Posted by Jacqueline on May 16th, 2012 in Petition Papers Ideas | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Writing Petitions – Absolute or Shaky Hopefuls?
In most candle spell traditions, writing a series of words on paper to effective bring about the desired outcomes is one of the core rituals one does when burning candles to bring about change, money and in matters of love and relationships. The petition paper becomes a focal point or an incantation written so that as it sites below the candle, the energy of the candle will draw down from the Universe and land on the petition. The light from a candle is considered a perpetual beacon of light and prayer as it sits on the petition during the candle burn. Afterwards, the petition is usually reused, burned in a burnt offering ritual to the Heavens or fashioned into a charm or some other mojo bag or jack ball to carry with the petitioner to continue the attraction power of the ritual. When it comes to candle burning spells or “setting lights”, one cannot be wishy-washy. I cannot tell you how many times I have had someone write a petition paper only to have words such as ‘hope’, ‘wish’ and ‘maybe’. It cannot be stressed enough that to write a good, concise and effective candle petition, you need to sit down and compose yourself before putting pen to paper. Here is a perfect example of a person being weak in the matters of writing a candle petition to burn a candle spells for matters of love. A young client of mine was ‘head over heels’ over a gentleman of whom was less enamored of her and wanted to ‘compare the selections’ of the town. He blew hot and cold in this girl’s life and his indecision and actions were making her a wreck. After a reading with her, it was indicated that she should burn a series of candles to solidify the relationship. I asked the young woman to write a petition of exactly what she wanted to happen from the candle spell. Her petition was something of this nature: ‘If he doesn’t want to be with me, then he needs to go away and leave me alone’. Huh? This petition was a head-scratcher for me, raised some red flags, and it was not good. She was asking for two things to happen and this would have been a ‘dud’ in any candle ritual spell. This candle petition was giving the ‘victim’ (not used in a malicious way) a choice – something which is not advised to do in a candle spell. Either you WANT them with you or you DON’T. A more effective petition for settling lights in a ritual to bring someone closer together would sound like this: “__________(insert name), I want you to love me and only me, to see me with eyes of tenderness and love. When you are away from me, you will be filled with longing for me and only me and will rush hastily back to my arms. __________(insert name) your eyes will only be focused on my beauty and figure and will not be enticed by the wiles and whims of other females and your passion will be reserved for me and only for me. __________(insert name), you will desire only to be with me and forsake me not for any other person.” This says it in a nutshell – desire only me and return to me always and immediately and without the propensity to stray with other females. In conclusion, just like shooting of an e-mail that you might later regret, write your initial petition and then take a break. Return to the petition a little while later and re-word it and make sure it says exactly what you...
Posted by Jacqueline on May 9th, 2012 in Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spritual Supply
Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply is one of your Northern California suppliers of Lucky Mojo Curio Co. products. Located in Elk Grove, (near Sacramento), we carry a great number of Lucky Mojo Anointing Oils such as Fast Luck, Crown of Success, Pay Me, Boss Fix and more! Call 916 * 205 * 9490 for more information! ...
Posted by Jacqueline on May 7th, 2012 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – Patience and Caution!
The Full Moon in Libra will occur at 2:19 pm E.S.T on May, 6, 2012. The astrological sign of Libra, the Scales, is considered a “Cardinal” Air sign, meaning that the energy of this planet is innovative, intellectual and inspiring. During this Moon’s lunation, use caution with flammable liquids and materials and exercise caution with driving and in sports. Networking will be a common thread theme during this Moon phase but take a patient and cooperative stance on others needs and opinions, especially in the realm of personal relations. The Full Moon is a traditional time to burn candles for Reversing and “sending away” any negative energies. The Full Moon in Libra is considered an especially favored time to burn candles to exact a breakup in a relationship or to dissolve a team, partnership or association. The Full Moon in Libra is favorable for you to light candles to a special Deity or Saint, to ask for special favors. It is also a good time to clean your altar and work on decorations for your altar like altar cloths and other adornments. This Full Moon is also being herald as a “supermoon” because of the brightness of it due to the fact that it will be closer to the Earth, Read the Yahoo article by clicking here. You will see it appear much larger and brighter than in past months. Use this time to gaze on it’s beauty and reflect on your goals for the upcoming New Moon. The next New Moon occurs on May 21, 2012....
Posted by Jacqueline on Apr 25th, 2012 in Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Manifest More Money with a Daily Guide
Are you ready to manifest money so that you can manage living and actually start saving money again? It really is not as hard as you think. By using the power of candle light vigils or setting of lights, you can begin to activate the universal power of drawing money to you by following this day by day walk to abundance and financial security. A new book from Rev. Jacqueline A. Mathers, owner and commentator of This book gives you a day-by-day walk through a month long candle burning vigil to increase your prosperity and abundance. In “30 Days to Prosperity-A Candle Vigil Guide” you will: * Learn how to change how you view money * Learn how to use what you have to attract more for your personal needs * Learn how to set up your Money Altar * Read how to change your perspective on money and how you can use it to your benefit * Read inspirational stories and tips on how to use the Universal power of Attraction to increase your money Don’t Delay! Order today! ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Apr 17th, 2012 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Taurus – Time to Move!
The New Moon in Taurus occurs at 2:20 am E.S.T on April 21, 2012. The New Moon is considered favorable for burning green candles anointed with Money Drawing Oils for money, yellow candles anointed with Helping Hand, Crowning Glory or Crown of Success Condition Oils for success, and red candles anointed with “Fast Luck” Oils for quick luck. This is a most favorable time for those who are starting a business or making plans to move forward with plans that will add to their income and abundance. The Moon in Taurus is considered a “Fixed ” Earth sign, meaning that it is stable, practical and materialistic. It has been said that of all persons born under the zodiac sign of Taurus that they have a way with money and many choose the banking profession because of their ease with investments and cash. Plant your seeds for financial growth and income producing ideas that will surround you with security in the future. This is a most favorable time to light candles if you are going to ask someone to loan you money or invest in your business or idea. Gear up to make your presentation the most logical and practical that you can and use your power of communication to impart the idea that they would be sorry that they did not consider your financial offer. This is also a good time to change out your altar cloths and spruce up the sanctuary where you burn all of your candles as Taurus is also favored for fine fabrics and luxe surroundings. The next Full Moon occurs on May 5, 2012 ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Apr 11th, 2012 in St. Expedite/San Expedito | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Vigil Service Feast of St. Expedite April 19th
Celebrate in the feast day of New Orleans’ favorite Patron Saint, Expedite on April 19, 2012. I will be setting up an altar devoted completely to him, with flowers, water and red candles beginning on Wednesday the 18th, as Wednesdays are considered his day to light petition candles. St. Expedito, as he is known in the Latino community, is well loved by those who need his assistance with problems that arise quickly and when emergency money is needed. You can participate in this event by ordering a candle for your petition to St. Expedite, allegedly said to bring you “Fast Luck” and “things in a hurry”. Each vigil candle will be cleansed and blessed with St. Expedite Anointing Oil and placed with your petition under the candle. Each candle will remain until the end of the service, at which time a photo will be taken and sent to you. Your petitions will be burnt with frankincense and myrrh as a burnt offering to waft to the Heavens. We have stopped taking orders for this feast day candle vigil as of 6:20 pm pacific so we can set up the altar and prepare. Thank you for your interest. – J. Each donation for a candle for St. Expedite is only $6.00 and once you order, you will be asked to create a petition that can be printed and placed under your candle. At this very special price, it would be a blessing for the whole family to have a candle burned in their behalf for blessings from this well loved Roman centurion and Saint. Our next offering will be next April 19th. To read more about the wondrous workings and traditional history of Saint Expedite, click here: St. Expedite/San Expedito Red Fast Luck Candle Spell ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Apr 5th, 2012 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells, Reversible Candles | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – Finally!
The Full Moon in Libra occurs at 2:10 pm E.S.T. on April 6, 2012. The energy of the astrological sign of Libra is considered a “cardinal” Air sign, meaning that it is intellectual, innovative and authoritative. You can use this energy to bring about seperations and break ups at this time, either personal or in business, as the mood of the Full Moon is that “all is done.” Iti s a time for resolving differences and allowing all to have the opportunity to “move on.” Exhibit caution with flammables and in sports and while driving during the next two weeks. Full Moons are traditionally considered best for lighting candles of a “Reversible” nature and also to perform candle burning rituals and “Banishing” or “Send Away, Go Away” candles. The waning Moon, as it goes from full light to dark, is also the time to do candle spells for revenge and sending negativity to someone as well. This is not the time to light candles to obtain something new or to work money candle magic, as you will need to wait for a New Moon to do so. It is not favorable to light candle to make a significant change in anything, as the established position has power on their side. Better to wait until a New Moon for a more favorable lunar position to do so. The reasons you should consider when deciding to burn a reversible (or reversing) candle is that you want to make the one who sent misfortune your way to “have a taste of their own medicine”. This is not a candle to use for trite situation, but for full on sending-back-the-troubles-they-have-caused-you. In most cases, simple rituals of cleansing of oneself and burning protection candles would do, but for some instances where malicious intent was done to cause you troubles, then a Reversible candle is the choice to make for your candle spell. Reversing is considered more powerful and traditionally the way to ‘get things done with once and forever’. I consider the Reversible candle the “eye-for-an-eye” candle, like the theory in the Old Testament where if your enemy causes you harm, you should consider taking the same from them. The favored Reversible candles is to use the “black on red” or black wax on top and the red wax at the bottom of the candle (see photo). These are less dominant on the shelves of the botanicas and candle shops, as most people are not able to order them and get them in for customers. You may have to ask your favorite candle shop to stock them for you. The predominant type of Reversible candle seen are the black on bottom and red on top. The next New Moon will occur on April 21,...