Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Taurus – Caution with Financials!



The Full Moon occurs at 3:17 pm E.S.T. on Tuesday, November, 10, 2011. This Full Moon, in the zodiac sign of Taurus the Bull, is considered a “Fixed” Earth sign. This mean that the astrological energy of this Moon is stability, materialistic, protective and practical. Lighting white candles for Healing and Blessing and also Protection, anointed with Fiery Wall of Protection Oil, is strongly suggested at this time.

This Moon is not a good time to light candles to obtain anything new, as the energy is about “holding back” and “withdrawal”. The sign of Taurus seem to have an affinity for banks and banking and ask any Taurean if they like to take money out of the bank and spend it and you may find you hear a hearty “No!” more than any other answer. Lighting candles to attempt to break up someone will not go as planned because the energy is in a “holding” type of pattern. Better to wait to burn candles for any of these matters when the Moon changes to a New Moon.

Other planetary factors coming into play for the next two weeks are the cause of some finanacial shifts in power. Those who have may lose and there might be new winners in the money game.Use caution when gambling.

The Full Moon time is considered a time to do candle spells of a “Reversing”, “Banishing” or even “Revenge” nature. The only caution of doing any of these candle spells under the zodiac sign of Taurus is that you have better be justified in doing so, or else it may backfire on you bigger than you imagined!

The next New Moon will occur on Friday, November 25, 2011, also known as “Black Friday”, the first day of the Christmas holiday shopping season.



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