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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • The Turning or Twisting Method of Oil Application on Candles... The Turning or Twisting Method of Oil Application on Candles The TWISTING Technique to Apply Anointing Oils on Candles This technique is used when you need to take control, manipulate or command over the proceedings; such as court cases, the law, a marriage, “bend over”, commanding, controlling or compelling individuals that are making life difficult by causing drama for the ones around them. First, place anointing oil in hand, distribute evenly on both palms. Second, grasp candle in the middle with both hands turned opposite of each other. Lastly, twist candle as if you were wringing out a wet washcloth. Repeat until completely anointed. In this situation, you would use the oils in correlation to the condition, them while...
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  • Readers Questions | Can We Undo A Binding Candle Spell?... Here is reader with a potentially serious problem regarding a binding spell. Jacqueline, My boyfriend and I are concerned because we believe we may have subconsciously performed a candle spell. We have consulted someone for the meaning for what we have done but just want to be sure of the answers. Here is the basic problem. We are both natural witches…although up till now we have not done any formal training to define and learn about our abilities and such. We are both in the process of divorcing our previous spouses. He met the woman he married in Jr High while he was still dating me. He fell hard...
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Free Candle Spells | “30 Days to Prosperity – A Candle Vigil Guide”

Free Candle Spells | “30 Days to Prosperity – A Candle Vigil Guide” A new book from Rev. Jacqueline A. Mathers, owner and commentator of www.free-candle-spells.com This book gives you a day-by-day walk through a month long candle burning vigil to increase your prosperity and abundance. In “30 Days to Prosperity-A Candle Vigil Guide”  you will: * Learn how to change how you view money * Learn how to set up your Money Altar * Read inspirational stories and tips on how to use the Universal power of Attraction to increase your money Order today!    ...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – and Mercury Retrograde as Well!

  The Full Moon occurs at 4:39 a.m. E.S.T. on March 8, 2012 in the astrological sign of Virgo. The Full Moon is considered an optimum time to do candle burning and spells of a reversible and “driving off” nature. Any negativity that you have been encountering during the past few weeks could be considered the subject of some reversing candle spells at this time. It is best to use the “black on red” candles, not as commonly found in your local candle shop or botanica, as the general red-on-top-and-black-on-bottom kind. Theory behind this thought is that red is the color of power and energy; of life and positive forward movement. Black is the color of negativity. The question arises with the “red on top” reversible candles is this – why would you burn a power color before removing the negativity? It makes sense to burn off the negativity, thus burn the black candle part first, then brin in powerful fast luck energy with the red lower part of the reversible candle. Read more about this theory here:  Free Candle Spells/Reversible Candles. This upcoming Full Moon will also be influenced by a Mercury Retrograde starting just a few days later (please read prior blog post), so plan for lots of things to happen for you. The zodiac sign of Virgo the Virgin, rules all matters pertaining to health and nutrition, the solar plexus and abdomen, and if you are inclined to seek further exploration, which astrological house both Virgo and Mercury lie in will also be affected. You can find this out by getting a free astrological chart done on you at www.astro.com. This particular Full Moon will have other planets affecting the national budget and health care, which trickles down to you. Health care concerns and nutritional issues may come to the forefront on your agenda as well as things that irritate the stomach and intestinal system. Make sure there is clear communication when talking with your Doctor about issues related to your health. Check instructions twice before proceeding. The next New Moon occurs on March 22,...

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde March 12 – April 4

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde March 12 – April 4 Here we go! The first of three sessions with Mercury Retrograde and beginning in the sign of Aries and ending the three week dance in the sign of Pisces. The Mercury Retrograde time is March 12 – April 4. What is a Mercury Retrograde? – It is a time when the planet seems to be retreating in its’ march across the night sky. During this time, it has been said that one must “rest and reflect” and use this time to check over plans, rewrite business propositions and letters, check balances and figures to make sure they are right and be ready to begin again when the planets is finished with the Retrograde period. It is not a good time to sign contracts, get car repairs or start anything new, as the planets are ‘stacked against you’ in the success of the endeavor. What does it mean to you? – Expect computers, cell phones and voice mail programs to go kaput. Expect the old words “The check’s in the mail!” to really ring true – the check IS in the mail – just not in your neighborhood! Expect calls to drop, e-mails to get lost and communication all around to seem to have gone haywire. Now with the energy of the planet Mars (which rules Aries) this could mean that some conversations (Mercury is the planet of communication) to get a little heated. Stop – take a breath – and think about the reaction of the person before saying what you think. Cooler  heads and controlled tempers wins the game in the next three weeks. How you can fight the forces of the planets? – Burn Van Van candles to hold back chaos and to level the playing field – planet-wise. Van Van is an essence of Oriental grasses and is one of the oldest oils in hoodoo and conjure. Burn on white 7-day glass “novena” vigil candles like you find in the Latino foods section of your local grocer. You can also anoint yourself after every morning shower before going out into the “battlefield” of your world. Place three drops of Van Van in your palm of one hand, rub both palms together, and lightly stroke this thin veil of essence over you from head all the way down and off the tops of your feet to the toes, praying the Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd”). Then, dress as usual and go about your day. Order Mojo Moon Van Van Oil at Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual...

Readers Question | How Do I Bury Something in the City?

  Sister Jacqueline, First let me say I love your book I ordered last month, “Highly Effective Money Candle Spells”. I didn’t think that you could do some of the things you wrote in your candle spells. One of the questions I have is that I read somewhere else about burying something at your doorstep to attract money. I live in New York City in an apartment building which leads right out onto the sidewalk and I am on the 8th floor with my door opening out to a hallway going to the elevator. How do I put something outside of my door for an attraction spell? Many Thanks, Shelanda ********************* Shelanda, Thank you for your kind words about the book. That was my first venture in the literary world and I will be releasing another book soon, so look out for the announcement going out in the newsletter. I know what you are talking about and one of the things that I addressed about ‘burying’ something at the front door was changed up in my spell “Money Magnet Charm to Gain Money” in the book you purchased. In it, I said place the charm in a bowl or copper pot and set right at or as near to the front door as you could. This spell was specifically designed for city dwellers in mind. Another way to ‘bury’ something is to purchase a potted plant like a fern, ficus or palm tree and set it at the front door on the hallway side of your door, just outside your door. Of course, you are setting up yourself for a possible plant theft by another neighbor, but if you live in a fairly decent building and know your neighbors, they might enjoy seeing a bit of nature in the hall and leave it alone. So that it might not be too obvious, you might want to buy two plants and place them on each side of the door to jazz it up. Then you place the charm inside the dirt of the plant, making sure it is covered so that nosy people won’t disturb it. If this is not possible, then go back outside and look at the front of your building. Is there planters or a small strip of dirt between the building and the actual sidewalk? Is there a grass strip or a tree in a square cut out that is surrounded by concrete? Both of those areas are good places to bury your charm. If this is not possible, maybe talking to the super or doorman and asking if you can make a “donation” of two potted plants to place on either side of the main lobby door to celebrate the coming of the Season (whichever season is coming; in this case it would be Spring). You can tell him you would come down and water them regularly and it would brighten up the lobby to make all feel warm and fuzzy about their apartment building. Last but not least, if you still cannot perform any of these, then buying a plant and placing it on the inside is better than nothing to attract what you want or to draw in money to your home. On another note, if you need to bury something away from your home, like at a crossroads, the same would apply. Look for a “+”  (cross) style intersection ( four way stop) and look for planters or a tree to bury it at. You may also use a “Y” type crossroads to do your crossroads work but do not use a “T” intersection where two roads come together like the letter...

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | 4 New Saint Expedite Candle Kits

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | 4 New Saint Expedite Candle Kits One of our advertisers, Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply, is proud to announce the introduction of four new Saint Expedite Candles for all areas of your life. After seeing the growing numbers of followers of this beloved Saint, Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply started making a line of exclusive St. Expedite (also known as San Expedito in Latin communities or “Saint Expedee” in the South). The beloved statue and lore of this Saint, a favorite of visitors at the Saint Jude Chapel on Rampart Street in New Orleans, LA and the mystery of how he can to be and the wondrous works he does for all, can be found by reading selections in this category, here on Free-Candle-Spells.com The four candles offered in kits with St Jude Oil from the historic Chapel of Saint Jude, where the St. Expedite statue resides, and a Chaplet of Saint Expedite for quiet times of prayer, are as follows:   * Saint Expedite Financial Troubles Candle Kit – kit come with candle, appropriate prayer, bottle of oil and chaplet – $19.95 (plus $12.00 shipping and CA tax). To order this kit, click the button below: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Saint Expedite House and Home Protection Candle Kit – kit comes with candle, appropriate prayer, bottle of oil and chaplet – $19.95 (plus $12.00 shipping and CA tax). To order this kit, click the button below: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Saint Expedite Urgent Need Candle Kit – kit comes with a candle, appropriate prayer, bottle of oil and chaplet – $19.95 (plus $12.00 shipping and CA tax). To order this kit, click the button below: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Saint Expedite Immediate Change Candle Kit – kit comes with a candle, appropriate prayer, bottle of oil and chaplet – $19.95 (plus $12.00 shipping and CA tax). To order this kit, click the button below:   All orders ship within 48 hours and a tracking number is issued to each for you to track the movement across the United States. Sorry, we are unable to ship internationally. Burn this candle, along with a glass of water and an offering of a flower, to activate the energy of St. Expedite. Always remember to offer a slice of Sara Lee pound cake and a glass of red wine in thanksgiving for blessings received.    ...

Readers Question | Leave Candle Burning or Not?

  Jacqueline I have been following your writings here and I want to say thank you for all that you have written. I have learned a lot. I have a question. I want to know if I light my candle then put it out when I go to work, will my candle spell still work? I am worried that my cats might jump up and play with the candle and start a fire. Is it better to keep the candle lit all the time for my candle spell to work? Thank you Shawna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shawna, Thank you for being an avid reader and your kind compliments. I write to help those who may have questions such as your and believe it or not, some of the questions submitted are some of the same I had when I started burning candles for Good Luck, Money, Success and such. I can understand your concern about your cats knocking over the candle. I live with someone who is fearful of fire, but I am not. I can set a lit glass encased candle on the altar and go away for the weekend, because I have no pets, small children or other disturbances that would affect its burning. Also, I properly secure it with the tips I write about in past articles here on Free Candle Spells. To read the article about candle safety, click here. If you properly light and properly extinguish the candle, your candle spell should not be disturbed however, remember that a candlelight service or candle burning spell is a petition to God, the Angels and the Saints, or any other Deity you hold dear to your beliefs and life. Success depends on whether that particular Deity determines if you should receive what you are asking for. Just lighting the candle is not a 100% guarantee that you will get what you wish for. Case in point, I have had clients ask me to burn a green Money Drawing Candle for them, which I do as a service for readers. One particular client complained that they did not receive what they asked for and alluded to the fact that the service was ineffective for them. I first reminded them that a candlelight service is a petition for wishes to be granted. There is no guarantee. A perfect example would be this scenario about a lover that goes something like this: What if a love petition were to read “bring back to me Cletus Billy Bob Jonesy”. Now, only the Heavens know what type of person Cletus is and what potential blessings or damage he could create for the petitioner, the one who wishes him back. What happens if Cletus becomes a mean drunk and beats the petitioner to an inch of their life? What if Cletus gets 5 women in the neighborhood pregnant? Is this REALLY what the Higher Powers want for this petitioner? No. Our Heavenly Celestial Beings want only goodness for us, so if the petitioner doesn’t get Cletus Billy Bob Jonesy back into their arms, it is probably best to think it was a “good thing’, right? Same thing with the Money Candle. Did the petitioner go out and seek employment while I was burning a candle for them, or did they sit and watch trash TV all day? Did the petitioner actually get a small blessing and spend it on foolishly on things not necessary for daily life? I do not know as I can’t monitor the movements of the petitioner. I can only pray that they are doing the right thing for their own existence. The question you pose is whether your candle petition spell is...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Leo – Bear Down, Check and Double Check!

  The Full Moon in Leo occurs at 4:54 pm E.S.T. on February 7, 2012. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Leo, is considered under the influences of a “Fixed” zodiac sign. The energy of “Fixed” signs are stable, aggressive, creative and unchangeable. This is the sign to activate big changes! Full Moon time has traditionally been considered the best time to remove, banish and send back negativity, strife, ill will and anything that is holding you back or down in your progression in your achievements. It is like a “spiritual housecleaning”, so make sure that what you want to banish and send away is not something you will regret doing later! The Leo energy is one that is unrelenting in its focus, placing an ‘eye on the mark’ and ‘going in for the kill’. this is the time to do your most highest level of getting rid of nosy neighbors, bad relationships, bills, bad habits, and negativity that has been plaguing you. This particular Full Moon has other planetary influences that will also usher in delays and troubles in communication and travel. Make sure to double check itineraries and put everything in writing, as it may cause you headaches if you fail to do so. This is the time to bear down and pull as burdens feel like they are on the increase. Don’t delay starting projects, as you will have delays that may cost you valuable time and double-check all figures and calculations. Burning black candles with “Run,Devil Run” Anointing Oil will be most effective for getting rid of nasty people and bad habits. The next New Moon will occur on February 21, 2012.        ...

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