appreciate all of your wonderful and supportive comments and would like you to submit candle spells and rituals of your own (especially with photos!). This way, we grow as a sharing community of candle spell workers making change in our lives and the lives of others.   Blessings! Jacqueline Owner/Moderator www.free-candle-spells.com...

Free Candle Spells | Moon Phases and Candle Spells – Part 1

  This is the first of a two part series about working with the Moon for successful candle spells. The Moon is the closest astronomical body to the Earth and it has a very important influence on us. Ancients tribes moved across continents because of it. Cities were built with its architecture to enhance it’s light as it falls on buildings and across structures. Songs were composed for the Moon. Many peoples of the Earth have lived their whole lifetime in accordance to the Moon and it’s phases. In many cultures and beliefs, the Moon symbolizes the Feminine as it’s cycles resemble the reproductive cycles of a woman. No wonder that the belief of lighting candle spells coordinates with the phases of the Moon. It is believed that the highest energy of the Moon occurs when the Moon is Full, or completely round in the sky. Some believe this time is best for only one type of work, some believe the Full Moon is for both negative and positive work. It is with the freedom of belief that you may use what was given to you through the teachings of your elders. There is no one “correct” way. Here is a breakdown of the Moons phases as it moves from Full to New and what each means in regards to candle burning and candle spells.   * Magic on the New Moon * The New Moon is considered to occur when the sky is completely dark and you cannot discern even a sliver of Moon crescent. Since most of us are not out nightly, it is best to consult an ephemeris or log into www.almanac.com. Spells cast and New Moon work can be done from the first day of the New Moon to approximately 3 to 3 1/2 days after. The New Moon traditionally is thought to be for bringing forth new beginnings, abundance and new ventures. It is also known to be a perfect time to light candles to bring romance, better health and for job hunting.   * Magic During the Waxing Moon * From seven to 14 days after the day of the New Moon, you can light candles and cast spells for constructive magic such as good luck, friendship, success, courage, wealth, love and health.This Moon is also known as the Waxing Crescent Moon. The term “waxing” means growth, and this is seen by looking at the Moon in the sky and observe it getting larger or growing more fatter with each night.   * Magic on the Full Moon * Approximately fourteen days after the day of the New Moon is the Full Moon. The Full Moon is a time that you can create candle spells to bring protection to you. Purple candles for psychic divination and prophesy can be lit on this day. It is considered the most powerful of all the Moon phases and many will light candles for both good and bad on this day. Some will only start banishing and reversible candles on this day, utilizing the power of the Full Moon.   * Magic During the Waning Moon * From 3 and a 1/2 to ten days after the day of the Full Moon, light candles for banishing and “send away” candle spells. This is a good time to banish excess weight, addictions, evil people in your life and any negativity that has come your way. This Moon is also call the Waning Gibbous Moon. The term “waning” means going away, or in the Moons case, that it is growing smaller and thinner in the sky.   * Magic During the Dark Moon * From eleven to fourteen days...

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